501 | Hustle Craft Prison server(All welcome) A faction prison server all welcome to come we have all the plugins and ready to startNo whitelist Offline mode.... | 0 | 553 |
502 | AdvantCraft AdvantCraft is a Minecraft server... | 0 | 296 |
503 | 2BitCrafting we are a server looking for a legit and mature minecraft experience. please type /rules when you enter and /help before you ask )IP: | 0 | 323 |
505 | Official Silent Craft Site Silent Craft is a private Minecraft Server. We have many plugins to satisfy the adventurer in you. Currently at 20 players but will go up. Quests/Main Story. dungeons. Massive main town with plots for sale and a admin mall to buy goods. You must regi... | 0 | 264 |
506 | Heroic Craft MCMMO - PVP - 24/7 - 100 UPTIME - SURVIVAL - ECONOMY - SHOPS - MASSIVErnCome join Heroic Craft, the Minecraft server for heroes... | 0 | 282 |
507 | Scandicraft-EU-LogBlock-JOIN NOW Scandicraft - We got various plugins to make the gameplay fun for you Including Essentials, which gives /home /warp shops and more LWC that can make you lock chests LogBlock that can rollback grief and much more... | 0 | 371 |
508 | PunchCraft | 0 | 323 |
509 | Hardcore039s Minecraft Server Come join us we are 24/7 currently running 1.1Server Owner: R_O_C_K_YServer Admins: fluffmcgruff, madmardigon, xxdavidhawkxx, and moreand we have Mods too... | 0 | 436 |
510 | Citywars Minecraft [OFFICIAL][24/7][CITIES][PVP, SURVIVAL]You can choose a class and earn cash, you can be fighter, miner, builder, leader, champion, cop and many moreMany advanced classes are coming and more features that you can imagineCome to citywars.... | 0 | 324 |
511 | TheLemonny039s Minecraft Server IP : fun... | 0 | 274 |
512 | normalminecraft sziasztok ez 1 minecraft64 slotos szerver lehet lesszmg bvitve de nem tervezzkhogy meglls lesszgyertek negyon jveboldalon van minden info :D... | 0 | 302 |
513 | Creepernation PVP TOWNS ECON QUESTS Creepernation IP: creepernation.zapto.org New server, great and friendly staff This server is brand new, but is growing quickly Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated Anyone experienced with configuring bukkit and plugins would be greatly welco... | 0 | 291 |
514 | IchiCraft Private Minecraft Server.Not yet openSimpleAutoAnnouncerStargateWorldGuardEssentialsSimple PrefixPorteCoulissanteWorldEditSpoutModifyworldPermissionsExiConomyLocketteNoLaggAnd Much More... | 0 | 274 |
515 | KA-Craft Creative Building Server IP mc.ka-craftWebsite and forums: Do you want to build with the greatest KA-Craft is a creative building server where you can let your imagination run wild. Our Admins are respectful, calm and extremely helpful. We use Hawkeye to keep your builds sa... | 0 | 284 |
516 | Blood of Miners Still in development.... | 0 | 264 |
517 | smp.celestialcraft Celestial Craft [24/7][16GB,no lagg][SMP][Iconomy][Portals][LWC][Donation Ranks][Protection blocks][Builder rank]... | 0 | 284 |
518 | New Ninjacraft Free to join, free to play, free to build, offline mode always, join us any time. IP is | 0 | 277 |
519 | BlackCatGaming [play.blackcatgaming] An ideal server for creative individuals, especially those majoring in engineering or architecture. Although we039re survival, this is a very formal server and we set high architectural standards for our players. Come build the things that interest y... | 0 | 283 |
520 | BinaryChaos Anarchy SMP We are a 99.99 Vanilla Minecraft Anarchy SMP server.Read more about it here:... | 0 | 356 |
521 | LiveCraft LiveCraft The best :)Lithuania... | 0 | 261 |
522 | Der Liter Flaschen Server Wir sind eine groe, deutschsprachige Minecraft Community. Bei uns gibt es sowohl einen Classic- als auch einen Betaserver. Auerdem haben wir einen TS und eine Website mit Forum.... | 0 | 311 |
523 | Lands of Lorecraft We are a new Server with a fresh new world. RP Enforced with many great plugins and a small but helpful and fun community. Feel free to sign on to our site and have a look around, its just been moved to a new service.NOTE: Spoutcraft is required for ... | 0 | 290 |
524 | EverythigEris A great minecraft server.IP mc.everythingerisCheck us out... | 0 | 322 |
525 | Traviancraft Deutscher minecraft server noch im aufbau suchen aber noch 1 admin und 2 moderatorenmeldet euch einfach.(e-mail-adresse am ende)natrlich drfen die admins u. moderatoren schon darauf spielenMFG: Traviancraft... | 0 | 281 |
526 | FactionCraft-Pvp Vsit my website and Sign also join in the server check more for Info in the website for Pvp Battles :)... | 0 | 309 |
