Flyff Online Top 100

Rankings 401-450

Free servers, private servers, guides, server information. Flyff is now hosted in 13 countries and 10 languages. It's currently played by over 6 million people.

Top 100 Heading
this new v14 private server..running on hamachi as for now.. ID:flyforasus1,flyforasus02,flyforasus03 paswd:1234..pls join...
V14 Offi-Server 24/7 Uptime Dedicated Server to prevent any kind of Laggs Rates: 40x Exp, 35x Drop, 100x Penya What are you waiting for...
403Exploits R Us - Flyff Cheats and Bots
Check us out for Flyff cheats, bots, guides, dupes, strategies, and more....
404Fly For Fenix
Exp:1000xDrop:300xPenya:5000xPet Exp:100xEasy UpgradePerfects Awakens...
405Myths Of Etheria v15 Join us NOW
Myths Of Etheria v15 Own Instance Room Good Rates GamePanel Hight-End Root No Laggs Anti- German/English Community and MORE 24/7 Join us NOW...
406Perfect Gaming Best Privat Servers
Perfect Gaming 2 Hochleistungs Root Server mit mehreren Online games 24/7 Flyff V15 Official (best Serverfiles), GTA SA:MP, WoW und Silkroad.Bester Support die besten Events, immer wieder neue updates. ber 24 Mitarbeiter...
407Journey Of Hero
Deutscher Privat Server, Journey Of Hero, Rates: 35 exp 50 drop 75 penya ,Vernderte Skills, Neue Shop,s Eigene Ingame Whrung, Neuer Dungeon, Neue Maps und vieles mehr. Schaut einfach vorbei....
408Paradise Project
(ddi) Serveur priv flyff francais xp 75 drop 2 penya 25_ CS au pnj_ arme verte et set vert pnj (jusqu039au 105) et plein de modification.. rejoignez nous...
409HeroGamers FlyFF 3rd JOBS Full v16
[Spanish - English Server][3rd JOBS][EXP: x300 DROP: x400 PENYA: x500] [Level Cap 200] [Custom Awake System] [Full v16] [24/7 Dedicated Server - No Lag/Crashes] [Class Balancing] [CS Seller In-Game] [Professional Staff] [Custom System Events] [Pet ...
410FlyForCry - Full v16 [3 Clusters]
FlyForCry High Rates 1000/1000/1000 Full v16 No Donations Fun Server Server Peak 1300+ Everything in Npcs Dedicated Server Balanced Everyday Guild Siege 24/7 Good Developer...
411Fly For Atlantis Version 15
[Dedicated 24/7 Server][Version 15][x3 EXP Raining][EXP: 350 DROP: 500 PENYA:500][No lags][100 Guaranteed for player needs][2x Guild Siege Wed/Sat][HIGH AWAKE RATES][Buff Pang on Siege Room][Pet Leveling in HighRate][Wings, Buterflywings in NPC/Scrol...
412Fly For Check
Hamachi flyforcheckmdp checkRate: x80 Penyas x80 XP x80 DropJe cherche des modrateurs, pour aider sur le forum et sur flyff, donc si vous tes intresses ...go postuler ...PS: Il est ddi ...
[V16 Server mit V17 Item039s][Nette Community][Erfahrene Mitarbeiter][EXP: 1200 DROP: 300 PENYA: 1200][Maximum Level 200][Hohe Awakes][Custom Items und Waffen][Server sucht noch Root]...
414Reaction Flyff V17
[V17 Dedicated Server 24/7 No Lagg] [EXP:500x DROP:500x PENYA:500x] [Shopping Town With Many Custom NPCs] [Every CS In NPCs] [Custom Awakes/NO NEGATIVES] Join Now for the best Flyff Experience...
415Legends of Chaos v15.16
Legends of Chaos ist ein v15/16 Servermit Antihack 24/7 Root Custom Designs und mehr English+German Support...
