401 | Holodeck Rose Online Monthly ingame Lottery, Team of Game Masters/Designers/Developers , Custom Items/Shops.Simple registration amp installation, Dedicated Servers 24/7 Online Free 2 Play Holodeck Rose is focused on pure gameplay instead of extremely high rates.... | 0 | 250 |
403 | WolfRose Evolution Rates are all 10x Exp 10x Drop 10x Zuly Running on a brand new amd based server. Enjoy lag free gaming and a great big community. Up 24/7 Skills, drops, and fun events. Dedicated admins... | 0 | 257 |
404 | Euro Rose Euro Rose. Exp 900, Drop 100, Zuly Drop 100. Join Now Zero LAG Latest Client... | 0 | 257 |
405 | BURN R.O.S.E Server is Brand New Great Rates/ FIRST SERVER TO HAVE 4th PLANET OREO/Community/Staff/ Still recruting Gm039s /REBORN at 250 rates R very high and CUSTOM ITEMS/GM BUFFS... | 0 | 234 |
406 | UltimateRose The Ultimate gaming experience Rates 6k/6k/6k join today... | 0 | 247 |
407 | Insane Rose Friendly players, no lag, /go 1-14, 20x/2x/2x, GMs sell items and hold events regularly. Join in the excitement... | 0 | 260 |
408 | Avatar-IRose Avatar Irose has great GMs and low rates...The rates are as follows EXP5x, Drop1x and zuly2.5x...So come on in and join in the fun...We are small but we welcome everyone.... | 0 | 256 |
409 | AmaiRose Amairose is an complete irose server open 24/7.High rate server 45/15/15.Recruiting GM and Developer. Trying to get the server open by week.8.... | 0 | 237 |
410 | Bones Rose online 1k EXP 1k Drop 1k Zuly, NEED GMS, EVENTS EVER DAY, Ever 1 is welcome... | 0 | 387 |
411 | Holy Studios HolyStudios is a graphic website that also hosts multiple private servers for ROSE and Maplestory.... | 0 | 235 |
412 | Justice Rose We are The Coolest ROSE EVER Rates 50x atm Allot of users online everyday a deticated team of Gm039s and Moderators... | 0 | 236 |
413 | Project ROSE Servidor Brasileiro De iRose com o dobro de monstros, servidor novinho entre e sej o mais forte do ranking exp:30/Drop:20/Zulie:30... | 0 | 246 |
414 | RotAH]ROSE Private Server Brand new server, rates are currently set to 2000exp,5000drop,200zuly. Class change, reborn, shop-type, and other commands available to players Come be part of a cool up and coming server... | 0 | 266 |
415 | sEAL onLINE 1000 people playing nice shiny weapon...shiny wings :D and cool player join now... | 0 | 246 |
416 | RoseonlineEU Rates:40x50x30... | 0 | 260 |
417 | Rose Revolution Join the Revolution We are a low rate server, featuring a curved experience scale to help at higher levels. Also features a custom Drop table, auto-patcher, Snowball Fights, clan fields, exp-boosting special mobs, drop-fetching pets, and much more... | 0 | 259 |
418 | .:Cyber Soft Rose::. x10/x10/x10 Uptime 99 New Comunity, Nice Gms, Weekly Events, Welcome and Have Fun... | 0 | 326 |
419 | Doggy R.O.S.E Servidor 100 Chileno Rates 100/100/100 Eventos Un Staff Responsable Que Esperas para unirte... | 0 | 288 |
420 | JinxRose Rose Evo private server, rates are 70 Exp/150 Drop Rate/150 Zuly. Many bugs fixed active admins and GMs, and many more :).... | 0 | 256 |
421 | MERO-Meronet Evolution Rose Online COMMANDS 100 HIRING 2 GMS 2 MODS(FORUM) NEED GOOD SOURCE CODER EXP:400 DROP:400 ZULY:400 OFFICAILLY OPENED MARCH 10, 2008 AT 5:00 GMT-5:00 COME... | 0 | 266 |
422 | FinalRose Hello and welcome to Final rose Our rates are 3000/3000/3000. We are a fun filled server with active and friendly Gamemasters... | 0 | 259 |
423 | FeoNRose FeoNRose is an irose server with a great comunity. Server stats are: 30x exp 30x drop 5x zuly. We039ve got frendly GM039s with many events every day... All we need is more players so we can become a big and great comunity... | 0 | 242 |
424 | RoseDeLu Online Serveur priv Rose Franais, Version Serveur avec Rate Officiel:Exp:1/Drop:1/Droptype:1/Zuly:1. Actuellement en Bta Test Fermer. Vous pouvez visitez notre forum:( ), et vous inscrire pour jou sur notre serveur. V... | 0 | 231 |
425 | PgnROSE PgnROSE x10 rated ROSE Online Server... | 0 | 237 |
426 | Pirate R.O.S.E Online Pirate ROSE Online, a great server in the making. Stay tuned it will be made soon.... | 0 | 329 |
