451 | ItsuFlyff A brand new Flyff server Part of the popular ItsuMS server... | 0 | 268 |
452 | Flyff - Fly For Food Fly For Food is the best Flyff server out there :: The rate039s are :: 50 EXPRATE :: 74 FXPRATE :: 10 DROPRATE :: 10 QUESTDROPRATE :: The server is not up yet :: Dedi vps host and using hamachi (soon to not be hamachi) :: The hamachi network is Fly F... | 0 | 302 |
454 | uFlyff - United Fly For Fun uFlyff is a new Flyff server that is 100 bug free, has many updates and many events, also the team is always ready to help you. Rates are 25 Exp 15 Drop 9 Penya. Come and have fun with us... | 0 | 283 |
455 | Fly For Force Join FlyForForce New RatesExp:800 Drop:800 Penya:200(Hamachi Server Lag Free)Net.Name:flyforforcePass:1234... | 0 | 263 |
456 | Fly For Force [New Rates] Join FlyForForce NowWe Have New RatesExp:800 Drop:800 Penya:200See Website For More Details... | 0 | 243 |
457 | Ins4de Flyff Little Private Server-gtHamachi Based-gt Rates: 35x... | 0 | 331 |
458 | Fly For Force [New Rates](800/800/200) Join Us FlyForForce NowWe Have New Rates(Exp:800)(Drop:800)(Penay:200) All CS And Greens In ShopVisit Our Website For More Info... | 0 | 241 |
459 | House Flyff Welcome To House FlyffHamachi ServerPlease Read The Thread in Hamachi Problem SectionMy Hamachi Network Is:HouseFlyff,HouseFlyff1,HouseFlyff2,HouseFlyff3and the password for all is Flyff Rates Expx1000 ,Drop Ratex100, Penya Ratex120 ,Quest Dro... | 0 | 282 |
460 | Flyforfrench serveur francais en construction... | 0 | 281 |
461 | Iron FlyFF United Iron FlyFF United is LIVE [Rates: 2500x (Drops, Exp, Quest)][Awesome GM team][All CS sold in-game][All equipment +10 in npc] [Pro server]... | 0 | 394 |
462 | noobflyff Rates: Exp:400 Drop:200 Sunstones, Moonstones and Element card will be at fl bank. Green Sets(1-105) will be at Dior(board/broom seller). Unique Weapons (15-105) will be at FL weapon. CS pets/trans/bikes are being sold at Isruel Blinkwing to NO-HAMAC... | 0 | 281 |
463 | Fly For Rebitzy Rates: 707070Welcome to Fly For Rebitzy. Cs items and greens are sold in shops in game. Dedi server (zero lag). Nice GMs and great staff. Fun events and more :) please enjoy ... | 0 | 288 |
464 | frusty flyff nice exp much events too win item at change of you come and play now... | 0 | 266 |
465 | Over-The-Dark OverTheDark der 1 flyff p-server der viele user und bug frei ist... | 0 | 341 |
466 | DestinyFlyff All Rates 100xEvrything in shop6+Active GM no lags Join Destiny Flyff Now... | 0 | 261 |
467 | Fly for Whatever FFW is a 100 working free Flyff pserver. The exp rates are x120 and drop rates are x1000. NPCs sell CS and Green sets We are new, and I am currently looking for a forum mod. I hope to see you there... | 0 | 292 |
468 | Final D Rockt Final D Rockt New Art Flyff Server, Rates 30/30/100, Lag Free, No Hamachi, Friendly Gms fast Support... | 0 | 294 |
469 | FlyForDreamZ High Rate no Lag got a Dedi Looking For Gms Sever Come join Daily Events And just come havea great time... | 0 | 295 |
470 | FlyFF Molavians Exp Rate x300 Fully Version 13 All Map Available,all Items And Fashion Available,Hamachi ServerFORUM:.120.21.123/molaviansHAMACHI NETWORK:FlyffMolavians01Password:1234... | 0 | 212 |
471 | RanFLyff 750x Exp Drop 750x 750x PEnya no lagg need hamachi... | 0 | 260 |
472 | FlyForSpace Wana Play a REAL Flyff Server Well here it is Out rates are 500x each. We just started our beta testing and we are ready to make it to the top We have a great community great gamemasters and most of all a great server Join now... | 0 | 363 |
473 | Server Magneridon Server Privado de Flyforfun Espaol, Super Rates... | 0 | 260 |
474 | Join goodzflyff rates are 250xno lag runs on hamachi links are in forum... | 0 | 490 |
475 | kronologik new flyff server V11 Beta (xp x200,drop x100,questdrop x50,penya drop x50) all greens in shop + CS shop,events and nice GM039sCome and experience fast lvling... | 0 | 249 |
476 | Anonymous Flyff x200/1000/200 It uses hamachi but it doesnt lag at all.Hamachi Network name: Anonymous flyffHamachi Network password: 123456789... | 0 | 276 |
477 | Fly For Abenteuer Wilkommen auf den server Fly For Abenteuer Hamaschi: Fly For Abenteuer PW:1234 Rates:150X alles Der server leut laggy frei wir wnschen uns das ihr kommt... | 0 | 266 |
