1051 | TotalCraft 1.7.3,FACTIONS,30 slots,No LAG,10k by -10k border,And amazing community... | 0 | 294 |
1052 | ShadowCraft Minecraft - German - 24/7 27/7 Online... | 0 | 328 |
1053 | MegaCraft MegaCraft - Wir erwarten dichWir haben eine groe Community die von Tag zu Tag wchst Schau vorbei und werde Mitglied von MegaCraft... | 0 | 257 |
1054 | TechnoCraft Der MINECRAFT SERVER hat 100 Slots + 10.000 FPS + 24/7 + OHNE HAMACHI Nette ADMINS die ber FaceBock und in Game errichbar sind. DAS IST MIT ABSCHTAND DER BESTE SEVER ps Seit 10.7.2011 Online... | 0 | 267 |
1055 | DRB Servers DRB Servers Pvp server... | 0 | 288 |
1056 | World Of Minecraft - PvP German Site / German and English Server / 100 Slots / Hamachi / No lagg / Friendly Staff / Were lookinfor GMs and Game Helpers / Events / Greatful PvP / balanced PvP Weapons / Free Download / Custom Weapons... | 0 | 311 |
1057 | 1shotenough minecraft [free server] NL/BE benelux free minecraft server [no premium needed] passwordto create an ingame account/login passwordto loginMinecraft client download:... | 0 | 287 |
1058 | 9x60[GER/ENG][ROOT][Bukkit][Map] NEW.multilang website, eng game. bukkit, own plugins status: betaserver (keeping map for official start)... | 0 | 358 |
1059 | MineCraft: GameFreedom.pl MineCraft - Server Dedicated - Processor Intel i7 4x2(HT)x2.66+GHz - RAM: 24GB - HDD: 2000GB - 100 Mbps - IP: mineip.gamefreedom.pl - Port: 25565 - Version: 1.6.6 - Type server: FreeBuild (FB) - Type game: Non Premium+Premium - Register: In game /reg... | 0 | 262 |
1060 | MC Oh039a minecraft Wir sind ein Deutscher RPG server mit einer Tollen stadt einer tollen community und netten admins jeder bekommt sein eigenes Grundstck, ausserdem haben wir noch dass plugin portalstick mit Portal levels.Wir freuen uns schon euch bei uns zu sehen.MfG ... | 0 | 341 |
1061 | wolf world minecraft server site... | 0 | 321 |
1062 | Minecraft STM server Minecraft STM server free build + survivor 15/7 Join us Good Admins | 0 | 304 |
1063 | NextCraft SurvivalTowns24/7Active... | 0 | 290 |
1064 | German Hanfcraft Rollplay Hanfcraft ist ein Deutscher Minecraft server Jeder User der neu ist Kriegt ein Set Bereitgestellt das beinhaltet : Eine Ganze Rstung aus Eisen, Und ein Ganzes Werkzeug set aus Diamanten... | 0 | 310 |
1065 | DutyCraft - Serveur semi-rp Dutycraft est un serveur semi-RP possdant un support conomique , deux villes et d039autres venir, mode anti-grieff, administrateurs prsents, un mumble et avant tout une communaut mature permettant de s039amuser dans de bonnes conditions.... | 0 | 315 |
1066 | Vanilla-Minecraft.de Deutscher Vanilla Multiplayer Server, nette Community, guter Support, einzigartiges Konzept ... Ein Blick lohnt sich sicher... | 0 | 320 |
1067 | amp9829Epicraftamp9829 00 SurvivalNo Greaf100+ players online24/7EpicHost ip: Fuzzycraft.eternal-wow... | 0 | 304 |
1068 | InfinityCraft [No lag] [24/7] Great Staff - No lag - 24/7 - Multiple worlds - 70+ members - Epic creations... | 0 | 299 |
1069 | mCongregate Freebuild server open to allTrusted members may spawn itemsIP: mc.mcongregate:25657... | 0 | 280 |
1070 | Blue039s Freebuild Laidback Freebuild server with Anti-grief mods and friendly building community check our site out... | 0 | 286 |
1071 | Sondnet We are a new server running 24/7. We have Towny-Shops-Essentials-Portal-Lockette. Visit us on sondnet.eu. A totaly greif-free server. Competition every Friday with nice prizes. Join today and meet our nice and happy admin-team.... | 0 | 278 |
1072 | DefianceMC Features-Custom mob drops-Custom mob spawns example: giants, hellhounds-Lockette features to protect your chest-New players start with 10gold a map a compass and a clock :D-BananaMap:... | 0 | 262 |
1073 | Wonder Minecraft Our IP: wonderminecraftworldWe are a new creative Minecraft server that is based on the theme of a modern city. It is new so there is plenty of room to build. Visit our website to signup for build permissions:... | 0 | 274 |
1074 | Sperva - Unofficial minecraft forum. Find newest articles about minecraft guides, servers, maps, mods, tools for minecraft here we are looking for new forum member as we are new forum so feel free to join now if you play minecraft or if you are new we will teach you play... | 0 | 345 |
1075 | RainBowMC Minecraft Privat Server :D... | 0 | 288 |
1076 | Minecraft-server-PH Prijdte si zahrat na nas hamachi server minecraft vice info skype : JakubPospisil003 a mame tam podvnodni mesto a velikansky hrad... | 0 | 295 |
