1 | Helbreath LAGOUT Max LVL 180 Max Stat 200
... | 47 | 4775 |
2 | Helbreath Corrupted New 300/500 server
Trade Ek / Contri, Ekballs, New items, Fast Lvl, Trade Mp, Top Ek player online.... | 33 | 3564 |
3 | Helbreath Crusade 200 / 250 PVP Server Active GM, Hosted in LA Tons of Automated Events Shift Items on Ground Many new Magics and Armors Working NPC Titles... | 32 | 917 |
4 | Helbreath Raid 2019 www.helraid.com Server ONLINE since 15-12-2018 --- Max Level 475/700 - EK 5x - 800x600 Resolution - Win7/8/10 - Fullscreen/Windowed Mode - Setup and Launcher - Titles System - Wanted System - Cards System - Tree Damage - Archer Class - Enemy Red Spell Color - Ares a... | 18 | 1495 |
5 | Helbreath Ghost Max Lvl: 310 - Max Stats: 500 - Ek x10 - New Class - New Events - New Monsters - Multiple Quests - 800x600 - Enjoy now!... | 15 | 689 |
6 | Helbreath Inotia 2017 Brand new fresh server - Launched since 26/05/2017 - Max Level 180 Stats 200 - Windows 8/10 compatible - Dozen of new items - New features - Come and join the adventure with us... | 12 | 1193 |
7 | Helbreath FUN 2020 Started 05-2020
Max Level: 475
Max Stats: 700
Experience/Drop rate: High
Note: Reputation does not affect drop rate
Max Crits: 10,000
Max Rep: 10,000/-10,000
Rep+/- for Kloness/Corrupted Weapons
Ball Points:CityHall for Ball T... | 11 | 962 |
8 | Helbreath Diamond 180.200 - DD hosted 24/7 - Exp Low/Med.
Gold - Med. Ek Count = 1 .
Fair server. Long term.
HOSTED ON DD 24/7 - All Maps up
Ball point system online... | 2 | 912 |
9 | Helbreath Arena Antiguo Servidor conocido como UA Helbreath. Nuevo Host en USA. No Lag - No Delay. 24/7/365 ONLINE - EXP x 4 - Sistema AntiHack Unico - Eventos Exclusivos: Capture The Flag, Evento Navidad... Nuevos Mapas - Nuevo Boss Queen Of Pain - Upgradea tu Hero... | 0 | 1262 |
10 | HB Fantasy EXPANSION 1 RELEASED, 800x600 Max level 200 max stats 700 7 points per level EK x5 exp rate med droprate med/high deathmatch angels 2 new huge maps new Title System new armor sets new spells spell timers mob HP gauge auto-updater and la... | 0 | 1413 |
11 | Helbreath Unknown Welcome To Helbreath Unknown Server UP Max Lvl 475 Max Stat 700 and EK Trade Fest Server 100MB... | 0 | 1265 |
12 | HELLBREATH WORLD - HELBREATH ONLINE FREE Free Forever - Easy Download - High Rates - Daily Arenas - New Party Display/Modes - Player Titles - Wanted Lists - Archers amp Battle Mages - Crafting, Alchemy, Smithing, Farming - Spell Timers - New Monsters, Maps, Spells, Weapons - 475/700/EKx5 - ... | 0 | 1465 |
13 | Helbreath Prophecy max-Lvl 180, max-Stat 200, exp Low/Mid, with no corruption, new items, new skill, and Much More - Come See. we are constantly updating. No lag, 24/7 Server. we create that server of your dreams. This server is unique.... | 0 | 958 |
14 | Helbreath Silver Helbreath Silver Max Level - 315 Max Stats - 500 EK/Kill - 10 Drop Rate : High Experience : High Hammer Stripping and Armor Break Stripping Angels +20 Hero Set Upgrade Nuenas Quest... | 0 | 1000 |
15 | Helbreath Lux - NEW DEDICATED HOSTING Helbreath Lux - Max Level 200 - Max Stats Stats 200 - EK Adjust x5 - Exp Fast Increased Dmg - New Trade Ek - New Trade Contribution - Rep Potions - Crusade Trustable Staff - New Ek Anouncer - News Events - Points Majestic - Pvp Balanced Angels... | 0 | 851 |
