301 | L2 Tenshu Servior Exp: 10x Adn: 15x
En espa�ol... | 0 | 272 |
302 | L2FallenGodZ Rates all X-200 GMShop Buffer Teleporter and Customs! Nice GM Staff!Up 3 Years COME JOIN... | 0 | 310 |
303 | L2Nightmare rates: 450x 450x 600x
enchant rates : +6 safe +25max 80% chance
custom glows from +20-25
custom farming areas
npc buffers
nobless manager
auto tvt events
hero system
goldbar system
fully interlude... | 0 | 297 |
304 | l2-Longchamps Server Pvp..
Good's Gm...
Only for Fun people :P... | 0 | 304 |
305 | ODESTEMIDo sdlkbvfsdgfksjgdvbxkchfsdkjgkcgbvkxgfjsdbvbxkdgfkgegruguidfgkud ifhyisduhfd fidsyhigtuhdsuigh... | 0 | 422 |
306 | Kamael novo server kamael ct1,rate 10x,adena 100x,moobs champions dando 100 vezes + que a xp do jogo,Gm shop,GK global,GM faz evento diariamente,server muito bom... | 0 | 308 |
307 | L2MWX Interlude Full 3000x | 2500x | ful Servidores tem muito, com qualidade alguns, agora com qualidade e maxima dedica��o apenas um L2MWX, server 3000x ! 2500x , Entre e confira... | 0 | 654 |
308 | L2-UK Welcome to l2uk
Gracia server
xp rate x 6500
sp rate x 6500
party rate x 2
Adena rate x 1000
For more details visit our website
www.l2uk.com... | 0 | 316 |
309 | L2GF Server Server L2GF opened the day on March 11.
The server is hosted on a dedicated server with the following characteristics:
AMD Athlon +4200, 2gbs of ram to 800, 500gbs hard drive, 100mbs connectors
Features of the server:
Rates: 20x 30x 100x
Gm S... | 0 | 291 |
310 | SwordsMan Perfect World SwordsMan Perfect World Online, waiting for you to come to make a new legend with your sword and heart. 7x24 dedicated server, 100x combat EXP, 100x money, 1000x SP, 1000x Drop rate, with the activest LTSP forum.... | 0 | 263 |
311 | L2 Experience Rate XP: 12 Rate SP: 13 Rate Party XP: 1.2 Rate Party SP: 1.3 Rate Spoil: 10 Rate Drop: 10 Rate Adena: 15... | 0 | 428 |
312 | http://www.dark-mafia.es.tl
Servidor Lineage II Kamael
RateXp = 5.
RateSp = 5.
RatePartyXp = 2.
RatePartySp = 2.
RateDropAdena = 6.
RateDropItems = 6.
RateDropSpoil = 6.
RateDropManor = 6.
Safe enchant = 5 (For all)
Max enchant = 20 (For all)
# Standa... | 0 | 289 |
313 | Lineage II Wyvern Exp Rates are set 250x.
SP Rates are set 1000x.
Adena Drop Rates are set max% (99999x)
Registration : Automatic, just login to some account and it will be created automaticly... | 0 | 305 |
314 | Without GM, without Donat!!!!!!!! Classic server, possibility of offlayn trade, there is not a thing GM shopa. The sieges of fortresses work for us, avt. tournaments, eventy, new skilly/territorii/pety/kvesty/prochee...... | 0 | 284 |
315 | LineagePlay4FuN exp:2000, drop: 1 ,adena 10000... RUS server! Enchant: Chance 85% , safe +20, max +70... Phoenix shop...... | 0 | 369 |
316 | L2-Europeo Server Kamael, Internacional, Mid Rates, dedicado->24 horas online, gato de profesiones. 0 corrupci�n, GMs amigables, solucionamos tus problemas r�pidamente. Si tienes problemas para entrar en la web, entra en http://l2-europeo.espanaforo.com/index.h... | 0 | 323 |
317 | Server KAmael PVP - LOW NPC Bufffer, NPC GM Shop, NPC Gatekkeper Global,
XP Rate: 1000.0
SP Rate: 1000.0
Drop Rate: 10.0
Party XP Rate: 5.
