51 | aligator-sro Welcome private server cap 110 BEST Server ! come and see ...enjoy... | 36 | 919 |
52 | SRO300 - OldSchool Play2Win, Free Silk, Classic Game, Free2Play, Custom Events, Medium Rates, Bot Allowed, Multi Client, PVP, PVE, PVM, Cap 80, Vote4Silk, Silk/H, Unique4Silk, Job Activity, Instant Support, Great Community, Invite Your Friends, Join US.... | 28 | 412 |
53 | PandaSro »Lvl Cap : 110 »Skill Cap : 330 »Degree : 11 »Start Lvl : 110 »New Attack Pet »New Grab Pets »System With Coins »Adv +2+4+6 »New Glow and Effect »Race : Chinese-Europe »Ip Limit : 10 »Bot : Allowed »Monster Respawn 2x »S... | 25 | 957 |
54 | Edoiwen Online Server info -- Edoiwen Online Open (03/12/2016)
Free Silk
Experience Rate: 250x
Party Experience Rate: 300x
Gold Rate: 50x
Drops: 65x
Alchemy : 3.0x... | 25 | 779 |
55 | Ultimate Online Highrate Silkroad Server with a lot of new features: New Items, New Area's, New Uniques, New skills, New Systems and much more *****... | 21 | 2252 |
56 | Lottery-Sro[Cap110]★New playing systems★Big Fun★Several ways to get free silk★★[New] Lottery - Sro is a private silkroad server D11 have several feature .
There is a lot of private servers every where I played almost them but I never had fun In any server a huge number of ps Is sucks , Why ? . Because all people like high rates ex... | 20 | 1410 |
57 | Legend World Sro Best Silkroad Private Server Legend World Sro- D14 - Cap 130 - New Skill's - New Area's - New Avater's - New Pet's - Free Silk's - Friendly [GM]s
- Alot Of New Join Us Now And Descover That... | 19 | 2970 |
58 | OldLegend Best Server Best Server Cap 130 14 D-15 D Uni q Full Drop ,50 k silk free,Best server try and see..good luck... | 19 | 1053 |
59 | Doris Sro Play 2 Win | Job War System| Job Based | Auto Events | New Quests | Ranking System | Vote 4 Silk | Special Trade System | Mastery EU:260 / CH:520 | MAX Plus: +12 No ADV | PC Limit : 3 | New Features | Cap 130 | Skills 130 | D13 |EXP 150x Party EXP 20... | 18 | 581 |
60 | LegendWorld Online Legend World Sro Best Silkroad Private Server Cap 130 - D15 - Free Silks - New Avatars - New Towns - New Area - New Npc - No Bugs - No Lag - New Skill's - Constantinople FTW - Baghdad - Friendly [GM]s - New System - Join Us Now And Try To Make Your S... | 17 | 2363 |
61 | The Sro Road Max lvl = 120 .
80X Experience .
100X Eperience Party .
50X Gold Drop .
50X Item Drop .
High Rate Jobs .
Events .
GMs Friendly .
Enjoy .... | 17 | 1216 |
62 | beowulf-sro Cap 110 D11 Old School Cap 110 D11 Old School events Battle Arena enabled with higher reward - CH Mastery: 330 - EU Mastery: 240 - unique character context menu - new Pet Attack unique - New Grab Pet unique... | 16 | 343 |
63 | Silkroad Adventure Online Professional Silkroad Online Private server with medium rates. Level Cap, 130, Skill Cap, 130
Item Lvl, 14 Dg, Mob Lvl, 150, EXP Rate, 250x, SPXP Rate, 250x, SOX Drop, 15x, Gold Drop, 250x. Have fun.
... | 15 | 1747 |
64 | Aligator SRO Race: EUROPE/CHINESE - Mastery: 360 - Experience: x100 - Party Experience: x120 - Item Drop Rate: x40 - Gold Drop Rate: x20-Alchemy rate 1x -Rankings [PvP-PK-JOB] New custom chests [ PVE ALIGATOR, ROC], Silk Scrols from uniques, 2silks/hour-New title... | 15 | 663 |
65 | Silkroad Asia Dedicated 24/7 FREE SILK FREE SILK, EXP 250x, SP 350x, DROP ITEM 100x, GOLD 150x,FREE SILK, 18Item Free, 99 No Lag, 24/7 Dedicated Server, 110 Max, Level 110 Cap, Alex Map, Job Cave, GM Friendly, Update Weekly and More... | 14 | 6167 |
66 | Silkroad Steampunk 14 Degree 14Degree Silkroad Online privates server, EXP rate : 250x, SPXP rate : 350x, Party EXP rate : 400x, Max level : 140, Max item level : 14 Degree, Max mob level : 180, Gold drop rate : 250x, Item drop rate : 200x, SOX drop rate : 170x, Alchemy rate : 7... | 14 | 1570 |
67 | StarSRO - the new generation of Silkroad Online One of the best Silkroad Servers come and join us for free!