527 | Sn0wcraft We value our players, and try our best to present a higher-than-acceptable server with alot of variety of things to do while playing including, playing SPLEEF, PvP, and Owning a business. Do almost everything you want, provided of coarse that your fo... | 0 | 249 |
528 | mcbox24hour Offline enabled. Donations get more permissions and money goes toward Child039s Play. Open until noon on 1/23/2012 (EST).... | 0 | 286 |
529 | DirtyCraft PvP Server Best Minecraft Server Ever... | 0 | 252 |
530 | EXBS Minecraft Server - No whitelist Server IP: Minecraft server with following features:Townyworldguardkingdomsactive staff membersgood playerseconomyno whitelistshops/marketsdonator rankspowersloads more things. Make sure you join today.LOOKING FOR STAFF.... | 0 | 280 |
531 | mcCity This is simple Minecraft SMP server whit no premium required. Its new hosted whit MCadmin(mod-Hey0) few ppl follow connect guide to connect HF. / CHEERS... | 0 | 245 |
532 | NotchCraft Bukkit 24/7 server Friendly AdminsLots of Plugins No Whitelist Please register at : | 0 | 328 |
533 | Next Generation Roleplay Gaming Community Of SAMP Minecraft Blackops Killing Floor and much more. Join us today... | 0 | 301 |
534 | Pandora French Server RP/FreeBuild turn on Hamachi - Low lag - Serious staff - Some plugins like Iconomy, Citizens...////Serveur Semi-RP/FreeBuild tournant sous hamachi - Lag peu frquent - Staff srieux - Plusieurs plugins comme Iconomy, Citizens...... | 0 | 396 |
535 | GUNCRAFT[RP][SURVIVAL][PVP][WHITELIST] Fun server, looking for an active community to come join us :)... | 0 | 299 |
536 | Bruchheim-Server Wir sind ein RPG Freecraft Minecraft Server mit ergnzenden Plugins um euch den maximalen Spielspa liefern zu knnen.... | 0 | 265 |
537 | Nbs-Gaming Minecraft We are a multi gaming clan with several different game servers we host come on over and check it out... | 0 | 264 |
538 | illegalcrafterz Awesome We Are better then all mc Servers... | 0 | 305 |
539 | DaleCraft DaleCraft is a NEW Server.We Have created this magical place so that we will finally have a laid back, opinionated and helpful server....DaleCraft is full of Add-onsNot many rules, just respect one another. DON039T BE A . and have fun....... | 0 | 257 |
540 | Mitrus2-Network Viele Neue RssisViele Neue WaffenNeue Steine +10erNeue EQsHighRootViele Events------------------------Neue QuestsPvP QuestArchimenten SystemGm Panel SystemUnd eine ViP quest die durch den IS gekauft werden kann... | 0 | 257 |
541 | ZyServer IP: play.zyminecraftserver An awesome survival mode server with many plugins to better your gameplay experience. Come join at the IP play.zyminecraftserver... | 0 | 294 |
542 | Tarik-Minecraft Tarik-Minecraft Best Hamachi Server-Plug ins Drinne-Neue Stdte-Nettes Team-Nette Community-Viele SpielerUnd noch vieles mehr auf Tarik-Minecraft... | 0 | 305 |
543 | - Mutiny Minecraft 1.6 - 24/7 UK - [-] No griefing[-] Pure Survirval[-] No lag,dedicated server which will have minimal lag[-] 24/7 - IP: | 0 | 284 |
544 | Free MC --play.emumind:25567-- Play Minecraft Free Multiplayer Online - 20+ Mods - Towny - Factions - Group PvP - Cities - NPCs - Shops - Quests - Protected Areas - AntiGrief Tools - Chest Locks - Active Admins... | 0 | 282 |
545 | Castilan - Der Neubeginn Willkommen bei CastilanCastilan ist ein offener Minecraft RP-Server.Er ist frei zugnglich, allerdings haben Gste keine Baurechte und drfen sich lediglich umschauen.Fr die aktive Teilnahme am Spiel musst Du dich bei uns bewerben.... | 0 | 278 |
546 | Minempire server Minecraft server.[24/7] [Permissions] [CraftBook] [LWC] [AntiCheat] [WorldEdit].Events every day Welcome Gifts and surprises.Friendly players and admins.Join our world.... | 0 | 287 |
547 | Minecraft Vikings Join the Minecraft Vikings SMP server. Online 24/7, anti griefing, friendly admins,lots of events, daily backups, chestlock, npc, LOTS of awesome stuff and mods. new and fast expanding world, NO LAG, Ranks. Awesome communityJOIN US TODAY YOU WON039T... | 0 | 293 |
548 | THING HUNTER 24/7 50+SLOTS Many cool mods.Server is going to be up 99 of the time.... | 0 | 241 |
549 | Intention 207 This is a Minecraft server. We just started, so enjoy and play nice. We also need staff members since we are new, and if you like the game you can donate as well.We changed name as well.Enjoy... | 0 | 289 |
550 | PhoenixCraft - NO LAG - 1.8.1 Supported New Community. Many Plugins. Over 100 available slots between 2 servers. 24/7 Uptime. Grief Free and Friendly Staff. We offer a Survival PVP Server and a Creative Non PVP Server... | 0 | 283 |