301 | More Human Than Human cod 4 clan... | 0 | 308 |
302 | Nobody !s Perfect - der CoD Funclan Hallo liebe Zockerfreunde, wir sind ein reiner CoD FunClan. Wir haben uns gesucht und gefunden und sind zu einer "kleinen" Familie zusammen gewachsen. Ebenfalls sind wir in Besitz eines Servers. Wer Lust und Laune hat, kann jederzeit bei un... | 0 | 297 |
303 | Cracked-Gaming Community The Cracked-Gaming Community is a Community in which People join the Chill back after a long day of work or just life. We at the moment, have the Highest Ranked Call of Duty 4 Cracked Server and the 9th Ranked Call of Duty 4 Server. We are recruiting... | 0 | 317 |
304 | LS:Lost-Snipers We are a New CoD4 Sniper Only Clan, We are Big on Having FUN aswell as having a serious side when it comes to Matchs, And are Recruiting all the time and would like sensible Players to join us,
We make our own maps and always help others if we can. S... | 0 | 623 |
305 | Crazy Clan CoD4 Crazy is a fun clan with a serious side for people who want to do well in Wars.The Clan plays CoD4, CSs, BF2, BF2142 and Rappelz. We are always looking for the right person and are recruiting right now.
... | 0 | 410 |
306 | =|WarLords|= Warlords est une team Franco-Qu�becoise. Recrutement � partir de 16 ans, matchs officiels, fun wars, challenges internes.
Du fun et du fair play, de la bonne humeur et du bon esprit!! rejoignez nous!... | 0 | 309 |
307 | Sexy Assassins we are a UK based hardcore cod4 and BHD SNIPER squad.please visit our website for more details.... | 0 | 295 |
308 | -=[Russian Bears]=- clan Clan =[Russian Bears]= in game Call of Duty 4... | 0 | 298 |
309 | Tatakai Gaming Clan - Call Of Duty 4 Welcome to the Tatakai Clan's Website
The Tatakai Clan have existed since early 2002. We are a dedicated group of gamers from all walks of life. If you are as passionate about gaming as we are and want to be a part of the Tatakai experience then regi... | 0 | 336 |
310 | 1 shot 1 kill clan page This website is about our clan... | 0 | 302 |
311 | Technically leagal badfbakdfhad;g... | 0 | 313 |
312 | =|C*G*A|= Caller Gilde Aschfeld Die Caller Gilde Aschfeld ist ein Call of Duty 2 & 4 Clan. Gegr�ndet 2006 im kleinen Ort Aschfeld in der N�he von W�rzburg. Schaut mal rein bei uns und fragt nach einem Funmatch :-)... | 0 | 292 |
313 | Russian CoDUO Community Russian Call of Duty UO rifle server... | 0 | 288 |
314 | Special Reconnaissance Unit The SRU are currently recruiting members. If you are a sniper or a stealthy close-combat soldier then we want you.
Death waits in the dark...... | 0 | 287 |
315 | team-24.com Clanpage Wir sind ein CoD Series Clan. Nachdem wir uns in CoD2 sehr gut geschlagen haben, spielen wir jetzt haupts�chlich aktiv CoD4 in der ESL und Clanbase. Spieler oder Squads mit Spa� an der Sache werden immer gesucht. Egal ob als Fun oder Ligaspieler. All... | 0 | 279 |
316 | -=BD=- Die B�rendivision -=BD=- Wir sind ein Multigaming-Clan und halten den Factor FUN sehr hoch.Rootserver, HP, TS. Suchen st�ndig Member ab 18 !... | 0 | 381 |
317 | SINRGY.net GAMING Australian based gaming clan. Primarily cod4. Our goal is to have some fun but not to get too serious.......serious enough to win thou!... | 0 | 299 |
318 | KWI clan for call of duty 4 KWI (Killin' while intoxicated)lol, this is a new clan i just made and theres only a little bit of people in it right now!! But im tryin to recruit new people. I dont care what class u use, we just try to have fun. I realy want to do clan wars bad.... | 0 | 315 |
319 | Silent Dealth We are a friendly group of people that like's to play a cheat free game of BHD and COD4 (Call of Duty 4) and Battlefield 2
We are a Growing Community that is serving tons of downloads for all of the hottest Games that are out there.
We have a Bl... | 0 | 312 |
320 | German-Russia Clan Wir Suchen member ab 18 ! German and Russia Language !
