501 | Pure Hatred Multigamingclan Hallo Zockergemeinde ! Wir sind ein Multigamingclan, der sehr viel Einsatz und Freude beim daddeln zeigt. Wir sind ein lustiger und gro�er Haufen, die sich ab und zu gerne mal mit anderen Clans beim Funny raufen. Besucht uns doch mal.... | 0 | 289 |
502 | COD 5 Tips CodMB is great community allowing you to communicate and discuss with other Call Of Duty Fans and players, Also allowing you to learn new COD tactics, tips, discuss new ( COD 5 ) and Old ( COD ) Games. We have a very friendly community and welcome ne... | 0 | 300 |
503 | Call of Duty World At War Wii Killaz Cla This is the top clan for Call of Duty World At War for the Nintendo Wii.... | 0 | 310 |
505 | Night-Fighter.eu Wir sind ein Multigaming Fun Clan, die einfach nur spass am zocken haben :) �ber besuch und neuen Memberzuwachs w�rden wir uns nat�rlich freuen :)... | 0 | 346 |
506 | The Maniac Hunters Hi,Ho! Wir sind ein Multigaming ,-Funclan und suchen noch Member ab 21Jahre.Jeder ist bei uns Willkommen,traut euch vorbeizuschauen!!!Wir beissen nicht grins.... | 0 | 336 |
507 | Elite|Rangers Extreme Cod4 Elite|Rangers Extreme Cod4 unranked server from romania... | 0 | 311 |
508 | Die verrueckten Gamer Wir sind ein COD 4 u. 5 Funclan und freuen uns �ber alle die vorbeischauen. Suchen auch Member die unsere Truppe unterst�tzen.... | 0 | 284 |
509 | Vindictive assassins we are a cod world at war clan... | 0 | 270 |
510 | Sigma Game Servers Game Servers, Sigma Game Servers offers game server hosting and rental utilizing internap and mzima bandwidth. Sigma Game Servers provides Denver and Chicago game servers as well as voice servers ventrilo and teamspeak.
... | 0 | 290 |
511 | Night Assassins This is clan which play CoD2 and CoD4.Our primary mission is to have fun.... | 0 | 347 |
512 | www.bagdadcafe.se - Cracked CoD Servers www.bagdadcafe.se - Cracked Call of Duty Servers since 2003 - Join the fun NOW!!!
... | 0 | 494 |
513 | [SIB]Surrounded In Blood Clan Website [SIB]Surrounded In Blood Clan Website
- Call of Duty Servers
... | 0 | 246 |
514 | The 128th Black Lions Call of Duty and Americas Army gaming clan. Relaxed but to the point.... | 0 | 313 |
515 | CoD2[PH]BoT call of duty2 rulezz... | 0 | 455 |
516 | Masters at Arms COD4 and 5 gaming clan playing all gametypes. Come and join [MAA]... | 0 | 331 |
517 | The Old Breed Sniper Company The ToB| is a sniper based clan which have several servers up and running including COD4 & World At War sniper only. Stop by and check us out... | 0 | 476 |
518 | 6th Infantry Division We welcome everyone to the 6thID Official Website. This Clan is ran by everyone's ideas and thoughts. We are just a couple of normal guys who were from one of the biggest clans of the day. This is just a little bit about us, but we will tell you more... | 0 | 307 |
519 | COD Gameserver/Maps/Mods/Tools Alles zum Thema COD... | 0 | 283 |
520 | The Blood Angels Clan We are a COD clan that looks to provide fun to those who wish to play. We beileve in fair play and monitor the servers to keep it that way. We are also looking for new members!... | 0 | 299 |
521 | Bidasse Servers French CoD Servers. CoDwaw servers (Ranked and Rifle Only), CoD4 server (X4 Mod). On website: Forum, Player Stats, Tournament...
Welcome and have fun!... | 0 | 291 |
522 | cod4 server! doron's server hardcore! a cod4 server called doron's server
it is a hardcore server and i hope i... | 0 | 288 |
523 | [email protected] Funclan Wir sind ein cooler COD 2 und COD 5 Funclan und auf der suche nach neuen Membern! Schaut vorbei... | 0 | 439 |
524 | Staatsfeinde Wir spielen Call of Duty 4, sind aber noch recht jung in der Szene.Wir sind immer auf der suche nach neuen Member ab 20Jahren die auch Spa� verstehen.Ausser CoD4 spielen wir noch Battlefield 2 und aus Spa� noch Warrock.Ausserdem besitzen wir zwei CoD... | 0 | 552 |
525 | [506]S-Buks Clan UK|COD5|PC -|506th|-S-Buks Call of Duty 5 Clan,
We are a mature gaming clan that has evolved over the last 5 years,
we started life as a Clan when the original Call of duty was released
and has progressed over the years to Become a relaxed fun bunch of guys... | 0 | 298 |
526 | Friends-For-Ever Multigaming Fun Clan Wir sind ein Multigaming-Clan mit 18 Membern.Uns steht ein Rootserver mit mehreren Game - Servern und einem TS zur Verf�gung.Wir sind ein sehr Teamf�higes und aufgeschlossenes Tr�pchen das nette anst�ndige und zuverl�ssige Member sucht.
