3401 | MuArena verso 0.97N, XP 400 Melhor servidor muonline brasileiro. 24h on-line verso 0.97n, xp 400, drop 75, bug bless off-line, DL off-line. Evento todos os dias.... | 0 | 248 |
3402 | Mental-Don El Mejor server de Venezuela MENTAL-MU/5000XP-DROP AL 100 100 VENEZOLANO ENTREN NO SE VAN A AREPENTIR AdminGeneral-xSaGraDoxAdmin-CorvinuS... | 0 | 285 |
3403 | MetalicaMu MetalicaMu Sezon 4 ep 2 +new items and Wings.. Nice spots and shops...Box +1 +2 +3 in shop +all jewels....Server have webshop and vote for reward system...Join now...... | 0 | 238 |
3404 | MuMetalic MetalicGames - Servidores 24h online.Nome: MuMetalic e MuMetalic IISite:... | 0 | 261 |
3405 | MetalMu Malaysia MuOnline Server S6 MetalMu Season 6 Malaysia MuOnline3000xp80DropNew Character:Rage FighterNew EventsMany RewardsMetal Evil Set and many more..Register and Join now... | 0 | 377 |
3406 | MeteoR-Mu MeteoR-Mu Exp 125x , Drop 75 , version 97d+99 items Come And Try MeteoR-Mu... | 0 | 270 |
3407 | Mhytos Mu Online MhytosMu Online S4 Vers: 1.04x Exp: 9000x Drop: 90 Reset: Lvl 400 Crear Guild: Lvl 300 New Sets Mobs Maps Bless Buf: OFF All Events Work... | 0 | 258 |
3408 | Midnnight MuOnline Midnnight MuOnline exp 100 drop 70 good spots in ARENA Version 1.03a... | 0 | 266 |
3409 | MileniumMU S3 ep 1 xp 999999 Milenium-MU full seaseon 3 ep 1 Full xp 9999 full drop 100 full shops full spots gm and player good Come all and vote every days... | 0 | 288 |
3410 | Millenium-Mu Millenium Mu Version 97D+99 Exp 250 Drop 80 Bless Bug On Reset Level 700 Daily Events Fun Server All around soo come join... | 0 | 274 |
3411 | -MiniSoftGS MuOnline Server- MiniSoft Game Server Mu Online Exp 999999x Droop 90 HP Moobs 100 99c+ + Realiti2 New Maps New Monsters Country in Venezuela Server In Spanish and Inglish The Perferc Server For Playing... | 0 | 261 |
3412 | MiniSoftGS MuOnline High Server Minisoft Gs... | 0 | 303 |
3413 | MirAcLe S4 ([1.06A]) 24/7 Join Us NoW MirAcLeMu(Hamachi Server) v1.06A 5500x5524/7New Hamachi ID[HamachiID:MirAcLeMu or MirAcLeMu25][HamachiPass:123]... | 0 | 304 |
3414 | MuWisp Season 2 Server mirc: mu.wisp STATUS: ONLINE 24/7 Exp/Drop: 5000x/70 PL: 5/7 VERSION: 1.04H FULL Season 2 + Season 3 Reset In Website: 400lvl Website:... | 0 | 257 |
3415 | MistikMu MistikMuVersion 97r+s1+s2+s3Exp5000xDrop:60New MapsGM NiceLong TermOn 24/24No LagMore Events650 Max Player OnlineBB:OnWings in shopJoin Us... | 0 | 252 |
3417 | Mix-Mu Mix-Mu 99b.Experiencia : 1000x por los primeros dias.Drop: 80 por los primeros dias.IP: Web: : mix-mu.activoforo.orgBless BUG: ONDL Y MG: ONAdmin: AdminEventos: ONSeguridad: ON Reset: 350... | 0 | 252 |
3418 | MMONations MuOnline MMONations MuOnline is professionaly developed season 4.5 server by UcD Team. We have 3 servers with diferent rates. Low: Exp: 10x, Drop: 25x, Medium: Exp: 120x, Drop: 45x, High: Exp: 1500x, Drop: 85x.... | 0 | 275 |
3419 | MMORPG Muonline MMORPG jeu jeux Muonline... | 0 | 252 |
3420 | Mix-MU MMORPG Zaidimo serveris.. :)... | 0 | 259 |
3421 | MMs MuOnline 3season 1episode Full MMs MuOnline 3season 1 episode Full (by webzen) : MAX/MAXPoints : 15/20/25Spots : Full With Mobsand more )... | 0 | 235 |
3422 | http:/power-zone.no-ip.org/ Mn qko Mu Online BG... | 0 | 263 |
3423 | Mnetmu Seasion 6 MnetMu Season 6 Season 6 New server, Exp-999999999,Drop-100, New Pet In Shop, Box +1-5, all quest, 1-2-3rd wings in Shops, New Events New Items New Weapons New Sets... | 0 | 256 |
3424 | MnxMU Season 2 MnxMu season 2 , fresh db , location : Romania , exp 100, drop 70. Nice spots / admins . Join now... | 0 | 226 |
3425 | MoDeRn-Mu MoDeRnMu Vers 97d 5xP More Info On The WeBSiTe Mai Molte Informatzi Pe Site Entre En La Pagina Para Ver Todo039s Los Detajes... | 0 | 230 |
3426 | Faronnia Myth MU Online 97D+1.01E Modified 97D+1.01E MU Online Private Server, PvP Server, 350x, Resets, Custom Maps, 65k Max Stats, +15+28 Max Items, Dark Lord Class 100, Season 1 Quests 100, Real Longterm and Dedicated Private Server.... | 0 | 287 |