416Dragon FlyFF Private Server
[Quality Gaming] [First and Only FULL v16 Server] [Now 900x EXP] [Most Stable and Active Server] [Max LV:300] [8 NEW Playable Classes] [HUGE Azria Spawn] [Pick-up Pet Filter] [Siege-like Arena] Join Now for the best Flyff-Gaming Experience...
Neuer Server. Brauchen neue Bewerber die Helfen.[NON LEVEL][NEW ITEMS][NEW MAPS][CS ITEMS]...
418Ignited Flyff [v18 Pvp amp Pk Server]
[Rates: 1000/500/2000][Cap: 300][v16/v17 Features + v18 Content][Coin Farming][Night/Day System][Pk Coloring][Bounty System][Colosseum][Weekly Updates][Fully Dedicated][Growing Community]...
419Erased Flyff
New Flyff Sever, version 15 with version 16 amp 17 updates on the way, rates are - exp: 2k, drop: x100, Penya: 10k, NPC with CS and new awakened system, great GM team and new player rewards, Join ErasedFlyff...
FilipinoServer Rates eXp:5000 Penya:5000 drop:500 SnowRain :5000 [Wings in NPC] [Almost All Premiums in Shop] [Crystal Weapons - Dryad Armor in Shop] [All Weapon On Shop is Ultimate] [Everyday Guild Sieges] [CS in NPC] [v15 Server] [Fashion In NPC] [...
421iFlyff highrate server
iFlyff highrate serverGreat and supporting communityGreat updates exp:750penya:500drop:750...
422Dravelinex v16
[Dravelinex FlyFF v16][Active Events][Rates: [Exp:800x][Drops:800x][Penya 1200x][Rain Event 2xExp][Lvl200][New Collecting System][Auto Guild Siege][Costum CW/Giant map][New Buffpang][Scroll Shop][CS shop][costum Gift box system][Costum cloacks]...
423Zumina Gaming Network
v15 server with v16 features, including Behe weapons. We offer a fun gaming experience with our custom CS, maps, user interface, and more Non-custom CS is in an NPC, and there039s x4 exp in rain. Level cap is 150, there is no buff limit Join today....
424ShadowFlyFF V99 Full HD PvP Server
First v18 Full HD Dedicated Server - 2 Servers Low/High Rate - No Lag - No bugs - 24/7 Up Time - Legendary items - VIP Maps - 3 PvP Arenas - Max LvL 275 - Profesional Staff - 5000+ Every Hour - Vote Reward - Join Us For The Best FlyFF HD Experience...
425FlyForFriend Forum
Here is the Fly For Friend forum. Join naw to have more fun at forum....
426Sunrise Fly v16
New , Mid-Rate (40/150/300), Viele Extras , Max. lvl 165 , Nettes Team , Join Us...
427International Flyff V16 Rise Of Muran
[Dedicated Server 24/7][EXP:750 DROP:500 PENYA:750][MaxLevel 139][Pick-up Pet Filter][Balance Char Class][45-105 Greens amp Weaps in NPC][EXP Rain Event][Leveling Gift][125 Set Droppable][DCGW Everyday][Good Awakes System][Balance GamePlay][Balance ...
428BioFlyff Full v17
[ 25x EXP - 100x DROP - 100x PENYA] [Exclusive Arena PvP System with a new MvP Icon For ARENA ONLY - 24/7 UptimeampSupport - No Lag - Full working features - Maxed Buffer Pang - Cash Shop NPC - Free CS Ingame Voting NPCS - G- Custom Items - Friendly ...
429Infinity Core Flyff Online
Free Premium and Items.Rates are 1000x and we looking for GMs.Join Now Infinity....
430Olympus Fly
Olympus Fly startet zur zweiten Runde. Euch erwarte spannende Abentheuer und eine menge neue Maps. Lordsystem, GW System, Wampoumlchentliche Events, tolle Dungen und eine Menge Spass erwarten euch....
431DestinyFly v16
[Full v16 Colosseum System Petfilter Highrate amp GW ] [Exp 7500x] [Drop 1000x] [Penya 7500x] [LvCap 200] [1-2-3 1-KlickJobChange] [Custom Gameplay - Costume Waffen Green Shops] [v17 Dungeons Maps v18 Monster] [Viele Features]...
