151 | Join 24/7 KillzozScape Come join now 24/7 good server alot of coustom items and its online 24/7 Come... | 0 | 759 |
152 | AION WarMasters Servidor Brasileiro de AION Online, Vem com intuito de inovar em servidores de AION, que jogar em 1 servidor de bom de AION Online Low Rate sem pagar nada mensalmente. entre. Rates: 3xXP 1xDrop... | 0 | 752 |
153 | Ciel-Aion Ciel-Aion Serveur PvPampRPServeur PvP:-Exprience en groupe : x100-Exprience solo : x80-Quetes : x70-Drop : x15Serveur RP:-Exprience en groupe : x5-Exprience solo : x3-Quetes : x4-Drop : x4... | 0 | 790 |
154 | Aion Kaoz Dedicated SERVER BR/LUSO Exp 300x Drop 40x Quest 200x, All Retail AUTO LVL 55, 24/7 Dedicated Server, FULL PvP High Rate Server, Skill Auto Learn, All Working Pets, Skills, Quests, NPCs, MOTION NINJA, Instances,CRUCIBLE ON DREGIONS FULL Join Now... | 0 | 793 |
155 | STRIKER AION Novo Full PVP Server, Comee com Set e armas Stormwing, In-gameshop vendendo melhores sets (exceto ABG), Enchant, Manastones, godstones, scrolls e muito mais por 0 Toll Exp:800x Drop:100x Quest:100x Kinah:100x Gathering:100x Crafting:100x Abyss:20x.... | 0 | 790 |
156 | Priscium Draconis Aion Full 2.7 Support, Ingame Shop, 90 working quests, Close to retail with x2 rates. Attached to Priscium Draconis World Entertainment the free anime and online gaming site.... | 0 | 803 |
157 | Toxicaion Gaming Big growing Community 24/7 Dedicated Server, PvP Server , Long Term, Free Fly, Skill Auto LearnPerfect AION Shop Newest Vote System Abyss, Rifts, Powershards, Manastones All skills working Awesome community that is always increasing,JOIN US NOW... | 0 | 789 |
158 | Aion Detrinium PvP Detrinium PvP Server- Exp: 1500 - Kinah Drop: 5000 - Drop: 450 - Quest Exp: 1600 - Exp Grupo: 1600 - Abyss Points: 3600 - //addset- //addtitle- //dye- //goto The first Server PvP High Exp and 4fun.... | 0 | 792 |
159 | RoyalAion The growing Aion Private Server. Unique community environment with a friendly staff. We put lots of eyes on the bugs and event. So you039ll never bored.... | 0 | 784 |
160 | Mortal Aion PVP Server New Aion PVP server 1000x.Server with custom drops in Silentera, and vote reward system. Constant events.... | 0 | 775 |
161 | Rising Phoenix AION AION v2.5.0.5 on Rising Phoenix4x EXP, 5x Quest-EXP, 6x Gruppen-EXP, 5x DropRate, 8x Quest-Kinah-Rate, 5x AP-Rate (PvE), 10x AP-Rate (PvP), 8x Sammel-EXP, 8x Crafting-EXPJoin Us Now... | 0 | 824 |
162 | Insane Aion Mass PVP Server Deutscher 2.5 Mass PVP ServerInstant 55, Custom PVP Zone, Dredgion, Custom Bosse,15x Ap rate, Kein AP Verlust, Keine Seelenkrankheit, Regelmige Updates, Tgliche Events, Join us now... | 0 | 805 |
163 | Aion Vendetta Vendetta Gaming Network - Hosting almost Complete Aion Server PvP, High Rates, Abyss, Rifts, Summons, All Instances open, Item Mall, Enchantment, Godstones and much more Daily Updates working towards Retail Like 100 Secure, Uptime Servers... | 0 | 793 |
164 | Magic Aion Magic Aion Stable emulator - No lag - Scripted instances - 12x Rates - From the creators of Magic Wow... | 0 | 767 |
165 | Genetic-Mu PVP server. MuOnline Season 3 Episode 1 PVP server in Lithuania.... | 0 | 719 |
166 | Dragonpen Aion Dragonpen Aion Online client 2.7.x.x Flying Everywhere High XP and Drop Rates High Kinah rates 24/7 support Vote Rewards Friendly helpful GM staff Weekly Events Zero latency... | 0 | 806 |