3427 | FunMu Season6 MAX Server Moldavian Server Full Season 6-Exp:MAX-Drop:MAX-Gens System-Socket System-Balanced PvP+NonPvp SubServer-ViP Services-Old+New+Custom Quest-In Shop:Exc,Wings,Jewels-Old+New+Custom Events-Dayly GM Events-Friendly GMs-Online 24/7-Vote Reward-Reset Reward... | 0 | 257 |
3428 | Monkey-MU Monkey-MU - Dedicated Server - Season 5 - 10k XP - Economy - All Events - 24/7/365 - Anti-Cheat - No quests (all classes start at max) - 500 startup skill points... | 0 | 254 |
3429 | ..::MonsterMu::.. Monster Mu Version 097D + /post Experience 9999x Drop 100 all bok in shop ( Atlans ) Wings lvl 1,2 all jwl Nice shop and Spot Nice Admin Non-Sop Long-Time Hosted In Romania... | 0 | 250 |
3430 | moonlightmu moonlightmu... | 0 | 258 |
3431 | MoonlightMU MoonlightMU Beta Season 4 16 NEW SETS 3000x Experience NEW WINGS 12 NEW EVENTS Running on Dedicated Server Great things never seen before Come as guest , stay as family... | 0 | 265 |
3432 | MoonNight Mu 97d 150x 65 MoonNight Mu Ver: 97d Exp: 150x Drop: 65 Max Reset: 61 Old School No Donations No Webshop... | 0 | 263 |
3433 | ConspiracyMu Online Server More Monster in Arena7000xpDrop 80New 3rd Wings65 Reset Max StatGood Drops Of ExcellentFast Level GameEasy Access To 3rd QuestVery Very Friendly GMCome And Join Us And Become A Dominion... | 0 | 246 |
3434 | MorroWinDMu Vers 1.00L MorroWinDMu ,1.00L,Drop 99,Xp MaX,EnjoY... | 0 | 334 |
3435 | Dark MU Most Better Mu Online Server... | 0 | 287 |
3436 | MouseyMu Singapore 1.02D Most popular Singapore-based MuOnline server 500X EXP [1.02D] UP TO 80 DROPS... | 0 | 285 |
3437 | MostWantedMU MostWantedMU SEASON 3 EPISODE 2 3D CAMERA Experience: 2000X Drop: 90 New 3RD LEVEL WINGS and 5 NEW CHARACTER CLASS NEW CARACTER SUMONER New Chaos Machine Mix New Custom Events New Items New Maps , New Mobs Join US W E A R E W A I T... | 0 | 268 |
3438 | Motion MU Season III Episode I FUN Motion MU FUN - Season III Episode I- Exp: 9999x Drop:100- Bless Bug : ON- Maximum Stats: 32767- Max Resets: 999- Online Hours Trade in site- Grand Reset System in site- Vote Reward system in site- Points Per Level: 7/12- Monster HP :... | 0 | 266 |
3439 | Motion MU Normal Server Motion MU Normal ServerExperience : 100xDrop : 60Reset Level : 330Max Level : 350Market System : WorksSkill Three : WorksVIP Panel : WorksVote System : WorksAnd Many MoreCome and have fun with us.... | 0 | 250 |
3440 | Motion-Mu [0.99b 5000x 70] Motion Mu.Exp: 5000xDrop: 70Points x lvl 200/200Shop: Kundums, Alas, En Tarkan.Spot: FAST.Foro:... | 0 | 328 |
3441 | MouseMu 1.02K MouseMu 1.02K Xp 9999 Drop 9999 Ancient drop 100 Jewels drop 70 Good Gms Lot Of MOBS... | 0 | 247 |
3442 | MouseMu Old School 97d+99i MouseMu Old School 97d+99i 300x drop 60 Blood Castle,Devil Square 100 lot of mobs.... | 0 | 263 |
3443 | MouseMu Season 3 MouseMu Season 3 Xp 9999 Drop 100 Ancient drop 100 Jewels drop 70 Good Gms Lot Of MOBS Map,5 Class Characters,Monster,NPC... | 0 | 271 |
3444 | MethodMan-Mu Mr_Meth present MethodMan-Mu 97d+99 Exp 100x Drop 80 Zen Bug No Jwl In Shop Super Spot Super Invasion Come On... | 0 | 274 |
3445 | mROnline Season 4 mROnline... | 0 | 275 |
3446 | MU Fight Estreiando Dia 23/11 msdb.sytes:8090Mu fight Galera Versao : 1.04h + Season3 + Camera 3dda uma passada por la... | 0 | 264 |
3447 | Mu CG Mu - CGVerso 99zxp:8000Rate Jias:80Drop:80BB: ONReseta no Level:Free 400 - AcumulativoVip Silver 350 - Acumulativo + 500 ptsHorario:24hrsConexo:100mb... | 0 | 254 |
3448 | Mu-kirey Mu - Kirey Online o melhor Mu do mundo.Aonde o pessoal se diverte... | 0 | 258 |
3449 | Mu - Max S3E1 EXP:9999 DROP:100 Mu - Max S3E1 EXP:9999 DROP:100 Jewels succes RATE: 100 JoB, JoS, JoL, JoC in shop BOK +1+2+3 in shop UPTIME: 24/7 REFERAL SYSTEM 40 CREDITS PER CLICKFULL PVP SERVER JOIN JOIN JOIN... | 0 | 291 |
3450 | mu season 4 /exp:7500/soul/ lost tower mu season 4 /exp:7500/soul/ lost towermu season 4 /exp:7500/soul/ lost towermu season 4 /exp:7500/soul/ lost tower extra extra in spanish en espanol... | 0 | 418 |