151 | Fly For Extream 2 Deutsche Flyff Pserver DEUTSCHER FLYFF PSERVERNette CommunityEXP35/Drop200/Penya200/Userpannel/OneklickJobchange/TS-Server/NetteGms/Azria vollspawn/ Besucht uns auf unserer Seite gtdann hamachi... | 0 | 289 |
152 | Fly For Injustice Great Flyff Server/Custom NPC039s/V11/CS items sold at Cash Shop Seller... | 0 | 330 |
153 | LucenaFLyff This server is currently running on hamatchi so you better join my network user: FlyffLucena pass: flyff so Join now And see The difference....you are super welcome if you are from Philippines,(Lucena City)Created by: UCC student(Marky)... | 0 | 273 |
154 | Fly For Diamant German pserver rates 200 hamachi next days non hamchisee u on server sell much cs item... | 0 | 294 |
155 | MagicFlyff pro 24/7 serve Join NOW MagicFlyFF Is now fully working on v13 Lots of typical Bugs Fixed UserTools is in site you do it manual rebirth Soon gonna get dedicated host 24/7 Uptime Not much Lag new quests Including Clockworks Access to all the Towers Floors + Secret Roo... | 0 | 271 |
156 | Blizzard Flyff Blizzard Flyff 24/7 ONLINE Working Colosseum, Fashion Combine System. Heaps of Custom Content, 3k All Rates Great Community and Staff JOIN TODAY... | 0 | 425 |
157 | Tribal FlyFF TribalFlyFF is alive again After a long downtime (Approx. 7months) TribalFlyFF is back again Rates: 250x EXP / 1000x FXP / 1000x Drop / 500x Penya. Come, give TribalFlyFF a try. You won039t regret it.... | 0 | 296 |
158 | Fly For Air rates:[100/100/100] This is the my new p-server. We039re close to being a dedicated server. But anyway join Rates are 100/100/100Hamachi is needed.User: Fly For AirPass: 123... | 0 | 261 |
159 | FlyForBlaze Join my hamachi FlyForBlaze pass:1234. u will not be able to get on site without hamachi. thanks hope to see u in game... | 0 | 261 |
160 | OdesFlyff A nice 24/7 Server. With nice community and helpful GMs. Hamachi networks: Odes_Flyff1 upto Odes_Flyff30 ? Password: 1234 ?? Come and join now. +10 items in NPC. items in Webshop. Rates are 300x exp , 100x drop, 100x penya drop... | 0 | 318 |
161 | Flyff Novim novim Novo FLyff Vejam no site o novo eventohamachi:rede:FlyForSucessPass:0123... | 0 | 282 |
162 | StaunchFlyff View our site for all the details. Connect to the hamachi network before clicking. user: StaunchMSpass: 123... | 0 | 289 |
163 | Fly4Darkness All rates x200 Start with 20M Buffer Tool Looking For GAs Great Community Big Events Every Week JOIN NOW... | 0 | 272 |
164 | SavionFlyff 250x exp, 50x drop, 500x penya. Non-Hamachi, on 24/7 unless computer crash. Events once a lot of people come and join. Ip just changed :(... | 0 | 315 |
165 | FlyForHolland v13 Ben je een Nederlanderkom dan snell deze P-server joine het is v13 :D rates zijn erghoog. Heel veel dingen in bepaalde shops waar w8 je op kom snell joine :D... | 0 | 284 |
166 | FlyForConverse Ein Neuer Deutscher Server.Der server ist noch in bearbeitung aber bald online..Team mitglieder sind noch gesucht also meldet euch beiSkype : Mirkan oder marcoschnitzMsn : mirkan6vhotmail.de oder marco6vhotmail.deViel spa... | 0 | 293 |
167 | Fly for own Nice flyff private serverNOT A FAKE ONEBuffer tool on siteNice GM039sx1000 x300 x300(exp/drop/qeustexp)JOIN NOWnot a 24/7 yet soon to come... | 0 | 282 |
168 | Flyff-Magneridon holasss server de habla hispana los rates son exp300 drop 200. se venden los cs set en los npc.. la red hamachi es Flyff-Magneridon 1/2/3/4 y el pass es flyff. armas de lvl 60-105ATT: DarkZide y XxLuCaRi0xX... | 0 | 296 |
169 | Fly For Peng Fly For Peng Exp/500 Drop/700 NON-HAMACHI Full Cs, Greens, Awaking Works Friendly Gm039s Events Lord System WE NOW HAVE V14 Weapons And NPC039S Visit our xat at xat/flyforpeng... | 0 | 427 |
170 | Pumaflyff Pumaflyff new private server join now and vote Rates are:50/75/100... | 0 | 276 |
171 | flyforAntipolo.ph for all filipino willing to private server flyff now come on join... | 0 | 275 |
172 | NachoLand Flyff High rates serveR, fRIENDLy Gm, get the item to gm , npc still fixing. nid hamachi network name: NachoBoy pass cheese must connected to hamachi before going to sites... | 0 | 315 |
173 | Pulsation FlyFF Come to Pulsation FlyFF Server News,Online Now,Rates 75/75/90,No Hamachi,Sell Fashions,baby,monstone and sunstone,come to Play Now... | 0 | 290 |
174 | Fly For Alex hamachi based24/7 supportfriendly Gms7 hour buffs from website... | 0 | 273 |