16 | Helbreath Reload - - 475 / 700 Server - Good PVP - NO LAGNESS - UP Time 24/7 - Weapons + 15 ITEMS Fail Wont LOST - DK, Angel, Majestics all Working - Lottery Ticket - New Updater -... | 0 | 918 |
17 | Infinity Healbreath Infinity Helbreath is a free to play private MMORPG game server with nice rates and a big community. Exp 50x Drop 30x Lvl cap 180 Skill cap 180 Custom Items 24/7 Dedicated Server - No Lag Daily Events Active friendly Gms... | 0 | 652 |
18 | Helbreath Cursed Helbreath Cursed est de vuelta Gran re-apertura el Sbado 4 de Diciembre, 2010. --- Helbreath Cursed is back Grand re-opening on Saturday, December the 4th... | 0 | 741 |
19 | Helbreath-Centenario Up Total Reset Comming.. Soon.....Max Level: 200...Max Stats: 200...Experience: Fast High...Ek Count: x10.r...Crusade Ek x10...Dk039item...Trade Ek039....Trade Contribution...Eventos...Heldenian....Apocalypse......Crusade.....CityWarr Server Online Ent... | 0 | 656 |
20 | Equilibrium Project Server New server , News host in France level/stats: 150+3 / 250 , Exp medium , EK x5 , drop low , New items, News spells, news class 24/24 7/7... | 0 | 569 |
21 | Helbreath ReStart New 04_01_2012 Open Online 24x7 - 1GB International Bandwidth Level 200 Max Stat: 200 Exp: High EK: 1kill 10EK... | 0 | 515 |
22 | Helbreath Legion NEW 140/200 LOW SERVER OPENED 16TH JULY New Mail system, New Guild System, Item socketing, Apocalypse EK1.Drop rate:low EXP: x6. Capture the Relic event, Destroy the Shield, Crusade, Party member positions on minimap and much more... | 0 | 594 |
23 | helbreath.info 475/700/EKx5 - Gladiator Arenas - Magic Traps - Archers amp Battle Mages - Crafting,Alchemy,Smithing - Player Titles amp Wanted Lists - Spell Timers/Emblems - Capture the Flag amp Crusades - 24/7 Raiding - Detailed Website - Server Setup - Pak Editi... | 0 | 589 |
24 | Helbreath Underlord Max lvl 475 ,Max Stat 700,Ek Adjustx10, Exp High,Drop Rate , New Items , New Commands, Wigs , PvP Server...... | 0 | 626 |
25 | HB-Fusion Max Lvl/Stats: 300/500 exp/drops High EK 10 Crafting Angels+Devils Crusade EK announcer new maps new spells new monsters whisperbox and much more... | 0 | 605 |
26 | Helbreath Pro - Real Helbreath Server Max lvl 180, Max stat 200, Ek x 5, Angels Working, Trade EK Sytem, 24/7 Up, Easy to get 180 (around 20 minutes), Enjoy gt... | 0 | 512 |
27 | Helbreath Centenario Max Level y stats: 200/200 // Drops y Exp : Altos / High // EkCount: x20 // Nuevos Items Nuevas Magias // RepPotions Contrib Ball // Angelic Pendant +10 // Xelima y Merien Stone Upgrade +15 // Server 100 dedicado // Host By LocalStrike... | 0 | 515 |
28 | HBFree Helbreath private server HBFree 300lvl, 500stat, 24/7 run... | 0 | 555 |
29 | HBZone Max Level: 350 Max Stats: 500 Exp: Hight Drop Rate: Hight Server Online 24/7 Version 3.51 Alot New Armors , Items , Drops... | 0 | 499 |
30 | Helbreath Metric Max Lvl 475/700 EK: x25 Drop/Exp: High Hammer Strips Angelics Majestics Ball amp EK Trade Try us today 24/7 Vengan A disfrutar del Serv... | 0 | 550 |
31 | HelbreathNetOver Online Serevr Online 24/7 100 sin bug Entrennnnnnn... | 0 | 478 |