167 | Nemesis Aion Runs 24/7,Dedicated/Friendly Staff,Events,Abyss Opened, Highly Experience Scripter039s, 100 No Lag. Functioning NPC039s. SKILLS WORKINGCustom Emu Core. Trade/Dueling/Inspect/Cubes Working No Guaranteed We support all clients.... | 0 | 774 |
168 | Aion Xibia Aion Private Server - High Rate... | 0 | 788 |
169 | Aion - Dark Of Chaos Fr Nous vous prsentons: DARK OF CHAOS Les mtiers fonctionnent a 100 Les Stigma fonctionnent a 100 Les invocations des spiritualistes implante a 100 et attaquent... | 0 | 796 |
170 | HellgateAion 2.1.0.X full 2.1.0.X Mapas /Level 55/Summon 55/ (Gelk Inggison Silintera) - Skills 5055 venda. Sistema Vote to Reward. Dedicado 24/7 99 uptime. CADASTROS NOVOS GANHAM 7 DIA Premium.... | 0 | 828 |
171 | Aion-Infinity Aion Free CZ/SK server. RATE a dal infi najdete na webu Pravideln updaty a opravy Ochotn GM team amp268ast eventy )... | 0 | 826 |
172 | Aion Extreme Alle Quests, inkl. Orden in Ingg.und Gelk., Stigma Quests, Miraju u. Fenris,Dredgion und DarkPoeta Instanz mit Punktesystem, Retail Beschmundir. Retail Festungskmpfe,Unique PvP: Steel Rake, Battleground, Team vs Team.PvE,PvP und RP ServerRate: x5... | 0 | 787 |
173 | PvP World AION PvP World AION you have never seen before -Exclusive updates.-GM-shops to which it is presented over 120 kinds of the dark blue and orange weaponsMore than 200 parts armor And it only beginning... | 0 | 744 |
174 | DareAion - Midrate server. 24/7 Lag-free server / Midrate / Awesome staff / Powershards / Weekly updated / Weekly Events amp Monthly Contests.Join Now... | 0 | 743 |
175 | AionRevolution Server Malaysia and Asia Aion High Rate PvP Server - 100 Free, 24/7, No Lag, Daily Events, [200x XP] [100x Drop Rate] [50x Kinah] players, Cash Shop, Abyss, Rifts, Powershards, Manastones All skill working Join Now... | 0 | 793 |
176 | XTREME AION 2.5 FULL WIPE Ao criar conta Recebe 1 scroll de poco mosquieMid Rate 200000X... | 0 | 768 |
177 | Ultimate Aion 2.5 LowRate,HighRate Erster Deutscher 2.5 PServer Eigene Server Core Freundliches Erfahrenes Team 100 Retail NPCs(inkl. 2.5 NPCs) 95 der Festungen Retaillike Alle Skills Tgliche Updates(auch neue Quests usw.) Trettet noch heute bei... | 0 | 781 |
178 | Dark Warriors Servidor Hispano de Aion. GMs con mucha experiencia. Servidor serio con experanzas de futuro, abierto 24/7.... | 0 | 766 |
179 | MurderCo 5095 [Server v5095][Vip system][Flower][Gw Quest][Dis City][All monsters give 50 cps]Tallismans HeavenFan/StarTower][king/queen/prince.. Rank][Progres Items][Join Today][Server 24/7]... | 0 | 752 |
180 | Excessum Gaming Community Welcome to the Excessum Community Website We are a quality, multi game community, and we require high standards from all our full members. We offer a high quality community, as well as rare information, tactics, guides and more... | 0 | 743 |
181 | Pandora Servidor de Rol Espaol Servidor dedicado de rol en espaol, basado en el mundo del Aion. Crea e interpreta a tu personaje y adentrate en Pandora.... | 0 | 765 |
182 | Godz Core 24 7 VPS 100 ppl + 7 with no lag no dc no reset 100+ ppl on... | 0 | 796 |
183 | Just Aion - Deutscher Aion Privat Server :: Bester Deutscher Aion Privat Server :: 50.000+ Spieler :: 650+ Player Online :: 2.1.x :: 3 Server :: Retail :: Rollenspiel :: Battleserver ::... | 0 | 1111 |
