251 | cod4 NoOoBs NoOoBs OF THE WORLD UNITE!!!!!!!!!... | 0 | 273 |
252 | BattleMachine We're a new style of Gaming ladders for Xbox 360 and PS3. Ranging in games from COD4 to Madden 08.... | 0 | 306 |
253 | Willkommen bei der Intro Seite der BF-Fi Der CoD4 Clan von der BF_Fighter Community sucht dringend Member (18+ Jahre). Homepage und TeamSpeak� haben wir. Dich erwartet eine Webseite, mit Game Infos. Au�erdem suchen wir NewsPoster.(Internet - News) www.BF-Fighter.de... | 0 | 259 |
254 | 505th Infantry Regiment Call of Duty 4 and Call of Duty United Offensive clan with own regiment for European and US players for each game!... | 0 | 321 |
255 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfar Clans Join clans, talk about Call of Duty 4, and make network friends. This site is for the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360.... | 0 | 315 |
256 | Jurassic Killers Clan Server We're a Brazilian Clan destinated to training of ours players and also fun with other interested in JK mods! If You think you can handle The Raptor Team! come and try it once! We'll Devour you!... | 0 | 429 |
257 | H4te Clan H4te Clan, Call of Duty Tag Team, for PS3. No cheating, only genuine call of duty online players.... | 0 | 336 |
258 | 7th Cavalry Tactical Realism Server... | 0 | 304 |
259 | Vow Of Apathy We run a very tight squad-based gameplay, we play aggressively and without remorse. VowOfApathy.com, an OFFICIAL site comes packed with player biographies, gaming news and clan community for XBL and PSN members.... | 0 | 295 |
260 | Call of Duty Wir Sind ein Fun Clan und zu jedem Funny bereit :) Wir suchen auch Aktive Members... | 0 | 303 |
261 | The Last Alliance A new clan that supports CoD4 and a number of other online games.... | 0 | 276 |
262 | Ticket'$-Team.* Salut la team ticket on Recrutement +16
le ip de serveur
le TS
le msn [email protected]... | 0 | 321 |
263 | One Impenetratable Unit Call of Duty 4 clan, 1.80 + K:D ratio
Recruiting for MLG, Gamebattles, and Tourney, Xbox 360 clan ready to do what it takes to win!... | 0 | 364 |
264 | =[st's]= "Der Multi - Gaming - Fun -Clan Uns gibt es erst seit 2007. Wir sind auf der Suche nach neuen Mitgliedern, die Spass am zocken haben. Unser neuer CoD4 public Server: "".
Kommt einfach mal vorbei und seht selbst, wir w�rden uns freuen!!! ... | 0 | 343 |
265 | [TBF] Team Black Force Nous sommes une petite team qui aime s'amuser et faire des match on l'on s'amuse beaucoup!... | 0 | 283 |
266 | =F4F= Multigaming clan since 2006 CoD4 / MoH:aa / FF:Xl ........... | 0 | 288 |
267 | Southern Alliance Squadron SAS would like to welcome all its visitors to our new website. We Aim to play fair but most of all have fun.
Our clan aim is to grow in size, and begin to compete in ladder matches and possible tournaments
We are looking for players of all abilitie... | 0 | 303 |
268 | Xx_KiLLERS_xX ViSiTaTeCiIiIiIi!!!!... | 0 | 298 |
269 | Titties -n- Beer Gaming TnB Gaming is a premium gaming community participating in many games. We have been running game servers since the beginning! Nobody does it better. We have CS:S, TF2, and CoD4 servers. Check us out!... | 0 | 351 |
270 | Insane Army ROCKS... | 0 | 305 |
271 | HOOTERS Hooters gaming community.
Pub server is
Custom Maps is | 0 | 307 |
272 | WolfPack Clan Family Server with family values. Come have fun and please refrain from any foul language.... | 0 | 294 |
273 | 7th Infantry Division The one infantry unit which provides real life military tactic's, strategies and procedures. The 7th Infantry Division is a tactical realism unit which will provide all of the above and much more. In order to make this environment as realistic as pos... | 0 | 359 |
274 | United Task Force Our goal is to develop a fun environment where our members develop lasting friendships. We strive to revolutionize and impact the gaming communities we are involved in by hosting servers where people can have clean fun, and setting the example of wha... | 0 | 419 |
275 | [sZ!e]Clan K�rlek regisztr�lj az oldalunkon �s mentsed a kedvenceid k�z� hogy mindig megtal�lhass minket a neten! Igyeksz�nk hasznos �s �rt�kes anyagokkal szolg�lni a COD j�t�kokhoz!!... | 0 | 313 |
276 | MoR* Clan Website... | 0 | 308 |
277 | B.A.T.Z. B.A.T.Z. (Bad Azz Turd Zombies) is a COD4 Clan... | 0 | 434 |
278 | [[NHS]] MODERN WEAPONS Wir sind ein kleiner COD UO FunClan und suchen noch Member und Gamer.