Party SP Rate: 5.
Spoil Rate: 10.0
Adena Rate: 2000.0
Enchant Rate: 80%
Max Enchant Weapon: 35
Max Enchan... | 0 | 321 |
318 | Welcome To L][ LuckyStrike Pvp&Rpg pvp server in (interlude ) rpg server in (kamael)... | 0 | 281 |
319 | Welcome Kamael Server L2luckyStrike X7x7x500 Rate's Echant menu safe 6 max 20... | 0 | 279 |
320 | Lineage II ZakeN x13-x13-x13 Rates server|NPC Buffer|GK Global|Tattoo Working 100%|Sieges|Clan Hall|Sub Class| Heros And Nobles| Nueva Raza Kamael, Items y Skilles|Online From 13/03/08|Argentino... | 0 | 293 |
321 | Lineage2Death Server kamael l2Death server cumple con buenas cualidades server venezolano 100% rates 2000Xp,adena,Sp entra 0 lag te esperamos adentro... | 0 | 282 |
322 | L2UK L2 KAMAEL SERVER... | 0 | 312 |
323 | L2 Israel Rate's :
exp : 20 , SP : 20 , party exp : 1.5 , party sp : 1.5 , Drop : 10 , Adena Drop : 40.
buff time putted on 1hour....... | 0 | 297 |
324 | L2Fantasy.net � Kamael CT1 � [Rates: 16x16x16x16x10x] � Balanced Classes � Daily retail Events � Sub class & Hero system � Daily server updates and bug fixes � Anti Bot System � Costum NPCs � New friendly GMs � Classchanger and GlobalGK... | 0 | 307 |
325 | Scorpion Server Gracia x25 x10 x10 / 8HR Underworld Buffs / Raidboss's Fixed / Noblesse Added Every Week!! All Skills Obtainable for any Character... PLAYERS Wanted
... | 0 | 297 |
326 | L2 Phantom Rates: XP 80x/SP 80x/Adena 200/Enchant 55% | NPC Buffers | 1 hour buffs | Custom GM Shops | Epic Armor | Epic Weapons | Subclass/Noblesse System | Castle Sieges | Working Clan Halls | Skill Enchanting... | 0 | 426 |
327 | Lineage 2 - White Steel.- Interlude. ESP Servidor Espa�ol de Lineage 2 Interlude!!
Rates : x1000 x1000 x5000
Auto Events (TvT, CTF, Deathmach ,y mas)
Armas y Armors Customs!
Olimpiadas Funcionando/Sieges 100% Funcionando/
0 Lag!
Staff amigable !!
y mucho mas!!
Entren se van a divertir!! ... | 0 | 278 |
328 | L2raVen - Hellbound - Hellbound - 10/12/11/10/5 - ride a WOLF - custom raids - custom area - custom mobs - many events - everything's working 100% - gain lvl 85 - active GMs... | 0 | 325 |
329 | L2ShadowWar 4000 exp 4000 aden pvp sarvar kamel clien
event that if you winer you get boss skill end some items + is nice come to fight... | 0 | 290 |
330 | L2 StarGate -===== L2 StarGate Info =====--
* The 1st Lineage II Server!
* Server Rates: 100x Xp 100x Sp 400x Adena
* C1/C2/C3/C4/C5/Interlude/Kamael areas
* C1/C2/C3/C4/C5/Int... | 0 | 415 |
331 | The Silence Servidor L2 kamael zonas kamael 100% armas dynasty 100% tatoos activos...y mucho mas... | 0 | 310 |
332 | http://evilvsangel.page.tl http://evilvsangel.page.tl novos set epic e armas custons 450x... | 0 | 332 |
333 | L2-Bartz kamael server 3000x/3000x/3000x.Full Kamael.99% kamael skills.Gm shop,gk,buffer,TvT,noobles in buffer,work hero's.And more more nPC's.Come play here... | 0 | 363 |
334 | L2 kamael server 3000x/3000x/3000x.Gm shop,buffer,Gk,TvT.Noobless in buffer.Work heros.Gm helpers.Go play here.Full kamael server.99% kamael skills.... | 0 | 307 |
335 | L2lost lineage interlude RateXp = 5 RateSp = 5 RatePartyXp = 5 RatePartySp = 5 RateDropAdena = 10 RateDropItems = 10... | 0 | 302 |
336 | L2 WarOftheDarkness .::][L2 WOTD ( PVP)][::.
