101 | Project Termination Aion Aion Private Server with a growing community, helpful GMs, constant development.. Less bugs and more working than any other private server.... | 0 | 808 |
102 | Aion Pan Brasileiro Full Cliente2.1.0.x Aion Pan Servidor Dedicado Online 24/7, PvP Servidor - Rates XP:200/Group:250/Abyss:5/Drop:30/Quest:60 O Mais Servidor PvP Todas Skills e Stigmas Skills Inacias On No Lag No WIPE Servidor de Qualidade Para Players de Qualidade... | 0 | 819 |
103 | Aion Ogaming Server nou de Aion. Suporta 2.0.4, 3x Rate, stabil si online 24/7. Windstream si multe alte caracteristici functioneaza Comunitate noua... Inregistreaza-te acum... | 0 | 878 |
104 | Aion Anthares Melhor site de Aion Online do Mundo venha fazer parte dessa familia.Rate xp:20xRate Grupo:40xRates Abyss Point:5x... | 0 | 783 |
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107 | MuFPS S3EP1 EXP/DROP - MAX/MAX Season III Epizode I NEW server. Nice Admins and GM Join Now.... | 0 | 759 |
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109 | Aion Chronicles SG The Aion SG Private server, Support Client version1.5.1.10, Best GM team Support, Come join us to find out, and a lot of fun. Working attack, skills, leveling, no lag, updates everyday JOIN NOW... | 0 | 752 |
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111 | AionSPB free PVP server x1000 Russian server. Growing community, friendly English speaking administration , pvp-events at least 3 times a week, free fly everywhere, GM shop, working abyss skills... | 0 | 863 |
112 | Rising-Phoenix - Deutscher Aion P-Server Deutscher Aion P-Server, v2.1.X.Xp:4x,abbys:10x,Drop::4x,Kinah:8xSchneller und Freundlicher Support,TS3 Support,Daily Events,Spontane akivierung vom Dredgion, Skills and Stigmas funktionieren,Content indivitual + retail, schau rein wir freuen uns au... | 0 | 791 |
113 | Age of Aion Private server AION, community that you will remember forever. Daily updates, new features, active comunity,250+ ppl online... | 0 | 785 |
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115 | UnforgivenAion German Aion Server. 7-12x Rates. Farm- amp PvP-Map. Many Features. Nice Staff... JOIN US... | 0 | 801 |
116 | EnigmaAion - FULL SUPPORT 2.7 EnigmaAion Full Pvp Server Exp:230x Drop:75x Gathering:230x Crafting:230x Quest:60x Kinah:100x Abyss point:10x Join Now The Best Pvp Server. Credit System, Vote System, Stigma System, Play For Free Join now... | 0 | 790 |
117 | Titan Aion 500 X Rates are now 500 x With free fly all Areas, Friendly community and constant development. 24/7 uptime dedicated host.Friendly Gm039s and many events Join us Today.... | 0 | 809 |
118 | Aion Assault Exp: 200xDrop: 150xQuest: 200Kinah: 50xGathering: 200xCrafting: 200xAbyss 15x cliente 55 auto lean skill stigma//givemissingskills... | 0 | 744 |
119 | AionList - Aion TopList TopSites Aionlist is a Toplist of Aion Sites. You can find sites of Aion blogs, forums, guilds, communities, portals, guides, wiki, server and more. Vote for your favorite site and you can add your own Aion Website... | 0 | 785 |
120 | Aiioon ..... ....... ........ ......... ............. ................. .................. | 0 | 789 |
121 | [1.05T+Season 4] Mu-Darkz0ne Season 4 Server FreeExp: 1000xDrop: 50BlessBug: OFFMonster HP: 100Max lvl de la elfa de auras: 100Reset (Por Pagina)Nivel de Reset: 400Costo de Reset: 20.000.000Tipo de Reset: Borra StatsPunto Por Reset: 400... | 0 | 799 |
122 | Vinnie WoW aaa... | 0 | 770 |
123 | DMK Aion Server An official free Aion server to play online on Spain and Latin.... | 0 | 784 |
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125 | Aion PVP Server Servidor br de aion PVP, rates 20x, sem lag, vairas quest, class change quest, auto skill, stigmas, craft e muito mais...... | 0 | 862 |
127 | Land of Heroes: Aion Server Comunidad Internacional. English-Spanish. Added Mobs, NPCs, users, chat, the entire world map, we grow fast... | 0 | 802 |
128 | Aion Online Power Max Aion Online Power Max is a visually stunning MMORPG where your character wields devastating powers and sweeping wings to explore a celestial world.Get the latest Aion News, Media, Guides and become apart of our Aion Max Community, Aion Max Online Gui... | 0 | 853 |
