701 | GankCraft MineCraft Server One of the most exciting and fastest growing MineCraft Survival/PVP servers in Europe. Skills, Economy, Arenas, Player Owned shops, Rank System and MUCH more.... | 0 | 284 |
702 | Minecraft 1.7. Server - WasIstOben Minecraft + BukkitSlots: 99 + 1 locked24/7 onlineFree Build/MinePvP wahlweise ausschaltbarber 80 verschiedene QuestsSkillbumeShops, Whrungs- amp HandelssystemGeschtzte GebieteWarpreisen amp ausgebautes SchienennetzKisten/Tren/fen abschliessbarAntiHac... | 0 | 255 |
703 | invisioncraft One of the Most Advance MC servers out there Constantly updating and lots of plug-ins No lag 24/7 Dedicated Server Come Check Us out and you will not be disappointed... | 0 | 349 |
704 | Realm of the Ancients SMP - mcMMO - Multiple worlds (Creative, Vanilla, etc.) -NPCs - Quests - Very competent staff - 99 Uptime - Grief Free (LogBlock)... | 0 | 267 |
705 | ( 1.8.1)HIXCRAFT Loads of plugins for your enjoyment, Survival and soon to have creative world, 1.8.1 server(GMT + 8 Philippine time)Online during weekdays : 4:30-1AM Weekends : almost 24 hours... | 0 | 282 |
706 | -aTONNNia- NO LAG - 24/7 - Dedicated 100/100Mbit, 80Slots, SMP, iConomy, Shops, Awesome Community, 24/7, Grief and Region Protection, FREEBUILD, Daily Backups, Always up to date, Huuuuge world. Join now... | 0 | 248 |
707 | ITACraft Info:ITACraft - Minecraft made by ITA039SUsing Bukkit Newest Version BigBrother ITACraft Server Plugin Essentials... | 0 | 270 |
708 | Communitycraft CommunityCraft.de, der legendre freebuild Minecraft-Server, ist zurckMomentan bieten wir Freebuild und Citybuild, weitere Features sind im Aufbau.Server-IP:ccraft.dyndns.tv... | 0 | 293 |
709 | Server Lobster - Minecraft Hosting Server Lobster aims to provide you servers with the most performance and the lowest prices.Server Lobster doesn039t define quality as just having low pings, but as a mix between customer support, server performance, uptime, and the overall user exper... | 0 | 268 |
710 | HurleyCraft - Build - Free - 24/7 A free to play server. you pay for ranks. The only rule is no griefing. Come play and have fun. You can meet some really unique people. Events Weekly... | 0 | 234 |
711 | VivaCraft The main goal of the server is to build towns/cities in the world and to basically have fun and meet new friends. So we welcome you all to join VivaCraft and start crafting. Have Fun... | 0 | 259 |
712 | Minecraftler - der Minecraft-Server Liebe Minecraftler,Dies ist ein Deutscher Minecraft-Server. Weitere Infos, die Regeln und die ersten Schritte findet ihr auf unserer Website: minecraftler.deIP:minecraftler.nitrado.deODER217.198.138.40... | 0 | 489 |
713 | MineUrge 24/7 An survival server for real minecraft players, also and freebuild mode join, fly mod is allowed and you are welcome... | 0 | 269 |
714 | Just-MINECRAFT See you there Young SERVER x TOWN x SYSTEM INTERNATIONAL x LANGUAGE x BEST PLUGINS x MOB ARENA x EVENTS EVERY DAY x Community x Support x Realy FAST GROW SERVER x JOIN Just-Minecraft and play together... | 0 | 258 |
715 | dreamCraft dreamCraft-Ein Deutscher brandneuer Minecraft Server der bald in die Closed-Beta starten wird Jetzt zur Closed-Beta anmelden amp exclusive Vorteile sichern... | 0 | 269 |
716 | EUReKA Minecraft Deutscher Minecraft Server - Immer Online - Eigener TS und Homepage - Komplettes Geldsystem - Eigenes Einkaufszentrum - Viele BERUFE - Protection auf Wunsch - Live Map - GRATIS... | 0 | 307 |
717 | Copper Craft Family/Fun Enjoyable place to settle down and build. Come set up home with us. You wont be sorry.... | 0 | 258 |
718 | Colorcraft Diffrent worlds you can swap with stargates.Multi world with a Sphere world.Each sphere has a stargate.Enjoy our own plugins. (Plots etc.)Read the tutorial for Plugin informations.Don039t be shy and try our world.... | 0 | 237 |
719 | Mc-Dragonage Mc-DragonageThe Ultimate Survival Server.... | 0 | 262 |
720 | Kingdoms Of Thorn New Server / RP-Survival / Great Admin support / Join our new small community... | 0 | 433 |
721 | The freaking World of Wagasez 24/7 FREE BUILDING, NO GRIEFING, PVP FULL, AND MUCH MORECOME AND ENJOY... | 0 | 264 |
722 | CyberCraft Swedish CyberCraft 24/7 Swedish Survival... | 0 | 262 |
723 | Animus-Network 24/7 Minecraft Server... | 0 | 284 |
724 | ThunderCraft - NO LAG - Double XP 1.0.0 CrackedThunderCraft - The Best - 1 Server - Towny - Mall - NPC039s - Funny experience - Awesome Donator Perks - iConomy - Huge Mall - Custom Commands - Warp Center - Bank with Vaults -... | 0 | 274 |
725 | The Devils SMP Server The Devils minecraft server is an online buildingserver for all people (except for griefers), we have monsters on and no PvP.... | 0 | 260 |
