351 | Crystal of Fate(CoF)/Full v16 Wir sind ein neuer Pserver mit der 3ten Jobquest und v17 glow :D unsere rates sind 300exp//500drop//750penya//Des meiste ist den Shop also komt auf unsere server und habt FUN darauf zu spielen... | 0 | 303 |
352 | Revolution Flyff Flyff V.17.5 Server with V17.5 released (Sets amp Mobs) / 1 custom town + 1 custom dungeon / 1000 exp/drop/penya rates / [Dedicated Server 24/7] / Every Cs In Game... | 0 | 271 |
353 | Nightmare [V17/18][Neue Maps][High Rates][Closed Beta][Vote System][Viele GW039s][Root 24/7]... | 0 | 269 |
354 | Ferial Flyff Serveur Full V.18 Flyff FR (French)... | 0 | 257 |
355 | ronafebcute hazerhyazerfhzefrhzerhrztjhzrgjgjxgjkxtholduycyjlvyjl... | 0 | 317 |
356 | Fly To Paradise Brandnew Ger/Eng Server :: Rates : 150x Exp 50x Drop 50x Penya :: Shop with rare items and sets :: Many Events :: CS NPC :: Hero class :: Friendly Community :: Join us we have cookies :D... | 0 | 266 |
357 | FlyForEver Wir haben nun endlich einen Root...MFG.Admins:Melvin+Facker... | 0 | 278 |
358 | PeaceFlyff Rates Are,EXPx1000,QuestDrop50x,PenyaRateampDropRate,150xPlease Always Read On Forums Cuz there is a fix for your few problems or if not there post it on forums and i will fix it ok ty... | 0 | 265 |
359 | Flyff MeltdowN New Flyff pserver(Lol yeah another one) currently in closed beta should be released soon Rates are all 30x :D Cash Shop seller, Greens sold in npc Events held daily, Great GMs. Donators get rewarded beautifuly :gt... | 0 | 266 |
360 | FlyForFame The best flyff server you039ll ever find we039re using the offical flyff server files.We run a good private server on dedicated systems we keep track of security.We constantly improve content with new maps content and etc.... | 0 | 229 |
361 | flyff_for_penya Rates: x500 exp x500 Drop x500 Penya You start out with 1,000,000,000 penya Some cash shop in the shops All rings,NPCs,mobs,etc already in DB Finished 100 24/7 [Dedi] No Lag Server is ON So join now... | 0 | 252 |
362 | flyff-Conquer [Bem-vindoao Fly for ,o mais novo servidor privado de flyff do Brasil] [SERVIDOR REALMENTE ONLINE AGORA] [Rates: 200x/200x/30] [Greens Sets level 15-75 vendem no Npc] [Armas Greens lv 60-105 vendem no Npc] ... | 0 | 283 |
363 | Fly For Fora Servidor Br em BETA..Rates 75x/75x/75x/1x.no deixem de participar ... | 0 | 272 |
364 | FlyForVodka FlyFF Private99x Exp Beta Atm With Register Page Some Cs Items and Fashions Cool Gms Have Fun... | 0 | 260 |
365 | FlyForMe (My Exp) 1000/1000/1000 exp/drops/money, all items are in NPC shops nice gms and NO lagg, no wips and events every weekend... | 0 | 247 |
366 | FlyForDoooM FlyForDoom sehr guter privater server mit netten Gms un vielen events set seller in flaris un au waffen waffen sin sofort +10 rates sin exp:500 penya ka XD un dropps 200 server luft ban root visit uss... | 0 | 323 |
367 | Flying Fantasy Join an Awesome server, Hamachi needed for a few weeks, No lag, x300 exp/penyax7500 dropJoin ano and have your own Fantasy, today :D... | 0 | 278 |
368 | FlyForRevival Buen server espaol, no ay lag los rates son 75/10/1000,casi siempre ay eventos,el server es 24/7 buenos gms y en las shops venden grenn y sets asta nivel 90 Todos sereis bienvenidos... | 0 | 276 |
369 | ...::FlyForRebitzy:::... 707070- No Lag, nice rates, nice GMs. everyone nice is welcome :) Join Now... | 0 | 282 |
370 | Fly for Flying Visit us and have fun... | 0 | 305 |
371 | MyFlyff 300x rateshamachi neededFriendly GMs1st malaysia serverCS in ShopStarts with 500milGreens in shopNo LaggWorking Server24/7and hope to have bigger community... | 0 | 263 |
372 | FruityF-F-F[HAMACHI] Hamachi id FruityForFun pass 1234join now Rates gt X1000all cs in shopsoon v12 new server still looking for gms... | 0 | 234 |
373 | FLyffOrRan back NewFLyffRAN RevENge now 25000x25000x25000x now all Green set in NPC and fashion weapon in NPC No hamachi Needed GO Gm039s FriendLy... | 0 | 377 |
375 | Endless Dimensions Gaming Flyff Endless Flyff Nice PRivat Server With Nice rates50100100Custom Items/MapCW Cage Events... | 0 | 290 |
376 | Drakonic Drakonic, is a flyff private server... Rates are 400x/400x/1000x... | 0 | 288 |
377 | Flyff for Chaos Der beste und grte Deutsche Flyff P-Server.Bug and Lag frei.Groe Community... | 0 | 270 |
