351 | Hb Tierra de Reyes Hb Tierra Stats 200 Max lvl 310, servidor Sur Americano con muxa sorpresas, seras digno de usar la Prometeus descubrelo.... | 0 | 304 |
352 | Helbreath Blaziken Max LvL: 310 Max Stats: 500 Exp: High Gold: High Drop Rate: 100 Events 3 - 4 Days at week Ek: 20 Friendly GMs and a good hoster Come here and join us... | 0 | 340 |
353 | HelServer Max lvl 250, Max stats 200, exp rate HIGH, drop rate 100, skills 100, up 24/7... | 0 | 314 |
354 | DTU-P Helbreath Develop Help Queres abrir un server y no sabes como Nosotros te ayudamos con cualquier duda sobre el HB o crecion de servers. Tambin con los PHPs, Files Originales, etc...... | 0 | 279 |
355 | Helbreath Unfortunate Max level 300 :: Max Stats 500 :: Great Hoster :: Fun GMs :: Many events :: New pits soon :: High Exp :: High drop rate :: Join today :)... | 0 | 288 |
356 | HB Darkened Polskis erver gry Helbreath max lvl 300 max stats 200 exp gooooood 1 kill 15 ek... | 0 | 276 |
357 | Helbreath Wish Max Lvl 200 - Max Stats 200 - Exp x 10 - Drop Rate Medio - Ek x 5... | 0 | 324 |
358 | Hb Piola Gato HB Muy Piola... Exp: Alta Drop: Altisimo Ek 5 por Kill...ahy moustros en la city para q vallan lvlearndo mejor...y por la puerta de arriba de la Black Smith Van a la City contraria )... | 0 | 264 |
359 | Helbreath Ultimate Generation Max lvl 310/Max Stat 500/Ek x 10/New Items (Armors, Weapons, Rings)/New Alchemy/Trade ...... | 0 | 293 |
360 | Helbreath Chronicles 4 New Server. Max Lvl: 418 Stats: 500 Custom Items GM Shop Exp: High Drop Rate 80 Rare Drop Rate 15 Friendly GMs... | 0 | 274 |
361 | Hb-Ancientss Server up 24/7 Max level 519 max stats 500. High exp, 100 skills, Nice GMs. Come join... | 0 | 284 |
362 | HB Spwan/ HB Aap 3.82 20.02.07 Max LvL: 325 Max Stats: 200 Exp: Very Good - High Good PHPs Lots of Events Gold: High Ek: 30 Raid: 50 all Days Drop Rates: 100 Alls 100 Skills Automatically Friendly GMs... | 0 | 280 |
363 | The Best Polish Server GRA262/Go In GAME... | 0 | 259 |
364 | HB-XmX Maxlvl: 310/ MaxStat: 500/ Ek: 15/ 100Skills/ 24/7/ Good GmS / Trade Eks /Hero Itemns/ Good Dmg Magic And Armas/ Good Server... | 0 | 400 |
365 | HBJENR SERVER OF HB24/7 ON MAXLVL 350, MAXSTATS 320... | 0 | 277 |
366 | Propuesta de un HB PRE-PAGO Entra y Sumate a esta camapnea... | 0 | 293 |
367 | Helbreath Conquest Helbreath Conquest USA - Max level/stat 315/500 Drop Rate High Exp High 1 EK 5 24/7 Up Time 100 Skills Amazing Connection Great and Fair GM Team Server Running on: AMD64 3500+/1GB RAM 400Mhz... | 0 | 299 |
368 | HBXmas New effect sprits,max lvl 180 max,max stats 200,exp and droprateshige... | 0 | 280 |
369 | HB Red Dragon Max lvl 519 Stats 500 Ek5... | 0 | 301 |
371 | ..:: Helbreath Hispano 2006 ::.. Max Level: 180 Max Stats: 200 Exp: Low Normal DropRate: Low Version v3.51 Majestic Points Apocalypse Heldenian Try us now... | 0 | 295 |
372 | hbnation max lvl 310 max stat 330 good gms... | 0 | 281 |
373 | FutureHB3 FutureHB Max level/stat 310/500 Drop Rate High 1 EK 5 Majestics Points (almost Working Finely) 24/7 Up Time 100 skills Exp High 100 Skills Very Good Connection Friendly GM Team, listen to questions Join us...plz... | 0 | 297 |
374 | Helbreath Europe Helbreath International private server V3.51 all working exp x1 low drop rate Barracks level limit 70 Promiseland level limit 120 What are you waiting for Join us... | 0 | 477 |
375 | HBUnleashed Maxlevel 300MaxStat-300EkAnnouncer HammerStripping ArmourStripping MajesticUpgrade HeroCapeUpgrade CustomDrops24/7ApocHeld(Being Coded) JOIN US NOW... | 0 | 295 |
