751 | SkyrimMc Sign up, Make an application, play... | 0 | 248 |
752 | Novacraft - The bets RPG server A wonderful minecraft RPG server with active and friendly admins. Go on our website for more information.... | 0 | 374 |
753 | Fizx World Freeplay - Craftbukkit / Essentials / Mobile Admin / Dynmap/ Spells / Protection / Auto Backup / Elevators / Sky Pirates / Wandimmyouany - Owner maymonkbert - Owner drifterz28 - Owner pdxollo - GM shangpav - GM iwagner- GM... | 0 | 282 |
754 | Tribalfield Minecraft gaming server. Bukkit with Owner made plugins such as factions, tribes, claims, towns, Exp system, no whitelist, multiple chat modes, good staff.... | 0 | 263 |
755 | EvilGamerZ : EvilMineCraft 24/7 EvilGamerZ : EvilMineCraft 24/7 all day long, providing PVP areas, ranks, awesome built world, plain plots of land to building on and much more...... | 0 | 267 |
756 | Boxrune Private Server Wanna play the most popular minecraft server Premuim server that is up 24/7. Its surval of the fitest come join our family.... | 0 | 272 |
757 | Top Minecraft More info at... | 0 | 277 |
758 | AstroCraft 24/7 and Lag Free Item Spawning Creative Server31.3.248.180:25685... | 0 | 316 |
759 | Bee Baron Minecraft It039s simpel we host game servers. There is a ranking system but you moust join the forms fallow the instructions.... | 0 | 270 |
760 | Minecraft-Cologne -Deutscher Server-Nette Admins-24/7-Noch Neu-Arena(PvP)-Einkaufszentrum... | 0 | 279 |
761 | - DivineCraft - We are a always changing environment, minecraft server. Its a new 1.8 Server, We keep up with the time, We don039t wipe our server unless we absolutely have too. (We haven039t had to as of now.) We have over 20 Plugins, We have Donator groups, and a ... | 0 | 248 |
762 | Minecraft UPTODATE24/7 Online 24/7 Online,No Whitelist,Protection mit Log sowie Register System, Griefer haben keine Chance,Shop-System(Eco) Job System,Quest System.Kommt doch mal zockenServer Hardware: 8x2,66ghz 12GB Ram 1Gbit 3TB IP: minority-gaming.eu... | 0 | 273 |
763 | MundoCraftt Minecraft baseado na idade media/sistema de factions/dinheiro/lojas/mobs para matar/skills//acessewww.mundocraftt.webnode.br... | 0 | 398 |
764 | SECTOR 61 JOIN SECTOR 61A new server mainly dedicated to survival/PVP, with factions24 slots.: | 0 | 244 |
765 | MineCore Multi-Minecraft-Server ( Survival , PVP , Build , Anarchy ) , Plugins , Developer Team , Events , 24/7 Online , No Lags , Friendly Community And Staff... | 0 | 292 |
766 | Chaotic United Minecraft Great Staff who host events. PvP and Spleefing arenas. Friendly helpers and Moderators. 24/7 uptime. Multiple cities managed by VIPs. Not a lot of grief... | 0 | 320 |
767 | Minebob A little minecraft Server... | 0 | 247 |
768 | TempCraft 24/7 Dedicated Freebuild :: No Lag :: English-speaking :: Bukkit :: Free to play (No premium account required) :: Friendly and active staff :: Loads of plugins and mods :: Anti-Grief/Rollbacks :: Multiworld - Survival/Creative/Nether/Skylands/Biosphe... | 0 | 261 |
769 | Minecraft Junkies German Server - No Whitelist - no lags - 24/7 - max 200 Player - Many useful plugins : WorldEdit, WorldGuard, LWC, Permissions , ingame registrationsystem , Antigriefsystem , and many more - Active and friendly Player , Mods and Admins - special rank... | 0 | 263 |
770 | Germanys Baugrube 24/7 On Nette Admins Viele Projekte, Wir Zhlen auf Nette User mit vielen Ideen )... | 0 | 249 |
771 | MC-Evolution Minecraft-Evolution, an international server is looking for members. We already got couple of awesome members who share our slogan: Keep fun inside and grief out Also, were running 24/7 so you can login any timeIf you are interested, check out our fo... | 0 | 289 |
772 | Sparky039s Minecraft Minecraft 24/7 dedicated server - Great community - Economy - Visit the server as a tourist- Awesome plugins - Nether - Mobs - And much, much more - Join now: sparky222b.dyndns.org:25565... | 0 | 253 |
773 | ::LiquidCraft:: -Live-Play-Build Dedicated server - Survival - PVP - Iconomy - Towny - Anti-grief - Ventrillo - Active forums - Friendly community - Great staff - and More... | 0 | 280 |
774 | Tuathals Portal -1.7 Bukkit-Plugins: War,Economy,MCmmo,Jail,Essentials,Craftbook,WorldGuard,Lockette and more.Fun new server with lots of mechanics IP: sc19.servercraft.co:1517... | 0 | 245 |
775 | MC-Suchtis Wir sind ein neuer Minecraft Server, wir Spielen Survival, Joine, Lass dich Freischalten, such dir ein Grundstck, Geh Farmen und baue dein Eigenheim, Wir Admins Versuchen den neulingen gerne zur Seite zu stehen und helfen wenn etwas Unklar ist... | 0 | 264 |
776 | WabiSabiCraft Welcome to Wabi Sabi Craft, a Free Minecrat server. We are going to be a rpish server one day when Ltima gets around to making npcs Tho with the new adventure craft update shes cooling her heals on that project and waiting to see what will be impleme... | 0 | 236 |