428 | Odes R.O.S.E Re-Opening This Rose is new server...we are recruiting GMs now...this is a 1k times EXP, DROP, amp ZULIE...Come amp join us now...We are giving Castle Gears and Sporty Carts...Castle gears are in mildun shop..More event...22/7 stable server..DECICATED SERVER St... | 0 | 292 |
429 | Odes R.O.S.E Brand new server, just released Rates are 1k /1k /1k Legendary Staff Epic Events Awesome players So, what are you waiting for Join now... | 0 | 248 |
430 | Death From Meeden One of the best server there is 95 of the skills fixed rates 30 x 200 x 200 xHave fun... | 0 | 260 |
431 | jroseph-online jrose forever we rock to the both... | 0 | 267 |
432 | Eternity R.O.S.E. 100 Completed self coded EVOLUTION server. Controlled by professional website. Our professionals are ready, so do you... | 0 | 197 |
433 | R.O.S.E. Online - Best Server Exp, Drop amp Zulie x8 - Great community, Friendly GM - 24/7 online - Item Mall Zuly... | 0 | 263 |
434 | Avatar IRose EXP2.0x-Drops1x-Zuly3x fun rose sever with nice Gmscome join our fun... | 0 | 237 |
435 | KaZ-Rose Hello and welcome to KaZ-Rose Our rates in our server are 1000/1000/1000. We are a fantastic server that you must join We have great gamemasters,cool events,great community and much more Join the revolution... | 0 | 214 |
436 | MegaRose Hello and Welcome to MegaRose We are a brand new server just starting out Our rates are 4000/4000/4000 We have Great Gamemasters, Great Community, and a Exciting Events Come join the Revolution Now... | 0 | 241 |
437 | BloodRose The Newest Best server out there Good Gm039s xp100 zuly150 drop120 so come on and have a great time at blood rose online... | 0 | 229 |
438 | MybadRose [Evo] NEW online Rose Evo private server...Fun and friendly server with great GM team...Free ingame sunglasses to all new accounts ..so what ya waiting for come help us build a big friendly community. FREE TO PLAY..... | 0 | 224 |
439 | Sexy-Rose Brand New Server Up about 95 of the time We are an Rose Evolution server. Rates are 69x EXP 50x DROP 60x Zuly. We are currently working on the skills that dont work. Commands, plenty of events, and much much more Click downloads on our website to le... | 0 | 403 |
440 | God Rose Welcome to God Rose Our rate here are 3000x/3000x/3000x We have a Great Community, Great Gamemasters and exciting Events Joing the Revolution... NOW... | 0 | 264 |
441 | MaX RoSe 500exp,drop,zuily rateNice GM039sMax stats-999Looking for GM039sCome here for fun... | 0 | 248 |
442 | Advanced Rose Welcome to the newly established 24/7 dedicated server. We have high rates which are 1k,1k,1k. All skill books sold in npc. Friendly Gms. Gm commands. No job quest.Zuly mall. Hamachi needed Castle gear given at lvl 250... | 0 | 389 |
443 | GateXIII R.O.S.E Exp:1000/Drop:300/Zuly:500/Custom Items/ Need Gms/ Own Ventrilo/ Free CasleGear/ Refine Rate High/ All skills sold in NPC/ Gems Sold By Npcs/ No Bugs / No lag/ No Hamachi/ C++ Server... | 0 | 250 |
444 | Freestyle Crew Rose Online Freestyle crew GunZ online has came out with a new server and its Rose Online We are Recuiting Staff that know rose developing Servers are up 24/7 100 lagg free Beta event so players might experience some bugs We use Rose Evo... | 0 | 236 |
445 | DarkAngelzRoseOnline Dedi Host 24/7 Free To Play EXP-75 Zulie-75 Drop -75... | 0 | 246 |
446 | Eternal Rose 3500rates/looking For admins And Gms/Castle Gear free /Funs events /hamchi Needed working on it /Costem Moster And Armor And wepons/ And Much Morw... | 0 | 233 |
447 | AruaRoseForum This is AruaRose Extention Forum... | 0 | 275 |
448 | ---Roasted Rose Online--- 100 Complete Irose Clone ServerWith the most Custom items.Create your own items, fully customise your items stats and look. Once you played On Roasted Rose,you can039t Stop Rates : 40x Exp 20x Zuly 20x Drops - High Rate Server... | 0 | 247 |
449 | Power Rose EVO Friendly GM039s good serverExp 200xZulie 500xdrop 150xGM sells almost everything.join us now )... | 0 | 315 |
450 | Rose Online Awesome Play Rose Online... | 0 | 249 |