1077 | Pwnge Pure Pwnge is an all out PVP/Survival server. Players have no commands and access to shops are available. Donate to get commands. PVP means very limited rules. Grieving and stealing are allowed so be careful.No whitelist all is welcome. Good Luck and... | 0 | 361 |
1078 | New World - Good Minecraft Server Russian Minecraft server.Top hardware, good team, quiet game.... | 0 | 268 |
1079 | tacobarn tacobarn minecraft test servers... | 0 | 275 |
1080 | Opsgaming Minecraft smp We are a newer SMP server. We have 50 slots, a ton of plugins like herochat,kits, multivere, and many more. We have a pvp a nether and a regular world. We have 24/7 uptime and a great staff. Server ip is opscraft.... | 0 | 281 |
1081 | Minecraft Cubed A Pixelated Experience --A Pixelated Experience-- Minecraft Cubed is a Great New Server With Good Owners and Admins. The Server Also Has Some Good Plugins.So If You Are Tired of OLD Servers, Come on This New One Today CUBED LOGO FROM COOLTEXT.COM... | 0 | 327 |
1082 | BlackOutGaming Minecraft Server awesome server great staff and 24/7join now before whe are full )... | 0 | 264 |
1083 | Bliskcraft Bliskcraft - A medieval adventure you and your entire family has been waiting for!
Start out as a peasant and explore the land and its marvels!
After having a job for a very long time move up and make a city to wage wars against those who has shu... | 0 | 272 |
1084 | MNFcraft.de Der Orginal MNFcraft.de Server.
Wir haben
- 50 Slots
- Nette Admins
- Nette Community
- Ts3
- Webseite... | 0 | 294 |
1085 | Minecraft Server Host Free Server Play on our FREE server today! IP: gg.minecraft.ms Bukkit mods and an excellent community! Bukkit, mods, mysql, friendly support team, custom VPS servers, dedicated IPs!... | 0 | 299 |
1086 | MCBuild - online Your new Minecraft-Server! We have over 110 plugins inside (Towny, IConomy, ChestShop, MagicCarpet, etc....)! No whitelist!
- over 110 plugins
- rank-system (Member -> Pro-Member -> Supporter/Police -> VIP -> Moderator -> SuperMo... | 0 | 383 |
1087 | The Avengers this is a friendly server... | 0 | 257 |
1088 | DiamondMinecraft DiamondMinecraft is up! Join now 45 plugins!
IP is: minecraftdiamondminecraft.zapto.org... | 0 | 196 |
1089 | X_MC Minecraft Server Minecraft free Server 1.4.2
IP:x-mc.com... | 0 | 238 |
1090 | Ferncraft v4 RU Ferncraft v4 Уже здесь!
Свой лаунчер, новые плагины и обновления Halloween!
Заходи и играй, первым 10 игрокам по 10 алмазов бесплатно!... | 0 | 288 |
1091 | Derpcraft PVP Derpcraft is a clan apart of the community, Galore Servers. This server is full of politics, chaos, and absolute PvP. If you are a PvP veteran, you will love this server. There are only a couple rules: No hacking, and no spamming. Factions have risen... | 0 | 241 |
1092 | Minecraft Top Good list featuring bukkit survival, creative, pvp factions and more MC servers.... | 0 | 269 |
1093 | mineraiders Hello and welcome to the MineRaiders, we are a 24/7 Minecraft gaming community. We have a banking system that will keep your items safe. We are a medium sized server where players can creat or join their a faction. However, our admins are fair and st... | 0 | 287 |
1094 | TownCraft-BG TownCraft-BG... | 0 | 309 |
1095 | Minecraft Infected A sole player is zombified. Minecraft Infected is a last man standing mini game. Where one player is chosen to be the starting zombie.
... | 0 | 292 |
1096 | EmpathyCraft A Fun, Minecraft FactionPVP Server
50 Slots
Experienced Staff... | 0 | 268 |
1097 | Minecraft - AmericusCraft Server AmericusCraft is a free minecraft survival server. Server is running version 1.7.2. Free to join. Build anything you can think of.... | 0 | 273 |
1098 | Minecraft - Top Server Minecraft - Top Server. Best Minecraft Server 1.7.2.... | 0 | 385 |
1099 | Adultcraft - Adult Minecraft Server
APPLY NOW TO JOIN 18+ ONLY! http://www.adultcraft.net
Adultcraft is a well established adult minecraft server that strives to give you an excellent experience with all our members in mind. We are hosted in ... | 0 | 253 |
1100 | WoC Minecraft Hi All!!! This is our new 24/7 online Minecraft Server, we call WoC (World of Chaos). We are finishing the latests Events and Features, but is completely online and operative. As a good Server we speck many languages; English, Spanish, Portuguese,... | 0 | 369 |