201 | Sro Evolution Sro Private Server all rates 9999... | 0 | 528 |
202 | Silkroad Magyar Silkroad Szerver Magas Ratekkal,j kzssggel, gyere te is max level 110 eu ch van...... | 0 | 440 |
203 | Silkroad DesireX Professional Silkroad Server Desire X // EXP amp SP /Rate: 110x/ PARTY EXP Rate: 120x/ DROP Rate: 30x/ GOLD DROP Rate: 15x /SOX DROP Rate: 50 /Server Cap 1500... | 0 | 422 |
204 | Silkroad Fast LogIner Silkroad LogIner is a free and legal Tool, that helps you to connect into a Silkroad Sevrer 500 faster.... | 0 | 370 |
205 | SJSRO SJSRO Private Server. XP: 30x SP: 30x Gold: 10x Drop: 10x Max LVL: 90 Max Skill LVL: 70.Please Check forums for more info.... | 0 | 501 |
206 | Wicked Silkroad Private Server Wicked GuildWars is a free to play private MMORPG game server with nice rates and a big community. Exp 50x Drop 30x Custom Items 24/7 Dedicated Server - No Lag Daily Events Active friendly Gms... | 0 | 356 |
207 | DARKSIDEREVOLUCIONNEW El mejor server del actual con chinos ,euros,party y 0 laggexp 200x rate 200x drop 200x sp 200x no dudes mas 100 venezolano... | 0 | 376 |
208 | Silkroad Gloryous FASTEST Silkroad Private server [NO LAG] [NO FEES][NO DONATIONS][HIGH RATES] [FREE PROMO][24/7 UP][ EASY NAVIGATION] - great staff Bug report system - Server - ONLINE - Join now... | 0 | 373 |
209 | ZieOn-Online Fun PvP Server 120 Cap Fun PvP Server, Hamachi, Friandly GM039s , Cap 120 , Skills D11 not upgrade to D12, All Towns Are open, items D12 Nova +5 FB in NPC... | 0 | 482 |
210 | FenixSRO Silkroad Online FenixSRoSilkroad Online ServerCap120Skills 120Last Update ISRO... | 0 | 442 |
211 | OpenSRO Silkroad 120lvCap, Medium rate, Jupiter Temple, more.... | 0 | 439 |
212 | The New Silkroad Force The new silkroad all maps no bugs Exp10 Drops10 to start have 50 mana and health potions and the 3 mebers have lvl 30 and god equipment to more enter... | 0 | 438 |
213 | BF_Fighter Community Wir freuen uns ber jedem der bei uns mitmachen mchte Zur zeit Spielen wir Silkroad und Battlefiled... | 0 | 294 |
214 | ISForum Anything about Chinese SRO... | 0 | 315 |
215 | Dragon Silkroad Online Best Silkroad Online All Rates Are Max Free Gm At Registration Sos , Som In Shop And More Enter Site Now... | 0 | 416 |
216 | TH-SRO Server de Silkroad Total Brasileiro Sem lags Rate 300XSP 200X Gold 100x Venha Fazer Parte Tabem... | 0 | 385 |
217 | BoeSRO Exp Rates : 75 Sp Rates : 95 Gold Drop : 80 amp304tem Drop : 60 Sox Drop : 20 Elamp305xir Drop : 35 Alchemy Drop : 25 Etc Drop : 50 Spawn Rate : 5 No Lag Capacity 1500... | 0 | 458 |
218 | AuroraSro Exp/SP : 70x Party Exp/SP : 80x Drop : 30x Gold : 20x SOX Drop Rate: 5 Dedicated Server: 24/7 More Infos at Site and Forum... | 0 | 416 |
219 | Infinity Road - High Rate 100 cap High rate, 100 cap Silkroad server, with balanced skills, latest job system, D1-D9 SOM+5 FB items at NPC for easy leveling, SOM and SUN items for coins (from Uniques and Battle Arena), uniques respawn in 1hour... | 0 | 564 |
220 | groupak groupak networkamp1588amp1576amp1603amp1577 amp1580amp1585amp1608amp1576amp1603... | 0 | 275 |
221 | Silkroads best Private server BETA-MAX Best silkroad private server development come check it out NO horseshit For real... | 0 | 330 |
222 | ECSRO Private Server [Number 1 SRO Private Server][1000 Capacity][10x Exp Rate][10x Sp Rate][10x Gold Rate][Max Skill Level 70][Max level 90][Roc Mountain][NO EUROS][Comes With my Video Tutorial on How to Connect... | 0 | 382 |
223 | Nirvana Silkroad - 24/7 - no lag Dedicated server, no lag, no bugs, Exp:300x Skill:300x Drop:300x , Events, Item mall for in game gold, Friendly GMs, Join Now... | 0 | 425 |
224 | gt[ CazeSRO]lt New Silkroad Privat server NO FAKE join us... | 0 | 490 |
225 | Paradise Silkroad NEUER DEUTSCHER SILKROAD SERVER [No Donation - FRIENDLY GM.] [Exp x50, SP x75, Drop:15, Gold x25] Join our Hamachi Server ID: ParadiseSilkroad(1,2,3,4,5) (PW doesn039t exist) Forum: Website:... | 0 | 393 |
226 | zRevolution 100 Working server Web site is in frensh... | 0 | 407 |
