51 | Energy Titan Interlude Server Rates: interlude 1
- 500x EXP
- 500x SP
- 1000x Adena
- 3x Drop
- Safe enchant 9 max 35
Great fun Good people and many events lag free 24/7
... | 0 | 961 |
52 | L2Superior pvp done right .:: L2Superior - Interlude Client ::. xp1000/sp1000/adena1000 | Unique features: 100% Augmention system, 100% Interlude Duel system, Live Support system, Custom PvP/Hunting grounds, 100% Interlude Spawn system, 100% Primeval Island, Custom Teleporter... | 0 | 876 |
53 | Ilusions Lineage2 - Gracia Multiskill Interlude Fresh Server - EXP: 500 | SP: 800 | Adena: 2000 | Items: 5 | Spoil 5 | Safe Enchant: 25, Max: 200 | Buffer, GM Shop, TvT, CtF and more | Custon GateKeeper | Join Now the new L2 Comunity.... | 0 | 1549 |
54 | Lineage2 Life - PvP Brand new Lineage2 Prelude C5 server. Rates are XP:5000 | SP:5000 | Adena:5500 | Drop:10 | Spoil:10 | GMshop up to A grade (S grade is from events or donations) Good Enchant rates. Come and we will make good community.... | 0 | 835 |
55 | ..:: L2-Fanatics ::.. L2-Fanatics is back - deutscher Staff - 30 XP + 50 SP + 150 Adena - Noblesse - Olympia - Hero - SevenSigns - growing Community... | 0 | 844 |
56 | L2Hispano L2Off Retail c4/c5 (x7x7x7x5)|Hero|Nobleza|7 Signs|Loteria|3�Cambio|Gms Activos|No Lag|Uptime 24/7|+1100 Online|Entra... | 0 | 824 |
57 | Reunion - Low Rate [PL] =====================
RateExperience = x4
RateSkillpoints = x4
RatePartyXp = x1.4
RatePartySp = x1.4
RateDropAdena = x4
RateDropItems =x4
RateDropSpoil = x4
Kamael Classes
Kamael Areas
Kamael Spawns
Kamael Skills
Kamae... | 0 | 775 |
58 | server c5 lineage 2 free free server Lineage 2 c5... | 0 | 765 |
59 | L2MostWanted 650[Adena] 300[EXP] 300[SP] 1[DROP] 6[PARTY XP/SP] ||GMSHOP/Luxuary GK||1H Buffs||Entchant maxi +65 Safe +20 Rate 80%||NO LAG||C6 Weapons/Acessory/Location||Noblesse||Hero... | 0 | 872 |
60 | Heaven Server New L2 server with rates 30x/35x/30x/70x (XP/SP/Drop/Adena) Interlude with Custom stuff, Shop with everything till C-grade in it and more... | 0 | 740 |
61 | UltimateGr L2 Interlude IP: Hi rate Lineage2 Int Server
All Zones-All Skills-Hero System -Third Jobs-Subclass System - Nobless -AutoSS -7 Signs -Recipe Book -All quest - C5 Pets - Manor System - Macros - Petition System -Community Board-CTF-DM-VIP... | 0 | 749 |
63 | L2 Silence 250x/250x/750x *GMShop* #Luxary GK# *Custom Weapons* #Noblesse/Heroes# *C6 Area/Location/Items* #2H Buffs# *75% Enchant* 'Npc Buffer' #German/International Community#... | 0 | 753 |
64 | Ultimated Good vs Evil The newest and the only Lineage2 Good Vs Evil server on the internet atm , no lags , custom armors/weapons/skills/hero system/noblesse/oylmpiad , no corrupt GM's . JOIN US NOW ... | 0 | 937 |
65 | Shards Of Reality Gracia Gracia, Elemental War (5 Factions) Lvl from PVP, 2 Hour Buffs, 2 Servers to Choose From (10x or 500x), Friendly Staff, Dual Daggers, Custom Armors, Custom Weapons, and Much More! Come Try Us Out... | 0 | 674 |
66 | L2WODA Lineage Server This is LineageII C5 game server
Rates: exp/sp/drop/adena 300/300/10/600... | 0 | 684 |
67 | L2absolute {kamael Shop weapons and armor}
{RateDropItems = 9}
{RateDropSpoil = 14}
{EnchantSafeMax = 4}
{EnchantSafeMaxFull = 20}
{buff`s 4 hour}
{no quest hero}
{Custom GMShop}
{GM Shop}
{pet skill}
{location for... | 0 | 729 |
68 | L2.DamienCJK interlude, custom shop, proper rates, english only.... | 0 | 701 |
69 | L2 Warriors Os maiores guerreiros est�o aqui!
