201 | Corn-Flyff [New Server][Perfect Rates][Still In BETA-Mode][V15][800Exp 500Drop 1500Penya][Custom Items][One Click Job Change NPCs][Custom Emotion Smilies][Almost 24/7][Join Now]... | 0 | 289 |
202 | Immortal-Heroes V17+ Highrate Fun Server - Massen an CS InGame - Custom Stuff - 3rd Job - Nettes Team - Guild War min. 3x pro Tag - Colosseum - Gold Coin System - Viele Events - Exp: 750x - Drop: 350x - Penya: 1500x - Join us NOW... | 0 | 321 |
203 | ImperialFly [Midrate Server EXP x150 DROP x100 PENYA x150 LvL Cap 200 One-Click Job Changes Greens in shop Costume Offi Mapps Only Positive Awakes Colosseum Fashion Combine Beautiful Petfilter]... | 0 | 271 |
204 | Tropical Island Tropical Island is Back infos gibt es bald mehr... | 0 | 259 |
205 | HarveyWorld-Flyff this is my flyff private server plss join my game... | 0 | 311 |
206 | Gp3x Full v17 [Full v17 server with v18 maps][Custom Mobs][V17 Glows][Custom Pets][All Cs Pets On Npc] [Custom Maps][Start with 1m][1 Click 3rd Jobs][Some Green Npc][17 buffs on pang]... | 0 | 279 |
207 | Bloodygamerz Dedicated server. 10GB ram 5.0ghz dual core processor Lag free two clusters Soon to be v15 Custom items and database. Customized hacking prevention Great community.... | 0 | 277 |
208 | iDoom flyff privat servers No WipesNo Donations (CS Items in NPC) No PK Ponition 100 LagfreeMax. 2500 Players onlineAnti-HackLevel cap:200Official/Custom EventsGuild Siege Maps and all Skills workingCrystal Weapons/Dryad Armor Custom Items,Skills,Maps,Pets,NPCs Full Buf... | 0 | 313 |
209 | Lost Crusade - We Are Back We Are Back ... | 0 | 359 |
210 | FlyFF TURKEY 7/24 Dedicated server... | 0 | 275 |
211 | Flyff For Friends We are a German Private-Server with friendly Gms and nice players.Rates: 4x exp// 4x Fpx // 100x Penya // 100x DropsJoin us and enjoy nice events... | 0 | 347 |
212 | CoreControlFlyff we are a new flyff server we have a working Cash Shop,Forms so stop buy and check us out Hamachi flyff024/corecontrol024... | 0 | 325 |
213 | Super Flyff Highrate Server NEW Flyff highrate private server x50 amp x5000 NO Donate Increased max level stronger and self-made Weapons/Armors/Accessories Working on new race own player models Super Shop over 4600 active players active GMs Events ... | 0 | 370 |
214 | Fly For Fire Fly For Fire No Hamachi Private server Exp:150x Drop:300x Penya:300x Custom Glows,Skills,Items Many Events,New Items [ v.14 ] Cash shop in Juria - Public Office in Flaris Friendly and active Game Masters Join NOW... | 0 | 297 |
215 | Red Boa Dogs HALLO LEUTE... | 0 | 320 |
216 | Flyff For Luna [Hamachi] German Privat Server v16. Nice Rates, Gamemaster and Community. Own Maps and Events. Join us today... | 0 | 304 |
217 | Flyff Diamonds of Heroes Hey kommt zu uns Flyff Diamonds exp x35 drop x40(Azira extrem erhrt) Max lvl 200 Full Version 16 Cs shops NO LAGGS nette GMs und Spieler Wir warten xD... | 0 | 301 |
218 | Dream For Fun Rate: 125xExp 100xDrops.All green weapons Lv 15-105, All green sets 15-105,CS seller,24/7,less Lag,Scrolls,Pets,GM,Needs,New players get 1Billion Penya And many more things ... | 0 | 403 |