227 | Silkroad Guabina NEW SILKROAD SERVER [99,90 uptime] [No lag] [ FRIENDLY GM.] [exp: 100x - gold: 100x - skill 100x - 50x itemdrop ] [ Premium items in shop] Join Now... | 0 | 354 |
228 | Revenge Silkroad World Revenge World Cap120 Skill120 Rate Exp-Sp: x120 Party rate: X140 Drop: X60 GOld Drop: X60 Sox Drop: x30 Fortress war: Bandit jangan HT/ Forgoten world/ Pvp /Arena /CTF /Unique/ Daily and Weekly event/ Item mall / Magic pop/ great community Join us w... | 0 | 399 |
229 | Seriuz-Network - 2 High end dedicated server - high security - No Lag - 24/7 Uptime - Player Cap 2000 - Exp/Sp:350x - PartyExp x375: - Drop x200 - Gold x150 - Level Cap 110 - Skills 110 - 11D Items - CTF - FW - Nice Events - Itemmall Items in stalls - VSRO... | 0 | 434 |
230 | StarSRO Best Silkroad Online Private ServerServer-StatsLevel Cap: 90Mastery Cap: 270Races: CH amp EUEXP: 390xPT-EXP: 400xDrop: 20xRare: GeneralGold: 250xHwan: 100xJoin now for us, and reward free silks... | 0 | 517 |
231 | UniqRoad ONLamp304NE ExpRate:200x,SpRate200x, PartyExp:250x,amp304temDrop150x, GoldDrop:60x,724Online,,,Fortress WarOpenHonorBuffOpen,RocMountain Open,RedBookOpen, MirrorRoomOpen,Cooming:)... | 0 | 396 |
232 | Free SilkRoad Bots Auto Potion, Auto Attack, Auto LEVELING BOT, With gold exploit + Item LAG Duping support Get it NOW... | 0 | 590 |
233 | Romania Silkroad RoSRo [Rates: 250x] New Private server with Legend X Updates- Cap 110 -Autopot Works - No Lag - No Crowded Channels -Light Botting Allowed - Automatic and Fast Donation System - Join Today the Best SRO Server Out there... | 0 | 469 |
234 | [srowned.org] botting community Eine Deutsch sprechende Silkroad Botting Community mit ber 5000 Usern.Wir beschftigen uns seit dem Jahre 2006 mit Silkroad Bots und Private Servern.... | 0 | 300 |
235 | Asgard-Bottings BotCommunity Wir sind Deutschlands beste SRO BotCommunity... | 0 | 295 |
236 | SilkRoad Online FAST Servidor Exclusivo en espaol SilkRoadEventos Todo El Dia Hasta el 7 De Setiembre Luego Todo Sera cambiando...... | 0 | 299 |
237 | Silk Master Free Silkroad Tools,bots and other thinfs... | 0 | 346 |
238 | Wosro - new private serwer SRO Serwer rate: Exp x20 Sp x20 Drop x5. Stot2500. No Lag... | 0 | 369 |
239 | Death Silkroad Europe new Priv Serwer DSRO new private serwerEXP:35x SP:40xNO LAGG2 serwer Death and Life2x 4000 slot... | 0 | 351 |
240 | eSRO Click Link For Relevant Information... | 0 | 340 |
241 | Silkroad 0w anything 4 SRO Bots/Script tutos and some more :D... | 0 | 465 |
242 | SRO TBot+ / WORKING This is working SRO TBot+, its 100 safe to use.... | 0 | 327 |
243 | SilkRoad New server of Silkroad ...Join Today... | 0 | 300 |
244 | Ultimate Sro Ultimate Silkroad is a free to play private MMORPG game server with nice rates and a big community. Exp 50x Drop 30x Custom Items 24/7 Dedicated Server - No Lag Daily Events Active friendly Gms... | 0 | 380 |
245 | NO 1 Pvp Server We support over 1000 users online at any time. Hi quality server 24 /7 online. Free of bugs. Hi-rates. Items Shop. No lag No donations.Apply now... | 0 | 346 |
246 | Silkroad Romania Romania Silkroad Primul Server de Silkroad Online din Romania care va deveni un Server dedicat pe host in cateva saptamani.Ratele sunt EXP:30x SP:30x DROP:30xHave FUN... | 0 | 354 |
247 | IceWorld Online 110X EXP Rates 120X-Weekends, All Retail Features, 24/7 Dedicated Server, DAILY EVENTS,Come join us to find out.... | 0 | 329 |
248 | Silkroad Gloryous FASTEST Silkroad Private server [NO LAG] [NO FEES][NO DONATIONS][HIGH RATES] [FREE PROMO][24/7 UP][ EASY NAVIGATION] - great staff Bug report system - Server - ONLINE - Join now... | 0 | 551 |
249 | New Elite SRO Welcome to EliteSRO 7x24 Dedicated ServerEliteSRO1-4 Servers rateExpRate : 15XDropRate : 15XGoldRate : 15XEliteSRO5 Pay to play Servers rateExpRate : 30XDropRate : 15XGoldRate : 15X... | 0 | 397 |
250 | Silkroad online BOT CENTRAL, Silkcasyno Bots, editing SRO_Client and more... | 0 | 305 |