251 | Fly For Victory We are a New V13 High Rate ServerFriendly GM039s and AdminsRATES: 1200x/1000x/1000xCome Join our Growing CommunityVictory Team... | 0 | 328 |
252 | LordFlyff V15 LordFLyff Rates is 1000x 300x 1000 V15 client needed so try the beautifull private server of town... | 0 | 310 |
253 | MysticalFlyff - Version 18 - 3rd Jobs [Full v16 with v17+v18][Dedicated - 24/7- NO LAG][High rates][Max. Level 150][NO NEGATIVE AWAKES][Custom Items and Weapons][v18 weapons and more][Daily Events][Dungeons available for ALL LEVELS][A LOT of items in shops][New armors][And way more uniqu... | 0 | 310 |
254 | AoA - Adventures of Alterra Full V16 / V17Ready E:[x60] D:[x80] P:[x100] 24/7 No Lag CS Seller In-Game Custom Map Custom Skills Custom LvL 4 Beat LvL Cap 150 short Jobquest TS3 Server... | 0 | 318 |
255 | Warrior of Darkness [Exp: 90x Drop: 35x Penya: 150x][3rd Jobs][v6 PK System][v17 Glows][Custom Items][2x GW pro Woche] [AntiHack][Deutscher Server][Neues KlassenBalance]... | 0 | 314 |
256 | Ferial Flyff Serveur flyff Franais avec des rates durables, Exp:150Penya: 700 Drop: CustomVenez nous rejoindre, et jouer avec nos nombreux joueurs... | 0 | 290 |
257 | Zeta Flyff [Flyff espaol]Version completa 18-19[x600EXP x500DROP x800PENYA]... | 0 | 411 |
258 | Road Flyff v17 Evolution [Decepticons] [Dedicated Server 24/7][EXP:3000 DROP:2000 PENYA:7000][MaxLevel 150][Working 3rd Job][Cool Pvp Arena][Balance Character Class][45-125 Greens][DCGW Everyday][Balance GamePlay][Balance PVP][Fashions in NPC][OFFICIAL V17 CLIENT JOIN US NOW... | 0 | 295 |
259 | Shadow Flyff [100x rates] 100x rates. Active Gm039sEnter Now... | 0 | 283 |
260 | Flyff - Fly for FAME(x25) The best and working Flyff server out there- x25 Rates- over 1.5k Peeps- No Lagg- Gpotato Shop... | 0 | 293 |
261 | Fly For Ownage FlyForOwnage - 24/7 - Nice staff - working forum - and almost never crashes:Coming up:- Mob spawning NPC at arena- New server files (even more stable)- A whole new website (Design)... | 0 | 277 |
262 | NetFlyff Server Hispano, Chileno , rate: 35/35/35 parese xDDlvl max. 120 como siempre, entra ahora yaaa a ... | 0 | 345 |
263 | .:FlyFF Remix:. Fun pserver. Active friendly GM039s/Admins. 24/7. Virtually Lag Free. Uses v13. Non-Hamachi. Rates: 500/500/500... | 0 | 253 |
264 | Fly For Fate V13 Fly For Fate Is a V13 Server, Rebirth System, Clockwork cage, No Lag, 24/7, No Bugs, Much Events, Friendly Staff, No Hamachi, GM spots still open And much more 200 EXP / 300 DROP... | 0 | 282 |
265 | FLYFORDEVILS Italian serverRate 80x,Gm active,register page,buff page... | 0 | 312 |
266 | Flyff Abduction Flyff Official Server Version 14, XP 50x, Drop 30x, Penya 70x, All In game Events are Working (Lord Event, Guild Combat 1 on 1, Secret Room, Rainbow Race Etc.), Unique Events, Balance Gameplay, 100 Friendly Staffs and More ltWhere our action speaks... | 0 | 306 |
267 | Fly For Frime [Server US/FR v15 Server] [All Wings in NPC] [Full Working v15] [Crystal Weapons - Dryad Armor] [100 Working] [24/7 Dedicated Server - No Lag] [Tons of Updates] [Custom Maps - Custom Skill Edits - Custom CS] [Guild Sieges] [CS in NPC] [Full Buff Pang... | 0 | 290 |
268 | FlyForHell French/English private server v15 official with Lord, Guild Siege ... Exp x100 Drop x30 Penya x100. Cs Set, others cs items, weapons Lv 15 to 45, set Lv 15 to 45 in npc shops.... | 0 | 280 |
269 | Phoenix-gamerz[Flyff] New Flyff server JOIN NOW... | 0 | 321 |
270 | Hybrid Flyff v18 [Rates 5000x400x2000][High Rate][PvP/ Pk][v7+15+16+17 features][v18 + cflyff Content + custom][Just Opened][Dedicated Staff][Growing Community][Arena Scoring][Bounty System][Night+Day][Fashion Combine][And so much more]... | 0 | 285 |
271 | FlyForOwnage FlyForOwnage Rates 500x, GM buffs, Join hamachi network flyffownage,flyffownage1(inthemaking), pass 123 VOTE: , register at: Patch: ... | 0 | 280 |
272 | Fly for Fantasia Fly for Fantasia is a private server and is now in beta testing Fast lvling, Kind and active gms, Hamachi source, 99 Online, Come and join this growing community Are Rates are 500x EXP,500x drops, for those that wish that would like to know.... | 0 | 326 |
273 | Equity Fly V15, viele Features wie das Happy Money System, Klassen-Balancing, optimiertes Collector Field, Neue Shops, Perfekte Rates, Guild Siege System und vieles mehr Schaut vorbei... | 0 | 280 |
