351 | InCreaZ.CoD4 -ClanPage InCreaZ is a Call of Duty 4 Clan since '08
with a ESL Team and Server!
We keep on fair play!
... | 0 | 355 |
352 | The DARK side Online Multi-National Call of Duty 4 clan ... | 0 | 317 |
353 | Dirty Rough Riderz COD4 PC Clan Dirty Rough Riderz is riding into your town! Join up and experience a new way of gaming! We want to have fun more than anything, so you do not have to have a 1.5:1 K/D Ratio at all, just come have fun! We have a 20 man TS Server and 20 slot HC game s... | 0 | 288 |
354 | [FAF-T]Official Web Site FAF-TEAM SITE (Сайт клана FAF-T)... | 0 | 400 |
355 | CapableSoldiers COD4 Clan For more info visit our website... | 0 | 326 |
356 | cheatcc game cheats... | 0 | 656 |
357 | Geezer Gaming Mature mult-game community that plays mostly FPS. Motto: you can be competitive and still have fun!!!. Est. 2004... | 0 | 440 |
358 | {ESC} Elite Sniper Corps We are an existing UT2004/UT3 gaming clan getting into Call of Duty 4 and are now recruiting players. Server IP - we have members from USA, Canada, UK, France and England aging from 16 to 51 :)... | 0 | 328 |
359 | Sniperteam clan! Sniper Team! Sniper team join now
sniper team cod2 clan! join now... | 0 | 341 |
360 | call of Duty 4 Wir sind ein reiner Call of Duty -Clan.
Wir suchen einen Trainings Partner... | 0 | 286 |
361 | BattleScores $5,000 ONLINE TOURNAMENTS BattleScores.com provides daily and monthly online events for COD2. Our unique handicap scoring system is designed to allow anyone to win - not just the top scorers.
GIVE US A TRY - YOU MIGHT WIN!... | 0 | 292 |
362 | (IA) Imerial Army (IA) is an Ameriacan based CoD:UO v1.41 clan. Our website was made by CoD gamers for CoD gamers. Our clan was founded in JUne of 2006, and has since expanded to CoD2, CoD3 (ps3) Battlefield 1942, Medal of Honor:AA, and CoD:UO v1.51... | 0 | 309 |
363 | NL|Force'. Clan Site || Recruiting || NL|Force'. Clan Recruiting Dutch Only, open for clan wars aswell!!
Join our Cod4 Server: | 0 | 332 |
364 | Delta9 Clan Short Description:
Delta9 aka .: D9 :. is a clan on Call of Duty 4. Delta9 was made in 2007 and been going on strong for 8 months running.
We play hardcore and softcore, we are starting to play matches on TeamWarfareLeague.
We have a teamspeak se... | 0 | 284 |
365 | Team-bravo Team-bravo is a Call of Duty 4 PC Clan... | 0 | 284 |
366 | The el EVIL clan ^o^ A clan that enjoys playing multiple games online. el EVIL "putting the f.u. in fun since 2002!"... | 0 | 267 |
367 | Die Beilen G�cke-Online Die Beilen G�cke ein CoD Clan der 2007 gegr�ndet wurde.Wir spielen haupts�chlich CoD2 und CoD4.
... | 0 | 419 |
368 | Private First Clas 7th Cav Regiment... | 0 | 269 |
369 | -=Reapers=- -=Reapers=-Killing Grounds is a fast and fun server running awe.2.12 so if you like a challange come try us... | 0 | 296 |
370 | Fusion Gaming Multi Gaming Clan in cod4,css,bf2,tf2... | 0 | 264 |
371 | DeadLine-CLan Besuche uns einfach >DEADLONE-CLan< kann kannst du mehr �be runs erfahren :)... | 0 | 370 |
372 | +|SoC|+ Soldier's of Chaos - RECRUITING! We are a new clan, and a Call of Duty 4 Server! We are recruiting mature players. We like to play tactical/realism HardCore Search and Destroy. +|SoC|+'s HC S&D Server: soc-clan.ath.cx:28960... | 0 | 281 |
373 | Team Neo $tar France Une nouvelle team viens d'ouvrir ses portes et recrute des joueurs motiv�s (accepte d�butant) pour match et fun. Vous souhaitez faire partie de nos rangs, c'est simple il suffit de poster votre demande sur le forum ou de nous laisser votre xfire.
