101 | MoronFlyff Hamchi needed MoronFlyff pas is asdasdRates 200/200/200not dedicadet serverGm apps ask my email on hamachi then i will send it weve got no forums... | 0 | 463 |
102 | Fly Fo Happy venha jogar flyfrates 80x/80x/80xgms dedicados a atender o server24hvenha... | 0 | 304 |
103 | Fly For Life [ V13 ] Fly For Life is now V13 LORD SYSTEM,FORSAKEN TOWER+SECRET ROOM,CORAL ISLANDS,All v13 items 100 working..A customized map called FALLEN AZRIA,Custom stuff for donaters All CS Fashions are in NPC039s.45-105 Greens sold in NPC039s .NO HAMACHI.600x... | 0 | 395 |
104 | RedEye V18 [GERMAN SERVER][V18 Rdy][Root Server][Exp:900][Drop:500][Penya:1500][3rd Job][FUN Server][[No negativ Awakes] [V19 Flaris] [Custom Maps] [GW Arena][Oneklick Jobchange][Lvl Up- Gifts][Good Antihack][Teleporter][Ingame CS Seller][Petfilter][EventWaffen... | 0 | 342 |
105 | Flyff01 Server dedicated server flyff- no lag - new server - rate Exp X35 - rate drop X50 - rate penya X10NPC shops CS item and morelooking moderators forumslooking GMsNew database... | 0 | 320 |
106 | DemonicFlyFF Hi it a new server come join... | 0 | 355 |
107 | FlyffChat THIS IS NOT SERVER THIS IS NOT SERVER This is site for flyff players or flyff private server players heres live chat + forums + server links and more COME... | 0 | 304 |
108 | Flyffreplays 24/7 500/1000/1000 V13Active gms and friendly to... | 0 | 287 |
109 | FlyForBike New v14 private server. RATE: 15exp, 15 drops, 25penya Everything is working, wings, new maps, cash shop seller, buff pang, Forsaken tower, Lord etc...... | 0 | 373 |
111 | Insanity FlyFF Insanity FlyFF is a full customized server with Rebirth system that allows your toon to become unique and powerful... | 0 | 336 |
112 | Undead Server Flyff Here039s a world out of joint. That many people are afraid of him. Rate: Experience x30 Drop x50 Experience - Vol x30 Come discover a world filled by fear and Curses A world where hope is reduced to nil A world where everything is trashed... | 0 | 399 |
113 | MFLYFF servidor mflyff versao 11 online pela mulecadagames rates 100/20/10... | 0 | 324 |
114 | Fatality Flyff Come join my server. Rates are x100. Visit my website and apply for gm/mod or dev.... | 0 | 307 |
115 | Luxuryflyff the best of al No lagg server Working Meteo/CW many buggs fixed Rebirth System Custom NPC Friendly Staff Hamachi needed Many Events FUN IS HEREHamachi: Luxuryflyff pass 123Luxuryflyff1Luxuryflyff2 to 5... | 0 | 298 |
116 | FlyForBubbles FlyForBubbles Homepage Need To Join FlyForBubbles1-15 To View The Page ONLY JOIN ONE PLEASE All Stuff Sold In Shops First 5 People Get GM 2 Channels 1PK 1NON PK EXP 2000 Penya 2000Drop 500... | 0 | 341 |
118 | FlipTop Flyff [V15] [v15][Antihack Protected][Legendary amp Weapons on NPC][Buff amp Pick-up pets in NPC][105 Sets in NPC][Premiums amp Beads in NPC][CS Fashions in NPC][Hamachi]... | 0 | 304 |
119 | Crazy FLyFF Welcome to Crazy FlyFF RATES:: 500XP/1000Drop/1000Penya and every weekend the server x2039sNO WEBSITE YES FORUMSHAMACHI NETWORK- User CrazyFlyFF1/ Pass 1234Any CS or Green are givien free in-game1Bil at startInstant job change in-gameUlti/... | 0 | 298 |
120 | TemplarFlyFF - V14 Server. [V14 Files 100 Functional][24/7 On Dedicated Server] [New Content: Cloaks, Custom NPC039s, Custom EVents.][Guild Siege Working.] [ErlyGuard Anti-] [Custom Events (NPC Ran)] Rates:[Exp: 75x Penya: 250x Drops: 65x.]... | 0 | 291 |
121 | xFlyff Tea Time Coming Soon... | 0 | 296 |
122 | MammothFlyFF v15 Features Proffesional Team . Medium Rates Server [ 50/75/150 ] . Weekly updates . Custom Items amp Maps . CS in NPC . Vote reward system . Tons of fun events every day Come amp Join now... | 0 | 316 |
123 | Fly For Friends 24/7 Dedicated Server/Lord Systems 100/Non-Hamachi/High rate Server/No lag/every day event/active GM039s/ Stable Community/Join Us now?ACTIVE GM039s?... | 0 | 375 |
124 | LuxuryFlyff Alive No lagg server Working Meteo/CW many buggs fixed Rebirth System Custom NPC Friendly Staff Hamachi needed Many Events FUN IS HERE... | 0 | 248 |
125 | Shadow Flyff[100X rates] 100X exp 100X drop 100X money Rebirth system...friendly gm039s and much more... | 0 | 384 |
126 | FlyForBrasil Servidor brasileiro de FLYFF com o RATE DE 5x/10x/20xOcorrendo evento de 15x/50x/100x... | 0 | 321 |
127 | FlyForDead FlyForDead the Best Private Server whitEXPrate x25DROPrate x30FXPrate x20You need Hamachi to join The SiteHamachi Server Name: FlyForDead1Hamachi Server Password:1337ENJOY The TOUR :)... | 0 | 302 |