219 | RanFLyff 1500Exp Drop 2000x PEnya 2000xNo lag Need Hamachi... | 0 | 316 |
220 | Angelic FlyFF v16 [3 Clusters] Angelic FlyFF Version 16. Fully Developed Server with 500x EXP, 200x Drop and 500x Penya Rates. Fully version 16 server with customized Items and maps. 24/7 Dedicated server with 3 Clusters. Tons of events every day with automatic systems. Truly dedi... | 0 | 316 |
221 | FlyFF Clockwars V15 [Full V15 FlyFF server with all features] [Rates: 200x exp - 50x drop - 150x penya] [24/7 online] [Great server team with active GM039s] [Daily events] [Maintenance events] [Donation shop with 120+ weapons and more]... | 0 | 295 |
222 | CyclopsFlyff This game is the niciest flyff off all flyff.Please join us... | 0 | 278 |
223 | Lucidsoft [V17 Models + Dungeon][24/7 NO LAGG][Exp x500 Drop x500 Penya x500][Custom Waffen+Clothes][only nice Awakes][PE Blocked][Many Powerups][Nice Donation Shop][3. Jobchange][MaxLVL : 179][NEW CODED SYSTEMS][Many Events][Nice Community]... | 0 | 330 |
224 | Ghost Flyff friendly GM/Admin High Rate Server exp :2000 Drop :2000 Fly exp :2000 level 1 to 60 item in npc +10 u need hamachi To connect so Join us And Enjoy...... | 0 | 344 |
225 | FlyForLOVE New Flyff private server 350x/200x/350x Many cs item added in shop V12 no hamachi come and join us )... | 0 | 303 |
226 | Chillout-Games Private Server CommunityChillout Flyff: exp x25, drop x100, penya x150 v13 MapampMonsters implented Vote Reward SystemOver 14k accounts Our Servers are running on 3 different Route Servers... | 0 | 361 |
227 | FlySoHigh rates 500 exp 500 penya e 500 drop based on Hamachi Need GMs come ... | 0 | 283 |
228 | Fly for History Neuer FlyFF P-Server / Rates 55x100x100 / Nette Gms und Admins /Server luft momentan noch ber Hamachi geht aber bald auf Root / Join to us ... | 0 | 332 |
229 | DarkAspiere DarkAspiere Dass neue flyff mit abgedrehter MUSIKVielen EventsUnd Pvp kmpfen...... | 0 | 288 |
230 | Aibatt Flyff [Lowrate P-Server] Aibatt Flyff : 30x 35x 50x : Tgliche Events, Grosser Levelspass, eigene Maps, Ingame DonatorShop, alle halbe Stunde eine Aibatt Geschenk Box und viele weiter Events bietet der Fly For Fun P-Server Aibatt Flyff. Fr weitere Infos bes... | 0 | 342 |
231 | Chillout Flyff Flyff Private Server with official files, always gaining new content(New monsters,Cs sets, maps and more)... 1 cluster with 2channels (1Channel is a PK Server) and no lags... | 0 | 272 |
232 | ZoneFlyff ZoneFlyff private server, come join now , x300 all, Rebirth system for more lvls, buff online , add stats online , teleport online, 24/7, no lagg, easy registration , growing community , come play... | 0 | 319 |
233 | Fly For Randomness 600x exp, 75x drop, Friendly GMs, No Hamachi, All Greens +10 in shop, Ultis in shop, Cash shop items in shop... | 0 | 348 |
234 | Fly For Kiira HAmachi Good and High Rate SErver... | 0 | 315 |
235 | Insanity FlyFF [Max Level 200 v15 edited custom Server] [Custom Awake System - NO NEGATIVE AWAKES] [Fully Working v15 Files] [Custom Weapons and Sets level 130 - 200] [24/7 Dedicated Server - No Lag] [Tons of Updates] [Custom Maps - Custom Skill Edits - Custom CS]... | 0 | 317 |
