Flyff Online Top 100


Free servers, private servers, guides, server information. Flyff is now hosted in 13 countries and 10 languages. It's currently played by over 6 million people.

Top 100 Heading
1Divine Flyff v19 2017
Divine flyff v19 is a new 2017 international flyff server custom rates. EXP: 3x, Drop: 2x, Penya: 2x. maxim level 129, Teleport System, New Weapons, Custom Dungeons, No Delay, 24/7suport. Join now and have fun with Divine FlyFF....
2Dragoncross Flyff Pserver
Auf diesem Flyff Pserver findest Du Flyff Systeme, die kein Lowrate Flyff Privat Server hat. Lade den Flyff Client und spiele Flyff. Wir sind der Beste Flyff Pserver in Europa...
3Malevolent FlyFF R2
[REBIRTH][Daily Seige][Balanced Gameplay][High Custom Awakes][Custom Buffpang][All CS drops][AllPrem In NPC][Armor/Weaps in NPC][Custom Events][Custom Maps][Custom Arena][Always Updating][Adv. Petfilter][OneClickJobs][Guild & Player Color System][Lev...
4Frost Flyff
Frost Flyff Server version 20 | Exp 1000x -Drop 1000x -Penya 1000x | PvP Systems integrated | all time Support Team | New pet system | New Items | Max level 175 | Summer Multy Events | Join Now...
5Sohbet Odaları
Chat Sohbet odaları...
6Insanity FlyFF - Unique amp Custom
[Working Colosseum] [Dedicated Server] [Alot Updates] [Daily Guild Siege] [High Rates, Level Cap 300] [Stated amp Custom Fashion Sets] [Working 3rd Jobs/Skills] [Custom Party Finder System] [Active Community] [Custom Market Place] [Insanity, Since 20...
7sohbet odaları
chat odaları...
8sex hikayeleri
seks hikayeleri...
9Divinity FlyFF v17
[Exp: 1000x Drop: 400x Penya: 1500x] [3rd Jobs] [No Negative Awakes] [Custom Arena] [Custom Items][Custom PetFilter][Every CS In NPC039s] [Siege] [AntiHack] [Dedicated Server] [Join Us Now]...
10Vacated FlyFF
v17/v18Ready GuildSiege Server Colosseum, v17 Glow, 3rd Job, GuildSiege [dauerhaft], Full Cs Shops [Ingame] Join Us now....
X100 Rates - PVP/PVE/PK - Player/Guild Siege 6 Times a day - Guild Clash - Running the ObverseFlyff files (Our partner) with 3 Line Awakening, better upgrading, higher rates and more fun! - Offline Vendors - In-Game Item/Pet Viewer - Custom CS/Bosses...
12MonsterFlyff - Quality Gamin
Leading and highest populated Flyff private server with over 2,000 players online. Our servers have been professionally maintained since 2008 with frequent updates and events, staying completely up-to-date with official servers. MonsterFlyff aims to ...
[v18 Private Server] [1000x EXP 500x DROP 1800x Penya] [Fully Working Instant 3rd Jobs] [Most CS In NPCs] [Advanced Pet Filter] [Custom Shopping Town] [Custom Awakes No Negatives] [Custom Items] [Daily Siege] [Level Cap 250] [One-Click Job Changes] A...
14Flyffnitak v18 - Exclusive PvP System.
NO WIPE OUT SINCE 2008 [2 Dedicated Server] [2 Clusters][HighRate: x10,000] [LowRate: x670] [Level Cap 150] [No negative awake] [Muran Weps, Ancient Weps, Vampire Weps and Accessories are droppable] [Multi-Siege] [3rd Job] [Colosseum] [Sword of War P...
15Dusk FlyFF
[Dedicated Server][V19][EXP: x800 DROP: x500 PENYA: x1000][No Negative Awakes] [Lots of Cash Shop In-Game][Custom Baruna System][Custom PvP SYSTEMS][3rd Jobs][V6 PK System][Several Sieges A Week][And a lot more custom content][24/7 Support] Are you r...
16Sapphire Flyff - GS Server
[Deutscher Guild Siege Server] [Alle Rates 10000x] [Neuste v17 Features] [High Awakes/High Pets] [Mehrmals am Tag Guild Siege] [Besucht uns]...
17Dragon Crusade v18
[Geniales Gameplay] [Keine Laggs] [Custom V18] [gutes Team] [Vote Geschenke] [2x GW] [Old-School Jobs] [24/7 Dedicated Server] [Petfilter] [vieles mehr ... ] Spiel jetzt mit...