128 | FlyForFuria V14 Flyff Private Server Amazing Staff Guild Sieges Guilds Master, Hero Ranks at 120 Awesome sets Medium Rate Server x50 Exp, x75 Drop, x200 Penya Greens + CS items Azria, CW, and much more Amazing voting system that gives you amazing rew... | 0 | 287 |
129 | FlyForFairy Join Now : Much Fun, CS Sold in Shops, Weaps sold in Shops, Look on Site for All The Info, Much Events, Rates are: EXP : 500 DROP : 500 PENYA : 500... | 0 | 299 |
130 | noobflyff Rates: Exp:400 Drop:200 Sunstones, Moonstones and Element card will be at fl bank. Green Sets(1-105) will be at Dior(board/broom seller). Unique Weapons (15-105) will be at FL weapon. CS pets/trans/bikes are being sold at Isruel NO-HAMACHI... | 0 | 292 |
131 | FlyFairytale Secret FlyFFDort, wo Clockworks kein Gegner istHohe Rates, Nette GameMaster und viel Spa beim Spielen... | 0 | 304 |
132 | FruityForFun Hamachi id FruityForFun ,FruityForFun1,2,3,4,5pass: 1234Join now and come play with us ,Customized npc,green sellers,weapon 15120 and moreNEWADDED NEW SOUNDS IN PATCHENJOY[SERVER FRANCAIS ampANGLAIS ][EXP X 2000 DROP X 1500]... | 0 | 302 |
134 | RainOfChaos Rain of Chaos ist ein neuer v17 Ready Fun Server mit netter Community und engagierten GMs.Wir freuen uns ber jeden neuen Spieler.... | 0 | 300 |
135 | Flyff Force Server Rates 150 - Greens lvl 15-90 cools Gms started with 1b and much more awesome stuff... | 0 | 341 |
136 | Flyff: Deomis Pserver HAMCHI Exp rate:175,jobchange npc Hero/master changer und npc mit cs sachhen und grenn setsHamchi: Deomi123 pw: 1234567... | 0 | 295 |
137 | FlyForBud Private Server/New 100x/Friendly Gms/everyday there will be give aways and events :)... | 0 | 285 |
138 | fantasy flyff new flyff private server with new fresh database all x700xp,greens in shop,CS items in NPC shop, weapons in webshop(buy with penya not real money)+rebirth systm ,friendly GM039s ,nice events,join and have funn with us... | 0 | 324 |
139 | Fly For Style [Hamachi Needed] [V11] Login into a network below: FlyForStyle1 pass is FlyffFlyForStyle2 pass is Flyffthen click on site. Rates400xp,2000drop,2000fxp,2000questdrop,1penya (start w/ 1 bil)Join us and discover much more [First 5 People Are VIPS]... | 0 | 359 |
140 | FlyForLight NetworkName:zflyff1Pass:zflyffRates: 500x Drop500x Penya500x Exp500x Quest Drop SITE IS DOWN FOR NOW WE(i) WILL FIX IT SOON... | 0 | 318 |
141 | Flyffreplays V13 Flyff Private Server 24/7 Amazing Staff Guild Sieges Guilds Master, Hero Ranks at 120 Awesome sets Medium Rate Server x75 Exp, x75 Drop, x75 Penya Greens + CS items Azria, CW DAILY UPDATES and much more... | 0 | 254 |
142 | Mighty Wing - FULL v16/17 [Exp 350x] [Drop 150x] [Penya 100x] [v16] [Official Files] [24/7 Dedicated Server - No Lag] [Custom Maps - Custom Items - Custom Pets] [Guild Sieges] [Every CS In NPC039s] [Max LVL 155]... | 0 | 302 |
143 | Memories of Madrigal [ROOT] [v17 Ready] [Guildwar Server] [Custome Weapons, CS Set039s, Pet039s] [Greens / Set039s 45-120 in NPC] [Max Level 150] [HIGH RATES] [1 Klick] [v17 Ready] [Weekly Updates ] [ROOT] [NICE STAFF] [JOIN NOW] [Rates: 8000x 8000x 8000x] [MANY GuildSiege] [JO... | 0 | 330 |
144 | Old Time Flyff [V16 no bug amp no lagg 24/7 Server] [EXP: 70x DROP:15x PENYA: 150x]NEW GLOW EFFECTS [GOOD OLD TIME LVLING] amp NO HIGH RATE [JOIN NOW]... | 0 | 315 |
145 | ..::Fly For Heroes::.. Exp: x100Drop: x100100 No Lag ServerJoin And Try It Now... | 0 | 347 |
146 | Private Flyff Server Elysium [Quality Gaming][Non-Hamachi Server][24/7 No DownTime 99.9][Dedicated Server][Balanced Gameplay][Professional Staff - NO Spawned Items][Max Level - 139] [500x EXP 550x Drops 550x Penya][CS Seller In-Game][Greens in Shop] [Skeleton and Behemoth Weapon... | 0 | 295 |
147 | FlyForUtopia l Join the fun Join FlyFUtopia [HAMACHI NEEDED] Exp 300x l Drop 150x l Friendly GMs l... | 0 | 278 |
148 | HopeFF 1000x500x20xHamachiHamachi because I039m keeping this server medium sizeHopeFF1No LagNo D/C Almost 24/7... | 0 | 295 |
149 | FlyForRising german flyff server beta version alle raten 1000 wir haben cash shop items alle rar waffen sogar ultimate alle sets bis lv 105 und alles voll gespammt also habt spass hamachi name: FlyForRising pass:1234... | 0 | 294 |
150 | Fly For Roika Not Fake Server Run On Hamachi-150.0 exp-250 drop-90-skill works 90-npc spawned 90-monster spawned-starting money is 10 millon-boboku amp dior sell cs item... | 0 | 408 |