378 | SexyFlyff Special FeaturesUnique Color Glow Exp Rate: 700x Drop Rate: 1000x Penya Rate: 1000x NPCs That Sell GreensNPCs That Sell C.S.Rebirth System + User Tools... | 0 | 358 |
379 | FlyForLive Neuer P Server ab 1.6 auf rootv13 Rates:35 40 10TS: | 0 | 270 |
380 | DangerousFlyff exp/penya/drop 65/100/150 VRJUK A MAGYAROKAT :D... | 0 | 275 |
381 | Expert flyff new a new private server new maps with fun thing to do, great GM039s, and much more plz join... | 0 | 280 |
382 | XFlyFF- We are back XFLYFF IS BACK -This Server Rates are x2000 and doesnt require hamachi it is English server and 247... | 0 | 362 |
383 | Insanity Fly For Fun Insanity FlyFF is a full customized server with Rebirth system that allows your toon to become unique and powerful.We are hosted on a powerful dedicated machine that can hold up to 5000 players same time.... | 0 | 301 |
384 | HellFlyFF HellFlyff V13 server / Item drop according to monster level even Drop/200x Rate/Mons amp Stone sell in NPC/ Some CS in NPC / Green Items / Nice Communtry / UpTime: 24/7 / Great Server / Join Us Today you will Enjoy it... | 0 | 345 |
385 | Flyff America Server 50X NO-DONATE, totalmente jogavel, pronto para muito diverso, eventos diarios e GM039s antentos a sua disposio, venha conferir ... | 0 | 287 |
386 | Final-Fly V14-V16 P-Server /30/60/100/ EXP Drop Penya. TS3 Server und freundlicher Staff. Derzeit wird noch an einem zustzlichem V6 Server gearbeitet der definitiv noch kommen wird... | 0 | 263 |
387 | FlyFF Burning: The New Beginning V14 A Stable v14 server, 50x exp 50x drop 100x penya, now online 24/7 we will give u a awsome flyff time :)... | 0 | 281 |
388 | Fly For FriendZ V13(GM Needed) Rates: 7000x,6000x and 200x - GM Needed - Brandnew - Custom NPCs - Great uptime - OPENS SOON... | 0 | 408 |
389 | ---gt Italian Flyff lt--- Salve a tutti gente questo un serve puramente italiano di flyff :D quindi se siete italiani e volete giocare a flyff questo il posto migliore xD buon divertimento... | 0 | 266 |
390 | Fly-For-Ice Server novinho Brasileiroexp 50x drop 75xvenha ser top... | 0 | 338 |
391 | Toxicflyff Gaming [Custom Maps - Custom Skill Edits - Custom CS] [CS in NPC][24/7 Dedicated Server - No Lag] [Daily Events] [Tower] [Guild Siege] [Active Dev Team] [Active GMs] Join Today... | 0 | 301 |
392 | FlyForNoobs, New FlyFF private server New V12 Server.Exp rate: 400x, Drop rate: 200x, FXP rate: 5000x QuestDrop rate: 2x Lvl 45-105 green armors in shops, lvl 15-120 weapons in shops.Hamachi needed for now.Come and join us, today... | 0 | 292 |
393 | OldschoolFlyFF - Closed Beta Mit Hamachi.. Closed Beta Dank der CB kriegt jeder ein CS-Set geschenkt(permanent) Wir haben oft Doppel-EXP-Events JOIN NOW... | 0 | 482 |
394 | Aizel V11 Engine with v12-v15 mods. Balanced PVP, Custom pk system, Siege, Challenging gameplay. More endgame Weapon-, set-, awaken- bonuses changed and revamped skills to fix imbalanced classes. Custom itemsamp sets. x20 exp, x12 drop, x110 pen. Good comm... | 0 | 309 |
395 | Kaos Flyff [First Philippine v15 Server] [All Wings in NPC] [Full Working v15] [Crystal Weapons - Dryad Armor] [100 Working] [24/7 Dedicated Server - No Lag] [Tons of Updates] [Custom Maps - Custom Skill Edits - Custom CS] [Guild Sieges] [CS in NPC] [Full Buff... | 0 | 286 |
396 | FlyForFunDream1 Der server hat keinne laggs alles ist perfekt rate x2000 alles... | 0 | 223 |
397 | Flyff Hispano Buff x la web es ilimitadoCanbio de Sexo x la webRestar de stat x la web cuando quieras solo penga i listoCanbio de name x la web cuando quieras canbiarle el nombre atu pjTelesport x la web cuando te quedas sin dinero sirveRebirh x la webUlti... | 0 | 291 |
398 | Fly Origins Custom V14 with Working Dungeons, Azria, Coral Island Guild Siege 3x a week. Wings + Custom CS including custom Maps for leveling and PVP Games. Weekly GM events, invasions and custom CS giveaways... | 0 | 266 |
399 | Intense Fly-For-Fun A new dedicated server with up to dates we got v16//new 3 classes sorcerer/ghost hunter/knight guillotine// new 3 maps u have never seen before//Mid Rate 75xexp//75xdrops//50xPenya So what are you waiting for CLick and Join our fastest growing commun... | 0 | 270 |
400 | delete delete me pls dasdafasFASfegdfsd... | 0 | 332 |