1 | Flame Rose Online Welcome to Flame Rose Online! New Irose Server 2017 powered by Active & Friendly Flame Staff, No Bias Authority, Base on Farming and Crafting and War Game!, Custom Dungeon map and Cages and boss raid! Come and join us!... | 43 | 3582 |
2 | sohbet omegla,chat,sohbet... | 2 | 716 |
3 | SRose Online - Speed Rose Best Evo style server out there. Rates 120x EXP 100 Drop 20x Zuly -- Beans are BACK - OnlinePoints System - Own Quests - Own Items - Whole stats system rebuilded - Experienced staff - Weekly Updates - . Join the adventure now - Online since 19.01.200... | 0 | 3154 |
4 | titanRose titanRose :: Authentic and advanced iRose experience with a dedicated, experienced staff and great community. We use our own custom iRose client with great features such as Achievements, Costume System, PvP Rank System, Boss encounter with phases, Mo... | 0 | 2124 |
5 | Rave R.O.S.E. Evolution Online 200x300x100x:MaxStat:800:MaxLevel:250:Free 32,000 StatP: Free 500 SkillP:CustomItems:CustomNPC: CustomMobLocation:BalancePVPampPVM: VoteampDonateMall:Come, Play And Experience The Best ROSE Online... | 0 | 2911 |
6 | Glory ROSE Online Evo [Dedicated Server 24/7][New Server][Stable Server][Rates are EXP:120 DROP:25 ZULIE:10][New Maps][Exclusive Items][Redeem you Free items now][Exclusive Daily Events][Weekly Events][Monthly Events]So come on. And dont miss the fun.... | 0 | 1785 |
7 | AruaROSE Oldest ROSE Online server - 1500+ players in-game, 490,000+ forum members - 30x Exp/10x Drop/10x Zulie - Achievements, Dueling, Instances, Custom Maps - Use Coupon TOPSITES for 125 Exp... | 0 | 1389 |
8 | Sunshine iRose New start - New iRose - Costum items - Classic leveling and farming styles - Mid Rates - Alot of comming updates - Fun Classic styled iRose - Active Staff - Unique Game Play... | 0 | 1547 |
9 | Pimpin Rose Online Rates: 200/50/15 :: Item Mall :: No Lags :: Weekly Lottery :: Unlimited Reborn :: 700 Max Stats :: Customized Shops :: Fun and Helpful Players :: And a lot More Come check us out... | 0 | 1277 |
10 | Rose Online Brasil Rose Online Brasil 4 anos no Brasil. Level max 250, com itens exclusivos para todos os leveis. Exp Rate 20x. O que h de melhor do Rose Online. O maior planeta Oro do mundo, Duelo,Clans aliados e muito mais. Eventos o ano todo.... | 0 | 858 |
11 | RoseZA - Rose Evolution RoseZA Offers Both High Rate and Low Rate servers, Also Servers in Multiple Countries, Auction House, Item Mall, Ingame Ticket System, Fun Events, Chat Channel .... Come And check out the Best Rose Server to ever Exist...... | 0 | 831 |
12 | iRosePH Online Most advanced server with Celestial War (Planet Wars), Item Mall In-game, Multiple Clan skills such as Clan Assist, Revenge, Ally system and etc., Custom Maps amp Items, 21 Different Gems, Bot Buffers, Active GMs and Devs and a fun international comm... | 0 | 974 |
13 | The New Rose Rates: 999/500/350 , Item Mall ,No Lag, 6000 Reborn, 999 Max Stats, Customized Shops,24/7 dedicated, 98 up-time , friendly community and staff . Join Us NOW... | 0 | 1238 |
14 | :: Ozone Rose Online :: Welcome O3Rose Online 70x EXP 50x Drop 60x Zulie:Reborn System: :Orlo OPEN: :Clan Wars: :Union Wars: :Buffer Team: :Active GMs:... | 0 | 807 |
15 | EutopiaRose Online 24/7 Dedicated Server -- Friendly Active Staff -- Max Stat 700 -- Max Lvl 250 -- Photon Weapons -- Easier to craft Crystal sets -- Gem[8],[9],[10],[11] -- Custom Stats -- High Rates -- Premium Memberships -- Item Mall -- Custom Made Items -- EutopiaR... | 0 | 942 |
