201 | Dawn of Ages: The Rebirth DEDICATED SERVER We have 1440 skill cap, 400 stat cap, 3 houses per account. Custom hues and graphics. Fun and friendly family shard.... | 0 | 313 |
202 | Servidor Ultima online De lo Mejor del PvP... | 0 | 305 |
203 | GunzGS Private Server GunzGS Private Server. Great community Recruting GameMaster and Administrator.Game already online... | 0 | 271 |
204 | Current Online Worlds Both newbie and advanced players will enjoy the easy twists on the game rules. If you are wanting a difficult rules set, you proably will not like it on the Current Online Worlds. Even though rules are set easy, there are still challenges and goals ... | 0 | 267 |
205 | FnF-Pk PK SERVER RARE LOOT RARE DROP RATE... | 0 | 319 |
206 | Imperium Deorum sterreichischer Freeshard Neue Map - neue Gumps - Tolles Klassen/Rassen/Berufssystem... | 0 | 300 |
207 | Represent Represnt is like santiago/coldfire. Lots of custom scripts. Lots of PVP and just Represent Join Now... | 0 | 361 |
208 | LiberCity Online Shard RP Franco-Qubcoise pour Ultima Online AOS et SE.... | 0 | 284 |
209 | Test Center Server Free shard made for players by players suggestions. 2 GM skills and many many things you need to look at... | 0 | 286 |
210 | BoTmA BoTmA ein UO FreeShard. Ich Grsse euch Es ist nun soweit, wir ffnen unsere Tore wieder. Zwar mit Einschrnkungen, aber wir sind Online Also keine Scheu, wir beissen nicht g Mfg. der Staff BoTmA... | 0 | 279 |
211 | Isles of Dawn deutscher Freeshard - groe Anzahl an neuen Rassen, neuen Rstungen und VIEL MEHR Scheut einfach mal vorbei... | 0 | 319 |
212 | Utopia - UO: Renneisance Utopia - PvP-Focused shard with 6 years history and more than 200+ players online. Join us now And feel the power of Old-style UO... | 0 | 277 |
213 | Ikrontik 2 Ikrontik running on POL096.7/Linux. Very long history - Many custom resources and mounts - Intense PvP - Full loot. One of a kind. Try us out... | 0 | 279 |
214 | Marchadium: Age of UO [UO:R Magery,PvP/PvM]Advanced Level System, SE + AoS Weapons, 6000+ Items to Craft, 1000039s of Rares, Enchants, Imbues and Tons of Custom Monsters Come Join Us -100mbit Connection-... | 0 | 328 |
215 | Pvp Kings Ultima Online The Best Ultima Online Shard... | 0 | 275 |
216 | Keera Remaked +25 ore and ride, 300 skills caps, 3000 stats caps. Level system. PvM/PvP/Events... | 0 | 443 |
217 | Dragon Castle ein Deutscher RP Freeshard Willkommen Reisender in einer Welt der Drachen, wie du sie so noch nicht gesehen hast. Die zweite Dunkelheit ist berstanden, aber nicht besiegt. Gefahren und Freuden warten auf dich, sie zu erkunden.... | 0 | 382 |
218 | UO : Genesis The only Pre-T2A shard with dedicated staff. Our goal is to accurately recreate the era with many innovative events to keep things refreshing. Come check us out and relive the community experience that was Ultima Online... | 0 | 291 |
219 | Ultima Online Shard Closed... | 0 | 352 |
220 | Sosaria Online Network Multi-Network, UO:R OSI clones(Siege amp Regular) Based on the game play of 2000039. Sosaria Online is the most accurate emulation of the UO expansions online today, 7 years of development. Professional Staff. PvP/RP/PvM Friendly.... | 0 | 272 |
221 | Zulu Hotel Australia This is a old server brought back to life like the old zulus but better... | 0 | 304 |
222 | Hellfire Forest Server New Very Good Pvp Server have Tournament Ctf events Healpeable stuff and good service many items no bugs no cheaters... | 0 | 274 |
223 | Nagashizar opened in March 2011. Nagashizar opened in March 2011 we offer: PvP/RP, Custom Level System, Custom World, Classes, Static Housing and much more...... | 0 | 287 |
224 | Relapse Gaming Revolutionizing ML style shards. The only shard with a progressive skill cap, hundreds of custom artifacts, all while keeping pure balance. Join our growing community today... | 0 | 271 |
225 | Ultima Online Freeshard Mysteria Mysteria ist ein neuer deutscher Rollenspiel-Freeshard und gilt als offizieller Nachfolger vom ehemaligen Freeshard Millenia.Im Jahre 2011 wird das Projekt fertiggestellt seinund fr jedermann zugnglich, bis dahin freuen wir uns ber jeden der Interess... | 0 | 284 |
