8801 | HeavenMu this is the best mu online server in the world come and see us we are waitng for you... | 0 | 264 |
8803 | -=HeLLaS Mu OnLiNe=- Ver:0.97D+99i|Exp:50x|Drop:50%|Max Reset:15|Excellent Spots(everywhere) |Download Links Work Perfect|Friendly Admin Team|24/7|No Lags|Super Wars& PvpS|Join Us...... | 0 | 267 |
8804 | http://hellmaster.sytes.net HeLLMasteRMu Online 24/24 2Servers Dedicate Server Soon In U.S.A Version 1.02K Whit 100mb Connection Enjoy Whit Us Thanks... | 0 | 335 |
8805 | Hell-Raiser.eu MuOnline Server Hell-Raiser MuOnline Server , Long Term, 24/7 , Experience: 80x Drop rate: 55%.... | 0 | 283 |
8806 | Online Helpers fun and helpful website registration exist its still editing... | 0 | 339 |
8807 | Helt-Mu Exp:MAX Drpo:MAX Exp:MAX/Drop:MAX/Season 3 Episode 1/Box+1+2 in shop/Wings lvl 2-3 in SHOP/ALL JEWELS IN SHOP/Box+5 Drop Season 1 Items (ex.Dragon Knight,Bone Blade and ect)/50/75 POINTS PER LVL/MAX Stats 32767/... | 0 | 238 |
8808 | HeroesMu ||Vers:1.02N||XP:5000x||Drop:90%||GooD Shops||New Mobs||New NPC`s||New Maps||New Event`s||Good Spots||Join All||Powered By Heroes NetWork||... | 0 | 263 |
8809 | MuHeroes 97d+99 Skins wings lvl3, v. 97d + 99 itens, Bug Bless OFF, competitive server, DROP = 50%, Exp = 100x!
Venha ser um her�i em MuHeroes!!... | 0 | 259 |
8810 | HetfielD-Mu HetfielD-Mu 1.04X S3Ep2 + Pre S4 + items Goku 350x - 80% 24 hs on! Nice spots! We're are wainting 4 u !... | 0 | 262 |
8811 | High-Light-Mu LONG TERM SERVER EXP300x DROPS 80x Version 1.04h S3 BUGLESS-NO LAG!Nice GM's..join us now!!... | 0 | 238 |
8812 | Hip-HopMu THe New Server 97D/EXp 5000x/DRop 80% /Sohop end Spot is nice /Come all is 24/24... | 0 | 263 |
8813 | HipHop-Mu The New Server Season 3Ep1 /Exp 5000x/Drop 80%/Server is 24/7 /Good Shop end Spot .Come all... | 0 | 258 |
8814 | Hipnotic-MuOnline Network Season 3 Episode 2 Private MuOnline server ... experience-280 ... itemdroper-50 ... noob shop & good spots... | 0 | 238 |
8815 | Mu History long term server Mu History old style server 97d version exp/drop: 120/65 points :5/7 bless,soul,life in shop 1kk,2kk,45kk Wings lvl 1 drop in icarus. spot in davias castle .Max resets 30. Join us.... | 0 | 256 |
8816 | HITMAN-MU 1.04h/3 seasone/All working event/Good Admins/Nice GMs/ online 24/7... | 0 | 247 |
8817 | Mu Hlb ! 99z PRO | XP 3000 | 24h ON | NEVER LAG | COME ON | Hosted in S�o Paulo | Link 24mb ! | HLB Entreteriments |... | 0 | 250 |
8818 | SinMS Aka HoldenMS!! Brand new open! |Brand new server!! open beta is open! With Perfect rates!| Exp:250x|Meso:500x|Drop:25x| come and join up! great staff, great community That growing up!|We have GuildsQuest and alot more|odinms source... | 0 | 317 |
8819 | HouseMU The Best Server HouseMU 1.04x, Exp: 5000x, Drop: 80% Only 24/7 Excent Spot + New Map, Summoner 100%... | 0 | 235 |
8820 | MuCyberNet Venha conhecer nosso serve inaugurado a pouco tempo. xp4000 reset vip 350 free400 season 1.04x venha ser o top.... | 0 | 219 |
8821 | HumanitasMu HumanitasMU 1.04J // xp 5000 //Drop 100% // 24/24 // Fun Server // Season 3 Ep. 1 go go... | 0 | 235 |
8822 | [HUN] & [EU] HunteRsMu Version 1.02N+S3
Experience 3000
Drops 80%
BOK IN SHOP +1,+2,+3, Bless BUG ON!