P... | 0 | 389 |
374 | Bloodthirsty Clan Wir sind ein Clan mit eigenen weaponskins und anderen skins, die Ihr auf unserer Homepage unter Datenbank gratis downloaden k�nnt!!!! Zu dem gibt es viele andere Futers.Ein Besuch auf unserer Hp lohnt sich.
Mfg =/BTC/=Chatmen... | 0 | 288 |
375 | Air Force - Marines Task Force This Call of Duty 4 clan is for XBox Live. We mainly focus on Air Force components, while serving in the Marine Corps. Over time, this clan will rise above all. Semper Fi!... | 0 | 395 |
376 | ClazziX-eSports Wir sind ein sehr taktischer Multigaming Clan, der schon viele Erfolge in der ESL hat.... | 0 | 312 |
377 | ][CESOLDIER.COM ][CE was founded during the first ghost recon. and has been going ever since. We are always looking for a good challenge. Good hunting..... | 0 | 290 |
378 | SVReloaded black back ground, and green boxes where the texts are.... | 0 | 276 |
379 | Italian Special Squad CoD4 and other!!!... | 0 | 284 |
380 | Clan CoD4 K2K Espa�a Clan cod4 k2k en Espa�a con servidores p�blicos call of Duty 4. Foros de ayuda y tutoriales cod4... | 0 | 289 |
381 | United Gamers Coalition A crew of members who play to have fun. We run all types of game servers.But all and all we are friends.... | 0 | 315 |
382 | Linked Sniper Brotherhood Globally linked sniper clan offering 3 unique modded sniper servers.Cod2,Cod4,and Cod5. Family friendly servers welcome all ages. Player stats on website.Custom Scopes. Come join us for some sniping fun! COD2 - | 0 | 483 |
383 | Delta Farce A group of guys that love to play call of duty!... | 0 | 306 |
384 | ...:::ITALIAN SPECTRUM CLAN {CoD4}:::... CoD4 !!!!... | 0 | 267 |
385 | Luton Clan COD 4 [LTN] Clan A cod4 clan from Luton in the UK looking for players. Visit our website for forums,downloads and to join one of ou 5 cod servers.... | 0 | 282 |
386 | Tranquility CoD2 # Gaming Call of Duty 2 Clan WEBPage... | 0 | 302 |
387 | Team ` new StarzZ . Team cod2 et Pes... | 0 | 267 |
388 | 1st. Inf. Division We are the Bog Red 1. This is a brand new site and needs members fast.... | 0 | 271 |
389 | Brothers In Harm Newstarted CoD4 community that are looking for new members
... | 0 | 198 |
390 | Klan del COD4 spanish Aceptamos wars amistosas, reclutamos... | 0 | 297 |
391 | DarkBreak Clan A well organized clan with amazing players. We play Halo 3 and Call of Duty 4.... | 0 | 347 |
392 | TURK TACTICAL OPERATION CLAN The Best T�rkisch COD4 CLAN Since 2008... | 0 | 294 |
393 | |NAS| JUDGEMENT DAY Call of Duty 4 Live Player Stats from ouR very own call of duty 4 game server |NAS| JUDGEMENTDAY !!! So Come on in register and check us out. Forums and Help also available upon request.... | 0 | 276 |
394 | z3ro - GrOUp Multi Gaming since 2006 Wir suchen st�ndig neue Member die Lust auf Funny`s, ESL oder einfach nur auf quatschen im TS haben! Also Besuch uns, auf einem der 14 Hauseigenen Server oder auf der HP und join us... ... | 0 | 306 |
395 | Unstopable Clan A Call of Duty Clan, Activly recuiting and playing. We've got a server, teamspeak as well. vCoD IP: | 0 | 268 |
396 | =DMW= Multigaming Wir Sind ein Multigaming Clan in der KAtegorier Call of Duty 4. Wir Freuen uns �ber jeden Besuch unter www.single-fighter.de... | 0 | 315 |
397 | /G.S.P/ Clan это наш клан тоесть ГСП клан нам надо выби
... | 0 | 275 |
398 | Cal of Duty We are running cod5 servers drop in and say hello to al our members we also run a no cheat server ... | 0 | 248 |
399 | 360Wars 360Wars is a community of gamers who give you reviews of Halo3, GTA4, Battlefield Bad Company, Call Of Duty and much more . We also have info about upcoming games and the newest games. You have question about gaming will we can anser it.... | 0 | 282 |
400 | Call of Duty World at War HQ All your Call of Duty World at War News, Info, Download and Forum needs.... | 0 | 302 |