726 | Hostilecraft A small Community That will begin to grow faster There is no lag and will be up 99.8 of the time and the staff will be happy to help and we how tons of ranks visit website for for info... | 0 | 294 |
727 | FPDF Group FPDF Craft - semi-RP - All can join - Advanced economy allowing to encourage the competivity.Hosted by FPDF Group, this dedicated server is open to 24/7 without lags.Plugins: ico6, chestshop, xauth, locket, worldguard...... | 0 | 262 |
728 | kevin.dlegende-network.org Wir bieten folgende Plugins an: xAuth, LWC-Economy, GrieferNotifier1.2,Essentials, LWC, EssentialsSpawn, EssentialsChat,EssentialsProtect, PlgSetspawn, WorldGuard, RegionMarket, MinecraftViewer,... | 0 | 287 |
729 | dG - aidimai,Serveriai ir kitamp261 Games,Servers,Support and else... | 0 | 246 |
730 | PVPCrafters - Survival Server Great server with good world seeds. Great community and we use faction and essentials... | 0 | 300 |
731 | GPO-Minecraft Neuer Deutscher Minecraft ServerWir haben jede menge plugins wie z.b [Chest Shop, lwc, xauth und noch mehr]24/7 Online 10 slots... | 0 | 257 |
732 | BlackRock-Gaming 48GB Dedicated RAM , 50 SLOTS, PvP Arena / FreeBuild Iconomy Server, Friendly Staff, PLayable with and Original Versions of minecraft.... | 0 | 306 |
733 | Tribes and Trades Tribes amp Trades is a Minecraft survival server that encourages building towns, trading, raiding, PvP among other things.Read rules using /rules when you first join. | 0 | 276 |
734 | Wonder Craft MC Server Minecraft Hamachi Server... | 0 | 312 |
735 | Games Theory Minecraft Server Hallo liebe MinecraftlerDu willst auf unseren Mincraftserver Kein Problem Starte Minecraft und gib unsere Server - IP (siehe unten) unter dem Reiter quotMultiplayerquot ein. Falls dir der Server gefllt wirst du als vollwertiges Mitglied freigeschalt... | 0 | 354 |
736 | VenomcraftMinecraftServer Join now the best minecraft server ever... | 0 | 274 |
737 | RLZone Wir sind ein noch jung minecraft server und spielen auf Bukkit 1.1... | 0 | 267 |
738 | CreatureCraft - Survival + Bukkit 1.1 ts.creaturecraft:10017MC Server: np.creaturecraft:25565There is so much to do at CreatureCraftYou can even join our teamspeak server, to get to know us even betterWe use a full economy and loads of new rich features, lt3 the creaturecraft team... | 0 | 267 |
739 | EverCraft - 1.1 - 24/7 - 50 Slots - PvP EverCraft is a 24/7 Survival PvP server, with 50 slots, mcMMO, region protection, a great community, shop, and over 20 plugins Come and join us today... | 0 | 276 |
740 | BlockByBlock Add our Minecraft Serversurvival.blockbyblock.co.uk... | 0 | 255 |
741 | GAHGA aofkjshdjfha hsgdv... | 0 | 247 |
742 | amp9813 MCBuild amp9813 24/7 Welcome to MCBuildYour new Minecraft-Server We have over 80 plugins inside (Towny, IConomy, ChestShop, MagicCarpet, etc....) No whitelistTo get approved as Member register an account at our website.Features:- rank-system- classes- Towns- Premium/VIP ... | 0 | 480 |
743 | Virtuelles Leben amp More Wir Sind Eine Neue Community Und Wir Suchen Dich. Wir Besitzen Mehrere Gameserver Dazu gehrt unser Minecraft server auch [Survival] [24/7 Upptime] [No Premium] [Whitelist on/off] [Version 1.1] [Nette Admins] [Build Your World] lt3... | 0 | 268 |
744 | HydroCityGaming HydroCityGaming presentsMinecraft Anarchy Server - 1.1 - Grief Allowed - PvP - PvE - McMMO - Factions - Anti-CheatWe also have an SMP Server which is in beta right now, check the ip for both of these servers at our website.... | 0 | 263 |
745 | Mine-gold Opticrafts Officials SMP Server. [Minecraft 1.1] [Economy] [Market] [Chest protection] [Land protection] [Lag free] [Friendly and helpful Staff] [Survival]. This is opticrafts official SMP server, give it a go IP:... | 0 | 260 |
746 | FPE Official Minecraft [Survival] [PvE] [PvP] [24/7] [Bukkit] We have 24 slots ready to be filled We are a small community, and require a few things before you gain full builder status. Until then, feel free to play in the no rules (except griefing) world This is alo ou... | 0 | 258 |
747 | Crysis Server A dedicated SMP server that makes sure you get the most out of your experience in minecraft. Nations, iconomy, and PVP. Explore and thrive, through this crysis we call life.... | 0 | 255 |
748 | [PvP] [FACTIONS] [MCMMO] Jenova Gaming PvP with factions. Middle safe zone (Coordinates 0,0)... | 0 | 277 |
749 | Minecraft United [FUN] [Suvival][RPG] German Minecraft ServerPVP, PVE, Jobs, RPG, Events, Schneller und guter Support, Keine lange Whitelist freischaltung wartezeit. Nette Community und Admins. Alles gesichert vor diebe und hacker.... | 0 | 257 |