274 | Fly-For-Faith Revolution quotDedicated Server Rates:1000exp//200penya//x5drops// Direct Connection No hamachi needed So come and join us Now... | 0 | 299 |
275 | Flyff Burning: The New Beginning V14 Server is ONLINE 18/5(week) and 24/2(weekend)(non-hamachi)(the rates are 50x exp 50x drop and 100x penya... | 0 | 309 |
276 | CYBERFLYFF RATES 1000x drops/penya/expActive GM039s...Green Weapons On NPC also Auto Rebirths System....Buffs/size/changename/ultimate maker/change job is on the Control Panel...Come And Enjoy In Land of Cyber... | 0 | 266 |
277 | Dare-Flyff All rate x500 : no lag : hamachi server : Dare-Flyff2 to Dare-Flyff5 password : 1 control panel to web forum : Good game... | 0 | 280 |
278 | DragonFly [Deutscher Server] [Server noch in der Beta] [45xEXP] [200xDROP] [150xQUEST DROP] [1000xPENYA] [v12 und v13 Mobs] [Custom Maps] [Nette GMs um Community] [Join NOW]... | 0 | 320 |
279 | Fly For Flowa 30x exp65x dropCash Shop itemsLow pricesEverything +5Rare weaponsBloody setsv13Many event039sNice GM039s... | 0 | 308 |
281 | Vflyff Flyff V14 Server Rates: Exp x30,Drop x15,Penya x100. Active GM039s-Every Item in shop No Bugz/24/7 Online Virtue flyff Is a fun and enjoyable server. Server Specs Cpu: AMD Dual Core 5000+ Ram: 4 GB DDR 800 Mhz HDD: x2 750 Sata 2 Drives Lot of even... | 0 | 295 |
282 | FlyForFrime serveur priv Serveur flyforfrime bonne communaut 180 joueurs de connecter par jour rates Exp:50/Drop:25/Penyas:45Venez vite nous rejoindre... | 0 | 304 |
283 | Soul Flyff [Flyff v15-v16] [900x exp/150x Drop/3000x Penya][No Negatives Awakens][English-Spanish speakers Gms][CS items in shop(Pets,Scrolls, etc...)][Official Files][Customs Weapons and all items v16][Many Funny Events][Join Now]... | 0 | 281 |
284 | Ultio Sanguinis Root Server , Fun Rate Server , Eigene Maps + Event Map , Professionelles Team ,Eigene Waffen , Custom Awakes u.v.m besucht uns )... | 0 | 284 |
285 | FlyForholland FLyforholland v15 Released 10k all exp rates custom awakes, custom npc shops and more For Dutch and english spaylers... | 0 | 275 |
286 | Flyff Hallo Neuer P sever V16 V17 V18... | 0 | 290 |
287 | OldFlyff V13 [V13] Server [500x] All rates [Reborn] system with Infinite Reborns [Level 15-105 greens in shop] [Epic mob spawns] [Custom shops] [New server] [Enjoy] the v13 experience Old style.... | 0 | 314 |
288 | Radiant ROSE Radiant FlyFF is back The rates are 300/300/300. We are 24/7 and Non-Hamachi. Join now... | 0 | 259 |
289 | Azure Sky Flyff a new flyff private server in progress... | 0 | 339 |
290 | Fly For Tigers Fly For TigersDedicated Staff, Stable Server , Ecellent Rates. ALL Cash Shop Items , Come Play Today )... | 0 | 275 |
291 | ..::FLYFORFROST::.. Active GM039s Server Not Yet up... | 0 | 294 |
292 | xFlyff Greating Pserver Ever. Good Rates. 24/7 non-laggy server. Great community and lots of F U N. Join Now at ... | 0 | 292 |
293 | Fly For Aqua FlyForAqua PserverKomm mit uns in den fantastischen welt von FlyForAqua.Das spiel ist Komplett neu gestaltetexprate25droprate50Penya100... | 0 | 276 |
294 | FALLOUT FLYFF Description: Welcome to The Wasteland. Have you ever wanted a , with no lagg, bugs or noobs I cannot possibly tell you how good Fallout Flyff ISgt350/50/50lt CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO... | 0 | 299 |
295 | TeddyFlyff A New Flyff Private Server/Exp:400/Drop:400/Penya:1(NewSystem)/ With Hamachi/Minimum Lagg/ New Money Making System/Donate For More/ Nice Gm039s. Custom Npc / Cs in Shop.... | 0 | 313 |
296 | Flyff Angel Hamachi Server. V13All rates 100x.... | 0 | 426 |
297 | FlyFF Elements Exp 40x / Drops 50x / Penya 90x. New server with little to no lag hosted on v14 with v15 content. Sieges run daily and we have alot of custom items and custom things. Stop by and check us out... | 0 | 351 |
298 | Test sdffwwsad... | 0 | 306 |
299 | Gami no tatari GNT ist ein beginnerfreundlicher stabiler Version 15 Offi-files Server. Wir besitzen viele eigene Systeme, Items, Monster, Quests usw. Desweiteren gibt es viele Events, eine tolle Community, viele Wege an CS zu kommen und ein einzigartiges Gameplay... | 0 | 406 |
300 | XtacyFlyff - V.16 Level Cap 200 Rebirths Extreme Rates are [EXP 1,000x] [Drops 200x] [Penya 3,000x] [V.15] [24/7 No laggs.] [No need for donate.] [All CS in shops.] [PRO awakening system.] [Custom Collecting System,] [Custom no Negative Awakenings .] [NO NEGATIVE AWAKENINGS] [All V.15... | 0 | 317 |