101 | Cube Sro Level cap : 110
Chinese & European
Exp : 800x
Gold : 150x
Item : 150x
Trade : 180x
Talisman : 2x
Coin : 1x... | 2 | 2202 |
102 | rosro-Ecsro RoSro-Ecsro|Cap 60 Original Isro System|PVE Server|LONG TERM|OldEvents
Hello everybody. You must have heard about ECSRO old day's we bring that back for you
RoSro is that u are searching for .... the 60 cap oldscool server.... | 2 | 564 |
103 | Ace Online Sro Cap 110 | Medium Rates | All Sox Drop able |silk Per hour|Old School | Hard Core | No Big Edits | No Lag | Come and get the first 100 advantage Follow Us On Face for more updates... | 2 | 632 |
104 | xlite Silkroad Cap 110 Pvp server Xlite silkroad pvp server Egy B Coin System Arena Coin From Mobs 109 and Gold Coin From Battle Arena CTF and Uniques... | 2 | 465 |
105 | UnderWorld-sro D13 Hello This UnderWorld-sro cap 120 D13 Rates Exp/sp:50x item:30x Gold:20 Alchemy:1.5x Every 30 minute Get 1000 Silk... | 1 | 3158 |
106 | Animate Silkroad Online private server New silkroad online private server, lv cap 130, skill cap 130, degree 13, fully working FW, CTF, Medusa, ROC. Daily events hosted by GM. Join our comunity. Looking for active GMs.... | 1 | 1480 |
107 | AVENGED SRO+JOB BASED+10D+HIGH RATE Private silkroad 10dg server! One JG-DW trade gives 500mil. SOS/SOM/SUN in npc for gold++ SILK items for GOLD,TRADE ORIENTED SERVER,HIGH RATE, xp:250/drop:50x/gold:15x/alch:30x+Daily events with cool prizes+STABLE server... | 1 | 1667 |
108 | rocsro rocsro is dg11 pve have a lot of feature and news.
we are have gifts for a 100player
first 50one will getting set nova
last 50one will getting a premium vip... | 1 | 808 |
109 | NewPegasus Q:What is the history of GalaxySRO and PegasuS?
A:The first GalaxySRO server was PegasuS which was opened on 2nd December 2011.We had 1500-2000 player only daily and they really enjoyed the server.But we did a wrong step and updated the server to 13... | 1 | 751 |
110 | XoSro-Online XoSro-Online
Join Us.Vote For Us... | 1 | 755 |
111 | Warriors-Online Cap 100
Exp Rate :40x
Drop Rate :10x
Alchemy Rate :1x
jop Rate :35x
Bot Allowed
Fortress War:jangan bandit hotan... | 1 | 700 |
112 | Vehalla Online | Cap 100 | Mid Rates | Start-Bonus | Survival Arena | And much more Vehalla Online | Cap 100 | Mid Rates | Start-Bonus | Survival Arena | And much more ... | 1 | 734 |
113 | Sun-Sro Old Pvperz- [Sun-Sro]
Level cap: 110
Gear cap: degree 11 with custom weapons
Free 2 Play
Battle arena: Yes
Job Temple: Modified for more jobbing activity
Payment system: Battle and Job Coins
Pets: The latest attack and riding pets pets
Fortre... | 1 | 482 |
114 | Server D11 Cap 110 Server D11 Cap 110... | 1 | 391 |
115 | ForALL-Sro | Cap 110 | EU&CH | Coin System | Free2Play | Play to win |Free Silk| Cap|110
Skills Cap|110
Race|Chinese / European
Solo EXP/SP Rates|65x
Party EXP/SP Rates|75x
IP Limit|7
PC Limit|-
Drop Rate|20x
Gold Drop|7x
Alchemy Rates|20x
Max Opt.Lv|Max +12/+14 with Adv.