Unsere Membe... | 0 | 289 |
527 | ELITE KILLER Cod2 Rifle Clan Hi leute,wenn ihr was anderes sehn wollt als eine normale Homepage dann biste bei uns richtig,k�nnt euchere meinung sagen zur unsere Hp.... | 0 | 277 |
528 | DanishViking.DK A website of LTN member [LTN]-VIKING.DK... | 0 | 274 |
529 | The Stunt Guild Stunt is a guild in Call of Duty 1.5 that makes historical films or just funny, random videos. Apart from the movie-making part, we like to do bot massacres, nade competitions, and various stunts. ~WE ARE RECRUITING!... | 0 | 325 |
530 | The Elite Noobs We are a melting pot of gamers. Every member ranges in their ability and gaming strategy as well as age, gender, ethnicity, and religion. Some things we all have in common is a love for gaming, Call of Duty, and maturity. We currently have 5 servers ... | 0 | 376 |
531 | Black Lions 128th Black Lions web site... | 0 | 269 |
532 | ~DoW~ Disciples Of War Clan & Community Website ~DoW~ Clan | ~Disciples Of War~ The Original Since 2003 | game servers, community forums, cod4 downloads, cod:ww downloads, bf2 downloads, cod:ww stats, bf2 stats, and much more... | 0 | 286 |
533 | (TNT) BLOWOUT Mature Adult Gaming Clan
8years running
8 COD servers
We are dedicated to the FPS games that we play, but more so to the members that we play with!
We are committed to fair play without exception! We are from every continent, We see no color! This is... | 0 | 252 |
534 | Hell Bound Soldiers We Are A Muli Gaming Clan Supporting COD, COD 2, COD 4, COD:WW, Swat 4, CSS, BF2, L4D, and Other Games... | 0 | 279 |
535 | 3.Fallschirmjaegerdivision: Call of Duty Clan We are a Call of duty clan since 2003 and play with several Squads in the ESL... | 0 | 347 |
536 | HVF Gaming Community Honor Valor Fidelity... | 0 | 287 |
537 | -]MOFO[- [M]uther [O] [F]ucker [O] -]MOFO[- is a New fun Exciting Growing Clan We Play CoD4 ** NOW RECRUITING **... | 0 | 282 |
538 | Clan Of Power Cod4 clan cracked server
Rent cheap server in here
Get new zombie maps in here
join us... | 0 | 358 |
539 | -=B||B=-Baeren-Brueder Wir sind ein Clan in der ESL ... 2on2 - 3on3 - 5on5 und wollen uns Vergr��ern !!... | 0 | 294 |
540 | Baesweiler-Ballerbude Wir sind kein Clan sondern nur eine Gemeinschaft die sich zusammen einen Server angemietet hat.
Wir sind ein bunt gemischter Haufen verschiedenster Altersklassen und zocken COD United Offensive... ... Ihr seid auf unseren Servern jederzeit willkomme... | 0 | 395 |
541 | Call of Duty Maps The largest Call of Duty maps database in the world.... | 0 | 363 |
542 | Fighting For Fun we are a fairly new clan, but is a friendly one with a few members... | 0 | 366 |
543 | |FFF| Fighting For Fun Website... | 0 | 337 |
544 | Art Servers .: Clan Textures :. Art Servers - CoD Config Servers. Customise your Call Of Duty server with your own logo in multiplayer maps!
Call Of Duty 5 - Call Of Duty 4 - Call Of Duty 2... | 0 | 289 |
545 | German Fun Warriors Multi Gaming Clan... | 0 | 336 |
546 | Call of Duty 4/Ballerbude/Call of Duty 5 Call of Duty 4 /Call of Duty 5 /Server New Updates !!... | 0 | 300 |
547 | Backstreetccrew wir sind ein Counter strike source Clan mit fun am game au�erdem haben wir gameserver und ts server... | 0 | 315 |
548 | [C*] Team-OsmanlI [C*] Wir Sind Ein T�rkischer Cs1.6 Clan!
We Are A Turkish Clan by Cs1.6!... | 0 | 282 |
549 | German-Terror-Fighter Css, Surf, ESL, Squads... | 0 | 283 |
550 | www.ee-squad.com clan site... | 0 | 261 |