401 | Helbreath Dbest1 max lvl/stats 420/500 Friendly GMs, exp : high ,rare drop : high, gold:high... | 0 | 257 |
402 | Dungeon-Master MAX LVL 322 MAX STATS 300 HIGH EXP HIGH DROP RATE 100 skill php works Lots of events Supportive GMs 10MB/S Well Rounded Server... | 0 | 322 |
403 | HB Truculent PvP server level:300 stat:500, 100 skills, EK5, ExpMedium-High, 1 lvl4 stats, balanced server. good HGserver.... | 0 | 322 |
404 | Helbreath Dungeon Masters Server Max LVL 310 Max Stats 500 Exp: HIGH Drop: All High Open 24/7 Nice Gms Have Fun... | 0 | 293 |
405 | :Helbreath AES: HB-AES... Max lvl 250, Stats 200, Nuevas modificaciones, Ek Announce, nuevos items... | 0 | 291 |
406 | ValakasLV Good Lineage 2 C4 server rates XP 7000 SP 250 drop 20 Custom GM shop Puss The Cat Support Sieges Clans Good GMs... | 0 | 317 |
407 | HB Evolution Max Level: 180 Max Stats: 200 Exp: Medium-High Ek: 5 Drop: High Friendly GMs... | 0 | 316 |
408 | HBANGLES Max lvl 519 Max stat 1000 ExpX130 Ek15 Nice GMs Up 24/7 Promise EVENTS EVERY2Days runs on 2Hoster... | 0 | 252 |
410 | Helbreath Full Power Good Server Fast, Lvl Max 315, Max Stats: 500, EK: 5, Exp: High, Drop Rate: High... | 0 | 345 |
411 | HB-GAME / Prograssive Versions This server is now runing in the version 2.19, in 2 month in 2.20, and in 4 moths in 3.51 /+/ 100MB... | 0 | 283 |
412 | Helbreath NeO max lvl 519 max stats 600 exp high 1kill 25 ek drop high ONLINE 24/7... | 0 | 325 |
413 | Technohell - Private Servers Ressources New Ressources site for Helbreath Private Servers. Updated twice a week. Find out C++ Sources (Client, server, Tools), Ready to run servers, Tools, Help and much more... | 0 | 276 |
414 | Helbreath Proffesional Helbreath PRO ExpHighMax lvl620max stat700GOOD GMS COME AND PLAY... | 0 | 283 |
415 | Helbreath Oblition Helbreath Oblition Max level/stat 300/330 Drop Rate High 1 EK 5 Majestics Poiints 24/7 Up Time 100 skills Exp High 100 Skills Very Good Connection Friendly GM Team, listen to questions Join us...plz... | 0 | 351 |
416 | HBCoriX Max lvl 310Max stats 500EK 10All magestics and other RUN 100 by Diuuudes24/7 hosting in dedicated server Come to play 20 hours GMS are online... | 0 | 255 |
417 | HB FIRE Fast Server... lvl/stats: 250/200 EK 10 Skills: 100 Drop Rate: 60 Rare Drop Rate: 50 Exp: 60 NICE GMS... | 0 | 263 |
418 | HBLegion HBLegion is back 180/200 server-dedi host-med/high exp-great staff-custom things-same owners as legion-lotus-exodus hope to see you all soon... | 0 | 319 |
419 | Helbreath NazY The best helbreath server ever max lvl 250 stats 200... Since no1 wanted to join my gm guild im gonna do events to get some GMs :) server 24/7 working on CPU 4.0 Ghz 1024 Memory... | 0 | 267 |
420 | New Dungeon Masters Very Good Exp NEW SERVER max lvl 300 VERY COMPETIVE SERVER Very Good Gms Good EVENTS AND MORE... | 0 | 250 |
421 | HELBREATH MARIUS - Server BR Level Max: 310 - Stats Max: 500 - Ek: 10 - Exp: Verry High - Rare Drop: High - Ball Trade System - PVP Events - Friendly GM... | 0 | 280 |
422 | Helbreath Argentina Language: Esp Server v3.51 Exp: x4.5 MaxStat: 200 MaxLvL: 180 DropRate: Low Magestics Points: Ok Crusade: Ok Heldenian: Ok Apocalypse: Ok Dedicated Host Funny Events Enjoy HB Argentina... | 0 | 314 |
423 | .:HB-Strong:. max lvl 720/1000,ek-20/exp-good/drop-good/events/10mb host/firendly gm up 24/7... | 0 | 253 |
424 | Hb-XmX MaxLevel:310 - MaxStat:500 - Ek:10 - Server On 24/7 - Buenos Gms... | 0 | 257 |
