51 | Helbreath Fierce A very well ran server with a dedicated server which is up 24/7. We are running on 3.51 edited files and have crusade heldenian and apocolypse working. Max level is 200 with semi low exp and droprate. Tons of events. Friendly Gms.... | 0 | 482 |
52 | Helbreath Wasap Max Lvl : 311 / Max Stat : 500 / Ek 20 / Exp High / Drop Rate / Majestic Point / Udgrade Items / Server 24/7 / PvP Server... | 0 | 469 |
54 | HB RIP HB RIPNEW SERVER COME AND PLAY Max Level/Stat 310/500 1 ek 10 Drop rate HIGH Exp HIGH Up 24/7 unless updates Active GMs Come and Play... | 0 | 351 |
55 | HB Shadys the coolest helbreath private server, good exp., gold, items and great comunity.... | 0 | 341 |
56 | Helbreath ChaosDragons Max LvL: 311 Max Stats: 500 Exp: Very Good - High Good PHPs Lots of Events Gold: High Ek: 15 Raid: 50 all Days Drop Rates: 100 Alls 100 Skills Automatically Ek Announcer and Majestic Points Friendly GMs... | 0 | 348 |
57 | Helbreath Templar Version 3.58 , Max Level/Stats [ 180/200] Exp [ x10 ] Gold Drop [ x10] Drop Rate [ x10 ] Enemy Kill Adjust [ 5 ] ,Majestic Upgrade,Majestic Stats Change,Monster/Ek Announcer,HammerStripping,MagicStripping,Apocalypse Try us Now... | 0 | 340 |
58 | HB BOGACTWO POLAND SERVER HB BOGACTWO POLAND SERVER 24/7 up.HELBREATH BOGACTWOVersion 3.62Max Level 200Max Stats 200EK 10Exp HighEK TRADEAngels+20MajesticsNew itemsDefault DropsDK Set in City Hall... | 0 | 365 |
59 | Helbreath Cronicas The Narnia Max Lvl 300 Stats 300 ek 20 Exp and Drops Fast Server on 24/7 Nice Gms New server Only PvP... | 0 | 304 |
60 | HelbreatH Darkness SERVER ON ACTUALMENTE - LvL 180 - Max Stats 200 - EK x15 - Exp Alta - Drop x100 - Majestics - Angels -DKsets -Crusades - Active Staff and Support - Verdadero Juego MMORPG Activo 24/7 sword y hammer +15 Axe+15... | 0 | 308 |
61 | HB Chakra hb chakra//max lvl 475//max stats 700//drop 90//nice GMS//0lag... | 0 | 308 |
62 | Helbreath RD Max lvl 315 / Max Stats 500 / Exp x607 / Drop very high / Angelic / Majestic points / Goods gms / Server 24h 7D online... | 0 | 303 |
63 | Hb dark fantasy Nuevo helbreath nuevas armas nuevas magias etc.. Pronto up... | 0 | 282 |
65 | Helbreath Inyex v4[PROXIMAMENTE] -Max Level 180 - Max Stat 200 - Experience VERY HIGH - Majestics HIGH - Drops HIGH - EK x KILL 10 - NO BUGS - NO - FULL PVP SERVER... | 0 | 286 |
66 | Helbreath Nemesis Interactive Web - LvL 180 - Max Stats 200 - EK x1 - Exp x25 - Drop x3 - Majestics - Angels - Binded DKsets - Apocalypse - Battlefield and Castle Sieges Heldenians - Crusades - Active Staff and Support - OldSchool Real Helbreath Only.... | 0 | 471 |
67 | HELBREATH MALAYSIA Best Malaysia Helbreath Private Server. New features, items, spells, etc. Professional Game Masters. Daily Events. New Client Settings. New Cityhall Teleports. Real Damage. Working Angels, Hammer Strips, 99 bugs fixed. Become our family today... | 0 | 542 |
68 | Helbreath Reborn Max level/Stats/Ek : 200/250/3 , New player command, uses for Mj , Friend list,and keeps improvin) (English server) We pwn you.... | 0 | 296 |
