401 | flyforasus this new v14 private server..running on hamachi as for now.. ID:flyforasus1,flyforasus02,flyforasus03 paswd:1234..pls join... | 0 | 255 |
402 | HighSkillerz-Fly V14 Offi-Server 24/7 Uptime Dedicated Server to prevent any kind of Laggs Rates: 40x Exp, 35x Drop, 100x Penya What are you waiting for... | 0 | 256 |
403 | Exploits R Us - Flyff Cheats and Bots Check us out for Flyff cheats, bots, guides, dupes, strategies, and more.... | 0 | 320 |
404 | Fly For Fenix Exp:1000xDrop:300xPenya:5000xPet Exp:100xEasy UpgradePerfects Awakens... | 0 | 288 |
405 | Myths Of Etheria v15 Join us NOW Myths Of Etheria v15 Own Instance Room Good Rates GamePanel Hight-End Root No Laggs Anti- German/English Community and MORE 24/7 Join us NOW... | 0 | 249 |
406 | Perfect Gaming Best Privat Servers Perfect Gaming 2 Hochleistungs Root Server mit mehreren Online games 24/7 Flyff V15 Official (best Serverfiles), GTA SA:MP, WoW und Silkroad.Bester Support die besten Events, immer wieder neue updates. ber 24 Mitarbeiter... | 0 | 305 |
407 | Journey Of Hero Deutscher Privat Server, Journey Of Hero, Rates: 35 exp 50 drop 75 penya ,Vernderte Skills, Neue Shop,s Eigene Ingame Whrung, Neuer Dungeon, Neue Maps und vieles mehr. Schaut einfach vorbei.... | 0 | 268 |
408 | Paradise Project (ddi) Serveur priv flyff francais xp 75 drop 2 penya 25_ CS au pnj_ arme verte et set vert pnj (jusqu039au 105) et plein de modification.. rejoignez nous... | 0 | 251 |
409 | HeroGamers FlyFF 3rd JOBS Full v16 [Spanish - English Server][3rd JOBS][EXP: x300 DROP: x400 PENYA: x500] [Level Cap 200] [Custom Awake System] [Full v16] [24/7 Dedicated Server - No Lag/Crashes] [Class Balancing] [CS Seller In-Game] [Professional Staff] [Custom System Events] [Pet ... | 0 | 291 |
410 | FlyForCry - Full v16 [3 Clusters] FlyForCry High Rates 1000/1000/1000 Full v16 No Donations Fun Server Server Peak 1300+ Everything in Npcs Dedicated Server Balanced Everyday Guild Siege 24/7 Good Developer... | 0 | 355 |
411 | Fly For Atlantis Version 15 [Dedicated 24/7 Server][Version 15][x3 EXP Raining][EXP: 350 DROP: 500 PENYA:500][No lags][100 Guaranteed for player needs][2x Guild Siege Wed/Sat][HIGH AWAKE RATES][Buff Pang on Siege Room][Pet Leveling in HighRate][Wings, Buterflywings in NPC/Scrol... | 0 | 283 |
412 | Fly For Check Hamachi flyforcheckmdp checkRate: x80 Penyas x80 XP x80 DropJe cherche des modrateurs, pour aider sur le forum et sur flyff, donc si vous tes intresses ...go postuler ...PS: Il est ddi ... | 0 | 386 |
413 | Nightmare [V16 Server mit V17 Item039s][Nette Community][Erfahrene Mitarbeiter][EXP: 1200 DROP: 300 PENYA: 1200][Maximum Level 200][Hohe Awakes][Custom Items und Waffen][Server sucht noch Root]... | 0 | 282 |
414 | Reaction Flyff V17 [V17 Dedicated Server 24/7 No Lagg] [EXP:500x DROP:500x PENYA:500x] [Shopping Town With Many Custom NPCs] [Every CS In NPCs] [Custom Awakes/NO NEGATIVES] Join Now for the best Flyff Experience... | 0 | 289 |
415 | Legends of Chaos v15.16 Legends of Chaos ist ein v15/16 Servermit Antihack 24/7 Root Custom Designs und mehr English+German Support... | 0 | 276 |
416 | Dragon FlyFF Private Server [Quality Gaming] [First and Only FULL v16 Server] [Now 900x EXP] [Most Stable and Active Server] [Max LV:300] [8 NEW Playable Classes] [HUGE Azria Spawn] [Pick-up Pet Filter] [Siege-like Arena] Join Now for the best Flyff-Gaming Experience... | 0 | 300 |
