101 | Helbreath MysticK Online Max lvl: 620 Max stats: 700 Ek: 10 Exp: High Drop: Medium-High Angelic Pandent Crafting Crusade Balanced PVP Experice Staff Many Events 24/7 Lag Free Ek Trade 100+ PPL... | 0 | 306 |
102 | HB ZerO Helbreath Zero max lvl - 475 max stats - 700 Ball Trade EKTrade New Dye New Item039s Friendly GM039s EK 10 EXP High Drop High Lots Event039s 100mb connect come join us now... | 0 | 330 |
103 | Hb Reload Hb ReloadMax lvl:250 Max Stast:200 Exp:High Ek:15 Nuevas Armas/armaduras.Server Up 24/7 .Good GMs.GO TO PLAY... | 0 | 278 |
104 | Helbreath Black Max lvl 475 Max stats 700 EK : 10 Exp High Event Swords New Commands 24/7 Online Join Us You Wont Reget... | 0 | 349 |
105 | Helbreath Imperiums Max lvl 311. Max stats 311. Ek Adjust x30. Exp High. Drop Fast . Gold High Primary Drop Fast. Secondary Drop Fast. Rare Drop Medium. Happy Hours , Nuevos Commands y Mas.. Servidor Offline por el momento visiten nuestro foro y sigan vot... | 0 | 354 |
106 | HB - Virtual Max Level: 475 Max Stats: 700 EK: 10 Crusade x2 Exp: High Very friendly GM039s New Items, NPC, Magics Join Now... | 0 | 307 |
107 | Helbreath Apocalypse Fast Server: Max Level 180 // Max Stat 200 // Experiencie Very High // EK 10 // Balanced PvP Server // Trade EK // Se mantiene la originalidad del Helbreath // Te esperamos... | 0 | 301 |
108 | Hb-Earth Good Up 24/7 Lvl:310 Stats:500:Eks:30 Nuevos Items... | 0 | 446 |
109 | HB Gods Max level 300/ Max stats 350/Exp Speed/Active GMTeam/Ek peer kill 25/Poland serwer/Come join now... | 0 | 356 |
110 | Helbreath SNK VS CAPCOM Max lvl 418 Max stats 500 ek 50 drop and exp fast Server Argentino 24/7... | 0 | 324 |
111 | Helbreath - Bowl max lvl : 200 max Start : 200 ek x 10 online 24 / 7 pvp server... | 0 | 288 |
112 | Helbreath Battle Max lvl 200 Max stats 200 ek 25 drop medium exp fast on 24/7 server argentino nuevas magias , armas , angeles y alas Bajen sprite nuevos... | 0 | 264 |
113 | HB-DENIX Max lvl: 475, Max Stast 700, Ek: 10, Exp: Very High, Drop Rare: High, Drop Rate: High, NO LAG, 24hora 7dia Up GM son: DeNiXGM NextGM vNeXuSvGM son amigable. Disfrutenlo. Gracias... | 0 | 311 |
114 | Helbreath Centenario NUEVO SERVER NUEVO RELEASE MAX LVL 311 STAT 500 - ANGELS - EK x20 - DROPampEXP HIGH - MAJS - NUEVAS ARMAS 0 LAG (:... | 0 | 272 |
115 | Helbreath - Solvi EK: 20 Exp High Drop High Magestic Upgrade Angelic Pandent Nuevas Armas Nuevas Magias Nuevas Armas Magicas Nuevas Armaduras Nuevos Commandos... | 0 | 285 |
116 | Helbreath Kotor Max Lvl 250 Max stats 300 ek 20 exp fast drop medium nice server... | 0 | 257 |
117 | Helbreath Unforgiven MAX LVL/MAX STATS 620/700EK 10NICE GMS, HIGH DROPS AND GOOD COMMUNITYDedicated Server in USA.Just download game and join to community... | 0 | 430 |
118 | HELLBREATH- NEW WORLD New Guild System, Item socketing, Apocalypse EK1.Drop rate:x999 EXP: x999. Capture the Relic event, Destroy the Shield, Crusade, Party member positions on minimap and much more... | 0 | 309 |
