201 | Azlen L2 Server Interlude!!
Exp- 100
Sp - 100
Adena - 400
Subclases acumulativos.
Heroes Online
Etc,etc... | 0 | 609 |
202 | Lineage 2 Paradise 2 Worlds. Interlude 80x | Kamael 250x. Unique Worlds ! Kamael Opening Date: 5 February 2008. Fully Features From C1 To Kamael ! GeoData EVERYWHERE ! Olympiads | Sieges | Shops Selling UP To S ! S-80 Craftable! Just Join. Play...And Enjoy ... | 0 | 320 |
203 | Lineage2 Interlude Server Lineage2 interlude server with gm shop till b grade, lux gatekeeper, gold bank
events: ctf, vip, sqash and much more
Friendly GMs and German/international community
Come and stay by us, you will love the server... | 0 | 372 |
204 | L2 M�T�L�G� server Server INTERLUDE /rates: xp25, sp25, adena200, drop5, spoil10 /NPCBuffer & GMShop /Dynasty set&weapons/ 2Hours buff & Dances/ servidor espa�ol... | 0 | 260 |
205 | L2 Addiction Server with rates xp x500 / sp x500 / adena x1000 >CT1 Client< Kamael skills working , great comunity , server all in english , Come and join us... | 0 | 288 |
206 | Mu-Magic server +sms system |Version:97d+99items|Drop:30%|Exp:450x|server long term|... | 0 | 270 |
207 | L2 TOG [POLAND SERVER] Jest to polski serwer L2 Interlude Znajdziecie na nim: EXP 45, SP 45, DROP 15, ADENA 300, GM Shopa, NPC BUffer a takze luxury gk i wiele wiele innych Takze wszystkich serdecznie zapraszam... | 0 | 313 |
208 | L2 Hexwail New 1000x Interlude Server, GM Shop, Townbuffer, 1h Buffs, Free Noblesse & Friendly GMs. Join Us... | 0 | 307 |
209 | :::Auryka Lineage ][::: IL/T1|Two Worlds 15x, 45x exp|Custom Armor|Custom Hero System|IL Skills|IL NPC|L2OFF|Join US now... | 0 | 293 |
210 | L2 Gb Network Our rates:x60xp/x450adena/x10drop/
Join Our Server Now / Kamael/full shop and Gk/
friendly gms..... | 0 | 290 |
211 | Arena Games Hellbound][Inte 100% no Bug CT! THE Hellbound No bug 100% skill bartz x150 Siegart x1000 Wings ASAS TT DK CT1 Giran Gelo ETC........ | 0 | 336 |
212 | Valor L2 45x Rate 250x Adena Medium Rate PVP Server! Elven fortress rune farm zone for S/A Weapons, Giants Cave Party Monsters That Drop S/A Weapons. Dusk Shield, Dusk Sword, Dusk Staff, and Titanium Sets Drop From Custom Giants Cave Raids! Come play and brin... | 0 | 314 |
213 | L2-AIR the best pvp server enx 5k every day events and more come to see :)... | 0 | 300 |
214 | L2Freedom From Hell Freedom is back 20x 25x 25x 100% complete with no Bugs and with special stuff 50% Kameal Including Wepons And Armor plus some other custom stuff... | 0 | 315 |
215 | PvP L2 Server C5 Join now 24/7 GK, Gm Shop c5 and no lag... | 0 | 332 |
217 | l2 Mosmel 500 x server : drop : adena 250x , items 50x , spoil 50x , sp 50x. 15 x server : drop adena 50x , items 50x , spoil 25 x , sp 25 x.
we have npc AIO buffer , Good Gm shop , friendli Gm's , save enchant +30 , max enchant +100 ,... | 0 | 298 |
218 | Best Lineage 2 Interlude + Kameal Long term Kameal server, 5x5x5x6x rates..... For testing already open, come and play
... | 0 | 288 |
219 | L2 Storm of Blood Exp: 40, Adena: 250, Sp: 100 / Epic Weapons, Epic Armor, Titanium Set / Server 24h C5 / Safe Enchante: 4, Max Enchante: 50, Buffs: 1h, / Special Npc: Npc Buffer, Weapons S/A, S-Grade Shop, Etc itens Shop, Armor Shop, Weapons Shop... | 0 | 340 |
220 | L2 RavenThrone Interlude - Bulgaria ][Full Interlude][9 Hours BuffTime][Dynasty Armor & Weapons][10k Rates][GMShop][Marks in GMShop][Custom Duals (Like Zariche etc)][NPCBuffer][Global GK][Friendly GMs][No Bugs][No Lag][MASS PVP][99% Uptime!][... | 0 | 281 |
221 | L2 Fire Dragon (KAMAEL) servidor KAMAEL full pvp Espa�ol de BCN... | 0 | 296 |
222 | L2shinra-beta l2shinra-beta xp rate 7/7/6/5
dedicated 24/7 version Interlude
conection 10mb no lag no bug... | 0 | 265 |
223 | ..::Blessed Heroes::.. L2 Interlude: exp 1000x/SP1000x/Drop 150x/Adena 2500x ..::.. Kamael: exp 5000x/SP 5000x/Drop 500x/Adena 10000x ..::.. Kamael skills/Territory/items full working ..::.. No LAGG ..::.. Join NOW ... | 0 | 289 |
224 | | 0 | 301 |
225 | BLACK-SUN xp:10 sp:10 drop/spoil:15
- c1 to interlude skills working 100% like [including nobless and hero skills] (no half-working skills like in l2-j), around 50% of interlude skills working correctly. (Fusion skills are implemented yet).
