201 | 7cav home... | 0 | 350 |
202 | U.S.Ghost Hunters This is our clan website. It is under construction.... | 0 | 340 |
203 | Hardcore Gaming League Hardcore Gaming League - Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Ladders Season 1 Starting First week of Jan 2008. Get your team signed up today!... | 0 | 293 |
204 | GiGn Team Bienvenue a la GiGn Team ! Notre clan COD4 recrute les meilleurs joueurs.Nous sommes une team fair Play. Bonne visite chez nous et Bon fr4g !... | 0 | 288 |
205 | Strategic Airborne Soldiers We are more than a clan, we are a FAMILY! We are recruiting at SASSQUAD.net... | 0 | 322 |
206 | WARRIORS OF THE WORLD ALL WEAPON-SQUAD New Squad To Cod4 We coming From Delta Force series To This Great Game Call Of Duty4.. Visit our site today!!!
We Are Recruting Now!!..we not many members but we will grow with this game... | 0 | 323 |
207 | oBsessiveCOMPULSiVE Laid back gamers w00t.... | 0 | 309 |
208 | Tactical-Allied-Command The CoD 4 Custom Map HQ. Map Downloads. Custom maps wanted!
Currently recruiting!... | 0 | 302 |
209 | F.B.I Clan Fr COD & COD UO Venez je vous invite a vous y inscrire 100% Gratuit 100% Fun 100% Accueillant 100% Sympatique... | 0 | 316 |
210 | Elite Mercenaries Gaming Clan... | 0 | 318 |
211 | Aim4Fun Wir sind ein reiner Multiplayer Funclan
Bei uns hei�t die Devise...
Aim4Fun !!!
Besucht uns mal auf unserer HP oder auf unseren Servern !
| | Cod 4
| | Cod UO... | 0 | 321 |
212 | JEW Clan Call of Duty 4 and Halo 3 Clan... | 0 | 390 |
213 | SFG: Special Forces Group Special Forces Group, or SFG is an online first/third-person shooter/war games clan. SFG features about nearly 2 dozen enlisted members throughout the US and Canada. SFG was formed in early 2004 on the Medal of Honor: Rising Sun online WWII war game ... | 0 | 503 |
214 | Anti-Social-Clan We are a fun loving but competitive Clan playing Battlefield 2142
& Call Of Duty 4... | 0 | 303 |
215 | Tactical Gamer Company COD 4 Fun Clan... | 0 | 308 |
216 | Clan -{DwR}- Death without remorse We are a CoD series clan with over 50 members look at our site... | 0 | 321 |
217 | Starfleet Intelligence Call of Duty 4 [SFI], StarFleet Intelligence, was founded in November 2001, as an Elite Force clan. [SFI] is a thriving, active clan for over 6 years now. We currently play Elite Force, Elite Force 2, Jedi Academy, NOLF2, Counterstrike Source, Call of Duty 2, Call ... | 0 | 402 |
218 | Stormtroopers of Death we are an COD4 Community
we are mixed -> Dutch, Belgian, German
vist our site
Currently recruiting players (min age 20)... | 0 | 411 |
219 | Call of Duty 4 Forums Your source for ALL Call of Duty 4 Resources and Discussion... | 0 | 314 |
220 | aob.crew Call of Duty Clan und Community wir sind ein call of duty clan seit 2004 und spielen aktiv in der esl. wir suchen immer member ab 18 Jahren. Auch Fungamer und Player f�r andere Games. Game, Ventrilo und Teamspeak Server sind vorhanden.... | 0 | 294 |
221 | Dutch Fight Platoon We are a Dutch Call of Duty 4 funclan called [DFP]. Please visit our website and feel free to join our website and game-servers. Now we have also a 30 slots public custom map server and combat stats are updating every 2 hours.