175 | Fly For You wanna become the best You want to know how it039s like to be the best You wanna know how it039s like if u can defeat everything Then join us... | 0 | 297 |
176 | Fly-For-Rogs 500x all this new private server so i need players, pls join, hamachi needed... | 0 | 234 |
177 | Fly for Party 350x rates [] Friendly Gms and Admin [] fun server +10 45-105 greens in shop [] Hamachi [] Username: flyforparty,2,3 Password: 1234 [] Welcome pati pinoy d2 []... | 0 | 314 |
178 | Fly For Action Fly For Action.[No Lag, 24/7] [Rates: 30X Exp 20X Drop 50X Penya][ v11 ] [Rebirth ON] [no donations] [Daily Events and Prizes] [Active GMs] [1Mb Patcher] Join us Now. [ Servidor Sem lag , 24/7 ] [ 30 exp 20 drop 50 Penya ] [ v11 ] [... | 0 | 288 |
179 | Euphoric FlyFF v16/17 NEW V6 PK System [Rates: 1,500x/500x/1,000x][Fully Working Colosseum][Dedicated Server 24/7 Uptime][3rd Jobs and Skills FULLY WORKING][NEW One-Click Job Changer][Voting Rewards][Level Cap 200][CS Fashion in NPCs][No Negative Awakes][v16-17 Weapons and Armor][Pet Filt... | 0 | 316 |
180 | FavoriteFly Ab 01/2011 auf Root-Server Rates: 250x Exp 200x Drop 250x Penya OFFI Files, v15... | 0 | 287 |
181 | Revolution of Fire [Exp 45x] [Drop 40x] [Penya 40x] [v15 Official Files v17 Ready] [24/7 Dedicated Server - No Lag] [Tom94039s AH] [Skill besserungen] [Sehr gutes Klassen Balance] [Oft Guildwar] [Max Level 140] [Buffpetfilter] [regelmg Events] [und vieles mehr] [Join u... | 0 | 277 |
182 | DEAD SERVER DEAD... | 0 | 292 |
183 | VenomFlyFF Join in VenomFlyFFneed Hamachi see site for detailExp,drop,quest rate are 2000(_)Weapon,sets lvl 120 with new item in shopFriendly GM.... | 0 | 266 |
185 | FlyForPoison 850x rates/cs sold in shops/active gms/fun server/big community/loads of events/non hamachi/24/7 no lag/join now ... | 0 | 275 |
186 | Silent Flyff v15 flyff private server,rates x500 all, soon dedicated server.... | 0 | 298 |
187 | GC-Fly [v17 Private Server] [500x EXP 200x DROP 300x Penya] [Fully Working Instant 3rd Jobs] [Most CS In NPCs] [One-Click Job Changes]... | 0 | 283 |
188 | Only checkingsomething(no server) JeMoeder... | 0 | 333 |
189 | FlyForGothic Der Flyff P Server: FlyForGothic Wir sind neu auf dem Gebiet P-Server. Trotzdem haben wir schon eine nette Gemeinschaft. Website ... | 0 | 280 |
190 | Ignite Flyff v15, v16 content + implementations. Green shop, rates 500/500/750, professional staff, growing community, 24/7 uptime, custom v7 features, custom items, custom skills, custom quests, level 200, manually configured drops.... | 0 | 297 |
191 | FlyForZeXro New SITE ____________5.174.25.162quotquotquotquotquotquotquotquotquotquotquotquotquotquot... | 0 | 282 |
192 | FlyForBikers Join Now:450x Rates 20 succes Rate Much Events////// Friendly GM039s CS Shops In Flaris///// No Quest For Job Change Vote Every 12 hours to make us num1... | 0 | 279 |
193 | Fly For Friends New Communit/Dedicated Server/ No Lags/ Rates: 500x Exp. 200x Drops 30x Penya/ Need Pro GM039s... | 0 | 285 |
194 | Frustyflyff Best Lvl flyff, lagg free, cs shop, all greens in shop, bike shops, special shops.... | 0 | 294 |
195 | Fly For Frozen (Private Server) Fly For Frozen (FlyFF Private Server) [Rates: Exp 250x / Drop 500x / Penya 2000x.]Server via Hamachi:Room: Fly For FrozenPassword: 1234Server 24/7 NO LAG Friendly ADM/GM039s.Vote Us.... | 0 | 284 |
196 | Adreame :: Dreaming of a Perfect Flyff Great rates Forums Buff Pang Event Credits System (For CS purchase) Amazing Staff and Events No Hamachi... | 0 | 276 |
197 | Flyff Myths of Etheria 24/7 Full V14 Server GERMAN StaffSanzisa die Giganten Map(NEU),Eusuria Map(NEU)/Dungeon folgt noch,Viele CS sachen Ingame fr PenyaEXP 15 PENYA 30 DROP 10. 100 Lagg und Bugfrei.... | 0 | 279 |
198 | Unique Flyff V15 [High Quality Server] [Version 15 With All Features] [Most Edited Ever] [LOWRATE: 50x EXP] [Dedicated - No Lag] [Fashion In NPC] [Wings in NPC] [Custom CS Sets] [Own Wings] [Own Arena] [Own Flaris] [Custom Maps] [Where are you waiting for Join now]... | 0 | 276 |
199 | Famous Revolution [v15-v19] High Rates - Glow Change - Much Guild Siege - International Server - v17/v18/v19 Items, Maps and CS Clothes - 3rd Job - Level Cap 150 Only Perfect Awakenings - Quick Job Change - Bounty System - New resolution (HD)... | 0 | 264 |
200 | Fly For Fantasy Fly For Fantasy no hamachi private server exp:25x Flyexp:25 drop:5x penya:50xCustom Glows,Skills,ItemsMany Events, Custom shops amp Quests Friendly and active Game Masters Join Us... | 0 | 214 |