[US V15 Files][24/7 Online][No Laggs][AntiHack][Supportmail][Ts3 Server][CS Seller][Lord][Awakening][RainbowRace][Guild-/TowerSiege][Instance Dungeons][Many Events] Join Now...
19Infected FlyFF V18 - Fun server
[8000x High rates][ALOT of Guild Siege][3rd jobs][Arena Scoreboard][Auto hero/master quest][Everything in shops][Custom CS Sets][Upgrade rate 100][New Job Change Window][Custom maps, cloaks, masks, weapons, scrolls] Join us now...
20First V18 Dragon Cross - ALL inclusive
[Best German Flyffserver with working V18 Files] [3rd Job] [FastJobChange] [Dryad Armor - Dragon Weapons] [Postsystem] [Petfilter] [Custom Maps] [Custom CS] [Guild Sieges] [Magma Weapons] [Custom Scrolls]...
21Liberty Flyff
Nouveau serveur Liberty Flyff, rates FUN , v17 , beaucoup d039ajouts de contenu grce une quipe dvoue et mature contenant un dveloppeur professionnel et des administrateurs attitrs. Bien plus sur le site, forum ou teamspeakA bientt sur Liberty Flyff ...
22Revolution of Fire v17 GW Server
All Rates 8000Arena Scoreboard SystemNeues UserPanel(ein Fesnter mit allen FunktionenPetfilter,Teleporter,AutomatischesBuffen sprich keinbuffpeng mehr ntig,Supportbereich)viel Custom sowie Coloseum...
23FlyForGlory - Unique and Creative
[95x Exp, 75x Penya, 50x Drop]V18 READY With Custom Content [3rd Jobs][One-Click Job Changes][Baruna SFX on ALL Weapons][New In Game Glow Changing System] [Colosseum] [Max Level Is 175] [Exclusive Maps And A New In-Game Design] [Professional Staff am...
24Gold Flyff Private
V15 FlyFF [NEVER LAGS] [99.90 UPTIME][All items V15 PvP] [Working All v15 Monster] [Exp: 99999X / Drops: 99999X / Penya:99999X] [Active Community] [FRIENDLY GM] [Daily Events]...
25Prime Flyff V18 - LETS ROLE OUT
[24/7 DDS][EXP:45k DROP:1k PENYA 6k][Colosseum Active][No Imbalance][MaxLevel 150][ level 15 to 125 Sets In NPC][EXP Rain Event][Leveling Gift][Balance Boss Drops][DCGW Everyday][ 50 x3 Stats Max Normal Awakes][Balance GamePlay][Balance PVP][GM Event...
26Celestial-Battle Flyff
[v17/v18][Fun/Gw Server] [7000x Drop 7000x EXP 6000 x Penya] [Level Cap 190] [One-Click Job Changes] [Teleportsystem] [Colloseum ] [Hohe Awakes/keine negativ] [Und vieles mehr][Server Start: 31.01.2012]...
[RootServer (24/4 online)] [Deutscher Server] [v17/v18] [One-Click JobChanger] [Antihack] Rates: 300/50/50...
28Ancient FlyFF
Server Version: v6Rates: EXP x15, DROP x15, PENYA x15...
Full v17 Server PVP Funserver Fully functional Colosseum Burnout System new PvP System Baruna Upgrading Bounty System Pet Filter Shopping Cart System new fast Jobchanges 3rd Jobs with working Skills Country Flags new Maps new Monsters J...
30OMEGA - Highrate Guildwars Server
[24/7][We are a Server with all x5000 Rates][ We are a Highrate and a Guildwar Server][Active Community][German/English Support][Custom Map][Custom Items][updated v19 Content][Custom Dungeons][One Click Jobchange][Level Cap 200][Colloseum][/awake for...
[V18/19] Rates 5k 5k 6k[24/7 no lags] daily GW[Petfilter] Teleporter[3rd Job]Custom Stuff (CS Maps ... ) [CS.Seller] Donate DropSystem [max. Level 175] No Negative Awakes [High Upgrade rate] active and friendly Team...
32ShiningNetwork - Flyff V17 / Own Worlds
We are a Mid Rate V17 Flyff Server150/125/180We have own Weapons/Baruna System / A own Worldand more...
33Divinity Flyff V15
[V15 Flyff Private Server] [24/7 - NO LAGGS] [Exp: 4000x500x4000x] [Wings in NPC] [Custom no Negative Awakenings] [Level Cap 129] [All V.15 Monsters] [All V.15 Items] [Crystal Weapons - Dryad Armor in Shop] [All new Weapons/Shields/Pets/CLoaks/Custom...
34Conquest of Paradise
Flyff Private Server v16/17 Full , Eigende Maps/Waffe/Sets , Level ca 300 3rd Jobklasse Petfilter alles daKomm und schau vorbei ...