184 | Evolution-Aion 24/7 Deutsche Freeshard Community / NO Laggs / Highrate 15x / Auf dem neusten Stand / 100+ Players / Unterhaltende Events / Freundliche Mitarbeiter amp Gamemaster... | 0 | 803 |
185 | [2.5] Aion-PT Aion Online 2.5 Server Comunidade luso/brasileira 16x ++ ALL Retail Features ++ LONG TERM ++ 2.5 fully supported. E. CRUCIBLE ++ GEODATA ++ SCRIPTED EVENTS amp INSTANCES ++ Updates e Eventos muito frequentes ++ NO WIPES (a tua conta permanente)... | 0 | 841 |
186 | Aion Galaxy Best Aion Server out there... we took the best and made it better 200x Exp Rate150x Kinah Rate75x Drop Rate100x Quest Rate200x Group Rate20x Abyss Points Rate... | 0 | 786 |
187 | [FR] AngelTears Aion Nouveau Serveur, Communaute francaise/quebecoise, stable, 24/24, serveur a jour. 3x a 6x... | 0 | 788 |
188 | Aion Philippines - Full 2.7 Support EXP 10,000 Real Fun PVP Server. Instant level up Full Aion client version 2.7 support, Many Quest fixes, Day/Night Spawns. Instances support. Items stats attributes, attack, defense, etc.... | 0 | 762 |
189 | Aion Fenix Private Server Rates:- Xp: 500x- Drop: 300x- Kinah: 400x- Craft: 400x- Quest: 600x... | 0 | 749 |
190 | AION FOX Server PVP50x Exp/25xDrop/3xAP/100x Kinah/Suporte a verso 2.5.XAutoMotion 100EsoterracePVP Zone Stell RakeAuto-skillsAuto-AscensionSistema de Infinit Scroll039sPromoo StartPack Set APP(Archon Primus Pilus)Vote RecompenaDredgionSieges Venha Conferir... | 0 | 815 |
191 | Aion ASP - instant level 55, no lag, drop 80x. STIGMA SYSTEM.... | 0 | 806 |
192 | Aion Zacura Servidor 100 Castellano y Habla HispanaINICIO CON SET LVL 25-Rates:Exp: 500Exp Grupo: 1000Gathering : 100Crafting : 100Kinah Quest : 500Drops: 100Abyss points VPE : 100Abyss points PVP : 200... | 0 | 806 |
193 | Endless-Aion Exp 200x Drop 100x Quest 200x, All Retail Features, 24/7 Dedicated Server, WORKING SIEGE MODE Stigma slot system , Working 2.0 content amp MORE... | 0 | 766 |
194 | ZwowZ Aion - Brand New server. Recruiting Gms1000mbps dedicated server. V2.0.0.5 x100 rates 200 craft rate. Professional management and hosting.... | 0 | 825 |
195 | Aion Aussie Private Server New Aion Australian Private Server .. Supports 2.1 - Client, Dedicated Server Online 24/7, everything working, personal stores, quests, skills amp lots, lots more ... Updated Daily with the latest fixes... Come Join Now... | 0 | 839 |
196 | Aion-Exile 2.7 Support 2.7.0.X Support, Medium Rate Server, Exp 50x Drop 25x Quest 25x, Crucible working, ,Geodata, Skill Auto Learn,Stigma system, All Working Pets, Skills, Quests, NPCs, MOBs, Instances, Good Support, Join Now... | 0 | 773 |
197 | Aion-Destination Aion Destination... | 0 | 771 |
198 | AION WOLF INDONESIA - FULL 2.1 SUPPORT Exp 200x Drop 100x Quest 50x, All Retail Features, 24/7 Dedicated Server, Best World Wide PvP High Rate Server, Long Term, Free Fly, Skill Auto Learn, All Working Pets, Skills, Quests, NPCs, MOBs, Instances, Good Support, Join Now... | 0 | 772 |
199 | Aion - Reborn NEW emulator , NEW server files , Latest version , Best development team , High rate server 300 x , Mature STAFF , No wipe , No hackers , Vote reward system . Join US now... | 0 | 781 |
200 | MyAion V2.1.0.12 MAX LVL 55, EXP 10x, DROPS, 10x, GROUP EXP 20x, QUEST 15x, ABYSS 20x, CRAFT 20x, Fast Registration, Skill autolearn, Balaurea Zone works, 98 of All works. NICE SUPPORT and EVENTS... | 0 | 772 |