Server PVP Rate 35x Adena 20x... | 0 | 761 |
70 | L2T9 Interlude Server Rates: 400x(Xp)/400x(Sp)/750x(Adena)/10x(Item Drop)/5x(Spoil)
L2T9 has working TvT Events, hero's, Olympiad, Weapon Augment, Dino Island, skill enchant, working duels, gmshop, several (1 hour)buffers, interlude shop, fortress, 100% siege, Leveling Fa... | 0 | 715 |
71 | L2 Ragnum (C6) Rates XP/SP/ADENA 500x 500x 600x... | 0 | 772 |
72 | Lineage2 Dragonrose
Welcome to a brand new server game Lineage2 Chronicle5 Interlude. At our server realizovanno almost all of that works to locate Nuti all inhabited, added island with dinosaurs, weapons and accessories from Interlude. Orchestral weapons and armor fa... | 0 | 690 |
73 | GamesEmpire Server Rates : XP:500x SP: 500x Adena: 1000x . Server mods : GM Shop , Hero System ,Nobless ,NPC buffer ,GlobalGK ,Olympiad ,TVT ,CTF ,Zariche . Enchant => Safe enchant +8 =>Max enchant +25... | 0 | 728 |
74 | L2 Angels Buen ping GMS amables para vuestra disposicion RateXp = 5.
RateSp = 5.
RatePartyXp = 3.
RatePartySp = 3.
RateDropAdena = 250.
RateDropItems = 20.
RateDropSpoil = 3.
AltBuffTime = 20
AltDanceTime = 20... | 0 | 733 |
75 | Eternal Hate Lineage 2 (C6) Lineage 2 C6 Player vs Player 500x... | 0 | 706 |
76 | Gaming Lineage II 10x All Rates [Class Manager]... | 0 | 743 |
77 | Lineage 2 Online Server Lineage II XP: 600*ADENA:1000*SPOIL:500*GOOD EVENTS*NOBLESS FREE*HERO SYSTEM*AND MORE*NO LAG*SERVER UPTIME 24/7*ALL WORKS 100%... | 0 | 678 |
78 | L)( Rage PvP Server Subs Stucking | Medals System | 1 Click and you get 41 lvls | Titanium Armor | Duel System | Unique Noblesse Quest | TvT Event every 15 | Wedding | Olympiad | Custom NPCs | Interlude | 4000x 4000x 3000x | Friendly community - Join Now... | 0 | 1093 |
79 | L][ Galaxy Servers [PvP,Stuck Sub,RPG] PvP Server - Kamael[x200/x100/x600/x5],
Stuck Sub Server - Interlude[x400/x500/x1000/x5],
RPG Server - Interlude [x7/x10/x10/x3]
- JOIN US!!!