Deutsch - Russische Call of Duty 4 Clan ! Fun CoD 4 Clan... | 0 | 334 |
321 | Call of Duty uo game... | 0 | 299 |
322 | Radiate!Gaming Call of Duty Clan... | 0 | 292 |
324 | RCoD.ru Russian Site about Call of Duty. News, articles...... | 0 | 379 |
325 | SSC Vriendenclub die graag knalt, iedereen is welkom... | 0 | 337 |
326 | Call of Duty uo clan {*Geroi*}... | 0 | 319 |
328 | 21st HeadShot Crew we are a multi gaming clan. COD4 and Vegas 2 mostly.... | 0 | 328 |
329 | *~GwF~* Clan German War Fighters stellen sich auf Ihrer offiziellen HP vor. Wir suchen Member und sponsern TS-Server! Mailt uns!... | 0 | 298 |
330 | 325th Glider Infantry Regiment We are a group of gamers dedicated to providing a fun, mature and competitive gaming environment for Call Of Duty 2 and other WWII themed games.... | 0 | 300 |
331 | Phonetic Gaming We are a COD4 competition team.We are in Cal. We are still looking for 2 backups for our Cal Team. Come and TryOut see what you're pwning skills our.... mIrc: #phonetic... | 0 | 288 |
332 | Clan {A-Z} AttackZone Call Of Duty Clan AttackZone Call Of Duty (1) (2) & (4) *Custom Maps* IP(s) is Call of Duty (1) Call of Duty (2) Call of Duty (4) {A-Z} Is *Recruiting* Very CoOL Servers Visit us At www.AttackZone.us !!!... | 0 | 280 |
333 | SeFHQ Call of Duty 4 Online Gaming Call of Duty 4 - News - Patches - Custom Maps. Multiplayer CoD4 [SeF]HQ for XboX, PS3 and PC Gaming.... | 0 | 370 |
334 | hitman services i will fight for you threat just go on my website you will find what you need... | 0 | 308 |
335 | CALL OF DUTY 4 @ DEATH SQUAD First Leading CoD4 Community... | 0 | 311 |
336 | Top Game Sites Add your game site to our top list.... | 0 | 268 |
337 | [H.R]Clan Сайт клана НАШАRUSSIA... | 0 | 293 |
338 | Blutrausch wir sind ganz neu... | 0 | 308 |
339 | REBORNKILLERSCLAN we are a call of duty 4 clan aswell as a muti gaming clan,we like to give our members more game play this just one game so come check us out.... | 0 | 293 |
340 | The First Shooter Nations A Casual but Hardcore Clan. We Own 4 Hardcore Servers for Call of duty 4 V1.4. We accept anyone and we are simple to join! We are the first Shooters and we know what we are doing. Want confidence? We have it! Join now and you will be honored!... | 0 | 309 |
341 | Comrades Friendly non-hacking cod uo clan looking for a bright futcher... | 0 | 297 |
342 | AngryEmployee Asshats Anonymous learned of A|e, The clan had already finley tuned their skills for battle but what happened next shocked millions of gamers around the World (AngryEmployee Frag & Have Fun) COD4 Clan... | 0 | 362 |
343 | ..::�YoDa ClAn CoD4�::.. Clan Yoda talk about all the matchs palyn' on COD...Beautiful forum and skin and guys that love so much this game!... | 0 | 278 |
344 | |Tr!ade|Multigaming Clan Wir sind ein Multigaming Clan, der zur Zeit CoD4 spielt. Wir haben 10 Mitglieder und immer eine menge Spass....Besucht uns mal und la�t Gr�sse im G�stebuch da, oder spielt ein Funny gegen uns.... Gr�sse die Tr!ade... | 0 | 324 |
345 | GamingOutlawZ Gaming website dedicated to PC Gaming.
GamingoutlawZ is built and run by "Gamers".... | 0 | 278 |
346 | 2nd Marine Regiment Welcome to the home of the USMC, 2nd Marine Regiment where we take people who haven't a clue about anything and train them into combat effective marines. Now we are not the best but every marine is given the chance to shine in combat and if they foll... | 0 | 284 |
347 | PLAYLICIOUShttp://www.playlicious.de PLAYLICIOUS NEED YOUR CLICK !
348 | DH-COD A Lag Free, Very Nice Clan Server,
For Call of Duty 4... | 0 | 286 |
349 | |1st Marine Division| HC Public Server Come join |1st MD|'s HC Public Server!... | 0 | 442 |
350 | (_.���`����HDK-Clan������`�._) Wir sind seit 2008 ein Multigaming Clan. Wir Zocken zu 99% Call of Duty 4. Die Squads bestehen aus 2x 5on5, 1x 6on6, 3x 2on2, ebenso sind wir in der PSL & EXG Liga vertreten. Wir haben ein gro�es Forum - Spieleberichte, Blue - Ray Testberichte und ei... | 0 | 294 |