251 | Silkroad Online Venice Emulator Silkroad online venice Emulator.Supports Database and Multiplayer... | 0 | 311 |
252 | Silkroad Private Servers Exp:100xSp:100xDropRate:100Jobs:100xPets:100xSilkroad Version is v1.739New 12D amp304temsNew Petsamp304tem Mall is in game gold... | 0 | 338 |
253 | SREmu by DarkInc SREmu is the very first silkroad emulator ever created. We039re currently working on a VB open-source test server and a very powerful C++ server which is coming soon Come join the party... | 0 | 325 |
254 | .:: SRO-HQ News, Tipps und Tricks ::. Wir sind einer extrem Umfangreiche Silkroad Online Infoamtions Seite in Deutsch. Wir haben aktuelle News amp Downloads... | 0 | 299 |
255 | SRO Arabia the first Arabian community for SROTutorials - Builds - Photo amp Vedio Gallery ... etc... | 0 | 349 |
256 | Top SRO Forum Gutes Forum mit Downloads Sro Tools immer auf dem neuesten Stand. Alles um Isro und Private Server... | 0 | 341 |
257 | SilkRoad Make server SilkRoad Online emulator for server creation. Wants to create your Own server Guides / Files / FAQ for all this question u can find on our site. Make your SilkRoad Server in 10min. Test it with your friends over Internet.... | 0 | 466 |
258 | FlyVid private server No lag, great community. Join our high rated server.... | 0 | 315 |
259 | SrOFree Servidor silkroad a la ultima del servidor disfruten... | 0 | 415 |
260 | Silkroadonline this website about silkroadonline... | 0 | 309 |
261 | Silkroad Und Mehr Hier Erfahrt ihr alles ber silkroad und mehr... | 0 | 280 |
262 | Silkroad Online on PSPOWER.US 0... | 0 | 408 |
263 | Free Russian website of Silkroad Only for russians-download bots,cheats,testosterone,and other good stuff Enjoy for free... | 0 | 341 |
264 | Info sur SilkRoad Des Affaires Basiques sur GunBound Silk Road et Lineage 2... | 0 | 282 |
265 | Silkroad-Bot-World Hallo liebe Silkroad-Bot-World Community.Unsere Homepage basiert sich aufSilkroad Bots Tools Privat Servers Und noch vieles mehrIhr seid alle aufgerufen,Euch online unter zu re... | 0 | 302 |
266 | Divinity Silkroad Divinity Silkroad, Most awsome PVP server, all working features, instant 110lvl, 10m sp, full nova+5 sets, 1 bil gold and much much more... | 0 | 445 |
267 | Silkroad Botting Community A German Botting Community.All about Silkroad Online... | 0 | 293 |
268 | PURELOCKJOIN TODAY NOW MAple STory WEbsite... | 0 | 391 |
269 | Ice-Road new Server private 13D pvp
instant lvl 120
and 5k silk... | 0 | 531 |
270 | silkroad private server silkroad servers... | 0 | 279 |
271 | Revelations [No lag][1 gbit line][Professional] #1 Oldschool Silkroad Private server. Enjoy the SIlkroad gameplay as it was back in 2007. No bots, active GM’s, sweet events, and tons of unique features!... | 0 | 347 |
272 | Revelations [No lag][1 gbit line][Professional] #1 Oldschool Silkroad Private server. Enjoy the SIlkroad gameplay as it was back in 2007. No bots, active GM’s, sweet events, and tons of unique features!... | 0 | 282 |
273 | Ace Silkroad new modified skills & More ... AceSro - D12 & New modified skills + Rsro skills / Jupiter new rooms full working , video for the new skills http://youtu.be/J3sa7fpV9hc
- First 3 days (Exp Event)
- Exp & Sp Rate : 150x
- Party Exp : 180x
- Drop Rate : 30x
... | 0 | 387 |
274 | BattleSro-Reborn Deg14 free silk per 1h Exp/Sp Rates: 200x Gold Rate: 15x -x25 Drop Rate: 41x Level Cap: 120 Skill Cap: 120 Gear Cap: 14th Degree Weapon Cap: 14th Degree Race: Chinese and European Autopot: Yes - Online 24/7 - frequent updates - friendly GMs - daily events - activ... ... | 0 | 426 |
275 | Welcome(CoreSro) CoreSro
Event EveryDay Or Every 2 Days.
Helping The Players.
Solving Their Problems.
And Many Good Things U'll Be Surprised If U Join It.
... | 0 | 374 |
276 | Just Play Silkroad Online New Silkroad Online Server. Professional Silkroad private Server, Multiple features. Free silk. Medium Rates, Big comunity!, 4 Servers, Online 24/24, Daily Events, Friendly GMs. Come have a look TODAY!... | 0 | 317 |
277 | BRASILSRO - SERVIDOR 24/7 REGISTRO E DOWNLOAD: http://brasilsro.servegame.com:8090
CAP 110.