16 | Rose Master Online Novo servidor de Rose online RoseMaster acesse ja rosemaster. servegame :8090 tudo junto a ser lanado faca seu cadastro ja a se cadastra vc ganha Set+9 arma 9 scudo+9 so falar com o gm q ele edita pra vc venha jogar o nosso servido feitos so pra vc... | 0 | 709 |
17 | Light Rose Online If you like to PLAY GOOD IRose Server:Play LightROSE Today.Rates: 17x14x20New Items,New Website,New Launcher,ItemMall,Vote4points,Alot of EVENTS,Active GMs and MORE . . .... | 0 | 933 |
18 | Horus Rose Online Brasil RoseHorus Online, Com as Seguintes Rates : 15x Exp , 1x Drop , 10x ZulyServidor Planejado para ser Inaugurado no dia 12 de Marco de 2012 , e sera seriamente testado para evitar bugs, Caso ainda voce encontre bugs, Entrar em contato com o ADMIN... | 0 | 889 |
19 | ViROSE Online 200/150/100 :: None donation Server free to play :: Max level 250 :: Unlimited Reborns :: Max stat 800 ::Active Staffs :: Weekly, Daily and Monthly Events :: Join the newest and coolest ROSE Online Evolution ever :: Be the first to reborn and become ... | 0 | 818 |
20 | DarkCoreRose : Rise Of Reborn Masters 1000x100x100x:: MaxStat2000::MaxLevel250::CustomItems::BalancePVPampPVM::ItemVoteZulieMall:: LotterySystem::UnlimitedReborn:: ProfStaffHiring::SinceFeb08039... | 0 | 872 |
21 | FreeROSE :: Best ROSE Evolution Server ORLO :: Chapter 2 is now Open Roam the new maps and kill new monsters. Free Donation Points for New Registrations. 3Ghz QuadCore 4GB Ram Dedicated Server ensures superior performance. No lags, highly stable and no DCs.... | 0 | 636 |
22 | NukeRose Online - Rose Evo Server Rates: [Exp 50x/ Drop 20x/ Zuly 50x/ Maxstats 800][Max Level 250][Reborn Level 210][24/7][BETA][Easy Register / Game Play][Friendly Staff][Best server ever][With double rates on weekends][BRAND - NEW SERVER]... | 0 | 734 |
23 | Infinity Rose Online Infinity Rose Onlin is a free to play private MMORPG game server with nice rates and a big community.Exp 50x Drop 30x Lvl cap 80 Skill cap 80 Custom Items 24/7 Dedicated Server - No Lag Daily Events Active friendly Gms... | 0 | 680 |
24 | MythRose Exp5000 Drop5000 Zuly1000 Random Bean spawns that gives High Experience, Grade 7 Gems Craftable, 7th Talis and Binds obtainable, lvl 180 armors and lvl 200 weapons obtainable in Boss Map. In Game Reborn Command... | 0 | 813 |
25 | BillaBong-Rose Billa-Bong ROSE server High Rates : [Exp7500 Drop6000 Zulie 2000] Good GMs and more GMs needed we just opend NEW FRESH server:) sooo come in... | 0 | 644 |
26 | Da-R.O.S.E Rates are 3500x EXP, 2000x Drop, 50x Zulie... Very Fast Server, No Lags, No downtimes and Get Level 200 weapons. Very Friendly GMs.... | 0 | 791 |
27 | Welcome to Rose No-ip Servidor: ON 24 hrs Xp: 1000 / Drop: 1000 / Zuly: 1000... | 0 | 598 |
28 | Welcome To PvP-Rose Online Welcome to PvP-Rose online, this server is only for fun , pvping,become high lvl. Rates: 3000 On all, we are almost 24/7 Online , Want to own you friend tell him to come here. if you want to join our server come inside See You In-Game... | 0 | 550 |
29 | Infinity Rose Online 235x all rates,friendly GM039s,Starting events very soon,mini-Events almost everyday,working out minor bugs,Join Today... | 0 | 502 |
30 | CrescentROSE Evolution Server 1000x Exp / 1500x Drop... | 0 | 547 |
