551 | Away Flyff Venham todos para o mais novo server de flyff do Brasil!!!! 24/7, 99%uptime .. Novos Cs,Novas capas..... | 0 | 281 |
552 | Giants of War V19 [Low Rate V19][Exp 25 Drop 10 Penya 50][Full V19 Systems][V19 Interface][Max Level 195][Great Shops][New currency][weapon level system][Bugs-Free] [Advanced Petfilter] [Custom Items] [Glow Change] [Monster Chips] [Custom NPC-Store] [Custom Monsters &... | 0 | 272 |
553 | Flyff For Diligent Exp. Rate 5000x Drop Rate 5000x Penya Rate 8000x 175 Max level Cap 90% of donate items can obtain from game. every hour Guild Siege... | 0 | 260 |
554 | FlyForHero - Resurgence FlyForHero is the longest concurrently run FlyFF Private Server in existence, first launching in 2008. Our aim is to provide the best FlyFF experience possible. With a team of developers and staff, we strive to implement custom and refreshingly new s... | 0 | 422 |
555 | FlyFF Fury [Max Level 200 v19 edited custom Server] [+75000 PLAYERS!!!] [Custom Awake System - NO NEGATIVE AWAKES!!!] [Fully Working v17 Files] [Custom Weapons and
Sets... | 0 | 246 |
556 | Mitshi Flyff v18 - No Pay To Win! Midrate Server x5000 EXP x3000 PENYA x3000 DROP
We are committed to provide what is due to the players!
A Fun and Balanced Server 100% Guaranteed, Safe, Secured!
Free to Play! Check it out now!... | 0 | 250 |
557 | http://artisiaflyff.ovh/Secu/ Artisia-Flyff Rejoignez le serveur ! Ouvert 24H/24, 7J/7.
Nous allons vous accueillirs avec de nombreuses nouveautées:
- level max 180
- Armes et set Inédit
- maps Flarine Inédit
- de nombreux Systems a découvrir en jeux
N’hés... | 0 | 247 |
558 | ensest hikayeler sex hikayeler... | 0 | 214 |
559 | sohbet sohbet, chat... | 0 | 304 |
560 | Lightning Grave - Low Rate [International] [LOW RATE] [Exp25x Drop25x Penya25x][Guild Buff System][Display Pickup System][Swing Color System][Online Events][New currencies][Modelchange][Custom Farm World][Own Hotkeys][Char Option] [GM Events] [Glow Panel][Model Change][New Con... | 0 | 231 |
561 | Obverse FlyFF - You will LOVE our Gameplay. NO PAY TO WIN - Exp, Penya, Drop: x20 || In-Game Item/Pet Viewer || New unique features || Party Finder || Pet Filter || Penya Converter || Balanced || Anti-Cheat || Active Staff || In-Game VP/DP Shops || Custom Mini-Games || New Quests/Alchemy || Cu... | 0 | 238 |
562 | Mitshi Flyff LOW RATE! A Version 18 NO PAY TO WIN. LOW RATE: [Exp 75x][Drop 50x][Penya 100x], We only offer satisfaction that provides fair and equal gaming to the players. Yes you heard it right! Our goal is to give the players satisfaction in enjoying the game that other... | 0 | 208 |
563 | Avalon Flyff
Server Rates
Exp Rate: 200x
Penya Rate: 200x
Drop Rate: 200x
Max Level: 300
Revamped v17/v18/v19
Custom Maps
Mid Rate server
Revamped User Interface
Custom Scrolls
Mini games
E... | 0 | 247 |
564 | World of Destiny - Guild Siege Server [International] [Guild Siege Server] [Max. Level in 2min][every 30min Guild Siege][Perfect Awakes][Adjusted Balance][Guild Buff System][Online Events][New currencies][Modelchange][FFA-FreeForAll][Own Hotkeys][Char Option][GM Events][Glow Panel] ... | 0 | 200 |
565 | Exile FLYFF Join us today and check our great features!... | 0 | 192 |
566 | Pixel Flyff Custom v19 [v18 Mid rate Fun with EXP: 1000 DROP:1000 PENYA: 1000]][Level Cap: 175][Premium Items Are in The NPC][3rd jobs with working skills][V16-v18 maps][Fashion Combination System] [Colosseum System][Unuque Pet Filter][Teleport system][Glow Changer System]... | 0 | 186 |
567 | chat siteleri xantalyasohbet.com... | 0 | 140 |
568 | Ash-Flyff Classic v15 Flyff Online
10x 10x 10x
Level-Up Bonus
Max Level 121
Enjoyable FLYFF Community. ... | 0 | 135 |
569 | Lykan FlyFF v15 Lykan FlyFF is an upcoming nostalgic oldschool project which heavily focuses on the contentment of its community. Boasting staff with over 15 years of combined gaming experience, Lykan FlyFF constantly innovates to tackle FlyFF where its the weakest.... | 0 | 78 |
570 | Criminal Flyff v2 2021 SERVER INFO
Mid - High rate
EXP Rate x9999
Drop Rate x9999
PENYA rate x9999
👾 Freebies Awakes👾
Str/Int/Sta/Dex/ x3 100 stat
IA/Adoch/Crit/HP/MP x3 100%
👾 Mid Awakes👾
Str/Int/Sta/Dex/ x3 200 stat
IA/Adoch/Crit/HP/MP x3 200%
PVE x3 25%
... | 0 | 92 |