425 | Helbreath Vanquished Im just posting this server now, just to test out the banner, ths server isnt fully finished yet, but if you want to vote for the unfinished website go ahead cuz the server will be up in the next week(startingMay7th-14th)and cuz the website is great... | 0 | 288 |
426 | Helbreath Masters of Chaos Max lvl 250 Max Stat 400 EK10 Excellent GM Staff Come Join us now... | 0 | 290 |
427 | Helbreath Pro Pro server. Nice GMs, Less lag, Good items, 2 events a week, Not Lame, 5 EK per kill, exp 30X FUN Come and Play :)... | 0 | 307 |
428 | Helbreath Duty come and have a fun visit... | 0 | 315 |
429 | HBUSKERS MAX LVL 311 MAX STATS 1000 HIGH EXP HIGH DROP RATE 100 skills automaticly Lots of events crusades Friendly GMS 5MB/S GOOD SERVER WELCOME... | 0 | 264 |
430 | HB Huskers Max Lvl: 718 Ms Stats: 1000 Exp: High Drop: High 100 Skills Lot Of New Items Lot of Events Crusades Friendly GMs 5MBConnection GooD ServeR... | 0 | 284 |
431 | Helbreath Heldenian Witam strona nowo stworzona teraz: wszystko dla podstawowych graczy w przysz322osci: wszystko i o wszystkim... | 0 | 279 |
432 | HB Oblition Polish server:high drop and exp,max 250,stats 350 php scripts (Look This Server)Zapraszam... | 0 | 351 |
433 | Helbreath Private Server Helbreath Dark Pvp Server // Max lvl 180 // Max stats 200 // New Events // Items // Ek Trade // Contrib Trade // Dk armors // Angels + 20// Join Now and enjoy 7... | 0 | 254 |
434 | Helbreath SEA New official launch 07/07/2013 !
- South East Asia Server
- Version 4.00
- Server 24hrs / 7days ON !
- Free (No forcing of voting)
- New Skills (Dual Wielding & Monster Taming)
- New classes such as Priest (Supporter), Babarian (Damage), Druid ... | 0 | 317 |
435 | Helbreath-Legion Helbreath Legion original coders NEW HOST!!! server is lvl / stat 180 / 200 high xp high drop rate server with nice helpful staff...... | 0 | 302 |
436 | Helbreath Forsaken Entra Ahora 24 / 7 Host USA... | 0 | 264 |
437 | Helbreath top 100 This is a Helbreath Server game which entitles you all to one of the best games yet to come out We have great gms, great players, and best of all great connection line 100mbit to be exact Please try us out You wont regret it... | 0 | 237 |
438 | Helbreath Empire - Join Us! Max Level: 200
Max Stats: 250
Exp Rate: High
Gold Rate: Medium-High
Drop Rate: Medium-High
Ek x3
NO LAG / NO DELAY WORLDWIDE!!!... | 0 | 311 |
439 | Helbreath Olympia Antiguo Servidor conocido como UA Helbreath. Nuevo Host en USA. No Lag - No Delay. 24/7/365 ONLINE - EXP x 4 - Sistema AntiHack Unico - Eventos Exclusivos: Capture The Flag, Evento Navidad... Nuevos Mapas - Nuevo Boss Queen Of Pain - Upgradea tu Hero... | 0 | 234 |
440 | HB Europa
Max Level: 200
Max Stats: 200
Exp Rate: High
Gold Rate: High
Drop Rate: High
Ek x10
... | 0 | 220 |
441 | Helbreath Marius V5 Helbreath Marius V5Max lvl : 200Max stats : 200 EK:20/50 y eventos +Nuevos eventos/armas/ un nuevo server que a su tiempo se va volviendo uno de los mas completos
... | 0 | 325 |
442 | Helbreath Portal Fersh Start 05.10.2019 Fresh start 05/10/2019 Classic PvP Server Max Level 150 Max Stat 200 Experience High x50 LVL till max reduced in Majestics x15 Drop Rate Medium Ekx1... | 0 | 184 |
443 | HB Prophecy Helbreath prophecy is mid xp/drop with new added features The game has classes Archer, Warrior, Mage, and Assassin Each class has a special perks. With questing you can gain ranks, which gives you new special skills for each class. Link questing and ... | 0 | 145 |