... | 0 | 824 |
80 | Lineage 2 Muzitto Line][age Interlude | 1000x rate server | Grand Olympiad | Nobless | 3 Profession | Subclass | Friendly GM's | GM Shop | Hero | Npc Buffer | Join us ... | 0 | 735 |
81 | Power Lineage II New Server L2Adena**Rates*Low10x,Mid:60x,High:500x,Very High:6500x! 97% Uptime**New Maps**100 Mbit connection**Join Now... | 0 | 666 |
82 | .:L2VOFRIENDS:. Free Lineage full C5 textures C6,
all enchant skills full working primaveal ISLAND with DINOS!! acumulative sub Class
c6 acessiories and weapons
new c6 npc
gm shop
Improved performance
Improved stability
New quests
All sieges
All skills and 1 hour ... | 0 | 743 |
83 | SuperNovaL2 Server Lineage II C5 Full
Rates: |x60|x60|x500Adena|
BuFFer,GM Shop,GK Global...
Eventos todos los dias alas 19:00 y alas 22:00.
de momento entrad y porbadlo, tiene todo lo k deveria tener un C5.
si hay algo k nos este a vuestro gusto,postead y tomar... | 0 | 712 |
84 | Simplicity Gaming Networks (Gracia) 30x (PvP), no donation and friendly staff. Free class change/sub-class/auto learn skills and weddings. Custom Server Shop, Special Event Raid Bosses (collect special currency to buy S80 gear).... | 0 | 703 |
85 | Carpathia A newstarted C5 server with 50x50x50 rates. We have a Gm-shop with much syuffs, a buffer, teleporter, Sieges, A NPC that hires pets, and raidbosses, and MUCH MUCH more. please join our server and play. You won't get dissapointed.... | 0 | 686 |
86 | L2 Nazi INTERLUDE Rates 50x Nuevo server Lineage II INTERLUDE FULL Rates: 50x Buffs, Danzas y Songs de 1 Hora Buenos Admins y GMs, excelente comunidad. NUEVO... | 0 | 669 |
87 | Caceres PvP Server Info:
- rates 300x
- Lineage CT1.5 client
- CT1.5 maps/mobs/items
- strider/wyvern
- seven signs
- subclass
- skills working... | 0 | 649 |
88 | .:: L2-Rinoko ::. LT Server | Lvl UP zone | No Lag | Events | GN Shop | NPC Buffer | Online 24h/7d... | 0 | 689 |
89 | Black Castle Server [Interlude]= Pvp, Nobless, Olympiadas, Hero, TvT, Eventos,Raid Boss,Comunidad Hispana, No LaG, [Nuevo Server] Area Interlude.... | 0 | 880 |
90 | L2-OnlineTeam L2 OnlineTeam c5 x1000 x1000 x4000 x10, Gm shop , Npc buffer , subclass... | 0 | 669 |
91 | FateTeams Lineage2 C5 server А теперь несколько причин выбрать именно... | 0 | 663 |
92 | L2MMO3D * http://L2.MMO3D.COM
* XP: 15x
* QUEST XP: 10x
* SP: 20x
* ADENA: 30x
* DROP: 20x
* SPOIL: 10x
Additional info:
Shots d/c/b trader
Buf... | 0 | 681 |
93 | l2xp \o/ quero me registrar no seu l2xp
:>... | 0 | 708 |
94 | Lineage 2 Interlude Free Servidor de Lineage 2 Interlude Low Rates 10x, servidor Venezolano... | 0 | 671 |
95 | Dark Angels L][ .:Good Vs Evil Good Vs Evil Server... | 0 | 778 |
96 | FC: Interlude Custom C6 Interlude. 10x with upgradable skills. Standard features like official. Unlock unique "1-per-server" equipment and skills.... | 0 | 644 |
97 | PVP4LIFE INTERLUDE 30xp,30sp,125adena,+8 safe,+25 70%,+30 max wit emeralds,custom circlets/mobs/raids/areas,gmshop,global gk,cum play,over 30 raids are custom,great community with professional gm,s... | 0 | 632 |
98 | Agresia Interlide Rates x15 x20 x15
-NPC Bufer
-Global GT
-B grade Items on Giran , Aden
-Class Master spawned
... | 0 | 699 |
99 | L2 Bondage Greek server 2 Interlude servers x45 & 15
... | 0 | 696 |
100 | l2pic-nic l2pic-nic... | 0 | 662 |