69 | HB FreeServer quothellkidquot Max STAT:free level :180 quotenjoy helbreath2quot... | 0 | 342 |
70 | Helbreath UnderWorld Free2Play Server Max Lvl 475/700 EK: x10 Drop/Exp: High Dedicated 100mbps Hammer Strips Angelics Majestics Ball amp EK Trade Voting Window Try us today... | 0 | 307 |
71 | Helbreath china Helbreath Lux - Max Level 200 - Max Stats Stats 200 - EK Adjust x5 - Exp Fast Increased Dmg - New Trade Ek - New Trade Contribution - Rep Potions - Crusade Trustable Staff - New Ek Anouncer - News Events - Points Majestic - Pvp Balanced Angels... | 0 | 322 |
72 | HelBreath PvP Xtreme NEW SERVER 24/7 -- 180lvl -- 1 lvl 9 stats points -- Max stat 700 -- Ball trade available -- Drop rate high -- exp very high -- Hammer Strip working -- stat reset scroll -- PVP server -- No abusing -- V3.82 client and server -- Angel working... | 0 | 286 |
73 | Helbreath Gladiador Server V2.0 REGRESA Ahora OnLine V2.0 Max Level:200 Max Stats:200 EK10 Exp Muy Alta Drop Muy Alto Majestic DK Set Nuevos Comandos Nuevos Sprites Angeles Sword, Axe, Hammer y Wand upgrade +15 Nuevos Sets Habilitado Ataque en Jail Host en Chile... | 0 | 293 |
74 | Helbreath Zaphyr 24/7 Online Helbreath Zaphyr Online 24/7 - EK : 24 - EXP : Fast - Droop : ExelenteMax LVL : 450Max Stat : 700Nice Gm039s Server hispano , Veni y juga... | 0 | 280 |
75 | Helbreath eXcessum MaxLvl:200 MaxStat:250 Ek:15 Exp:HIGHT Droprates:HIGHT NewCommands Friendly GM PL SERVER Come Play... | 0 | 286 |
76 | Helbreath Servis Helbreath Servis - Polish Site Polska Strona PHP Scripts, HGServers, Clients, Sources, Forum and more Must see... | 0 | 288 |
77 | Helbreath Cool HELBREATH COOL NUEVO SERVER MAX LVL 300 STATS 300 EK X 5 NUEVAS ARMAS... | 0 | 299 |
78 | Hb-MaxX Nuevo Server...Max Nivel 500 y max star 500... | 0 | 307 |
79 | Helbreath Cordoba V3 Max lvl: 220 Max stats: 200 Dedicated server 24/7 (100mbps) Exp: HIGH Drop: MEDIUM-HIGH Nice GM039s (Spanish, English, Brazilian) Angelic Pandent Ek: 10 Balanced PVP Experience Staff... | 0 | 296 |
80 | Helbreath Xtreme Resource site for Helbreath -- Previously one of the best private servers, now developing files for the community. -- Private server list available... | 0 | 316 |
81 | Helbreath Top 20 Helbreath top private server advertising amp resource information on private server hosting, creation amp coding.... | 0 | 309 |
82 | - RusHB - Version: 3.51 - Max Level: 185 - Max Stat: 200 - Skill: Manuals (20) - EK: 3 - Exp: Normal - Drop: Good Russian Helbreath Server...... | 0 | 325 |
83 | Helbreath-Heroes (PL-EN) v4.0 Best polish helbreath server New items, Latest server files, 24/7, Events, Multi-language site, Play with Us... | 0 | 295 |
84 | Helbreath Revive 475 / 700 Server - New settings. - HC and TW can Solo - Abaddon drop ITEMS - New Ball Trade System - Good PVP - NO LAGNESS - UP Time 24/7 - Weapons + 15 ITEMS Fail Wont LOST - DK, Angel, Majestics all Working - Lottery Ticket - Magic Hero Item -... | 0 | 296 |
85 | Helbreath Xscape Max level: 140, Max stats: 200 Drop Rate: Medium/High Exp rate: x25 EK: 2 Travler Limit: 50 Max Party: 25 Removed Middleland, Replaced teleports to Middleland to Toh. Teleport to Icebound in pl No DK Armors, Dk Wepons Only... | 0 | 343 |