417 | age-of-darkness Neuer Server. Brauchen neue Bewerber die Helfen.[NON LEVEL][NEW ITEMS][NEW MAPS][CS ITEMS]... | 0 | 290 |
418 | Ignited Flyff [v18 Pvp amp Pk Server] [Rates: 1000/500/2000][Cap: 300][v16/v17 Features + v18 Content][Coin Farming][Night/Day System][Pk Coloring][Bounty System][Colosseum][Weekly Updates][Fully Dedicated][Growing Community]... | 0 | 257 |
419 | Erased Flyff New Flyff Sever, version 15 with version 16 amp 17 updates on the way, rates are - exp: 2k, drop: x100, Penya: 10k, NPC with CS and new awakened system, great GM team and new player rewards, Join ErasedFlyff... | 0 | 259 |
420 | ImbaliciousFlyff FilipinoServer Rates eXp:5000 Penya:5000 drop:500 SnowRain :5000 [Wings in NPC] [Almost All Premiums in Shop] [Crystal Weapons - Dryad Armor in Shop] [All Weapon On Shop is Ultimate] [Everyday Guild Sieges] [CS in NPC] [v15 Server] [Fashion In NPC] [... | 0 | 274 |
421 | iFlyff highrate server iFlyff highrate serverGreat and supporting communityGreat updates exp:750penya:500drop:750... | 0 | 277 |
422 | Dravelinex v16 [Dravelinex FlyFF v16][Active Events][Rates: [Exp:800x][Drops:800x][Penya 1200x][Rain Event 2xExp][Lvl200][New Collecting System][Auto Guild Siege][Costum CW/Giant map][New Buffpang][Scroll Shop][CS shop][costum Gift box system][Costum cloacks]... | 0 | 269 |
423 | Zumina Gaming Network v15 server with v16 features, including Behe weapons. We offer a fun gaming experience with our custom CS, maps, user interface, and more Non-custom CS is in an NPC, and there039s x4 exp in rain. Level cap is 150, there is no buff limit Join today.... | 0 | 344 |
424 | ShadowFlyFF V99 Full HD PvP Server First v18 Full HD Dedicated Server - 2 Servers Low/High Rate - No Lag - No bugs - 24/7 Up Time - Legendary items - VIP Maps - 3 PvP Arenas - Max LvL 275 - Profesional Staff - 5000+ Every Hour - Vote Reward - Join Us For The Best FlyFF HD Experience... | 0 | 293 |
425 | FlyForFriend Forum Here is the Fly For Friend forum. Join naw to have more fun at forum.... | 0 | 276 |
426 | Sunrise Fly v16 New , Mid-Rate (40/150/300), Viele Extras , Max. lvl 165 , Nettes Team , Join Us... | 0 | 286 |
427 | International Flyff V16 Rise Of Muran [Dedicated Server 24/7][EXP:750 DROP:500 PENYA:750][MaxLevel 139][Pick-up Pet Filter][Balance Char Class][45-105 Greens amp Weaps in NPC][EXP Rain Event][Leveling Gift][125 Set Droppable][DCGW Everyday][Good Awakes System][Balance GamePlay][Balance ... | 0 | 289 |
428 | BioFlyff Full v17 [ 25x EXP - 100x DROP - 100x PENYA] [Exclusive Arena PvP System with a new MvP Icon For ARENA ONLY - 24/7 UptimeampSupport - No Lag - Full working features - Maxed Buffer Pang - Cash Shop NPC - Free CS Ingame Voting NPCS - G- Custom Items - Friendly ... | 0 | 279 |
429 | Infinity Core Flyff Online Free Premium and Items.Rates are 1000x and we looking for GMs.Join Now Infinity.... | 0 | 288 |
430 | Olympus Fly Olympus Fly startet zur zweiten Runde. Euch erwarte spannende Abentheuer und eine menge neue Maps. Lordsystem, GW System, Wampoumlchentliche Events, tolle Dungen und eine Menge Spass erwarten euch.... | 0 | 286 |
431 | DestinyFly v16 [Full v16 Colosseum System Petfilter Highrate amp GW ] [Exp 7500x] [Drop 1000x] [Penya 7500x] [LvCap 200] [1-2-3 1-KlickJobChange] [Custom Gameplay - Costume Waffen Green Shops] [v17 Dungeons Maps v18 Monster] [Viele Features]... | 0 | 277 |