... | 0 | 329 |
278 | HITSRO HITSRO | Silkroad Online Private Server
Sunucu Kuruluş Tarihi: 01.09.2012
Sunucu bilgileri ; Dedicated - 24 gb ram intel i7 quadcore 2.67 işlemci Sunucu Dosyaları: VSRO
Race: EU/CH... | 0 | 359 |
279 | Oasis.Sro Exp 200% Exp Party 400% Drob Rate 50% Alchemy Rate 3x Magic PoP Rate 8% Try Dont Lose... | 0 | 375 |
280 | SkyfallSRO ONLİNE # NEW SRO http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvXGgURX-6w # #
=Start Items=
Gold : 1B
12DG +5 İTEM
SP : 10M
Level : 1
Level Cap : 120
Skill Cap : 120
Mastery Cap : 360
Gear Cap : 13 Degree
Weapon Cap : 13 Degree... | 0 | 322 |
281 | TerraSro cap 130-15 dg new sro server cap 130 15 dg Rates:
IFor lv 1-130:
Exp/SP: x350
Party Exp/SP: x300
For lv 120-130:
Exp/SP: x400
Party Exp/SP: x350
Gold: x300
Drop: x60
Job rate: x20
Cap: 130
Mastery Cap: 360
... | 0 | 460 |
282 | ImoSRO CAP 130 14D Unique Hunter Server x350 ImoSRO Level Cap: 130 - Skill Cap :130Full Working- Item Cap: 14D - Exp : x300 - Exp Party : x350 - Drop Rate : x60 - Gold Rate :x50- All Maps Working ... | 0 | 411 |
283 | Not Found! server closed... | 0 | 287 |
284 | Bravo Sro - 90 cap EU / CH - PVE Bravo Sro - 90 cap EU / CH - PVE easy exp - sp - drop - gold - sox rate... | 0 | 364 |
285 | PlayOnGrid PlayOnGrid it is a web portal with MMORPG games .Our motto is : From players to players ! We hope you will join and enjoy this community !... | 0 | 280 |
286 | Sensation Sro Experience : 25x
Skill points : 25x
Gold drop rate : 10x
Item drop rate : 5x
Trade rate : 15x
Alchemy rate : 1x [Max plus+10 after that will fail 100%]
Custom seal effect.
Botting allowed
Server IP limit : 3 accounts per IP.
No... | 0 | 289 |
287 | Jsro Online 110 Cap Free Silk / No Bug / 110 Cap / Special Edit-Npc-Moob / Profesional Team... | 0 | 335 |
288 | HateCore Online Server Information
Test Phase
Via Hamachi
Server Information
Cap 100
Server name HateCore Online
Free Silk
No Lag
24/7 Online
• HP / MP Potion : 1000
• Pill : 1000
• Stone : 1000
• Elixir : 100
• Arrow : 10000
- SERVE... | 0 | 331 |
289 | ConQuest SRO ConQuest SRO é Cap. 100
Mais Dificuldades com boa Jogabilidade.
... | 0 | 296 |
290 | Barricade Online Barricade online is a 100 cap server pve
with alot of systems
job based
auto equipment new devil system etc
check more here
http://www.elitepvpers.com/forum/private-sro-advertising/2865010-barricade-online-cap-100-30x-entertainment-pve-non-explo... | 0 | 254 |
291 | Ninja-Sro
- Cap 110 PVP
- Start 110
- Buy Egy B FB Max Stat 100% For 1 Gold
- all npc in Downhang
- JoB System
- PVP in Downhang
- Attack mobs job to get elixrs
Thank You... | 0 | 543 |
292 | Arcane Online Silkroad Arcane online :: Cap 140 | Silk/H | New Systems | Awesome Features | Arabia update... | 0 | 430 |
293 | MegaX-Sro Server Information
Server Rates
• Exp: 150x
• Exp (Party): 200x
• Drop Items: 50x
• Drop Coin: 50x
• Drop Gold: 50x
• Alchemy Rate: 2x
• Magic PoP: 100%
• Stones Success: 100%
Server Features
• Magic Pop From 1D ~ 11D.
• Uniques (... | 0 | 302 |
294 | NewRoad Back to New Good Times [NEWROAD][CAP130][D14][INTERNATIONAL SERVER][ACTIVE GAMEPLAY][NICE EVENTS][Co-OP]... | 0 | 336 |
295 | http://anubisro.sytes.net:8080/ EXP: 250X
ITEM drop: 50X
GOLD drop: 150X
TRADE job: 50X
Level cap: 125
Item cap: 13D
Alchemy: +15%
Version: 190
entren al url que tiene 8080 es el que esta bueno
... | 0 | 272 |
296 | ♣ BluePearl Online 120 cap GAME INFO ◘ ◘
Game Language: English.
Server: Blue Pearl Online. (Server: Mazin)
Capacity: 1000
Level Limit: 120
Skill Range: 120
Breed: Europe - China
Castle Wars: Jangan And Hotan is active.
Fortress War: Sunday 19:00
Registration: Sunday ... | 0 | 302 |
297 | ReviveSRO ReviveSRO | Cap 110 | Low rate server | PVE/PVP | OldSchool Systems.... | 0 | 327 |
298 | MagicanRoad Silkroad New Pvp Start lvl 120 And Much more GOGOGO!... | 0 | 292 |
299 | The 6th World Super Server Nettes Team viel Spaß... | 0 | 251 |
300 | LighTSRO Online Some Info about New Dg
Server Now Cap 110 / Dg 11
New Server Rates
Exp Rate 300x
Exp Party 350x
DropITEM 120x
dropGold 70x
FTW Work:
-----------------... | 0 | 281 |