86 | Helbreath LMDL Exp60MaxLvl 180MaxStats 200HeldenianApocalypseAngelsNoBugs3Years upNo ML bumpsNo lagdedicate hosting.... | 0 | 280 |
87 | PaRaDoX Helbreath max-Lvl 180, max-Stat 200, exp Low/Mid, with no corruption, new items, new skill, and Much More - Come See. we are constantly updating. No lag, 24/7 Server. we create that server of your dreams. This server is unique.... | 0 | 317 |
88 | Helbreath Sdage Common Answers Max Level 475Max Stat 700/getskilled for100 skills/getcrits for 5 pts ballsuper crit pot500 crit/showdmg... | 0 | 282 |
89 | HB-Krimax Helbreath Krimax - Max Level : 310 / Max Stats : 500 / EK/Kill : 10 / Drop Rate : High / Gold Drop : High / Exp : High / New Set / New Maps / New Armor / 0 Lag / New Magias... | 0 | 402 |
90 | HB Freezing server Espaniol max level 310 max stats 1000 exp alta... | 0 | 300 |
91 | Helbreath Sleepy Hollow Max lvl :180 Max stats :200 Exp :High Ek per kill :10 Droprate :Med/High Damage:1.3x Angels Majestics Uptime :24/7... | 0 | 339 |
92 | Helbreath - Dark Age Top development team ,Bug free,latest files, Exp 500x Drop 300x , Custom Items, 24/7 Dedicated Server - No Lag, Daily Event, Active Game Masters .... | 0 | 432 |
93 | Hb-Alkon Max Level:180 Max Stats:200 EK1 Exp x1 Drop x1 100+ Players Online Majestic Dark Knight/Mage Sets Apocalypse/Heldenian/Crusade 24/7 Online... | 0 | 311 |
94 | Helbreath SoLVi Max lvl 310, Max stats 300, ek 20, Angelic Pandents, Magestic Points Upgrade, Ek Announcer, Nuevos Commandos, Nueva Armas Magicas, Cliente en Espaol y ms ... Pruevalo... | 0 | 287 |
95 | Healbreath Sunrise Level 200 Stat 200 Experience HighGold Medium Drop Medium Rare Drop Medium 2nd Drop Medium 1Ek 5EK x2 whit HappyHour (every weekend)/getrep 1 Rep for maj.pts. /changecity 1000maj.pts.... | 0 | 323 |
96 | HELBREATH POLSKA Max Level:180 Max Stats:200 EK1 Exp x1 Drop x3 300+ Players Online Majestic Dark Knight/Mage Sets Apocalypse/Heldenian/Crusade No Crash No Wipe 24/7 Online Core 2 Duo E6600 4gb DDR2 667 Data Mirroring 155mb/s WAN connection... | 0 | 399 |
97 | Helbreath Revolution Helbreath Revolution Max Level - 418 HBR Max Stats - 500 HBR EK/Kill - 5 HBR Rep Mod : 5 HBR Drop Rate : High - Gold Drop : High HBR - Experience : High HBR Hammer Stripping and Armor Break Stripping HBR Ek Announcer HBR... | 0 | 372 |
98 | Helbreath Divinity (since 4/17/07) Max Level: 200 - Max Stats: 230 - Ek 5 - Exp: Medium - Drop: Medium - All Maps 24/7 Online - Crafting - Crusades - Majestic - Angels - Binded DKsets - Balanced PVP - English and Spanish Staff... | 0 | 312 |
99 | HelbreathSS Forum Sources, Server files, Codes y todo el soporte y la informacion necesaria para llevar adelante tus proyectos.... | 0 | 307 |
100 | Helbreath - Massive War New server welcoming new players 5/20/09. Client v3.81 Max Level 180 Max Stat 200 Exp Rate 10x EK 1x Drop Rate Normal Dark Knight Hero Armor. Ice Bound and Apocalypse Maps Crusades Sieges Angels Maj Pts Crafting Slates Hammer... | 0 | 300 |