500exp safe +40 75%
500sp max + 60
.::][L2 WOTD FACTIONS][::.
RATES: 80 al instante
ENCHANT: safe +5 % 80 max+20
GMSHOP,GK,BUFFE... | 0 | 327 |
337 | Lineage II Waffen C5 Server Rates :
Exp: 200x
Sp: 250x
Aden: 700x
Drop: 2x
Enchant Rates :
Scroll: Enchant Armor/Weapon: 70%
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor/Weapon: 75%
Maximum Enchanting: +25
Server Info :
Leveling Up Zones.
Leveling Up Zones GK.
G... | 0 | 296 |
338 | L2BlueAngel No Gm Corpt No Lagg Costum Shop NPC Buffer Rates Xp 3000 Adena 3000 Sp 30000... | 0 | 297 |
339 | Lineage 2 Argentina Lineage 2 Argentina. C4 off, Rates x5. Seven Signs, Raid Boss, Olimpiadas 100% funcionando. No GMSHOP, no venta de items, no venta de adena, no venta de quest. Servidor Serio en pleno crecimiento.... | 0 | 309 |
340 | Chaosrage Pvp Server Exp x1000 Sp x 1000 Adena x1000 , Buffer , GMShop , Global GK , Event TVT And CTF , And much More...... | 0 | 274 |
341 | Revolution-World Hungarian Good Vs. Evil server! Now Started... | 0 | 305 |
342 | ModL2 Masters Of Darkness Kamael Server... | 0 | 293 |
343 | L2Hunter PVP Server XP: 500/ SP: 1000/ Adena: 2000/ GM Shop / Luxury GK / NPC Buffer [Server BR]... | 0 | 281 |
344 | L2BlueAngel No Gm Corpt No Lagg Costum Shop NPC Buffer Rates Xp 3000 Adena 3000 Sp 3000 Costum Seller... | 0 | 240 |
345 | Servidores Dark-TaCo Lineage II Interlude
Rates: exp x3 sp x4 Adena x10 Drop x5 Spoil x25... | 0 | 277 |
346 | AsasIni best clan/forum/SERVER Aici gasiti regulamentul fosrumului * clanuri inregistrate * servere CS-AsasIni * Tutoriale CS * Jocuri-online * Muzica * TV-online * Tutoriale Games.... | 0 | 282 |
347 | L2-battlegrounds.de Luna 1x, Epic 15x, Extreme 1000x, CT1 Kamael, Olympiad, Seven Signs, Manor System, Sieges and marriages available.
Join L2-battlegrounds.de... | 0 | 319 |
348 | Twilight Lineage 2 2 International Kamael Servers|Mid+High|Hero,Olympiad,Wedding,ClanHall|CTF,TvT,PvP,VIP|GM Shop and Luxury Shop|25'000 Characters Created... | 0 | 295 |
349 | L2Ultimavenganza Spanish comunity. Server bartz. 10x exp 15x sp 2x party exp and sp 20x Adena 20x spoil All quest is implemented. -clan skill -academy -hero -nobles -hatching -siege -etc.... | 0 | 280 |
350 | LA2Br Server Kamael Servidor Lineage 2 Kamael, rates altas, Link dedicado de 2000 MBPS ( SEM LAGs ), Npcs novos,Argumenta��o,PvP,TvT automatico, Novas Weapons,Novas Armors,Quests, Buffs 2 hs.Venha ser Top.... | 0 | 410 |