119 | HElbreath Underlord2 HBUnderlord2/Server Exp.High .Mx lvl 5min /Max lvl475 Stats 700.... | 0 | 315 |
120 | Helbreath Fruit Quality Max lvl: 500 Max stat: 700 EkCount 15 Drop: primary amp secondary 100, Rare 80 Exp: Very High Helbreath Files, Skins amp Sources Propios Hostiado 24/7 por 10mb, pronto seran 15. Seguridad amp Duracion garantizada No te lo pierdas,... | 0 | 323 |
121 | Helbreath Chas The Fall of The Knight Helbreath Chaos, Server Reset 12. July, Max Level 483, Stats 675, Ek5, PvP Arena, PvP Point system, New Maps, New Weapons, Archer Mage Warrior Classes, Balltrade/EKtrade ingame, Capture the Flag Event, Hosted on a Dedi.... | 0 | 269 |
122 | Nuevo Server Hb-Ghost Esta vez si ON MaxLVL 316//MaxStat 500//Ek x15//Drop: 100//Exp FAST//DropRare: 20//Nuevas Armas y Armaduras//Majestics Points//Mapas Fixed//... | 0 | 338 |
123 | Helbreath-Slip Gente aca les dejamos nuestro helbreath,por favor votenos tanto como nos votan en el hbtop50 :)Saludos Atte.Slip-Staff... | 0 | 281 |
124 | Helbreath Trance Welcome to HB Trance Max lvl 310 Max stats 400 EK Count 20 High Exp/Drop/Damage New items Trade EK Argentinian Server Responsable GM.Team 99 uptime... | 0 | 270 |
125 | Helbreath Death Knights Max lvl 300 Max stat 350 ... Nice And friendly gms ... everthing is new added on server... | 0 | 260 |
126 | Helbreath I-hate-sango More stable than ever Max lvl 260 max stats 320. High exp, decent droprate. Play now to support the anti-n e t o v e r l o r d in you. 7/20/05 - Server down until tommorrow... | 0 | 296 |
127 | Helbtreath Traffic HELBREATH TRAFFIC SERVER UPPP MAX LVL 250 MAX STATS 500 DROPRATE 100 GOODS DROPS SKILLS 100 EK 8... | 0 | 319 |
128 | Helbreath Immortal Awakening Max Stats:500 Max LvL:310 Exp:High... | 0 | 283 |
129 | Helbreath Owned ( ONLINE) Max lvl(310) Max stats(500) 1kill(5Eks) server version 3,51-------------------------------------Come and play now ).We are here for you new PvP server/very balance.Server Have New Items ,New Magic,New Weapon,New Enemys,event daily. ONLINE... | 0 | 319 |
130 | HB Ancientss max lvl 519 max stat 500 ek20 24/7 join us now... | 0 | 303 |
131 | hb-el-caballero Max lvl: 250 Max stats: 250 skills: 100 exp drop: 70 drop rate: 400 version: 3.82... | 0 | 337 |
132 | -HB-Final-Fantsy-X V3.51 Max Lvl - 310 Max Stats - 500 Good Server 24/7 No lag... | 0 | 310 |
133 | Helbreath Divinity Max Level: 300 - Max Stats: 330 - Ek 5 - Exp: Medium - Drop: Medium - All Maps - Crafting - Crusades - Majestic - Angels - Binded DKsets - Balanced PVP - English and Spanish Staff - Dedicated Server... | 0 | 299 |
134 | Helbreath Numb Max level/stats 310/500 +40 players on EK x 50 New Weapons / Spells / Armors Hunt Map: PROMISSELAND 1000 crits in webpage English Spanish Server GM Staff serio Host 24/7 Argentina: 1GB ddr2, 360 SATA II, Intel core 2 duo 2.14 2.14... | 0 | 306 |
135 | Helbreath Hidden 180/200 ll Ek:10 ll /showdmg ll Trade Ek With Commands ll New AddOns ll /criticals ll A lot of fixes ll Server dedicated ll Online 24/7... | 0 | 285 |
