301 | KingDom-Rose hihi.we are a evo private server ( rose ) we still need GM039s and Developer039s make a application on forum.Rates are 250x250x500xwe hope you enjoy... | 0 | 258 |
302 | Rose Online Server New Privat Server Rose Online::Rates 5000x/5000x/5000x::Private Dev Team::Constant Leveling Events::Items Are In The NPCs::Come And Join Us You Wont Regret It::ALL SKILLS WORK... | 0 | 399 |
303 | Endless Dimensions Rose Online :: Endless Dimensions iRose Online :: Highrate Server 200x/200x/200x :: Steadily updating amp Lots of events to have fun with a friendly community on :: Join today and use your advantage of an early presence :: Custom content coming soon ::... | 0 | 242 |
304 | Frozen Rose Private Server Exp rate 3000 Drop rate 3000 Zuly 6000The server works on non-hamachi. Looking for Developers for make the server better.Just play and HAVE FUN... | 0 | 254 |
305 | Panda Rose Online Panda Rose Online, Developed by Panda Gamer Community, EXP : 400x, DROP : 200, Zuly : 100x. Nice GM, No LAGS, Custom User Commands, Custom Event, Unique Skill Droppable, Union War, Clan War, and Many More Event. What are you looking for, Join NOW... | 0 | 232 |
306 | cola rose very good server pay a penny to be a GM freindly community and best of all custom songs and you get to pick em.... | 0 | 258 |
307 | Abyss Rose Online I plan to make this server the complete recreation of the now quotCrashedquot sevenhearts, and continue on from Glov039s goal to make a unique Rose Online server.... | 0 | 212 |
308 | soda R.O.S.E soda rose is an Irose server with many staff positions available so get posting in our forums to become a GM,24/7 online... | 0 | 246 |
309 | Whatever Doesn039t Have A Name Old School Fun... | 0 | 241 |
310 | ::Ziora Rush On Seven Episode:: Online Youve Never seen Before Evolution RoseExp x50 Drop x100 Zuly x100Max Level 250 Max Stat 300No Reborn A FIXED server 100 No bugs No lags NodelayAll Quest working All skill working etc Some Players commands are activated Online 24/7 Dedicated Serv... | 0 | 227 |
311 | KRose - Kingdom Rose A new and refreshing Evo-style private server. Frequent events, nice staff, and lots of custom content Join now, and enjoy a revolutionairy Evo serverServer Rates: [XP 500] [Drop 100] [Zuly 600]... | 0 | 214 |
312 | PimPin R.O.S.E 24/7 Server custom itemsNew Junon will be added Great Staff Cheap donateions COME JOIN PIMPINSite: cya in game )... | 0 | 230 |
313 | Risen Rose Online Risen Rose Online, Rates: 3xExp/1xZulie24/7 Online [Stable Dedi]Great StaffLots of Events... | 0 | 298 |
314 | Evil scape 24/7 no lagg no glitch no bug Evilscape is a runescape private server online 24/7 website: no lagg no bugs and no glitches best server ever join today... | 0 | 272 |
315 | Dagga Rose Online Dagga Rose Online :: 24/7 :: no lags :: 98 no bugs :: 1200/700/200 :: Reborn system :: Active Staff team :: No Hamachi needed :: Max stat are 2000 and max level is 265 :: updating alot :: unique events :: New Junon - New Character create screen ::new... | 0 | 237 |
316 | Ruff Rose The Recreation of ruff rose we are looking for GM039s devs, come Join... | 0 | 255 |
317 | Saint Rose Online Saint Rose Online... | 0 | 378 |
318 | Free Games for Girls Free Games for Girls at .Play new Girl Games for free daily Dress Up Games, Cooking Games, Makeover Games, Fashion Games, Celebrity Games, and more Girls Games for Girls... | 0 | 229 |
319 | SubZero iRose SubZero iRose is a free2play MMORPG with some unique features like botbuffer support new items balanced jobs our rate is 30x30x1x... | 0 | 297 |
320 | NoobieRose Online New Rose private server Free ALL ITEMS GIVEN BY THE GM..THIS IS AN EVENT FOR THE GRAND OPENING.. RATES ARE EXP:300,Drop:100,Zuly:100.. Play now..... | 0 | 241 |
321 | Reaction iRose Reaction iRose is a new irose clone with none of the disadvantages or advantages of item malls ect although you will have lots of chances for random prizesEXP:55 Drop:32 Zuly:33... | 0 | 242 |
322 | SunShine Rose 24/7 :: No lag :: Active staff team :: New items :: New drop system :: Events :: :: Alot of updates :: Friendly server :: Rates are: 1k / 1k / 1k :: Max stats are 2500 :: Nice Developing team that will make server nicer :: alot will be added and edit... | 0 | 247 |
323 | yRose Online Come and Join yRose Online Great community,. Exp: 1000x Drops: 1000x Not many bugs.. Just FUN Level 250 can make reborn, Monsters Everywhere..For First 100 player will have free +9 1 set of armor and +9 weapon... | 0 | 225 |
324 | EndLess ROSE Online Join Endless Rose now, to experience the world of real rose online. Rates Are 2000x 700x 500x.... | 0 | 234 |
325 | Sky Rose Sky Rose is the newest addition to the Sky gamerz. We will do everything to make it you guys as comfortable as possible.RATES: EXP 75x DROP 110x zuly 75x... | 0 | 199 |