226 | UO Nostalgia Nostalgia is an Ultima Online free shard built around the staffs subjective, positive memories of UO during the early 2000s.... | 0 | 288 |
227 | Battle For Britannia PvP Shard Battle For Britannia Sphere51a Pure PvP(+Pvm)Shard.Open Login No Regs - Unlimited Mana Pots EZ Gold - Custom Items - Fun NO GRINDING - beta 8/17/2011 login.battleforbrit,2593 2.0.0a client... | 0 | 276 |
228 | Arcodia: New Dawns The Original Arcodia 6+yr history, runuo 2.0, unique quests, roleplay encouraged, races, friendly proffesional staff, dedicated server on an OC connection and much more Stop by and see us Accept no imitations.... | 0 | 270 |
229 | The World The World is a PVM PK PVP Canadian Sphere Shard. We have tons of unique monsters and items. Fully Spawned, lots of surprises everywhere. Quests and Events. Stable and Lag Free.... | 0 | 220 |
230 | Sylvannia UO Unique freeshard with full ML amp SE support. 10 auto events daily about, chosen random of 20+ differents of PvP, PvM amp Craft. And this system is only one of our 40+ own amp unique qualities... | 0 | 313 |
231 | Elder Kingdom Stable Sphere Daily Updates/Events Active Staff Mondains Legacy Easy skillgain Free Open Account Creation Check Us Out... | 0 | 374 |
232 | Jedi Empires Our mission is to revive the knights of the old republic ways. Ultra Fast Skill Gain Custom creatures and items Custom ores and lightsaber crafting 250 stat cap. 1200 skill cap. Protect the innocent as a Jedi or destroy your enemies as the Sith Join... | 0 | 285 |
233 | UO Privat Server New Server, PvP, Easy Skill gain, EXP, Mounts, 99 Uptime. Join US... | 0 | 299 |
234 | Tierras Baldias First Ultima Online server built in Spain. Great spanish community playing in a RunUO server prepared to balance RPG and PvP. Just try it )... | 0 | 361 |
235 | Ikrontik Shard - Lex talionis [POL 096 - Pre-AOS] Fast-paced PVP. Many customs Always being improved. A great community and friendly staff await you. (Mature Oriented)... | 0 | 232 |
236 | World of Mistery Servidor de habla hispana en fase de betatest, con un numero de usuarios que se pretende aumentar, con llamativas armas armaduras y criaturas nunca vistas.... | 0 | 285 |
238 | Evolucion Ultima Online Server Evolucion Ultima Online, Server Argentino, Armaduras propias del server, Sistema de doungeons propios, Ultimos items activados, PVP, PVM... | 0 | 296 |
239 | Dungeons Dragons Shard O melhor Shard de Ultima Online est de volta. O Shard volta do zero, novos itens, novos eventos (Bomberman, Coliseu, GuildWar). Host de 1gb, Lag 0... | 0 | 279 |
240 | Shard Deletado Servidor Brasileiro em RunUO.Finalizado em 2 de abril de 2008.... | 0 | 414 |
241 | ::Excalibur Uo amp304nc. :: Best Scripts and Events, Turkish RP Shard, New amp304tems, New Maps and Activities....... | 0 | 302 |
242 | Unreal UO ZuluHotel3 Based - AutoAccount - PVP Ranking - 6 Classes - Quests - Newbie Dungeon/Newbie Haven - Player Automated CTF/KOTH/TDM/DM... | 0 | 243 |
243 | Retroserver NEW KAMAEL Server HP in develope... | 0 | 273 |
244 | Edomir Uo Shard Edomir Ultima ONline Shard Rp... | 0 | 314 |
245 | MinaX UO Yeni sistemleri, tecrbeli kadrosu ve gvenilir kadrosu ile hizmetinizde.+Minax is a Turkish UO server.It039s new systems,experienced and reliable staff services.... | 0 | 280 |
246 | Apologetica Serveur Francais Rp Stricte ((((BTA))) En Pleine Expansion la venue de nouveau joueurs aiderais beaucoups au serveur... alors venez faire un tour l039univers est compltement repenser... 3 races disponible et plusieurs GUMPS ... Changement a tout les... | 0 | 298 |
247 | The River under construction... | 0 | 278 |
248 | Adonis Online 56b Rp Server Adonis Online [56b Rp Server] Farkli Sistemleri Uzman Kadrosuyla Doguyor.... | 0 | 475 |
249 | MU GUNZ AND CS come and rate cs gunz and mu site 4ever :D... | 0 | 296 |
250 | The Darkside Shard (TDS) 8+ Years Running Home of Uniques Custom Map New Items amp Monsters Daily Events Tons of New Craftables amp Skills Mount Bonus039s Guild War039s Come Join Us Where Quality Matters... | 0 | 277 |