376 | Helbreath Conquistador Max Lvl : 180 Max Stats : 200 Ek 2 Angels Dk Set Exp Medium Gold Drop Medium Majestics Working Ek Announcer Active GMs Server in testing Mode Come join now... | 0 | 291 |
377 | Helbreath-KT NewServer 26/1 MAXlv-240status200EK20EXP-VeryHigtDrop-VeryNiceNewWeaponDropTWSoloEasyJOIN US NOW... | 0 | 309 |
378 | HB Egel. A creation of Egels Forum // Exp: Medium - High // Max Level: 180 // More information in web.... | 0 | 318 |
379 | HB Limitless Lookin for 3 GMs/Beta testers Server is 24/7 Friendly No Limits, but experience will limit most people will get to around level 430 Enjoy.... | 0 | 308 |
380 | Hb X-PrO Helbreat X-PrO Nuevos items Exp:Hight Drop:Hight Ek:10 GMs on PHP on Magestic points y hammer stripping Max lvl: 376 Max stat: 500... | 0 | 385 |
381 | .:::(HbReaver):::. Max lvl 418 Max stat 500 ek10 xp:high drop:high raredrop:high 24/7... | 0 | 277 |
382 | HBReaper Best Dam Server Out There / Max Stat/Lvl 400/700 / Running on good comp and good internet 24/7... | 0 | 254 |
383 | : Helbreath Externe : Max lvl: 200 , Max Stats: 200 , Exp: High... | 0 | 271 |
384 | Helbreath Ranger Helbreath Rangers Max lvl 315 Max Stats 500 Exp High EK x 10 DMG spells and weapons add EK Announcer Hammers Bows and Armor Break Stripping EK Trade Majestic Points Drop Rate High Good GMs Staff... | 0 | 286 |
385 | HB TiKi / Great english HBserv Level: 410 Stat : 500, come check out... | 0 | 289 |
386 | HB Test v3.72 Helbreath PvPDedicated Hosting 24 hours seven days ONLINE, Max lvl 180, Max stats 250, Barracks: max lvl 180 ,Exp:x350, Allot of new items and ANGELS IN SHOP... | 0 | 288 |
387 | Helbreath Amunnation MAx lvl/Stats:400/700 Ek:20 drops:100 Exp high... | 0 | 293 |
388 | Helbreath Leaders Max Lvl: 721... Max stat: 1000... 1 kill 25EK... Exp:Fast... NewItemsHeroSets....... | 0 | 286 |
389 | Helbretha-Wages Max lvl/stats:1000/1000 Exp:very high Drop: very high Ek:20 rep:15 100SkillsFriendly gms... | 0 | 262 |
390 | HB-RevengeR Max lvl :250 Max stat:300 EXP:HIGHT ek5 nuevas armas y armaduras y sorpresas al max lvl... | 0 | 269 |
391 | HB Abby Max Lvl : 310 max stat : 500 - Exp High -Drop Rate High-0 LAG... | 0 | 282 |
392 | -Hb Ranger- Server ONLINE 24/7 Exp: High Drop: High EK trade Ek for Kill: 10 Server ONLINE 24/7 Gods pits in city... | 0 | 303 |
393 | DarcandHbSuperPvPserver Server en espaol,ExpAlta,/DropMedio/Ek25/SuperPvP/MaxLvl180/MaxStat200/Eventos por los mejore items todo el tiempo/Si llegamos a los 10 mejores, el server sera 24/7/Solo se compra el KnightSet... | 0 | 286 |
394 | HB God free helbreath private server HB God 24/7 High Exp , High Drop Rate, Max Stats/Max Level 418/500... | 0 | 316 |
395 | Helbreath SaNmA Version 3.51 Max lvl/stats: 376/500 Drop High Exp High Ek announcer Magestic points y mas... Necesitamos un segundo hoster... ya tenemos uno pero es mejor con 2... | 0 | 306 |
396 | HelBreatH X-PrO Helbreat X-PrO Nuevos items Exp:Hight Drop:Hight Ek:10 GMs on PHP on Magestic points y hammer stripping Max lvl: 376 Max stat: 500... | 0 | 347 |
397 | HB Coup Dtat. Helbreath Level: 418 Stat: 500 EK Ratio: 5:1 Majestic System Player Death Announcer (w/log optn) Custom Items Damage Display (w/log optn) Hammer and ArmorBreak Stripping Several Mods Suggestions Welcomed... | 0 | 275 |
398 | Helbreath Truculent helbreath private server... | 0 | 254 |
399 | HB Happend aka HB Vinq max lvl 310: stats 500: 100 skills: new weapons and sets:nice GM-s who listens questions: coma join today, WE need ppl. plz join.... | 0 | 263 |
400 | Helbreath THUNDER Helbreath THUNDER Max lvl / stat 310/500 Xp: High - Balanced pvp Very good Secure Server up 24/7 friendly admins Join us for some good hb times... | 0 | 324 |