2201 | HungerMU EXP:4000 Drop:3000 very nice server with friendly GMs.... | 0 | 246 |
2202 | LordMU EXP:4000DROP:90ALL jewel in shopGood AdminsGood spotsVersiune:97D+99i... | 0 | 252 |
2203 | EviLL-Mu Exp:400x, Drop:65, BB:Off, Points per level: 5 MG: 7, Reset level: 350, Reset points: 380, Jewels: Jewels Of Bless in shop, Ver:0.98z, 24/7 Online... | 0 | 256 |
2204 | Arroyo-Mu Version 97 exp:50 Drop:15Server Siempre lleno... | 0 | 269 |
2205 | eXtreme-GamingMu EXP:50 DROP:40 SEASON 2... | 0 | 246 |
2206 | AlfaMu Exp:500,Drops:80,Server Version:0.97z+Season3 Server Status:24/7... | 0 | 217 |
2207 | MuDropZone S6 Exp5000 +GrandReset Exp:5000 Custume Drop System Over 400 New Items Bok+1-5 In Shop /zen for New Server Get In Get Started With Monthly Reset Event Win New S6 New SETS Acc+FO+15 Gen System Coming Soon Full Mob in Stadium Grand Reset+Reward Added... | 0 | 262 |
2208 | Ultimate Death Mu 1.4X Exp:5000 Dop:90/ Ventas De items Buenos/Super Bueno el server Venezolano../ Nuevos Items/ Mejores eventos/... | 0 | 269 |
2209 | La Ruta MU Exp:5000 Drop:100 Exp:5000 Drop:80 soul bles event every day nice admin and gm lvl reset 350 good spot inarena lorencia kalima2 icarus2drop forever ip:la-rutamu.no-ip.biz... | 0 | 248 |
2210 | wordofmu EXP:5000 DROPS:MAXJevels in Shop 20.00chasa vinagi evendsevends :full itemi i boxve +13 :)Come Join US :)... | 0 | 254 |
2211 | Max-MuOnline Exp:5000 Season2 Stats Stays ewerybodey welcome... | 0 | 242 |
2212 | CyBeR Mu Exp:5000.Drop:80 Version:1.02K.Points per lvl:50Everyone come and join enjoy the serverGood Spots and good shopsHelpfun and good Administrators and Game MastersJoin Now :D... | 0 | 248 |
2213 | Trinity MU Season 6 Episode 1 EXP:50000x Drops: 100, Box +1,+2,+3,+4,+5 In Shop, Free Items. Free Stats Join Us Now... | 0 | 264 |
2214 | LAZURMU exp:50000xdrop: 1001-3 bok in shopBBon... | 0 | 247 |
2215 | La Ruta Mu Exp:5000Drop:80soul blesevent every daynice admin and gmlvl reset 350good spot in lorencia,arena,kalima2,Icarus2server 24 hours online... | 0 | 245 |
2216 | Wings-Mu Pre-Season 4 Exp:5000Drop:90NEW WINGSgood shop,spot039s and adminJOIN NOW VOTE US... | 0 | 244 |
2217 | BEST MU EXP:5000Drops:99BB:On 1Lvl Wings jewels in shop Keep Stats24/7All Events 65k statsSpot for golden Mobs In ARENA... | 0 | 229 |
2218 | XiaoXinMu exp:5000k drop:100x BB: On Auto Reset : 400 Version : 1.00L... | 0 | 230 |
2219 | HeKeR-Mu SEASON 2 FULL ALL WORKS Exp:5000x , Version:Season 2 FULL All works , NO LAG , NO BUGS , UpTime : 24/7.... | 0 | 259 |
2220 | gt[WebZenMu]lt EXP:5000X DROP:50 10/14ppl Gm Events EveryDay All Box In Devias2 (1327)... | 0 | 223 |
2221 | SinMu Seasion 4 Exp:5000x drop:60x No Bugs... | 0 | 246 |
2222 | FailureMu Season3 Episode2 Exp:5000x Drop:70 Version:1.04x Camera Very Nice Spots and Shops Daily GM Events Reset level:400 Reset Zen:100000000 zen BB On No wipes LongTherm Server Not 4 n00bs Summoner awakenings... | 0 | 260 |
2223 | ..::MuFoxS Medium::.. Exp:5000x Drop:90 ppl:10/15/15 Some Jewel in shop Spots 10/10 Full seson 3 Episod 1 Join Us Now... | 0 | 341 |
2224 | MU-ELEVETH 1.04J TU NUEVA DIMENCON EXP:5000x DROp:95 version:1.04J+ NUEVOS SETADM:javier y jesusReset: 350 no borra nada al reset24/7 spots:en todos los ladosBless Bug: ONmsm MU-ElevethhotmailCAJA KUNDUN:VENDEN +1+2... | 0 | 385 |
2225 | Welcome To LastStand Mu Version:97d+99i Exp:5000x DropRate:60 We Have Very Perfect Admins/Gms Team and we search for new gm but he must understand English amp Spanish We Have New Things Come All and see it... | 0 | 252 |
