51 | Aion SpeedGame GM server We are first and only one server on the world with Gm command for players. Server work with 2.7.0.X patch .We have special pvp zone and frequent events . Rate 111/11x and too much Interests at start... | 0 | 1475 |
52 | InvincibleAION Full 2.7 Support Low-Rate x2 Wedding-System, PvP-Event Steel Rake, Empyrean- and Solo-Crucible Empyrean Crucible Hardmode Beshmundir Nice community and weekly Events... | 0 | 1134 |
53 | Elite Aion Exp 999x Drop 999x Quest 999x, All Retail Features, 24/7 Dedicated Server, Best World Wide PvP High Rate Server, Long Term, Free Fly, Skill Auto Learn, All Working Pets, Skills, Quests, NPCs, MOBs, Instances, Good Support, Join Now... | 0 | 1461 |
54 | Aion Arena Aion Arena, Unico servidor do brasil com Siege Wars, todas skills implementadas, Armsfusion, Dreadgion, Quests Coins, Sistema anti-, Influence Ratio, Cirurgia Plastica e muito mais Atualizaes diarias administrador da equipe zetta core.... | 0 | 1139 |
55 | Olimpus Aion 2.7 Olimpus Aion 2.7 250x rates, Wedding, Battleground, Siege systems, Auto PVP Register events, Daily events. Friendly gms Join NOW... | 0 | 1241 |
56 | MurmaiderGaming German/English Server / High Rates / 100 Support / 100 Free / Fun... | 0 | 1083 |
57 | FavoriteAion kostenloses MMORPG FavoriteAion kostenloser Deutscher Aion Privatserver mit regelmigen Events - Abyssschlachten - Serverversion 2.0 mit besonderen Features - Nettes Erfahrenes Team - Hochleistungsserver Lagfrei und zu 98 Bugfrei Levelcup derzeit 60... | 0 | 1079 |
58 | Aion Chaos Servidor de Aion 2.5 de habla hispana - Exp: x5 - Drop: x3... | 0 | 1085 |
59 | AionUE Private Serve MaxXP/MaxDrops/MaxKinah :: Constant Development :: Awesome Community :: Hosted 24/7 :: No Lag :: Progressive XP :: Daily Events :: NEW SERVER JOIN NOW ::... | 0 | 983 |
60 | 3Team - Aion 3Team bietet seit Kurzem einen reinen deutschsprachigen Aion Server an. Macht einfach mit und geniest den Suport in eurer Heimatsprache, Events und eine nette Community. Infos zu den Raten und untersttzte Version findet ihr auf der Seite.... | 0 | 900 |
61 | Enigmaworld Aion The best low rate aion server, all rates 3x, good GM team,invidual drop and craft system. and much more... come and join now()... | 0 | 953 |
62 | Aion-German-Atreia German Aion 2.7 Server, low Rates, Level 60 without new Skills for the Moment, nice Team, Kampagnen works 99 (testet), VIP, HP and Forum, Start 01.03.2012... | 0 | 974 |
63 | Impact-Aion High rate PvP-Server with 3.0 Features... | 0 | 986 |
64 | Aion Epic 2.7 PvP - Brasil Servidor brasileiro novo de Aion 2.7 de qualidade Exp 300x Drop 15x Ap 5x, 24/7 Dedicated Server, Sem Lag, PING BAIXO, Sem Wipe, Otima administracao(GMs). GEODATA Full em todos mapas Sem venda de equips, AP, kinah, etc Venha jogar... | 0 | 1708 |
65 | AION Supreme 2.7 - Brasileirssimo Inaugurao 14/01/2012 -Comunidade brasileira de AION 2.7, Exp 10x, Drop 6x, Kinah 6x, Quest 10x, Instncias e quests funcionando. Servidor dedicado e suporte 24/7, recompensas e promoes. Traga seus amigos e venha fazer novos amigos. Confira nossa promo... | 0 | 936 |