- 100% accurate gam... | 0 | 306 |
226 | DaRk ZoNe NetWork Good Vs Evil GoodVsEvil. Join to us For More Fun.... | 0 | 313 |
227 | L2SpeedOfLight Join our Lineage II Interlude PvP server! Заходите на наш сервер! Вас ждут Пвi... | 0 | 291 |
228 | L2Portugal L2PT server info XP x40, adena x250, GMshop, NPC Buffer, Siege, noblesse, hero, TVT event,custom spots, custom events.What are you whaiting for?
... | 0 | 285 |
229 | Celtic-legendes[-]*]Kamael[*- 2 Serveur Celtic Legendes, 1serv RP rates x25/x25/x100 et 1 Pvp/Pk High rate x3k/x3k/x2k, Npcs/Rbs/97% skills/Classes/Race de l'extension Kamael dispo ! R�gles claires, staff comp�tent , npcs customs, events reguliers ! On vous attend ... | 0 | 279 |
230 | L2 Anarchy Best L2 Low rate Server (no buggs/errors) x4 Rates . Join us ... | 0 | 301 |
231 | Lineage 2 DarkLegions Kamael Server Kamael DarkLeiongs ... 100x Rates
Max enchant +15 full +70 noblesa y hero on 100% funcionando Gmshop Gkglobal y mas... | 0 | 273 |
232 | Lineage 2 Divinity Lineage 2 Divinity - 400x XP/400x SP/800x Adena | 2h buffs | NPC Buffer | GM Shop | Custom Divinity Items | Custom Dynasty Items | NO Lag | Join Now ... | 0 | 301 |
233 | Lineage: ][ Scions Kamael Low Rate Full Working Kamael - 10x13x20x7 - No GM Shops/Buffers - 99.99% Working Quests,Skills,Items,Areas - Active Staff - And Much More - Join now... | 0 | 343 |
234 | ..::Lineage 2 Kamael Guards::.. ..::Lineage2 Kamael - Guards::.. | 12x and 5000x Worlds | Kamael Areas & more Custom Areas| Custom Bosses | All Skills | New Weapons | 2h buffs | Town Sieges | Nice Stuff... | 0 | 294 |
235 | L2Brasilia Serve de PvP muito bom sem lag upa rapidao fas items com medals hero funcionado sets TT DK e Dynat Arma Epic e etc... | 0 | 277 |
236 | Lineage II RMJ The Kamael server XP: 45 SP: 40 Adena: 75 Drop: 20 Party: XP/SP 2. GM shop. uptime 24/7. join us today... | 0 | 338 |
237 | SeXxXy LineAge2 C5 exp 300 drop 400 sp 500 Gm shop very cool spot no Lag country Romania... | 0 | 281 |
238 | Zaroth (SERVER KAMAEL) SERVIDOR ESPA�OL DEDICADO Inaugurado el 20/01/2008 - Exp:10x Sp:10x Adena:150x - Buffer prophet gratuito para todos los niveles-Bodas-GK Global-Profesiones y subclases sin quest-Gmshop hasta grado B-Olimpiadas-Seven Signs-Eventos TvT diarios-Evento D... | 0 | 277 |
239 | Interlude serve itens The kamael Xp 800
SP 800
Rate adena 2000.0
Go Go GO GO... | 0 | 284 |
240 | FrienzL2 OFF Interlude(x7,x30) Interlude servers based on official files,2 realms x7 and x30,online since 2005 with thousands of players.Servers hosted by TFN in Amsterdam on a 2gb line.... | 0 | 261 |
241 | L2-Helllegion Welcome Lineage 2 serwer 2000x all rates.... | 0 | 283 |
242 | L2Sharingan XP:40x SP: 35x Adena: 200x Spoil: 20x Drops: 10x We have best GM team,and we set up the Epic Itemz, Armor's,Titanium, Dusk weapon, all you need, Global Gk,GMShop,Buffer time 3 hour,Special Zone for EXP/Adena. Join Today... | 0 | 247 |
243 | Lineage2Alx Kamael server Наш сервер открылся,и только начинает сво... | 0 | 254 |
244 | L2Kiss Kamael Server RPG Rates:Exp:7//Sp:7//Drop:10//enjoy in your server... | 0 | 293 |
245 | L2 Vnzla Interlude xp: 50 / Sp:50/adena: 250/ full gmshop / items dynasty & titanium entra a la comunidad venezolana! xD... | 0 | 294 |
246 | l-[[..:::((DARKTHRONE)):::..]]-l http://la2.omskdom.ru/images/la2/la2logo.jpg... | 0 | 276 |
247 | Lineage II HardCore � 15x
-Full Interlude & Hellbound Hybrid
-Kamael Weapons and Armors
-Town Buffers
-Full Clan System/Skills
-7 Signs
-HardC... | 0 | 483 |
248 | L2classic Server Xp/Sp: 1x Drop: 1x Adena: 1x
Server like oficcial server with free account
... | 0 | 284 |
249 | L2 Shadow L2 Shadow Is full Kamael:
--===== L2 Shadow Server =====--
1. High Rate Server
@The 1st Lineage II Private Server special created
for PvP Combat Mode with No Rulles, special features and custom subclass system !
@ Server Rates(x500): 500... | 0 | 247 |
250 | Line ][ age Hell Knights Full working Kamael server with new custom set (Hell Knight set) rate 5000x Enchant safe +20 max 150 90% ][ Custom GMshop, Enchanter, NPC Buffer (3h), Every new character is admin (you can't restart the server) and much more Join today ... | 0 | 265 |