432Zion Flyff v17 HIGH RATES
[5000xEXP][800xDROP][2500xPENYA][3rd Jobs/Auto Job and Skill Max][v17/18 Maps mobs and items][Pet Filters][Working Colosseum][Cash Items Ingame][Live Events][Many More Features]...
433Nightmare of Violence
Nightmare of Violence V17Details[Only Germn V17 24/7 No Lagg][EXP:400x DROP:500x PENYA:4000x][3rd Jobs][V17 Element Glows][Every CS In NPC][Custom Awakes/NO NEGATIVES][Daily Siege A Week]...
434Lucidsoft v17
Custom Maps Custom Items Greens in Shops 3rd Job Quick Jobchange v16 Skill Tree No Negative Awakes High-Rate Fun Server 1000x Rates Many CS Items Ingame PetFilter with 20 Options and more...
435Society FlyFF V18 [PVP Server]
[Dedicated 24/7] [No Lagg] [V18 Server] [Itak Pro Anti-] [Professional amp Active Staffs] [24/7 PVP Guild Siege Server] [High Rates] [Secured Server] [3rd Jobs] [New maps amp Weapons] [Professional Security] [Join now ]...
Neuer Deutscher Flyff Privat Server v 17.Im Aufbau suchen noch Teammitglieder...
437Moonlight Fly
[V18/V19 ready]Deutscher LowRate Server[24/7 online] EXP:40x Drop:50x Penya:60x [Level Cap: 200]1 Click Jobchange[3. Job]Pet Filter [Colosseum]Gute Klassenbalance[Teleport System] TS3: [Kompetentes Team]...
300x custom glows servidor hispano hamachi x ahora 25m de inicio eventos de cash items y evento semanalquotse un gm por un diaquot...
[V14 Flyff Private Server] [Ran by Dedicated 24/7] [Custom Cloaks and Wings] [Custom Npc] [Protected Site] [Lord, Guild Siege, Rainbow race] [Daily Events] [Truly Dedicated Staff] [Professional Staff] [575x EXP, 575x Drop, 1k Penya] [v15 Features]...
Rain Event (2x XP Rate/ Penya Rate/ Drop Rate),Snow Event (3x XP Rate/ Penya Rate/ Drop Rate),Official V15 Flyff Files,Working features and quests,5 Channels(1 Normal,1 Market,3 PK)24/7 Dedicated Server (3 Servers),NO LAGS,amp DROPPING,NO DISCONNECTI...
441[New]Flyff Galaxy Privat Server V16-17
Deutscher server...
442Fly For Fortune
Dedicated server - soon to be out - Great community - great staff - much fun - amazing rates - cs sold in game - more and more come today Do not miss out on this amazing server Join quickly and make awsome new friends...
l Join the fun Join FlyFUtopia [HAMACHI NEEDED] Exp 300x l Drop 150x l Friendly GMs l...
top Ragnarok server rate 50x/50x/25x Gms are friendly...
Welcome to AlvionFlyff, a place where Pros are Pros, and noobs are pros. We have: Vote-rates, nice GMs, Reward System and much more. AlvionFlyff, where your oppinion counts...
446Fly For Durn
Looking for a private server Join us nowWe offer you:: Fast leveling :: lots of events :: high uptime :: daily updates :: Cashshop items in NPC :: armor till lv.105 in NPC :: weapons till lv.60 in NPC :: Quad-Core :: No Lagg:: Join now and feel...
Brand New Server Running At 100mbs , No Lag , No Delay , Friendly GM , Interesting Event , Online 24/7 , and Rates 400/400/400...
FlyforFap 400/500/500 RatesStill working on Custom Npc Shops...
Custom NPC039s, Friendly Community. EXP:200x DROP:50xPENYA:200x JOIN TODAY...
Active GM039s GM039s Wanted Everyday Drops Awesome Server NOT YET UP...

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