Job Rates|5x=gold coin
Monster R... | 1 | 443 |
116 | Vikignsro D16 welcome to only one server D16 cap 140 ... | 1 | 262 |
117 | FalconSRO - FREE SILK NO LAG - FULL PLAYERS [V1.88][120 CAP][SKILLS 120] - [ALEXANDRIA AND ROC WORKING] - [XP/SP x120] [DROP x50] - [Gold x60] - [UNIQUES SYSTEMS ON WEB] - [FREE SILK]... | 0 | 3712 |
118 | Extreme Silkroad New Silkroad Server No Downtime - 24/7 Online exp: 2000x gold: 2500x skill 2000x Premium items in shop Economy No Bugs No Lag 150 + Always on 100M on start... | 0 | 3533 |
119 | BALTCROAD.COM - PRIVATE SERVER Hello this is BalticRoad your presumable favorite Silkroad Online private server in the future. We039re offering you an extraordinary gameplay, with unseen improvements in contrast to other common private servers.... | 0 | 1374 |
120 | Dark Silkroad FIRST SILKROAD PRIVATE SERVER [99,90 uptime] [No lag] [ No Donation - Daily Events - FRIENDLY GM.] [exp: 9999x gold: 9999x skill: 9999x ] [ Premium items in shop] Create a new account and get 1000Mil Gold. Join Now... | 0 | 3724 |
121 | Silkroad Private Server 3500x Highrate Server [Dedicated Servers] [99,90 uptime] [exp: 3500x gold: 3500x skill 3500x] [SOP] [SOS] [No lag] [ No Donation - Daily Events - FRIENDLY GM.]... | 0 | 3014 |
122 | SunSRO - New Private Server Are you tired to play Silkroad Private Servers where instead of GMs039 support you get huge lags, crude client and non-working ItemMall Come to our new server and you will not regret... | 0 | 2055 |
123 | The Journey Online International SilkRoad Server. 50x EXP Rates Many Custom-Features, nice Staff, fast Support amp daily Events JOIN US... | 0 | 993 |
124 | Silkroad Private NEW SILKROAD SERVER [99,90 uptime] [No lag] [ No Donation - FRIENDLY GM.] [exp: 2500x - gold: 2500x - skill 2500x ] [ Premium items in shop] Join Now... | 0 | 1755 |
125 | Destiny Sro -Silkroad New Private server with Legend X Updates - 90x - No Lag - No Crowded Channels - No Gold Bots - We NEVER WIPE - Fast Donation System - Join Today the Best Destiny Sro Server... | 0 | 1316 |
126 | SroStar SroStar silkroad private server auto 120-maxSP Weapon - armor 12D... | 0 | 1566 |
127 | bSilkroad Private Server bSilkroad Online Private server. 7/24 Dedicated Server Slot: 1000 Level Cap: 110 Skill Cap: 110 Exp amp Sp Rate: 150x Party Exp Rate: 150x Drop amp Gold Rate: 50x Job Rate: 40x Auto Potion: Active All Maps Open... | 0 | 1258 |
128 | EchoOfSilence EchoOfSilence Silkroad Private Server Cap 130 13DG new items maps and mobs... | 0 | 1770 |
129 | LightRoad - Private Server Online SERVER RATES: [Exp: 300x][SP: 300x][Gold: 50x][Drop: 200x][FREE SILK] Max level 110, Chinese/European. Arena, FW, CFW etc.... | 0 | 1926 |
130 | Untamed Silkroad Online Untamed is an Silkorad Online private server (Without Hamachi)[start Items][No bugs][24/7 GM online][Mall Silk works 100][Exp/SP: 150x] [Party/Exp Rate: 160x] [Gold: 20x] [Drop: 20x] [Level cap: 110] [Mastery cap: 330] [Race: Chinese amp European][Au... | 0 | 1267 |
131 | Creddy Online (PVP) The Best Silkroad Online PVP server.500x Exp rate, 750x Party Exp rate, 10.000 FREE SILK, Original 110 Black Rogue Files (NOT VSRO), Unique rank system, +11 Items (1-9dg), For anything else look to picture:... | 0 | 2439 |
133 | BetaSro - New - Fresh-GOOD-no lag Server Name: BetaSRO Friendly GM FREE SILK MUCH MUCH MORE Max Lvl: 110 Max Skill Lvl: 110 Mastery Cap: 330 Experience: 400x Experience Party: 450x Gold Drop: 300x Item Drop: 60x Alchemy: 5x... | 0 | 1679 |