Cap 110-CH/EU, Mastery 330, EXP/SP 120X, GOLD 50X, DROP 60X, IP 3 Limit!,arena and fw work!, coins system!
DONT WAIT! come and join :D
Events mondays and Thursday 5:00PM GMT +2... | 12 | 995 |
68 | Seventh Reborn | Cap 90 Only CH | New System | Free Silk | Daily Coin - Forgotten wrold (Fixed)
- Jangan FTW Reward gold (Fixed)
- Only CH 90 cap
- 300 mastery point
-new unique in donwang cave this unique have no spawn (Fixed)
-sistem daily coin *every day if u log in on first week u get up to 7 coins second wee... | 12 | 585 |
69 | SavicRoad D10 | PVP | Instant Lv92 | FB ITEMS Items Fullblue stat 100% at NPC For 1 GOLD moon
sun for 20 coins fair gameplay no donation for high items proffessional team play to win... | 11 | 1615 |
EXP-150-GOLDRATE-100 EXPEPARTY-200 CAP 140 D14-D15
71 | Elyson-Online 100CAP Chin Only Dagree 10
EXP/SP 40x
PT Exp 50x
Gold/Drop 5x
Chin Only
Mastery 300
Fortress War .. Hotan Only
Elyson-Online New System
Alchemy 2x
Drop | Rate 8 x
Trade | Rate 35 x
IP Limit | 6
Auto Equipment
Items Stacks 1000
1 Silk Per Hour after Lv 1... | 11 | 690 |
72 | Galaxy-Goodfellas High rate Silkroad server with unique reborn system, item forge, unique silk and coin system, unique character context menu, daily events, friendly GMs and much more Free Silk,new pet ,new premium,new blesing,new event,sistem awakening items,4 tips ... | 11 | 699 |
73 | Assassin-Online Go to first new post Assassin-Online D14 | Cap 130| Eu / Ch |Auto events | Coin System | Play2Win... | 10 | 1576 |
74 | World of Flames Cap 100 Revolutions World of Flames enables you to come back to the old Silkroad Online times, with low rates and original settings, where the Lv of your character has it's value. After Gaymax destroyed the game with 12/13 Dg and we got flooded with high rate servers, w... | 8 | 1719 |
75 | Dr Sro Online Dr Sro Online Private Server Silkroad D14 Cap 130 PVE Free Silk For More Info Via Facebook Dr Sro ... | 8 | 785 |
76 | http://joixv2-online.ga/ Server Info Cap 130 Rase CH EU D14... | 8 | 301 |
77 | Venus|D10|Cap100|Job Based|New Features| The Dawn of The New Era Venus is the Silkroad Online Private
server opened name server Venus
A real, stable Silkroad server... a real, long term Silkroad server... it
sounds impossible, right? It has been a huge pain to provide such. We want
to give a shot and attemp... | 7 | 489 |
78 | Magicalroad [Magicalroad] [Online] [24/7] [With Unique's] [D14 Cap120] [Server Pv/Pve EU/CHN Coin-System] [Skills: 120, EXP: 700x, GOLD: 75x, DROP: 50x Free silk]
You will enjoy anyway come try our gamplay
... | 6 | 1526 |
79 | BroMista-Sro Server is Online
Some Information About Our Target :-
We would to be best and listen staff To Our Members that's are Sro Missing.. We Won't To Be Open Server And Le... | 6 | 322 |
80 | Sky-Gaming Silkroad Are you looking for a great Silkroad Private Server? Join now in the best Gaming Community in the world! Here, you can find a PROFESSIONAL STAFF, FRIENDLY PLAYERS, DAILY EVENTS, and even more! JOIN NOW!... | 5 | 1069 |
81 | Vega-Sro Online Vega-Sro Online PvP
Vega-Sro New Server Degree11 Play2Win ...
No Donate Items .. No Donate Silk
You Have 10k Silk And Only Donate DeviL And Premium ViP And You Can
Buy This Items From Topix-Coin too .
Fortr... | 5 | 723 |
82 | Purity-Online Purity-Online l Best PVP Server l CAP 130 l Free Silk l Skill 130 l Balanced l New Uniques l New Area l New Game Play l Free2Play l All Items +17... | 5 | 604 |
83 | BlackSro ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
Server Name:BlackSro
Level cap 100.
degree. Th10
Skill cap 100
Monster cap 100.