66 | Aion Universe (2.7 server ) Join the unique server that is like retail, find new friends and rivals, on Aion Universe Full Support 2.7, New Wings, Armor sets, Weapons, Pets, Weapons amp Armor Upgrade System , Donation system, Free Teamspeak for all users, Kinah Exchange for Do... | 0 | 963 |
67 | L2GtBrasil Novo Servidor de Lineage II Interlude 150x ...... | 0 | 876 |
68 | -..:::----- CyfrenAion-----:::..- DEDICATED I7 100MB/S SERVER XP 1000x,FREE Aion Private server, Abyss, Rifts, PvP, Free-Fly, Powershard, DARK POETA, Support, NO LAG UP 24/7, Hosted on USA Intel Core 8 cores, work 100 retail. Awesome community that is always increase... | 0 | 969 |
69 | aion raziel x200 Experience: 200xDrop: 75xQuest: 50xKinah: 100xGathering: 200xCrafting: 200xAbyss Points: 10x... | 0 | 901 |
70 | Aion Eternal Siege Servidor latino de Aion --- V 2.7 --- Exp :: 6x -- Drop :: 10x --- Kinah :: 5x --- Admin: KRAKC Usuarios colombianos y latinos.... | 0 | 876 |
71 | iAion Exp 20x Drop 30x Quest 30x, All Retail Features, 24/7 Dedicated Server, Long Term, Skill Auto Learn, All Working Pets, Skills, Quests, NPCs, MOBs, Instances, Good Support, Join Now... | 0 | 861 |
72 | Free server Aion Final. Russian free server of MMORPG Aion: Tower of Eternity. Rates x1. Events.... | 0 | 795 |
73 | MysticAion MysticAion, dynamically developed 2.7 LOW rate European Private Server. 1x rates (except crafting which is 2x) with reoccurring double XP events, helpful support, continuously developed server, working geodata. Join us... | 0 | 853 |
74 | XnovaWar Aion Custom PvP No PvE Custom shop + ingame shop Full Events (ASSAULT, CTF, CTP, ..) Private teams with tournaments New opened server with high dedicated server... | 0 | 769 |
75 | Breeze Aion Breeze Aion Server Open Now, 99.9 Up Time With No Lag and Stable High Rates Server great Drop rates amp Items, Maintenance and Update weekly, Professional GM039s amp Increased exp rates.... | 0 | 810 |
76 | Aion Best Aion Server ever... | 0 | 763 |
77 | Aion ZC - High Rates Philippine server, but foreign039s are welcome too... | 0 | 772 |
78 | Aion Mexico Experience: 20x Gathering: 20x Drop: 20x Crafting: 20x Quest: 20x Abyss Points: 5x Kinah: 20x completamente retail, todas las mascotas, todas las instancias, boses, arenas, y instancias crucibles funcionales con geodata 2.7 con servidor en E.U.A.... | 0 | 879 |
79 | Aion Chaos Brasil Aion totalmente Brasileiro, venha conferir :DRates250x Exp Rate250x Kinah Rate150x Drop Rate250x Quest Rate250x Group Rate100x Abyss Points Rate... | 0 | 809 |
80 | Legacy AION - Romania 3x Rates - No Lag / No waiting in queue / No downtime / Dedicated Server / Working PVP / Working Gather / Working Quests - Weekly updates... | 0 | 834 |
81 | Aion Overdose - FULL 2.5 WITH GEODATA Mid-rate Asian Server, All Retails Features, 24/7 Dedicated Server that is hosted in Singapore, Auto-learn Skills, Stigma System, Pet System, 2.5 Instances, In-game CashShop, and with 100 working pvp geodata.... | 0 | 885 |
82 | Aion Elite 25x Rates : Starting Gear/Wings : One Click Installer : 1.5.x Latest Support : ALL Skills Work : AutoLearn Skills/Ascend : All Working Quest : Free Flying Areas : Pro Staff... | 0 | 819 |