129 | DarkZone Aion Ein Deutscher Privat-Server mit netter Community und Hilfsbereiten GMs. Wir haben 2 Power Roots, mit jeweils 1 Server. Server Version Mangos 3.0.9, 24/7 Uptime... | 0 | 919 |
130 | Aion Renegade Great Aion Private Server, We do not divide our rates like others, We believe in keeping the server balanced for all with no over powered players. We are a full 3x server wupporting client, Believe in the best because we believe in you... | 0 | 796 |
131 | AngelxDemon Online Aion Private Server... | 0 | 816 |
132 | Aion TeaTime New server... | 0 | 802 |
133 | Aion Pandora Aion Privatserver mit Version 2.5 Full Support Max lvl 55 start lvl 25 +lvl30 rstung 6x Exp Rate 5x Kinah Rate 5x Drop Rate 5x Quest Rate 7x Group Rate 10x Abyss Points Rate Fullclient Download... | 0 | 857 |
134 | Aion graveland Totaly customized server Hight PVP x500 amp Low RP x15 +3000 Players Online quotNO DONATIONquot - quotNO LAGquot - Good amp Serious GMs..... | 0 | 751 |
135 | Aion Apocalypse New Aion server. Medium rates. No Over Power donations. Fortress, pets, instances, Crafting, Skill Auto Learn, Stigma Auto Learn and more. Events Every weekend. Come and accomplish what other servers you dream of having.... | 0 | 788 |
136 | Divineglory 24/7 The sever is 24/7 Great Staff and players it has chaotics Vesta Fist of guthix Stuff Highscores Berserker Shields Zerial039s Morrigan039s primal roogue and ALOT MOREso come join... | 0 | 822 |
137 | Aion Ascension New aion Server with weekly updates and a nice staff team. Rates 40 Drop rate 20, Fly everywhere,max lvl 56 all stats +30 working Siege system and much more come and join us.... | 0 | 842 |
138 | AionM2o Aion server full support 2.1.0x custom events,frendly community and staff,24/7 on,daily updates,much more....Join us... | 0 | 849 |
139 | Aion Zone-Limit Brand new server, first in Spain with 2.5, fully functional, new instances and maps.New skills works, weekly update and the best in Spain.... | 0 | 807 |
140 | Best Updated Aion Private sever The ultimate Aion Private Server.95 all updates make...Free to play.Big comunity..People enjoy to play...nice skills,verry nice NPC039s,6000+ players.Join nowI hope you like our website... | 0 | 796 |
141 | Necronia Aion Check Rate x5, 95 work... | 0 | 785 |
142 | :::FAN RADIO::: amp1055amp1086amp1076amp1086amp1088amp1074amp1080 amp1089amp1085amp1072amp1084amp1080 amp1085amp1072 FAN RADIO... | 0 | 716 |
143 | Chaos Of Race Low x3 amp High x100 on the road for full 2.0 Support NO DONATION +2000 Players online 24/7 Dedicated Server with Retail-like Features: Quests, Abyss, Stigmas, Instances, Skills and much more Free-Fly is enabled. Powered by the Latest AL engine an... | 0 | 789 |
144 | GGRan Online Private Server GGRan: Big prize for ggran:From opening the server,GGRan get most favorite love from many players.To thanks for playerssupport, GGRan will present 200000eps and 4 times training rosary to every player.what are you waiting for Take your weapons to joi... | 0 | 730 |
145 | Aion Risen AION RISEN 2.6 Mid Rate:x20/quest:x20/drop:x20 Sieges, Motions, Pets, Instances, Skills, Geodata e muito mais. Venha vc tambem fazer parte dessa familia.... | 0 | 793 |
146 | Aion - Pserver Hamachi server: Aion - Pserver pass: 123we are testing to be without hamachi, and we are looking for website developer, some staffs and sponsers. We got launcher... | 0 | 810 |
147 | Acorn PVP Join Today Acorn PVP runescape private server Great Staff Always Online Join today and atleast try it out ::pure workssite: [DOT]the-rushtons[DOT]co[DOT]uk/bb/... | 0 | 733 |
148 | AION Kings - FULL SUPPORT Exp 100x Drop 50x Group 150x, All Retail Features, 24/7 A dedicated server from Asia with 24/7 uptime We invite everyone, especially Filipinos, to join this server... | 0 | 753 |
149 | InfinityZerver Lineage 2 Servidor Lineage 2 Gracia Epilogue 350x350x500x4x3Eventos,NPC Custom, Full players... | 0 | 780 |
150 | AngelSro Highrate Server exp: 800x gold: 200x Drop 200x skill 800x [99,90 uptime] [no lag] [ Silk Free - Daily Events - FRIENDLY GM.] Join now and get 50K Skill Points and 50M Gold... | 0 | 787 |