32 | --Helbreath Alchemy-- Max LvL 311 Max Stat 370 Ek 20 Drop Very Hyper Mega Hight Exp Very Hight Free 1500 eks for enter Gratis 1500 eks por entrar Nice GM Team 24/7 100/10 mb coneccion... | 0 | 598 |
33 | Helbreath Cataclysm V 4.1 Max Level 475 - Max Stats 700 - Ek x 15 - En Crusade Ek x 30 - GM a Full - Reduccion De Bugs - Nuevos eventos - Nuevas Armas - Nuevos Heros- DMG codificados - No Creen Compruebalo, Con Admin-Security ON... | 0 | 507 |
34 | Under3L0rD Max lvl/stats 475/700. ek per kill 10.Ball trade active. Angels , new maps,EVENT,5 Dyas COOL SERVER... | 0 | 525 |
35 | HB WingOfDeath Version: 3,51 /Max lvl: 721 / Max stats: 1000 / EK: 25 / 24/7 / angels / exp: High / drop: good / new weapons / new sets / ball points / good GMT / NEW SERVER... | 0 | 517 |
36 | HB ARGENTINA MAX lvl: 300 MAX stat: 200 EK: 25 EXP: alta DROP: medio... | 0 | 533 |
37 | Helbreath Finix Server Onlineee... | 0 | 459 |
38 | HB Hypnotize max lvl180/max stat200/ek15/high expampdrops/brand new server/recruiting staff/kind staff/extremely fun so join now... | 0 | 456 |
39 | Helbreath Prohibition Max Level: 250Max Stat: 500Drop Rate: 100 Gold Rate: Very High Skills 100 Automatically Exp Rate: x4000 HB Int Majestic Items working Server up 24/7 GURANTEED Best weapon : 420 strengthBest Spell : 200 INTBest Bow : 500 Dex... | 0 | 507 |
40 | Helbreath Fantasy Max level 200 - Max stats 700 - Exp Med/High - Ek 5 - Drop - Med/High - New Maps - New Site - New Title System With Bonus damage - 100 skills - All new Armor Sets - New spells - Removed Critical Message - Join the fun... | 0 | 532 |
41 | HB NerO Max lvl:620Max stats:700Drop Good1 Kill20 EksNEW WEAPONSexpGooDNEW SPELLSNew WebSiteItems Dropped MonstersGooD GMTWELCOMEZaPraSzAm... | 0 | 476 |
42 | HB SILENCE 180/200 NO LAG 24/7 2 RATE SERVER GOOD GM TEAM JOIN NOW... | 0 | 489 |
43 | Helbreath DeluXe Max Level: 300 - Max Stats: 330 - Ek 5 - Exp: High - Crusades - Majestic - Angels - Balanced PVP... | 0 | 413 |
44 | Helbreath Underlord Max Level: 475 Max Stats: 700 100MB Dedicated Line Ball Trade Events Manager Friendly GM,s New Maps New Armour Sets 1 Of Kind Event Manager Online List Friends List 1 EK 5 Exp very fast Trade eks and ball points for items... | 0 | 462 |
45 | Helbreath Builder - Recursos en Espaol Mejor sitio con recursos de helbreath, phps, downloads, guias, creacion de paginas web y animacions con tutoriales en castellano ... todo esto y mucho mas...... | 0 | 529 |
46 | Helbreath Revive 475 / 700 Server - New settings. - HC and TW can Solo - Abaddon drop ITEMS - New Ball Trade System - Good PVP - NO LAGNESS - UP Time 24/7 - Weapons + 15 ITEMS Fail Wont LOST - DK, Angel, Majestics all Working - Lottery Ticket - Magic Hero Item -... | 0 | 495 |
47 | HelbreathKO Max stats 500, Max level 310, EK 25, Angelics, Majestics, a lot of new items, Pure PvP server. Come And Play... | 0 | 467 |
48 | HELBREATH TONALA Lvl:240/stats:400-Ek25 New server the best. Angels Activate. Goods GMs... | 0 | 445 |
49 | Helbreath King Max level: 620/ Max stats: 1000/ Ek perr kill 25/ Exp fast/ Drop high/ Active GMTeam/ Poland Serwer/ Come join now... | 0 | 479 |
50 | Hb-Zone Lvl/Stat 310/500 Exp Muy Alta Ek 20 - No edits... | 0 | 437 |