478 | FlyForDeath FLYFORDEATH all greens in shops+5 or over SET and WEAPONS +10 sold in shops also most of cashshop items. RATES exp 5000x drop 5000x start will 1bill enjoy ... | 0 | 348 |
479 | GAMENAO - FlyFF GAMENAO is a fast growing online gaming network, dedicated to providing players with a free to play experiance. Join us as we continue to offer our FlyFF users with 24/7 uptime, daily updates, and new customs. See you online... | 0 | 289 |
480 | Fly For Awjam good serveramp1548friendly GM,small lags high rates daily event new items in npc shop .... | 0 | 401 |
481 | [XTG] FlyFG Server :: German with Root Deutscher [Root] Flyff Server Rates [Exp80x , Drop 80x 200x P.]Fast Buggfrei/Umfangreiche Homepagefunktionen BESUCHT UNS JETZT... | 0 | 293 |
482 | gaming spree ////////110000y exp... | 0 | 382 |
483 | .:: FlyForFrench - x 1000 rate ::. Serveur francais - Hamachi requis - ID : flyforfrench MDP : 1236 - Little lags - All CS in NPC039s ... | 0 | 283 |
484 | Fly With Jesus it has the compressed folder even with hamachi and a text telling very plainly how to make it work.it has a few glitches but the freindliest GM039s youll ever meet.and it039s completly free.exp.is 450 x our GM039s give you stuff .free.mess me... | 0 | 371 |
485 | True Cyberflyff Full V13 This Server Is Full Version13 Items/Maps And also Monster,,Friendly Admin039s with Rates 2000exp/1000drops/1000penya Coral Island Is Full Of MonsterIf U want to jOin Go to this Web cyberflyff.ning... | 0 | 207 |
486 | FlyInGamers.de FlyInGamers - FlyFF Privat Server zu Ehren Root Server, professionelles Team und gute Server-Rates.... | 0 | 299 |
487 | TuneUpFly ---- German Liebe User wir sind ein Deutscher Flyff Server mit v15 Offi Files und werden langsam auf v16 umsteigen also das heit v16 einbauen wir wrden uns freuen wen ihr uns besuchen kommen wrdet Gru: TuneUpFly Team... | 0 | 304 |
488 | FlyForFire Forums Forums Only VISIT NOW Vote for our Game and this FoRuMs NO HAMACHI... | 0 | 282 |
489 | FlyForOc U will Be Gm that all u need to know... | 0 | 440 |
490 | New Flyff Pserver Rates 500x/Self Createt Items/Self Createt Classes/New Mobs/New Skins/New Continnents/All Free... | 0 | 311 |
491 | Fly For Fantasia IS BACK Exp/Drop 5000x/500Friendly GMS 99.9Uptime When we have back a decent amount of players we will continue are events. Join us now you won039t be dissapointed And no we are not fake other wise why would I bother doing this... | 0 | 282 |
492 | Fly For Fate New Great Professional Server. No words to describe. Just let your self get in.... | 0 | 309 |
493 | Fly-For-Dreams Selbsterstelle Seitevon Unserem NettenHP Designer.Buffer, Jobchanger, Hero Skiller, und Vieles Mehr auf der Homepage von uns vorzufinden... | 0 | 323 |
494 | Flyff Largo-Cainhog Flyff With No Totally lag Reason I Name It Flyff Largo-Cainhog Cause My Parents Are Largo and CainhogExp:x1000 LvlMax:120StrtingPnya:1B All Items In Shop:Yes All Items 1 penya:Yes Rebirth:Yes Need Flyff Ph:YesDownload:Seconds(PATCH ONLY... | 0 | 279 |
495 | Cyberflyff if you wanted to join to our very nice server join first in our hamachi networkname:cyberflyff passwrd:1234 if u done u can view our site more info039s open cyberflyff.ning click member,ryan for chat section..thanks... | 0 | 273 |
496 | Fly For Doom German FlyFF Server[?] Serverrates: 50x 50x 50x [?] 24/7 Online [?] Lag less [?] NO Hamachi [?] Friendly GM039s [?] GM Helper [?] Costom Glow [?] much events [?] So Join our Community... | 0 | 310 |
497 | FlyForIntensity Rates 50exp300dropFun server no bugs.some cash item.donation system uptime99come and check... | 0 | 283 |
498 | FlyForXtreme Best Flyff PServer[Nice Gms and good Community]NO Hamachi[Rates 150 x]Join US... | 0 | 270 |
499 | King-Fly This is a v.13 server.rates are 2000x 500x 1000x and we don039t need hamachi but its best with it and its a new fun server.not completely finished tho but needs ideas... | 0 | 278 |
500 | FlyForInsane Server Rates: Exp 5000x Drop 5000x Penya 5000x // V13 Server // Dedicated 24/7 // Rebirth System // hamachi log on AsmiraampChris password insane, Friendly Staff // No lag and no bugs // Events // Join us NowGO TO when logged i... | 0 | 265 |