35Pandora FlyFF
V15 FlyFF [NEVER LAGS] [99.90 UPTIME][All items V15 PvP] [Working All v15 Monster] [Exp: 99999X / Drops: 99999X / Penya:99999X] [Active Community] [FRIENDLY GM] [Daily Events]...
36RedEye V18
[GERMAN SERVER][MID RATE][Exp:200][Drop:250][Penya:750][V18 Rdy][Root Server][GW amp Farm Server][3rd Job][FUN Server][[No negativ Awakes] [V19 Flaris] [Custom Maps] [GW Arena][Oneklick Jobchange][Lvl Up- Gifts][Good Antihack][Teleporter][Ingame CS S...
37Extreme FlyFF V15
[V15 Flyff High Rate Server] [24/7 Dedicated Server - No Laggs] [Exp 1000x] [Drop 1500x] [Penya 3000x] [PRO awakening system] [Custom Collecting System] [NO NEGATIVE AWAKENINGS] [All New Maps] [Free CS Items] [All V.15 Monsters] [All CS in SHOPS]...
38Revolution FlyFF V15/V16
[24/7 dedicated server][5000x EXP, 2500x DROPS, 50000x PENYA] [100 items are in NPC][No negative awakes] [fast growing and friendly community] [Happy Money Event] [All New Maps] [PRO awakening system] [Join now]...
39Fly For Democracy Fully V17
[Fly For Democracy is Gr8 V17 Flyff Server][24/7 Dedicated Server 16Gig][Very Stable/Active][Friendly Staff][A Lot Of Premiums in Shops][Fully Working 3rd Jobs][No Bugs][Custom Shops][Working Baruna Upgrade System][Working Dungeons][ALL OF THE V16-V1...
40Crazy Flyff V18
Our servers have been professionally maintained since 2006 with frequent updates and events, staying completely up-to-date with official servers. Crazy Flyff aims to provide the best possible gaming experience....
41DAMNED - v15 Server [Own PvP-System]
International Server Perfect Rates CS Seller PetfilterNew PvP System New Burnout System Custom Stuff Max Level: 160K/D Ratio Accolades (Double Kill,...) Stable Gameplay Functional Modification24/7 Online without Lags Own Antihack...
42Infinite Dawn
Pure FUN- / GW Server// V16-V18// 3. Jobklassen funktionieren // Rates: EXP 1500 / DROP 1500 / PENYA 1500 // Laggfreier Rootserver 24/7 online // Guter Support, Nettes Team // Custom Features // no negative Awakes // pushed Awakes // und und und.....
43Dark Sunshine Flyff v17 amp v18 Ready
[3rd Job] [New PvP System] [Fashion Combi System] [AutoRecover] [Teleportsystem] [Votesystem] [Many Custom Scrolls] [FastJobChange] [Petfilter] [Custom Weapons/Sets] [New Antihack] [All items available ingame]...
44IcEAgE FlyFF
New Mid to Low rate Server all V15 Maps with v15-v18 Content(Weapons) Greens 45-105 in shops. Most cs ingame Rest will be gave out at Events. No Bad Awakes. Custom Awakes Max is 200. Lvl Cap 200. 100 Free Server No WebShop At all. Active Staff Tons O...
45Official Lunar FlyFF Version 17
This is the Official Lunar FlyFF Online (lunarflyff) which was released August 2011. [Fully Version 17] [Balance Gaming and PVP] [500x Exp, 200x Drop, 500x Penya for balance midrate server] [24/7 Dedicated Server] [Active Community and Automated Syst...
46Aibatt Flyff
Deutscher Server EXP : 1000x Drop : 100x Penya : 500x 3rd Jobklasse V17 Glows V16 Map-System V6 Messenger v19 Flaris MaxSkills-System One-Klick Jobchange Sprechende Monster Schnelle Pickup-Pets mit Filter und Bufffunktion Custom Quest...
47High Rate V15 - Revenge Flyff
?V15 HIGH RATE Server ?EXP:5000x Drop:3500x PENYA:2500x ?Server NEVER LAGS 99.9 UPTIME ?Guild Siege,maps and all skills,working ?FRIENDLY GM039s and special event daily ? JOIN NOW and get Equipment and PENYA...
World-of-Fantasy Flyff v19 Coming Soon....
49Mysterious Flyff
[v15-18] [800x Exp][1200x Penya][500x Drop][v18 Weapons][Custom Worlds][Max Level 149] Join...
50Cursed Dreams Highrate Server
[Cursed Dreams][500x Exp - 500x Drop - 500x Panya][Colosseum][Petfilter]etc.[Join Us Now]...

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