2226 | Welcome To PyroMu Season 3 ep 1 Exp:5000x Droprate:85 Nice shops and spots and we have Good Admin Team we new server and searching for players what you wait Join all now and have fun... | 0 | 237 |
2227 | GamezEventosMU Season3 Episode2 EXP:5000x DROPS:90GOOD SHOPGOOD SPOTSGOOD ADMINS/GM039s LVL1 WINGS IN SHOPJOIN NOW... | 0 | 262 |
2228 | Super-MU High Rate Free Server Exp:5000x...Drop:80... GM039s 2...VIP System Working Online Chat... | 0 | 356 |
2229 | WarKingsMu EXP:5000X/DROP 80 / NICE ADM /MAX STATS 32767/5 NEW CLASES/NEW WINGS/ NEW ITENS/Welcome to the new experience of MU coaches and Enjoy the best of MU Online... | 0 | 237 |
2230 | HeroMuOnline 1.00L exp:5000xdrop:100box +1+2+3+4 in shop wings 1 lvl in shop Friendly Admin and GM039s... | 0 | 239 |
2231 | HaRmOnY Exp:5000xDrop:100Ver.Season3Episode2Succesrate 100 New CharacterNew SetsNew MapsNew SkiLlsNew EventsServer Locate At UAE Come And Join US Today Don039t Mess Up Website is harrmony.at.ua... | 0 | 287 |
2232 | Mu-Snowfun S3E1 Exp:5000xDrop:60PPL:20/25/27Ress-400lvlAll in shopsNo LagsCome and play, and help grow up server... | 0 | 232 |
2233 | BladeMu Online Season3 - ver1.04h Exp:5000xDrops:50Season 3 Wing MixNice ShopsNo LagNo BugAll EventsDont waste your timee... | 0 | 251 |
2234 | Mu Jugla Is come back Exp:500Drop:1000Bless Bug ON Wings In Shops Blesses And souls Are in shops All level giving 50 and MG 70... | 0 | 368 |
2235 | ...:::Carbon-Mu:::... Exp:500Drop:50S3 Ep2+S4 7/24Good Gm039sKundun+1+2 In ShopMax Stat 65k Keep StatsNo LagNo BugReset GiftsDedicated Server3D Cam.... | 0 | 358 |
2236 | FallAngels S3 Ep1 Exp:500Drop:80All map work Wings 3lvl...... | 0 | 254 |
2237 | Mighty MU Season III Dedicated Server Exp:500x Drop:70 Server Type: PVP Version: Season 3 MAX RESETS:80 NEW 2 EVENTS - CARNAGE AND MYSTIC SOLDIER 2 NEW JEWELS QUEST SYSTEM PET SYSTEM FRESH DB... | 0 | 273 |
2238 | WinD-MU Season3Ep1 1.04H EXP:500XDROP:100FULL SEASON3NO LAGSNO BUGSMD SERVER... | 0 | 251 |
2239 | OGT MU Season 5 Ukraine exp:500xDrop:50xBBofRus-EngAll events workingReset Rewards+Greset working good ballanceNew items aded... | 0 | 258 |
2240 | MU Eternity EXP:500xDROPS:80BB:OffGreat Teamv1.01eServerLaunch:April 1stAutoReset: KeepStats+7+12/16 Items and Weapons in storesNew Maps. New Mobs. TONS of Events. Our Eternity Begins Here... | 0 | 272 |
2241 | GoDofWaR Exp:50Drop 40Super Server Good player and Admins Com,play andSeson3 NEW wings NEW quest NEW map ver 1.04h GODOFWAR... | 0 | 259 |
2242 | ThPVP - MU CONTINENT of LEGEND Exp:50x Drop:40 Season 5 Reset Level:400 Max Reset:5 ( Next days increased 25 ) Dedicated 24/7 Uptime Professional Players in game... | 0 | 257 |
2243 | Mu Pegazus Exp:50xDrop:50Vercion: 99b+dl Web: Mu-Pegazus.no-ip.orgLevel Reset: 350... | 0 | 187 |
2244 | DarkAngelMu exp:5k drop 50 fast download hosted from my pc... | 0 | 270 |
2245 | Fires-Mu exp:6000 drop:50 SERVER HAMACHI BB:off hamachi login: Fires-Mu/Fires-Mu2/Fires-Mu3 password: firesmu1/firesmu2/firesmu3... | 0 | 244 |
2246 | FallAngels MuOnline Season3 Episode1 Exp:600Drop:60Res:400. All maps and quest work.... | 0 | 306 |
2247 | Just a mu server 4 ever exp:60-50 drop:85 russian server [Prarok]... | 0 | 257 |
2248 | SpaceMu Exp:650x Drops:70 BB:OFFVersion 1.04H Season 3 - 3lvl wings new items Cool friendly admins... | 0 | 282 |
2249 | Break MU NEW AND FRESH s2 Exp:700 drop normal... S2 nice admins... longterm...excelent drop:normal...you wont regret playing here... :) trust me... | 0 | 288 |
2250 | FriendsMu exp:7000x Drop:80 opensooon... | 0 | 216 |