32 | Plant Rose Online New Evo R.O.S.E server Rates 2000 exp/ 200 drop/ 20 zulie/ Custom Shops/NO DONATIONS server/ Come join the fun/ High uptimes/Castle gear sold in shops... | 0 | 617 |
33 | Atonement Rose Atonement Rose Rates 5000x/5000x/5000x Train on beans in /go 16 Good GMs Private Dev Team Constant Leveling Events Items Are In The NPCs Fast Growing Community Come And Join Us You Wont Regret ItALL SKILLS WORK... | 0 | 585 |
34 | Habitual R.O.S.E. Online A developing R.O.S.E. Online private server.... | 0 | 456 |
35 | Twilight Rose Twilight Rose. Dedicated Server. Online 24/7. Fun Events. Nice GM039s. New User Commands. Also need new GM039s.... | 0 | 475 |
36 | Asia Rose Official iRose Server ASIA Rose iRose serverFully working iRose server using Osirose server files.Rates is currently 60x Exp, 20x Drop, 15x Zuly. Might increase in the feature.Premium items and events... | 0 | 689 |
37 | HIGH RATE 10,000 EXP Rose 24/7 ON Exp, Item : 10,000x / I.P : Friendly GM / Free Wings/Skill Books and Lvl 100 EQs. No Hamachi Free 10 M New Server... | 0 | 557 |
38 | Criminalrose NEW server no lag no hamchi need join now looking for GM039s ::ZULLY:6000::EXP:5000::DROP:4000... | 0 | 510 |
39 | ItaRose 15x Exp 10x Drop 10x Zuly. Updated regular. No downtimes. No lag. Stable server. No resets/wipes. Running 24/7 on a deticated server. Most crashes fixed.... | 0 | 508 |
40 | EspX ROSE Online Servidor Privado Espaol de ROSE Online Evolution. Exp: 10.000x / Drop: 5.000x / Zuly: 5.500x. GMs Amigables,.... | 0 | 556 |
41 | Rounix Rose Online Presenting.. drum rolls .. ROUNIX ROSE ONLINE [ Brand New Server ] [50x40x55x] [Custom Items] [Active GM] [soon Custom Maps] [Join the community] [Have fun and enjoy]... | 0 | 473 |
42 | SRose - Swift Rose Brand New Server 24/7 Rates Are 80x/100x/100x Come Join Now More To Come... | 0 | 480 |
43 | hRose Online Currently In Beta Stage : Working NPCs and Skills : Good GM Support : Join Today... | 0 | 471 |
44 | pbROSE - Private Brasil Rose Online Servidor de R.O.S.E Evolution Brasileiro Sendo Traduzido para Portugus, Clan Field liberado, Comandos que ajudam voc dentro do jogo, Equipe atenciosa e MUITO MAIS Rates: Exp: 30x - Drops: 15x - Zulie: 15x Crie sua conta e divirta-se... | 0 | 510 |
45 | SilverRoseOnline Rose Evo Server Rates:80x 60x 60x Fun New Need GM039s Please Have Fun And No Cheating... | 0 | 503 |
46 | EmBaa3 evoRose EVOrose - freindly GMs - exp2000 drop 1000 Zuly 1000 - 24/7 online - core2Duo 2.66 -Ram 3GB... | 0 | 606 |
47 | SevenHearts Online Welcome to the world of Seven Hearts, a 100 free to play iROSE style server with a growing community of over 800 players online daily. Hosted by multiple dedicated servers with regular updates, exclusive items equipment, custom BGM tracks, and more.... | 0 | 601 |
48 | Rose Spirit Rates 6000x Exp/ 5500x Drop/ 5000x Zuly / Many Events/ Come Here for Fun and Party time/JOIN Now.... | 0 | 525 |
49 | FreeRose Online Private Server Rates are 600x EXP, 100x Drop, 300x Zulie... Very Fast Server, No Lags, No downtimes. Better drops than all other private servers. Get rare weapons (uniques/elven/grand/saints). New Maps and New Monsters Friendly GMs and a healthy community. JOIN NOW... | 0 | 520 |
50 | Deluxe Rose Online New Server. Our rates is 20x20x20x. Irose server and Buff Fairys. Application is Open.... | 0 | 646 |