451 | 7th cavalry tactical realism freaking best CoD4 clan ever... | 0 | 395 |
452 | -[EcF]- Elite Cyber Force� Hello and welcome to the barracks of the Elite Cyber Force. If you don�t know us already, we're a multi gaming clan, we play any tactical team based game for the pc. Call Of Duty 4 and Call of Duty:WaW primaries. ... | 0 | 323 |
453 | Mokkabar Wir haben unseren Clan erst 2008 gegr�ndet, unserer Team spielt jedoch schon seit 2000 zusammen. Wir spielen CoD4 und CoH.... | 0 | 278 |
454 | DFSHQ.COM We are a growing squad of gamers. We are mostly ex-military or still active duty, so we lean towards a more tactical game.
We run two servers:
X4 Mod:
... | 0 | 281 |
455 | 2nd Infantry Division 2ID is a COD4 Tactical Realism Unit. Its members are the best and brightest. We have Ranks, Schools, amazing tactical training, Graphic Uniforms, Ribbons and medals to earn in the Clan, and a Realistic sense of a the Virtual Military. We are Tactical... | 0 | 275 |
456 | GermanTactic-Crew Wir sind ein German Clan und haben ein Cod4 Squad was auch hohe ziele hat aber auch ein fun squad wo es total um den spass geht. wir haben einen sponsor; wepspace und einen TS2 server bald auch ein Cod4 gameserver... | 0 | 299 |
457 | Clan of notorious Soldiers Wir suchen immer neue Member! SChaut doch mal vorbei, Feuen uns auf jeden Besuch! Sind ein sehr lustiger Clan der Tag und Nacht Spa� am spielen hat!... | 0 | 297 |
458 | Team Fantome Qu�bec Nous sommes une Team Qu�becoise dispers� sur plusieurs jeux, mais plus particuli�rement sur Call Of Duty 4. Pour faire partie de la Team tout � fait gratuitement visiter notre site!... | 0 | 316 |
459 | =LorD= Russia!!!... | 0 | 293 |
460 | 10th Infantry Regiment The 10th Infantry Regiment is a Tactical Realism Clan of Call of Duty 4 and is based on the US Marine Corps and US army. We play a tactical style of No Run n Gun... | 0 | 289 |
461 | BanneD Clan site international call of duty 4 clan site with cracked servers to play on... | 0 | 343 |
462 | FunClan Multigaming Fun Clan cod 4... | 0 | 269 |
463 | -{SaS}-Saints and Sinners We are three friends that came together through playing Call Of Duty.
We believe friendship is the most important factor and the driving force behind -(SaS)-.
We are a zero tolerance no cheat clan!
We currently have one server on UO but are hoping in... | 0 | 382 |
464 | DFSHQ Gameing web site... | 0 | 372 |
465 | K�sz�nt�nk a 30 T.T. Clan weblapj�n. Ez a weblap a Call of Duty 2-ről sz�l! Mivel mi egy COD2-es Clan vagyunk!... | 0 | 281 |
466 | DoggZ Fightclub Wir sind ein CoD Clan der Haupts�chtlich CoD4 Spielt.Wir sind immer auf der suche nach guten und netten Membern und Memberinen!... | 0 | 335 |
467 | Call of Duty United Offensiv Clan <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
^9[Fett]^7Ba^1se ^5CoD^3uo ^5HQ^1new
^9[Fett]^7Base ^5for ^3fight ^4| ^1International HQ Liga Match in Progress | 304 | |
468 | Call of duty 2 Live Cracked Servers List Call of duty 2 Live Cracked Servers List, 80+ servers for 2000+ players.... | 0 | 641 |
469 | Call of duty 4 Live Cracked Servers List Call of duty 4 Live Cracked Servers List, more than 200 servers in database for 6000+ players !... | 0 | 382 |
470 | Call of duty ZOMBIES servers list ! Live Call of Duty World at War, UO, 2, and 4 Modern Warfare Multiplayer Zombie mod servers !... | 0 | 373 |
471 | ���U$�� KO�V@L@NT Cod4: Clan *|RUS|*... | 0 | 306 |
472 | FRENCH SQUAD La team French Squad est une team 100% FR avec une tres bonne ambiance un tres bonne reputation nous somme dans plusieur jeux COD4,warrock,warhammer online etc.... on possede un teamspeak un serveur COD4 venez nous voir... | 0 | 294 |
473 | Welcome to the T&C COD4 clan Page! Visit us @ our Cod 4 Game Server !