134 | Dymer Online Silkroad Private Server 80 cap Chinese Only server, bugless, lag-less, active community and low silk prices. Donate by SMS, Elements at NPC, Gold Dragon Flag at NPC, Old Job Suits at NPC, all Avatars at Item Mall and much much more join us now, you won039t regret it... | 0 | 1606 |
135 | XomNhala SRO Thanks for checking out XomNhala SRO 80 Cap.Basic Server Info:Exp Ratio - 7x Normal / 9x PartyDrop Rate - 5xSoX Rate - Normal with Unique SoX SystemWorking CTF and Battle ArenaWorking FGW / Increased Drop / 8D FlameWorking Fortress - JG / HT / Bandi... | 0 | 1368 |
136 | Fenix S R O FenixSRO/Level Cap:120/Skill Cap:120/Gear Cap:13th Degrees/Weapon Cap:13th Degrees/Race:Both Chinese and European/Traffic:Easy/Populate/RatesExp SP:100x/Exp SP Party:120x/Drop Gold:70x/Drop Item:70x/Drop SOX:5x/Alchemy:2.5x/Talism and Coin Drop:1.5x/... | 0 | 1548 |
137 | WingSro - Best Gameplay Experience WingSro is a free to play MMORPG private server. XP: 450x, SP: 450x, PartyXP: 500x, JobProfit: 45x Fluid and lagg-less game experience More than 800 players online every day Friendly Comunity Competitive Staff Daily Events and much more. Join no... | 0 | 1267 |
138 | Atomix Silkroad Online [Rates: 150x/160x] 110 cap . No Lag . No Traffic . No Gold Bots . Automatic and Fast Donation System . Custom Features . Custom Alchemy Rates . Custom Drop Rates . Custom Event Schedules . Professionall Team . End Game Content Focused... | 0 | 1165 |
139 | Infinity Silkroad Online New silkroad onlineEUROPE WORK server[EXP:2000x][GOLD:2000x][SKILL:2000x][SOX drop:2000x]Events every dayNew account gets 1kkk goldPremium items for registration... | 0 | 1656 |
140 | TerminatioN Silkroad 120 Cap -Exp/SP:200x-Party Exp/SP:210x-Drop/Gold40x-Alchemy:from+5+8 50-SOX DROP Rate:15-24/7 Support-LevelampSkill cap:120-Vote4Silk-GameServer:ONLINE-Race:CH/EU... | 0 | 1115 |
141 | Silkroad Chronicle Online Jupiter Temple, 120 Max Level, 12D/13D Item, South East Asia Server, Powered By BlitzHUB IDC... | 0 | 953 |
142 | EWsRO Silkroad 110x ALL AVATARS IN ITEM MALL-Nice community-You get +12 starter weapons-All new char starting with 1kk gold-Disabled green book-Unique events-Free silk daily-Cheapest silk around... | 0 | 1491 |
143 | UCBRO FREE To Play 120 CAP Level cap 120Exp rates 200xSP rates 200xJob Exp rates 100xItem Drop rates 80xGold rates 10xBrand NEW features no other pserver has... | 0 | 939 |
144 | SRO Best Silkroad Server ever... | 0 | 909 |
145 | Infinity Silkroad Infinity Silkroad is a free to play private MMORPG game server with nice rates and a big community. Exp 50x Drop 30x Custom Items 24/7 Dedicated Server - No Lag Daily Events Active friendly Gms... | 0 | 741 |
146 | Silkroad Private Server Community Provides a community for people to develop and share for the creation of Silkroad private servers.... | 0 | 469 |
147 | Silkroad - Arabian elite Latest VSRO files ,10000x exp and sp, GOLD 10000x, Drop 5000 , Free sos/som D10 ON Start free grab pet and avatar 2 Servers 1 donation and 1 no DONATION Join us NEW... | 0 | 1575 |
148 | Silkroad Private Server Server Silkroad Online Bot, EXP 1000x, SKILL 1000x , Drop 1000X,SOS,SOM,SOSUN Drop 10x and free isro bot Buy cheap silk and gold High uptime Join Today Make a DonationSilkRoad Online emulator for server creation. Wants to create your Own server... | 0 | 1143 |
149 | EWSRO EXP amp SP Rate: 110xPARTY EXP Rate: 120xDROP Rate: 80xGOLD DROP Rate: 80xSOX DROP Rate: 25Server: Tartaros... | 0 | 804 |
150 | Fnatic Online Silkroad private server .80 exp/ 80 sp/ 300 gold rates.CH and EU chars and 110 cap. Forgotten World works :)... | 0 | 780 |