And Good Spots ;)... | 0 | 254 |
8823 | Hustl3r Mu [Season 4][5000x][50% drop][New Maps][Castle Siege][Season 4 Mobs, Sets, Weapons, and much more!!!][Anarchy Server]... | 0 | 256 |
8824 | HyonMu || Vers 1.0L + Session 1 || HyonMu || || Vers 1.0L+Session 1 || || Experience 999999 || || ItemDropPer 100% || || GM SHOP DEVIAS 3 200 200 || || 3gb of ram || ||Procesor amd athlon x2 dual core 5000+ || ||Internet Conection 100mb/s||... | 0 | 250 |
8825 | HyonMu Season2 , Xp 99999 HyonMu , Season2 , Xp 9999 , Drop 100% , GM Shop Devias 2 9.76 , All Event Work , New Server , No RR DB ! EnJoy !... | 0 | 215 |
8826 | HyperMU 1.00L HyperMU 1.00L
Exp: 1000x|Drop: 80%|Cool Shops|Cool Spots|Nice Admins and GM's|ROMAINIAN SERVER! (u can win admin)|JOIN US!|... | 0 | 260 |
8827 | -=ICE=- -mu Server Welcome To Season 3 MuOnline Server,UpTime-24/7,STATUS-UP,Exp:50x ; Drop 100x; EVENT;Kantru,CW,CC,CS,BC,DS+New Quest System in Web!!! | WEBSITE- http:\\ice-mu.oo.lv... | 0 | 313 |
8828 | IceMu Version: 1.02D | Exp 3000x | Drop 80% | 2 Servers | Seazon 2... | 0 | 294 |
8829 | IcePath Mu Version:S2+3D|Ex:2.5k|Drop:90%|Excllent Shops with all jwls,|7-9Events per day|Friendly and Expirienced Admin Team|No Lags,Nice Spots|Join Us... | 0 | 219 |
8830 | ICETM ICETM Exp: 9999 || Drop: 80 || Pll: 5/5/7 || Online: 24/7 !!!... | 0 | 249 |
8831 | IdentityMU - Season 3 Ep 1 IdentityMU - Exp 5000 - Drop 80 % - 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 = 100 % - Fresh new datebass
Come and enjoy US!... | 0 | 254 |
8832 | IlusionMu 1.2N + S2 + Cam 3D IlusionMu Version 1.2N + S2 + Cam 3d...Entren!! Server New 26/01/2009 - Exp = 5000x Drp = 80% Server Venezolano... | 0 | 261 |
8833 | MuImmortal New Mu Server/exp 4000 drop 100/Friendly players/Fresh Data base/Season 3 full no bugs/Join all... | 0 | 329 |
8834 | ImperialllMu ImperialMU version 1.00L exp 5000x drop 100% bok in shop +1+2+3 svr NON-STOP!!! go go go... | 0 | 238 |
8835 | Imperial Mu Official Forum Imperial Mu Official Forum... | 0 | 244 |
8836 | .::MuImperia::. Ayudennos a crear el mejor mu de todos !con su ayuda lo lograremos !... | 0 | 276 |
8837 | Imperior Mu Imperior Mu 1.04h | Exp: 1000x | Drop: 80% | Online 24/7 | 3D Camera | Guild Create Level 100 | No Bugs | 5 Characters | No Lag | At Level 400 Restart | Nice Shops | Join Us To Save The Continent Of Mu |... | 0 | 269 |
8838 | ImpulseMu Bg Server ●�٠·˙ ImpulseMu Bulgarian server 1.0L :: Exp 650 Drop 80% :: event every day :: Good admins they give party and items ;) join now !!... | 0 | 267 |
8839 | InfecctedMu Season3 Episode2 Infeccted Mu | XP:500x | Drop:100% | reset lvl:400 | vip | ACUMULATIVO | Spots em Todos Mapas | Quest lvl3 100% | Wings lvl3 100% sem bug visual e com mix na CM | Venha conferir!!!... | 0 | 260 |
8840 | INFERNAL MU ONLINE MuOnline Season3 Episode 1 BUGLESS [ 5000xp / 99999 xp ] 100% Drops ( 50% exc drop ) CHAOS GOBLIN RATES ARE GOOD [ NICE ADMINS ] items +13+28 on npc [ PPL: 5/7/7 ] BEST SPOTS ( reset in 10 minutes )LOGIN AND GET 10 RESETS AND 5k POINS... | 0 | 291 |
8841 | Jauns Muonline Serveris Go go go Go go go Go go go... | 0 | 249 |
8842 | InfinityMU [PVP EDITION] InfinityMU 97d+99i | 99999x | 100% | Post & Add command | Friendly GM & Admins | Full Spawns in towns | PVP Edition Server | Long Term since 2005 | Uptime Server 24/7 | Enjoy & Play... | 0 | 263 |
8843 | InfinityMU [PVP EDITION] InfinityMU 97d+99i 99999x 100% Post & Add command Friendly GM & Admins Full Spawns in towns PVP Edition Server Long Term since 2005 Uptime Server 24/7 Enjoy & Play...... | 0 | 314 |
8844 | IngerMU New ! IngerMU Back ! Exp.500x drop.80% vers 1.00L Come TO Allz Play For Free !... | 0 | 282 |
8845 | MU INFERNAL : Return To HeLL Server Con Vision de Larga Vida.
MU INFERNAL : Return to HeLL.
V.1.04H+Cam3D.Maya&Nigthmare Crywolf OK!
Todos los evwntos funcionando Con 3 Servidores Online!!! Foro-> http://z15.invisionfree.com/muinferna... | 0 | 270 |
8846 | InsertMu Season IV InsertMu FULL SEASON 4| EXP 999999X | Drop: 88% | New Character | Quest 100% | SEASON 4 SKILL TREE! | Ancient items with start | Box 1,2,3 in shop |CASTLE SIEGE WORKING! | NEW SEASON 4 SETS, WEAPONS, MAPS, MOBS AND EVENTS! 24/7 Deciated Server... | 0 | 282 |
8847 | Interaktiv-MU server!!! MU online game server.Version SEASON II FULL,EXP:1000x,Drop:65%,Points per reset:400,BB:OFF,Max Reset:200+WebShop and Votemaneger give credits!!!... | 0 | 257 |
8848 | ...:::interkasa-mu:::.. Vers 97d+99i|bless bug on|onine 24/7... | 0 | 284 |
8849 | Invisible-MU Invisible-Mu the best game server:exp:400x drop:60x bles bug:OFF !!!... | 0 | 265 |
8850 | MuOnline DarkAngels Season 3 MuDarkAngels FULL Season 3 Exp 650x, Drop 60%, New 3rd Level Wings, New 3rd Class Characters, New Quests, New Maps, Skills, Mobs, All Events Working : Illusion Event, Kantru, Maya, Castle Siege, CryWolf Event.... | 0 | 248 |