777 | Ambrosia Craft Great English Minecraft server with, Survival amp Creative worlds, 1.7.2, Bukkit, DynMap, Great Admins, big community hosting also CS 1.6 servers... | 0 | 278 |
778 | Toms minecraft server Een minecraft server- essentials- world edit- skills- anti-griefing- iconomy (chest shop)- controllerblocksFreebuild en survivalNederlands... | 0 | 272 |
779 | Angel-craft:Offline PVP survival Dedicated 24/7 offline server with great admins and a great community, running on Dual CPU Intel Xeon 56XX Series, 24 gb RAM and 1000mbps uplink we are sure you will have a pleasant experiencejoin now:angelcraft.gsv.me,We also have a freebuild server... | 0 | 281 |
780 | Sanctuary MC: Survival Bukkit server PVP areas,plus PVP protection, Iconomy,Freindly Admins,Chest Market,admin shops,lockette,magic carpet,warping,worldedit, superpowers,Jobs,Flying, back to body,homes, property protection,kits. We have many more plugins-more to come.hosts up to 150 pla... | 0 | 303 |
781 | HOLLOWNATION MC - SURVIVAL - 1.7.3 We are a survival server, with many plugins such as bigbrother, economy plugins, essentials and so much more We offer your buildings protection from griefers to... | 0 | 267 |
782 | K2Kgames - Fort Nocks Welcome to Fort Nocks We are a dedicated gaming community that is bringing minecraft online to your fingertips, at incredible speeds.All of our servers are hosted on dedicated servers on the Amazon EC2 in East Virgina and has an outstanding 99.9 serv... | 0 | 410 |
783 | The Game Project We guarantee -fun -pvp -arena -economy -Grief free -NO LAG -24/7 -Nice and mature community -Dedicated staff -Voice Chat -Active forums -and More -See you there... | 0 | 254 |
784 | PlanetCraft PlanetCraft ist ein Server fuer jeden Geschmack Zwei Spieltypen Build, Survival Nettes Team Nette Spieler, Laggfreier Server, Wir freun uns auf euch.... | 0 | 248 |
785 | World of Dommies [Best roleplay server] 24/7 - Best roleplaying experience - Level system - Big Brother - NoCheat - Gigant World - New and Fresh - Be there at the start... | 0 | 259 |
786 | StyleCraft Deutscher Privater Minecraft Server - Offline Mode - Free Play... | 0 | 265 |
787 | The Haven Please check out my minecraft server thehaven.dyndns.org... | 0 | 237 |
788 | The Lord of the Craft The Lord Of The Craft is a COMPLETELY RP Minecraft server that consistently clocks 180+ players Set in the World of Aegis, you embark on a dangerous existence in its troubled lands. The server has a white-list application process you must complete to... | 0 | 267 |
789 | Metrocraft Metrocraft launched Feb 1st, 2011. We had a extensive period of beta testing up to Feb 10th, 2011. After the beta testing we have concluded that Metrocraft will be a Vanilla+ Server, pushing the limits of MultiPlayer but with a few additions to exten... | 0 | 268 |
790 | BeMacizedGaming play at the BeMacizedGaming server With friendly staff and solid plugins our server is quick and friendly We offer a broad range of mods and a perfect base for all your creations... | 0 | 310 |
791 | Leoserver Greek Server 1 AWESOME town pvp on at nights economy and more... | 0 | 280 |
792 | Cosmic Minecraft 1.8.1 No whitelist, application[NOW ][Wild, Survival, RPG][65+Plugins][Quests, city, job, skills] [Town-Permits,McMMO, Quests Lottery, Voting, Shops, iConomy, Permits][Quality builds][Great Gaming community] [town systems][shops, great fun for ALL] [Best,... | 0 | 262 |
793 | Animus-Craft KEINE FREISCHALTUNGDeutscher 24/7 Bukkit Server immer auf dem neuesten standJoint noch heute... | 0 | 278 |
794 | Beyond the Blocks Brand New 27/7 Minecraft server. tough survival for people who like challenges. THIS GAME IS NOT FOR... | 0 | 300 |
795 | Magentium Minecraft 24/7 High Quality Server. High Quality buildings, multiple worlds with Portal support. Economy Support IRC Support connected to in game chat, Forums, Wiki, Questing, Gods and Perks, Rewards, Banks and More. Completely Free No subscriptions required, ... | 0 | 258 |
796 | Dissension Craft Minecraft server Features: Factions/iConomy/LWC/Chestshop/MobBounty/McMMO/NoCheat IP IPWe strive for a fun gaming enviroment, children and adults alike, we are a family server.... | 0 | 311 |
797 | SageCraft A fun, exciting server, with a friendly community and inexpensive ranks for multiple benefits. PvP, survival server... | 0 | 286 |
798 | BigCityLife 24/7 NoLag Wir sind ein DeutscherMinecraft ServerWir haben ein Adminteam das verstaendnissvoll und realistisch handeltKommt auf den ServerErffnet Shop Handelt mit anderen Spielern oder bekmpft euch in der Arena Viele Events... | 0 | 255 |
799 | DeathlyCraft Best server Everybody should join We have some awesome staff, plugins, and great people... | 0 | 263 |
800 | The Glory Days LOT of MODS: PLANES ELEVATOR SUPERNATURAL CLASS..., online 24h... | 0 | 361 |