Neue MAPS & Modern Weapons... | 0 | 295 |
279 | =ST6= Seal Team 6 COD 4... | 0 | 324 |
280 | MGC OroPax Clan CoD/UO - CoD2 - CoD4 Wir sind ein Mutli-Gaming-Clan. Auf unserer Clanpage bieten wir Informationen rund um uns MultiGaming aktuelle News aus allen Themenbereiche.... | 0 | 304 |
281 | [sZ!e] clan K�rlek regisztr�lj az oldalunkon �s mentsed a kedvenceid k�z� hogy mindig megtal�lhass minket a neten! Igyeksz�nk hasznos �s �rt�kes anyagokkal szolg�lni a COD j�t�kokhoz!!... | 0 | 327 |
282 | Nuts and Bolts - Next Generation Next generation, Playstation 3 videogame clan for Team Fortress 2 and Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.... | 0 | 468 |
283 | Bros Before Hoes Epic COD4 Gangsta Clan! We pwn hard and a tight website! Come join Today!... | 0 | 309 |
284 | Signal 7 Hardcore Just Fun! Serving 24/7 Mixed Hardcore Modern Warfare. Try us out and have a blast!... | 0 | 325 |
285 | <[ThC]> Team hard core Notre Team recrute de bons joueurs, venez visiter notre site et notre serveur. | 0 | 316 |
286 | rE.nEw||Clan rE.nEw||Clan... | 0 | 318 |
287 | Hallo Leute , Aufgepasst !!! Hallo Kamaraden ^^
Wir sind ein CoD UO Fun Clan (mit Membern ab 30 , aus Deutschland und auch Kaeseland ^^ und nat�rlich einem �ssi der dies hier hienen stammelt , hehehe )der immer auf der Suche nach neuen Membern ist ,Wer Lust und Laune hat kann ja... | 0 | 448 |
288 | [BoB] [B]AND [O]F [B]ROTHERS We are a English Call of Duty funclan called [BoB]. Please visit our website and feel free to join us at our servers and Teamspeak .... | 0 | 338 |
289 | Consider Yourself Warned COD4 Clan competing for world domination... | 0 | 318 |
290 | CoD4 Central A great source for CoD4, with Perks, Maps, Weapon Stats, Explosive Stats, Custom Classes, Tips and Hints, Ranks, Unlockables, Challenges, Support, Game, Modes, Patches and more!
... | 0 | 408 |
291 | More Human Than Human A brand new clan, with a fierce new attitude. Creating the ultimate gaming experience for new gamers and the pros alike. Join our clan today.... | 0 | 330 |
292 | FirstBlood A young and new Call Of Duty 4 Clan. We have our own server with custom maps and we're still searching for people who wanna join us!... | 0 | 302 |
293 | =MCE= Mercenaire Team cr�� sur War Rock et qui �volue principalement sur CoD 4 ! Bonne ambiance assur�e, vous pouvez venir sur notre serveur : Nous recherchons des matchs.... | 0 | 308 |
294 | @ First ! ! ! Die [@]First-Gemeinde ist ein reiner Fun Clan, das hei�t, dass "Fun" bei uns an oberster Stelle steht. Man muss auch kein super Spieler sein, um bei uns mitmachen zu k�nnen. Wir sind ein reiner "Call of Duty4 Modern Warfare" Fun-C... | 0 | 315 |
295 | destroyers of all (DOA) Call Of Duty 4 PS3 Clan... | 0 | 302 |
296 | CasualitY Team Members:sPyEr$,aGin,Pigri,Leo,Ralf,Smarcee
Server: | 0 | 321 |
297 | [AZG]NATION [AZG] NATION is a dedicated group of friends and gaming enthusiasts who love to play the Call of Duty series title.
We are a family of friends who have chosen to unite to provide the gaming community with a truly "community" managed gamin... | 0 | 326 |
298 | WANTED ARE YOU WANTED?... | 0 | 273 |
299 | OroPax COD4 Clan Wir sind ein Mutligaming + COD4 Clan. Auf unserer Clanpage bieten wir Informationen rund um uns MultiGaming aktuelle News aus allen Themenbereiche.... | 0 | 304 |
300 | -=[UP ALL NIGHT]=- We run COD2 (v1.3) & COD4 (v1.5) No-CD Servers with a customized +eXtreme mod, AWE4 mod and Custom maps that are rotated in and out often. We also have unique maps made by UAN mappers that you won't see anywhere else! We are a clan of about 40. Our s... | 0 | 294 |