236 | Flyff-Underground Brand New Dedicated Server quotRatesquot 600exp/70drop/100penya Hamachi Networks Lag free Come and Join Us Now... | 0 | 339 |
237 | Radiant FlyFF Fun FlyFF server, very active, 100x exp/rate active GMs events 24/7... | 0 | 311 |
238 | Darkness-FLYFF New flyff server fair rates:100exp//20drop//50penya// No donations needed//All items in shops drops in mobs// Hamachi Connection Stable Server Come and join our new Community... | 0 | 348 |
239 | Elite Crystal Flyff v15 EXP: 5000x DROP: 200x PENYA:5000x l English (USA) v15 server l Level Cap 120 lMentor System, Buff Pet System l Guild Housing System l Master amp Apprentice System l New Armor amp Acessories l Fully Version 15 l Dedicated Servers l No Lag l Online 24/... | 0 | 290 |
240 | Fly For Kristina Flyff Private Server V15 [ EXP:600 DROP:500 PENYA:1500 PETEXP:5 ][ Green, CS, Premium Items and More on NPC ][ Dryad, Ancient, Vampire, Lusaka on Shop and Dropable ][Easy Job Change, High Success Rates][ No Donation Required ][Non Hamachi Server, No ... | 0 | 297 |
241 | sjFlyFF New ServerSoon will become v18Our Server features3rd Jobs3rd Job SkillsGuild siegeNew maps 17 and customsNew Monsters 17 and customsNew Items 17 and customsPvp systemBaruna items /baruna item upgrades systemFashion combination systemDungeonsMax level... | 0 | 290 |
242 | Fly For Smile v17-v18 [Come And Join Us Now]... | 0 | 314 |
243 | RedEye V18 [GERMAN SERVER][MID RATE][Exp:200][Drop:250][Penya:750][V18 Rdy][Root Server][GW amp Farm Server][3rd Job][FUN Server][[No negativ Awakes] [V19 Flaris] [Custom Maps] [GW Arena][Oneklick Jobchange][Lvl Up- Gifts][Good Antihack][Teleporter][Ingame CS S... | 0 | 277 |
244 | BloodyFlyff 100x exp//400x drop//200x penya//Greens+Cs in shops//rebirth system... | 0 | 293 |
245 | Fly for You Einer der besten deutschen FlyFF P-Servern Rates : EXP x120 , Drop x70 , Penya x120 ... | 0 | 382 |
246 | Flyff Open PvP Server Version 15 Server - XP Rate: 100x - Drop Rate: 100x - PvP Server - Buff Pang - Free Item Mall Items - Custom Weapons, Armors and WINGS - OPEN PVP... | 0 | 348 |
247 | Kenple Flyff [v15 SERVER][Dedicated 24/7][Exp 2000/Drop 500x/Penya 2000x RATES][All Premiums are on shop][60-105 WEAPONS and SETS are at Boboku NPC and are at Juria Npc][New CS Fashions are at NPC also][Edited Maps and Arena][129 MAX level][3x a Week Seige for P... | 0 | 291 |
248 | Nightmare of Violence [v15] [Fun Server] Nightmare of Violence is a New v15 [FUN] Server All CS Set in Shop. Greens in Shop. Guildwar Shop Just a Guildwar and PvP Server for Many Fun Every day many Guildwars [Rates] Exp: 90 Drop: 150 Penya: 150 Join Us ... | 0 | 293 |
249 | Inception Fly V18 [V17 Dedicated Server 24/7 No Lagg][Exp: x600 Drop: x350 Penya: x100][Custom Glow-Change System][3rd Jobs][Colosseum System][V17 Glow][Many Items in Shop][Custom Awakes/ No Negatives][Custom Maps][Petfilter][Daily GW][Max. Level 150]... | 0 | 296 |
250 | Fly For Fire Fly For Fire 45x100x100 Private Server, great, kind members and flexible GM039s everyone is welcome to join us... | 0 | 311 |