83 | Mu Romania Season6 Episode2 MU Romania S6 EP2 FULL XP 35 DROP 45 NEW LVL4 WINGS LONG TERM SERVER NO LAG NEW WEAPONS NEW SETS COME AND JOIN US... | 0 | 793 |
84 | Aion4eveR Server em Desenvolvimento. Acompanhe pelo Site... | 0 | 805 |
85 | MarlaCo 5095 Trkce Pvp Server Full MarlaCo 5095 Trkce Pvp Server Full Work 7/24 Online Pvp Server 5100 Client... | 0 | 794 |
86 | KillersCo 5095 Killers-Co Online, 24/7, Max Lv137 , +12 Gears , Max Reborn 2 , 500 DROPS Twin City , Itens Soul e muito mais.... | 0 | 773 |
87 | Aion 5Play Aion 5Play x100Aion 5Play x100Aion 5Play x100Aion 5Play x100Aion 5Play x100Aion 5Play x100... | 0 | 834 |
88 | Zaion Zaion offers Official Rates, Working dungeons, Ingame shop, Supports multi countries, Online Chatroom, Best Gaming Experience, Play Aion like its meant to be played... | 0 | 803 |
89 | Aion Legends Of Daevs Opened new Free server Aion Legends Of Daevs x4.- High iron- Good administration... | 0 | 826 |
90 | RanFire Private Server RanFire is NO DONATE Server 24/7 ONLine Medium EXP. New Item ,new Bike Ep7... | 0 | 791 |
91 | Aion FOCUS - If you really like MMORPG Low-rate Server full support client 2.5.0.x, FREE2xPREMIUM4x [MAPS 2.5 (EMPYRIAM) amp 2.1 (BALAUREA) Quests Events Dreadgion Silentera Cannyon, Instances and Maps, Drops, Skills, Craft and Gather 100, Fortress Abyss, Quests and Campaign.... | 0 | 820 |
92 | Aion-Fantasy 2.1 Aion-Fantasy is a new server with 2 options: Arbolu: pvp server with big rate and a fenrhis stuff at start for Pvp at the start. Suthran: a middle rate for Xp, with a really good rate to apreciate the game. Many updates and events on this server.... | 0 | 811 |
93 | Travian speed x1000 Travian Speed1000xBug fixedNo lag Fun COme and play We waiting you... | 0 | 1159 |
94 | Dreamz-Aion Max level 60, XP Rate: 100x, Drop Rate: 100x Quest XP Rate: 50x, Quest Kinah Rate: 300x Abyss Point Rate: 50x, Gathering XP Rate: 100x Crafting XP Rate: 100x, Free Fly Everywhere PvP Available Everywher, GOLDEN MEDALS.... | 0 | 847 |
95 | Fgames Wars Free PvP Aion Server with Easy Level x5000,Gm Shop and Custom FeaturesMany Events make absolute fun of this gameCome and Join Us Now... | 0 | 876 |
96 | Aion EvoluTioN Servidor Argentino Aion 1.9 - Exp 4x - 100 Retail - 99 Uptime - Sin Lag - Upgrades diarios - Summons - Enchantment - Abyss - PvP - Instances - Boss - Craft... | 0 | 775 |
97 | Aion Free PVP Server Max 86lvl Rate:150X,Party:250x. New 10 Maps,New 86lvl items ,New Events.Works:legions,abyss pvp,warehouse,rifts,goodstone,shards.GOOD ONLINE... | 0 | 822 |
98 | Divine Aion The Newest Aion Server in Town More Event inline, So Join us Now... | 0 | 803 |
99 | Players Aion (Asia) PLAYERS AION (BEST ASIAN SERVER) 50x In All Rates - Free Semi Donator Sets, Weapons amp Accesories. No Wipeouts, Friendly Community and GM039s. Join Now... | 0 | 791 |
100 | Kalimdor Gaming WoW Classic Server 1.12.1 Beta Testing Up 15x HighRate Leveling 95 Scripted Classic Pvp Honor System Blizzlike Scripts Working Talents Pvp/pve come join beta and make a account here | 0 | 1222 |