136 | Kb-Kamper Welcome to HB-KamperMax lvl : 180Max stats : 200EK kill : x20Exp : HighDrop : HighNuevas ArmadurasNuevas ArmasNuevos CommandosTradeEKPvP ServerNice GM039SEspero que les guste... | 0 | 278 |
137 | Helbreath Knight Max lvl : 180 Max Stats : 200 Ek : 25 Exp : Hight Drop : Medium Server Up 24/7 Nice GM Team Anty Lame System .... | 0 | 284 |
138 | Helbreath Crystal Energy II - 24/7 Server Status -Max lvl - 475Max Stat - 700Enemy Kill - 20All maps ONCrusade ONAngels ONExp - HighDrop - HighAngelic PendantNew CommandsNew MagicNice Admin039sServer 24/7 ONLINE... | 0 | 279 |
139 | HELBREATH NOMADE [PvP] ax Level 180 - Max Stat 200 - Experience HIGH - Gold Medium - Drops Medium (RareLow 2ndHigh) - 1ek 5EK - New systems - Range system - Deathmatch system - New 1,2,3,4 and 5 binds - Archer class - New sprites (all of them) - Dedicated Host 24/7 - NEW ... | 0 | 285 |
140 | Helbreath Life And Death Helbreath Life And Death - PRXIMAMENTE... | 0 | 276 |
141 | HELBREATH MEDUSA Max Level: 180 -Max Stats: 200 -Exp: 300x -EK: 25 -Drops: 90/90/85 High -Accelerated Skillgain -DMG Increased -Barrack level limit 180 - Maps: Shops and promiseland - Majestic works -DK weapons -Server started on 21. nov.... | 0 | 302 |
142 | HBSpwan 3.82 20.02.07 HB SPWAN SERVER BACK AND UP: Max lvl/stats 418/432 No Lags Good EXP 24/7 Up Time 100skills PvM , PvP Server New Items , Spells And Armors Come and Check it.... | 0 | 354 |
143 | HB-Marvic Max LvL : 311 Max Start : 500 Ek : 20 Ek Trade Online 24/7 Nice GM Exp : Ultra - Fasil... | 0 | 278 |
144 | Helbreath Forever NEW SERVER 24/7 -- 180lvl -- 1 lvl 9 stats points -- Max stat 700 -- Ball trade available -- Drop rate high -- exp very high -- Hammer Strip working -- stat reset scroll -- PVP server -- No abusing -- V3.82 client and server -- Angel working -... | 0 | 293 |
145 | Helbreath YunGoti2 Max Lvl 620 _ Max Stats 700 _ Exp Very Big _ Ek Per Kill 25 _ New Command... | 0 | 293 |
146 | HelBreath Dragon Max lvl 400Max stat 500Ek20ek tradeball tradeAngelicPadentNice Events, Crusades and GMT... | 0 | 495 |
147 | HB Scream Max Level 300/Max Stats 350/Ek per kill 50/Zapraszamy do gry... | 0 | 295 |
148 | ::---gt[Helbreath Extension]lt---:: AHORA UP RECIEN COMENZANDO NESESITAMOS PLAYERS max lvl 250 max stats 200 EK 10 friendly Staff contribution Candy/crit candys promiseland n middleland available new sets armors, weapons exp very hight drop hig... | 0 | 283 |
149 | helbreath-cabronasoo 24 / 7 wooww muy buen server max lvl 3000(no bug) max stats 2000 ek x 1500 0 lag 24/7 7 computadores dedicados al host exp very very high (x1200) buenos gms al iniciar el juegos partes con 5000 crits i cada ves q te logees van a aparecer los 50... | 0 | 273 |
150 | Helbreath Project Xandium Helbreath P. X - Max Level . 300 - Max Stats . 330 - Exp . High - Drop Rate . High - New Weapons - New Spells - New Sets - New Commands - The Server Of The Moment ) - Try It... | 0 | 329 |