432 | Zion Flyff v17 HIGH RATES [5000xEXP][800xDROP][2500xPENYA][3rd Jobs/Auto Job and Skill Max][v17/18 Maps mobs and items][Pet Filters][Working Colosseum][Cash Items Ingame][Live Events][Many More Features]... | 0 | 286 |
433 | Nightmare of Violence Nightmare of Violence V17Details[Only Germn V17 24/7 No Lagg][EXP:400x DROP:500x PENYA:4000x][3rd Jobs][V17 Element Glows][Every CS In NPC][Custom Awakes/NO NEGATIVES][Daily Siege A Week]... | 0 | 269 |
434 | Lucidsoft v17 Custom Maps Custom Items Greens in Shops 3rd Job Quick Jobchange v16 Skill Tree No Negative Awakes High-Rate Fun Server 1000x Rates Many CS Items Ingame PetFilter with 20 Options and more... | 0 | 243 |
435 | Society FlyFF V18 [PVP Server] [Dedicated 24/7] [No Lagg] [V18 Server] [Itak Pro Anti-] [Professional amp Active Staffs] [24/7 PVP Guild Siege Server] [High Rates] [Secured Server] [3rd Jobs] [New maps amp Weapons] [Professional Security] [Join now ]... | 0 | 253 |
436 | StarlightFlyff Neuer Deutscher Flyff Privat Server v 17.Im Aufbau suchen noch Teammitglieder... | 0 | 255 |
437 | Moonlight Fly [V18/V19 ready]Deutscher LowRate Server[24/7 online] EXP:40x Drop:50x Penya:60x [Level Cap: 200]1 Click Jobchange[3. Job]Pet Filter [Colosseum]Gute Klassenbalance[Teleport System] TS3: [Kompetentes Team]... | 0 | 282 |
438 | FlyForLaugh 300x custom glows servidor hispano hamachi x ahora 25m de inicio eventos de cash items y evento semanalquotse un gm por un diaquot... | 0 | 262 |
439 | LuxuryFlyFF [V14 Flyff Private Server] [Ran by Dedicated 24/7] [Custom Cloaks and Wings] [Custom Npc] [Protected Site] [Lord, Guild Siege, Rainbow race] [Daily Events] [Truly Dedicated Staff] [Professional Staff] [575x EXP, 575x Drop, 1k Penya] [v15 Features]... | 0 | 276 |
440 | FlyForEffection Rain Event (2x XP Rate/ Penya Rate/ Drop Rate),Snow Event (3x XP Rate/ Penya Rate/ Drop Rate),Official V15 Flyff Files,Working features and quests,5 Channels(1 Normal,1 Market,3 PK)24/7 Dedicated Server (3 Servers),NO LAGS,amp DROPPING,NO DISCONNECTI... | 0 | 286 |
441 | [New]Flyff Galaxy Privat Server V16-17 Deutscher server... | 0 | 296 |
442 | Fly For Fortune Dedicated server - soon to be out - Great community - great staff - much fun - amazing rates - cs sold in game - more and more come today Do not miss out on this amazing server Join quickly and make awsome new friends... | 0 | 268 |
443 | FlyFUtopia l Join the fun Join FlyFUtopia [HAMACHI NEEDED] Exp 300x l Drop 150x l Friendly GMs l... | 0 | 239 |
444 | FriglRo top Ragnarok server rate 50x/50x/25x Gms are friendly... | 0 | 293 |
445 | AlvionFlyff Welcome to AlvionFlyff, a place where Pros are Pros, and noobs are pros. We have: Vote-rates, nice GMs, Reward System and much more. AlvionFlyff, where your oppinion counts... | 0 | 267 |
446 | Fly For Durn Looking for a private server Join us nowWe offer you:: Fast leveling :: lots of events :: high uptime :: daily updates :: Cashshop items in NPC :: armor till lv.105 in NPC :: weapons till lv.60 in NPC :: Quad-Core :: No Lagg:: Join now and feel... | 0 | 262 |
447 | Flyff_Kamikase Brand New Server Running At 100mbs , No Lag , No Delay , Friendly GM , Interesting Event , Online 24/7 , and Rates 400/400/400... | 0 | 211 |
448 | FlyforFap FlyforFap 400/500/500 RatesStill working on Custom Npc Shops... | 0 | 302 |
449 | FlyForTwilight Custom NPC039s, Friendly Community. EXP:200x DROP:50xPENYA:200x JOIN TODAY... | 0 | 411 |
450 | FlyForFrost Active GM039s GM039s Wanted Everyday Drops Awesome Server NOT YET UP... | 0 | 218 |