Server files VSRO.
Races Ch & Eu.
EXP &Skill point Rate x20.
EXP &Skill point In Party x25
Bot Allowed.
Opening date 8/ 3 /2017... | 5 | 495 |
84 | FORNAX SRO Cap 100 CH EU D11 Skill Cap 110
surprise Full item Egy A For 1 gold In npc... | 5 | 129 |
85 | UltimateOnline [DG14][PVE][AwakenSystem][Cap130][New Area][ActiveTeam] [CENTER]
[url=http://ultimatesro.com/]Ultimate Online[/url]
[SIZE="4"][B]Server Info:[/B][/SIZE]
Server Name: UltimateOnline
Cap: 130
Skills: 125
Race: EU... | 4 | 1091 |
86 | Oil Online Oil Online / CAP 120 Degree 12 PVP Server / CH - EU / Balanced System / Daily Events / Weekly Events / JC Per Hour / New System / Job Based / New Uniques / Active Team Speaking / Huge Events / No Bugs ... | 4 | 438 |
87 | Paeadise-Sro Cap110 chines only Servercap: 100
Mastery Limit: 300
Race: Chinese
Experience: x1.5
Goldrate: x5
Droprate: x10
Alchemy rate: x1
Servername: Paradise... | 4 | 408 |
88 | zSro online - a truly free for all game [ zSro ] CAP 90 ,CH/EU,OLDSCHOOL,LOW RATES, ITEM X10,EXP/SP X4,ELIXIR X6,GOLD X1 ,ALCHEMY X1 ,LONG TERM,ACTIVE SUPPORT,CLEAN COMMUNITY,NO PAY2WIN, PLAY2WIN ,Professional Developers, JOIN NOW
... | 4 | 318 |
89 | FORNAX SRO 💥CAP 110✅
💥Boting Allowed✅
💥System Coin & Quest✅
💥Start level 110✅
💥Server Type PVP⚔️
💥Race CH/EU✅
💥Mastery CH/440 EU/220✅
💥Alchemy Disabled❌
💥PC limit Unlimited✅
💥IP limit Unlimited✅
💥Union 1❌
💥Guild limit 24✅
💥Capture the F... | 4 | 117 |
90 | Evolution Gaming Network - Cap 130 - D14 CAP LV130 - D14 ITEMS - NO LAG - STABLE SERVER - COINS SYSTEM - ACTIVE AND FRIENDLY GMS / SUPPORTERS - JOIN US NOW ... | 3 | 2387 |
91 | CraftSRO 110Cap eu-ch job sistem -coin sistem
facebook.com/craftsronetwork... | 3 | 1199 |
92 | QueenMoon Server Rates :-
Server Configuration :-
• Level Cap :110
• Mastery Level: 330
• Silk Per Hour
• Coin system.
• Top player.
• Original Avatars and New Avatars.
• Fellow pets.
• Custom ... | 3 | 873 |
93 | [ SROMANIA ] a SRO-R Private Server A quest based server, that allows you to actually enjoy Silkroad instead of boting :D You wont regret giving us a try, I promise.... | 3 | 613 |
94 | Integrated Online Cap:100, Chinese&European, Original system with medium rates, Unique ranking, Job ranking, 24/7 Online Support, Schedule for events. More information on Facebook Page.... | 3 | 446 |
96 | Eregion Online | Cap 100 | Eu & Ch Balanced | OldSchool BEST 100 CAP EU/CH Balanced PVE SERVER.
Grand Opening 23.12.2018... | 3 | 313 |
97 | Zein | D11 | PvP | Free2Play | Coin System | balanced Server Welcome ! After long tiring work we want to present you the new server, which will be called Zein Online.
If you are looking for a good game which you'll make a lot of fun, you're in the
right place !
Server we created is just for players who are ... | 3 | 294 |
98 | GermanElite Sro [GeSro] -Deutscher Server.ExpRate : x75(isro)SP: x75DropRate : x20GoldRate : x20Levelcap: 120Skills: 120Areas:All-Regelmaessige Unique Events, Hide and Seek und Find the GM-12 Degree Weapon Update ( NEW )-12 Degree Alchemy ( NEW )-Neue Grappets-Neue Attackpe... | 2 | 1064 |
99 | Euphoric Online [400x]EXP [100x]DROP/GOLD Removed Exp Book Double rates on weekends [110]Cap [120]Skills on 110 Custom Item Mall [300]+ Players Many events 24/7 Dedicated server Custom Teleports... | 2 | 821 |
100 | Chaos Online We would like to participate to our Silkroad. This is the New Age of Silkroad.... | 2 | 1205 |