... | 0 | 333 |
222 | K+K | Kimme + Korn - German Multigaming Ein deutscher Multigaming-Clan, dem in erster Linie der Spa� am Spielen wichtig ist. Derzeit sind wir auf Mitgliedersuche um evtl. auch in eSports-Ligen teilzunehmen. Wir bieten Spa�, Gameserver & mehr f�r alle Leute zwischen 18 und 50! :)... | 0 | 689 |
224 | trippledarkness call of duty 4 ps3 recrewting and warhawk ps3 recrewting...... | 0 | 360 |
225 | 69-Squad We are a friendly squad dedicated to call of duty we now only play cod4 but are looking to meet new clans who are similar to us.... | 0 | 324 |
226 | Out of Order Out of Order... | 0 | 215 |
227 | MORE HUMAN THEN HUMAN!! WE are a small but growing Commnuity started about a month ago and Always looking for more people we currently support the following games Cod4 with server At CSS no current server and a WoW Private Server visit our fourms for info... | 0 | 296 |
228 | Soldiers Of Eminence A honorable coed COD4 squad, fair play, good people, and lots of fun. We run clean servers and welcome any challenges from respectful squads. established 2001.... | 0 | 388 |
229 | [VS-UK] Home of the brave Recruiting [VS-UK] is looking for new members for call of duty 4
our servers
Call of Duty 4 Server 1 ip:
Call of Duty 4 Server 2 ip: | 0 | 422 |
230 | LevelMakers.com :: Cod Level Editing Level Editing Help for Call of Duty 4, and previous titles. Beta Level testing help, New Levels. Plus more....... | 0 | 389 |
231 | (DSvB)German CoD 4 Clan +++Ben�tigen noch ein paar Member+++TS und Server vorhanden+++Freuen uns auf eure Besuche+++... | 0 | 302 |
232 | www.sniperkillers.com A COD clan running servers on both COD2 and COD4. TDM sniper and R&G on COD2 and TDM Sniper and TActical on COD4. We are a familyfriendly clan that make everyone welcome, come along and say hello!... | 0 | 294 |
233 | Combate Elite Officers (CEO) We are all about Gaming!!... | 0 | 285 |
234 | United Infantry Clan Wir sind ein 70 Member starker Multigaming Clan der seit 2006 besteht..zurzeit sind folgende Spiele bei uns vertreten CoD4,HDR-Online,Bf2,Bf2142,CsS,
Suchen immer gerne nette Leute die unseren Clan verst�rken wolln.sind ein lustiger Haufen..
... | 0 | 298 |
235 | {S,S}Snipers A well disiplaned sinper team dedicated to one thing and one thing only!... | 0 | 297 |
236 | W33d Xbox Live Clan New Xbox Live Clan Free to join come along and join a real clan... | 0 | 331 |
237 | Scottish Border Reivers Multi National And Gaming Clan... | 0 | 297 |
238 | Spezial Kommando Nord online gaming since 2001 - Call of Duty 4 and more... | 0 | 339 |
239 | JW-Renders Awesome Call Of Duty 4 Renders! No fees, No signups, just RENDERS!... | 0 | 282 |
240 | CallOfDuty-4.de Die deutsche Call of Duty 4 Community... | 0 | 308 |
241 | Freelance Soldiers We are a UK based squad with 2 COD4 servers. Add us to your favorites today! and We look forward to meeting you!... | 0 | 320 |
242 | OutpostGamez - FPS Gaming News The Outpostgamez is a site dedicated for the purpose of providing a place for the gaming community though gaming news, political gaming news, mod teams, clans and much more��..... | 0 | 268 |
243 | yakuZa! Der Clan der die Gegner frustrie Call of Duty 4 - Clan, auch noch Call of Duty United Offensive, aight! wenn ihr uns ha�t, ham wir unser Ziel erreicht gaYs! Ehrlicher Skill, keine tweak cfg's und no hacks, yakuza f�r exQuisiten sKill, �berzeugt euch..sonst..... | 0 | 293 |
244 | OnlineAddict Here mga pinoy ba kayo? dito kana tambay!!... | 0 | 328 |
245 | Death or Glory We are a CoD4 clan newly formed to have good clean fun.Always recruiting new members to join our friends and talented mappers.... | 0 | 302 |
246 | The Insane Army We are an online gaming community, come join us.... | 0 | 292 |
247 | eVampires Nation Unser Name steht f�r sich: Im Netz sind wir der wohl bissigste Clan. Wir spielen CoD UO-GFM, CoD 2 und CoD 4. Besucher sind uns immer willkommen, entweder auf einem unserer Server oder aber im Teamspeak.... | 0 | 293 |
248 | :HyPeR: Are Now Recruiting :HyPeR: Are Now Recruiting
If you think you got what it takes to be a :HyPeR: and wear the tags, then post a request in the forum or email. There are many perks to being a :HyPeR:
We already take part in weekly Matches, which you could be part of, a... | 0 | 355 |
249 | Team =LTs= Une nouvelle team vien d'ouvrir ses rangs et recrute des soldats motiv�s a la conquete des ligne ennemies . Vous souhaitez faire partie de nos rang , c'est simple il suffit de poster votre demande de recrutement dans le forum a la section adequat o... | 0 | 285 |
250 | FPS-Source.com is home of [BDS] We are a fun multigaming community, focusing on Call of Duty 4 & 5 and Counter-Strike: Source GG... | 0 | 308 |