326 | Oblivion Rose:The Second Chance. Online Again.I039m pleased to announce that Oblivion Rose has now launched again All registered accounts can now login and play/enjoy the game and our community.New Site design and Forum design.Old Oblivion players Be Part Of The Evolution.30x (Exp) ... | 0 | 260 |
327 | iRose Forfun iRose Forfun - Servidor Brasileiro. Um servidor feito para quem gosta do Rose Online na sua excncia. um com rates de 1x. O que h de melhor do Rose Online. O servidor com mais eventos de todo o mundo.... | 0 | 222 |
328 | xRose (beta) Needs Testers Upcoming Rose server in full swing of Beta. Beta testers have /item /go and /givezuly commands for the duration of the beta. exp rate 800, zuly rate 800 and drop rate 800, Open source client and Custom Patch and launcher on the way with custom music ... | 0 | 349 |
329 | Seven Souls ROSE We have a great community and we039ll love to have you.... | 0 | 269 |
330 | Rose Online Map Editor Get the best ROSE Online map editor here... | 0 | 223 |
331 | Alpha IRose Online Alpha Rose Online, the IRose classic, with maxlevel 250, new gens, custons sets. Creative and experienced Staff. Faction War and Dragon Hunt working. Buffs solding in npcs ( Pony,Tryteh,Bellia in Junon ,Pabel in Luna). Come play with us. Alpha Rose... | 0 | 259 |
332 | HeroRose 30x 30x 10x ://forum.herogaming.info/------------------Server Information------------------Exp Rate:30x ZulyRate:30x DropRate:10x--------Features--------24/7 Dedicated HosteriRose Based-Go to... | 0 | 230 |
333 | HappyROSE Welcome to Happy ROSE, here is a team dedicated server fees we have [30x EXP] [15x DROP] [Zuile 10x], max lvl 255 max stats 500. Between now.... | 0 | 235 |
334 | Rose Hero Welcome to Rose Hero Onlinea very unique rose serverlots of changes come and playExp: 100x Drop Rate: 50xZuly Rate: 50x... | 0 | 238 |
335 | EternityIrose GrandOpening EternityIrose (24/5/2011) Low EXP , This Rose will make long time ago. Remeber Original Irose Happy Lvling With low EXP. Nice Soundtrack at Zant CITy. None Donation. Free To PLay.No Downtime , None Lag. High Connection. Website :... | 0 | 237 |
336 | Revo Online After years of having to choose either the horribly simple game-play of iRose or the nerfed game-play of Evo, wouldn039t you like to try something new Revo Online brings to the table a combination of all of your favorite features from irose, evo, and... | 0 | 259 |
337 | Welcome To Ruff-Rose Online. Ruff-rose online is a I rose server . We have a GREAT community . Rates : 1x Drop Rates / 1x Prices / 3x EXP . we are 24/7 Online No Lag No bugs Over 10.000 Account registered Come and Join Us FAST... | 0 | 228 |
338 | SevenPlanets-Rose Online Seven-Planets Rose is a new rose online private server l Rates are 50x Exp /45x Drop /40x Zulie join now and have fun l Fun Crazy is our life : )... | 0 | 225 |
339 | Hemlock rose roseonline game free... | 0 | 248 |
340 | RaknuROSE Free 2 Play RaknuROSE is a new iRose server. Rates: 25x EXP 15x Zulie 1x Drop. Constant updates from our dedicated Staff. Running on dedicated server so no lag. Fewest bugs you039ll find anywhere. Check us out now... | 0 | 270 |
341 | Endless ROSE Online Free 2 Play ROSE Online Evolution. RATES: 300/300/300... | 0 | 248 |
342 | Advanced Rose Adnvanced Rose is back.All bugs fixed.Nice high rates and GMs.Slight lag but not that thats gonna make you quit:D.Daily events.All skills you want are given just ask.Hamachi needed.Help our community grow:).Giving out grade 7 items... | 0 | 246 |
343 | Endless Rose Endless Rose. New Server Rose Online Evolution Now Online. Come see in game the rate are 300x for all The gm its very nice with player come fast... | 0 | 242 |
344 | Dark Rose Evo NEW SERVER Hi all, this is a good evolution rose server Exp 4kx Drop 4kx Zuly 4kx 24/7 New server Nice GMs, Lagg Less ,the GMs sell everyting armor gems weapons Enjoy your time here... | 0 | 224 |
345 | --DivineRose--Great Server-- Great iROSE Server Rates 4x 1x 4x Fun Events Great GMs24/7No LagFun CommunityFreeForums... | 0 | 346 |
346 | MOH Rose Exp Rate 40x Drop Rate 80x Zuly Rate 80x Friendly GMs Funny Events 24/7 Online Reborn... | 0 | 317 |
347 | EstRose Online New RoseOnline Server RATES 25 25 25 PVP arena, can teleport by wrhiting /go (number), all skills working, friendly GMs,Many Monsters,Many Event Join us... | 0 | 253 |
348 | MacBRosE Filipino Server I Lag Free I 2kExp 2kDrop 1kZuly Rates I Custom Shop NPC I Hav a lot of Event I Weapon Armor Rare Skill are sold at NPC I [Hamachi Needed]... | 0 | 233 |
349 | dsfsdfds dsfsdfsdfsdfdsf... | 0 | 246 |
350 | EstiRose New Rose Online ServerExp rates 25 exp 25 drop 50 zulyWe need talented people for GMsEstiRose waites You... | 0 | 238 |