Ip | 0 | 306 |
474 | [CeltS] Soldiers Fun and Friendly Clan,... | 0 | 269 |
475 | CallOfDuty World at War Cracked Servers! Live Call of Duty 5 World at War Cracked Servers list ! 100+ on-line cracked servers. List of hamachi networks running cooperative games. 130+ servers for 3500+ players !... | 0 | 1061 |
476 | DIE HARD CONNECTION Wir sind noch ein recht junger Multigaming Clan. Zur Zeit wird verst�rkt Call of Duty 4 gezockt. Aber demn�chst dann COD5. In der ESL spielen wir mit mehreren Teams.... | 0 | 304 |
477 | =XTS= Alliance =XTS= Is out to be the best. We know that without the players we will not reach that goal. We offer a awsome 48 slot server dedicated to COD5 WaW. =XTS= Is currently Recruiting so visit our forum.... | 0 | 329 |
478 | Tactical Infantry Division The Tactical Infantry Division is a tactical realism COD4 Unit. We enjoy the play of the game, we accept Male or Female's 16+ Years old.... | 0 | 384 |
479 | Triada clan Triada... | 0 | 352 |
480 | AllGermanyKillers Multigaming Community Multigaming since 2006... | 0 | 278 |
481 | The Raging Bastards We The Raging Bastards are made up of elite warriors from the servers of various online games. It all began back in April '06 on one fateful evening, when Shane and Booger united and decided to form a team. Since that night, the games have gone throu... | 0 | 270 |
482 | The official Multigaming's Relax site The official Multigaming's Relax site... | 0 | 287 |
483 | CFN Fair Play et Bonne Humeur team francais ou le scoring importe moins que l'eclate et la decontraction... | 0 | 315 |
484 | {HTF} Honor The Fallen We are a Tactical Realism clan who plays the COD series of games; COD2,COD4 & COD5 WaW with custom modded servers. Come check out our website and join us on TeamSpeak....... | 0 | 326 |
485 | eXs | Call of Duty Clan Infosite & News Call of Duty 4ever !!!... | 0 | 316 |
486 | 30 T.T. CoD2 Clan K�sz�nt�nk a 30 TT CoD2 Clan weblapj�n. Ez a weblap a Call of Duty 2-ről sz�l! Mivel mi egy COD2-es Clan vagyunk!... | 0 | 259 |
487 | Alpha - Regiment >>AR<< We're a clan who scrim as much as possible, we play for fun and will do whats needed.... | 0 | 283 |
488 | RedArmy Clan An international CoD2, CoD4 and CoD5 gaming clan.... | 0 | 329 |
489 | SFM Good clean fun ;]
... | 0 | 262 |
490 | =OI= / Old-Iron / COD 4 Fun-Clan =OI= ist ein Fun-Clan, der ausschliesslich COD4 spielt. Spass und gemeinschaftliche Abende mit TS, Taktik und vielen Gather,Funny's und War's sind angestrebt. Momentan stehen 2 Game-Server und Ts zu Verf�gung........... | 0 | 343 |
491 | German El!te Reloaded Wir sind ein MultiGaming Clan und haben uns im dez. 2007 gegr�ndet zur Zeit haben wir ein Cod2 / CoD4 / CoD WaW Squad und sind immer auf der Suche nach Member ab 18 Jahren .Wenn ihr spass am zocken habt und nen lustigen Haufen kennenlernen wollt dan... | 0 | 272 |
492 | The Dog House A Cod5 co-op with a teamspeak, COD4 and COD5 servers and forum. WE Welcome new players... | 0 | 360 |
493 | 36th Infantry Division "Texas Division" We are a Call Of Duty 4 and Call Of Duty 5 Tactical Realism Unit. We pride ourselves on being the best there is. Here is the 36th Infantry Division we live the Army Core Values everyday and those values strengthen our lives as people. We are a Tactic... | 0 | 295 |
494 | Aim2Win New ProMod Server
20 Slot
FragOn Custom Ruleset!!... | 0 | 397 |
495 | Fighters for Freedom У нас есть одна вещ которой все пытаются д
... | 0 | 298 |
496 | Klasse-5-Dunst-Clan Call of Duty 5 & Battlefield 2142 Clan. Wir Suchen auch noch Member ab 18 Jahre! Wenn du lust hast , komm auf unsere Seite u. Melde Dich an!!... | 0 | 316 |
497 | Shadow Company Elite SHADOW COMPANY ELITE is an Adult International Multi-gaming group of folks who enjoy common interests in online gaming. SCE'S CALL OF DUTY DIVISION consists of over 40+ members playing both non-competitively and competitively. If you are looking for ... | 0 | 310 |
498 | TcE Squad Multi Gaming Clan TcE Squad Multi Gaming Clan... | 0 | 417 |
499 | .:FF:_FreedomFighterz We are a CoD2, CoD4 and CoD:WW Clan since 2007.... | 0 | 314 |
500 | 1st Armored Division We are a CoD4 and CoD World at War Clan . We provide a relaxed atmosphere with a varity of servers . We are currently recruiting mature members .... | 0 | 311 |