151 | Ultima Online AOS Inferno Odessa server Ultima Online AOS Inferno Odessa server No Donate Balanced all Classes, PVE PVM PVP, Many innovations, You will enjoy coming to us... | 0 | 331 |
152 | Terre Sombre remix de t4c version UO .Serveur rp,hrp PvP. Hauts Skills. Renaissance Elu Dechu. Robes magiques. Nombreuses Quetes. Shard Gratuit. Nouvelles Armures. Systeme de Level. Nouveaux monstres ,nouveaux item... | 0 | 369 |
153 | Mystaria Mystaria is new shard in BETA Stage which will take you on an friendly adventure. Old School UO but offers a twist with: Custom world-building, monsters and items. Quests, Plantgrowing, Vendors, Full PvP and PvM Support, RP influences and much more. ... | 0 | 300 |
154 | Abyssal Dismay A unique shard with a LOT to offer AOS shard with Felucca rulesets on all facets. Join a growing , stable community... | 0 | 339 |
155 | Legend039s - War Shard POL97. ZH3 Inspired. War Shard. PVP Ranking, Classe Systems. 14 Ranks. 6 Classes. Capture the Flag. Colorwars. 37 Ores. 24 Logs. 18 Hides. 68 Magic Prefix/Suffixes with over 4,000+ Types of magical items - Legendary Coins with loot lvl 10.... | 0 | 305 |
156 | Neverlands Neverlands is a free Ultima Online shard, offering Renaissance and Age of Shadows with tons of new features to give you the best ultima online experience ever.... | 0 | 308 |
157 | Sithlock Sithlock is a free Ultima Online shard that combines all of the best features of UO before Renassaince was introduced on April 3, 2000.... | 0 | 345 |
158 | Avatars Kingdom Family friendly freeshard, roleplaying not a must but encouraged. 2000/300 Skill/Stat caps (200 max in one skill with powerscrolls), different races/classes/professions and npcs that can talk. Alot of events, like the invisible maze. And much much mo... | 0 | 370 |
159 | The Dragon Stone AUTO-ACCOUNT,sphere 56B,T3 INTERNET SPEED,GOOD STAFF,MACRO SYSTEM,12 RACES,17 CLASS,PVP and RP WORLD,5 MAPS,24/24H online... | 0 | 370 |
160 | Ascend Uo Shard Ph:On Skillcap:800.0 Map:Sosaria Friendly GM039s perfect scriptssave me from the shadow... | 0 | 316 |
161 | FantasyRealms - Polish OSI-Like shard FR - Biggest polish OSI-Like freeshard 700/225 cap, Full ml (champion spawns, peerless bosses, craftable artifacts, new locations), everyday auto-event system (paragon invasion, LMS, sadism event and more) dedicated 5/5 mbit server, experienced staff... | 0 | 316 |
162 | Dark Prophecy - Last chapter Dark Prophecy - Last Chapter est un serveur Roleplay d039UOmul par RunUO.Il est orient Roleplay, mais n039est pas contraignant. Notre forum :... | 0 | 296 |
163 | NetherWorld ADD Ultima Online ADD in Ultima online - from 1999 till forever fast ISP port, levels and experience - and much more Check it out... | 0 | 296 |
164 | Angel Of Death Old school shard 55 i R1 with many special scripts you never seen before,monsters,weapons,armors,items,rides etc..e now n have fun its Auto Account... | 0 | 280 |
165 | Kingdom R3born Sphere 56B - Balanced PVP, Custom Systems, Player Operated Shard, Auction, Good Start Items, Power Hour, Stat and Skill Cap, and more... | 0 | 308 |
166 | Tragena UO Almost 5 years in development by several of the best in the emu community - Completely new map cities, the best youre gonna see on ANY shard - ADD magic/itemization/classes - Roleplay friendly lore - See our site for more... | 0 | 307 |
167 | COV--Champion Of Virtues A RUN UO shard that offers something for every type ofplayer, we have tons of custom quests, pets, and ahuge custom crafting/crop/cooking system. To play Champions you need latest osi client and Razor.We are 100 OSI accurate, upto SA/HS... | 0 | 332 |
168 | Mythgard Shard - UO Free Server Servidor em portugues totalmente free, no h qualquer tipo de doao, rates Medium-Hard, sem skill cap, Age of Shadows, eventos frequentes, montarias novas, sistemas unicos, quests automaticas, items de craft proprios, staff madura, honesta e amigvel.... | 0 | 265 |
169 | DragonKnights A family / friends free shard. A group of people that like to play and talk to eachother in Teamspeak. New thing always being added.... | 0 | 299 |
170 | Broken Blade UO Broken Blade UO is a player/family friendly shard. we support PvM/PvE and controlled PVP. At Broken Blade we have a variaty of customized gameplay such as a custom Britannia realm, with custom monsters, housing and loads more... | 0 | 339 |
171 | Beyond the Shadows Beyond the Shadows is a unique shard based on the Ultima Online, Second Age engine. With an extremely involved GM, endless customizations, and a great automation system Beyond the Shadows really is a game of its own.... | 0 | 326 |
172 | UOPL : Avatar UOPL: Avatar. Polish UO shard. No skill cap, no trammel, newb. dungeons. JOIN US... | 0 | 314 |
173 | Eternia UO Server RunUO 2.0 ML Rp+PvP 700 Skill Cap 225 Stat Cap 25+ Custom Artifacts (balanced) New Mounts/Creatures CORE 2 DUO great Connection Professional Staff Server is targeted to more mature players... | 0 | 322 |
174 | Dragons-Treasure Family Friendly UO Shard Evo Pets and Mercs Custom Ore, Wood and Leathers. No Skill Cap 325 Stat Cap Enjoy your stay with us... | 0 | 494 |
175 | Requiem Shard Join a world precariously balanced on the brink of destiny, where the actions of its characters decide its fate.... | 0 | 334 |
176 | Eriland Face danger, meet happiness, win and lose many a battle Eriland is a role playing shard with a custom map, the freedom to role play that comes with the Felucca rule set, and many features for the warrior all the way to the crafter.... | 0 | 269 |
177 | Darkness Dwells RP/PVP Ultima Online Server, Professional Staff, 10 Races, 100 Custom Map, Statics, Artwork, and more On-site Dueling System, Events, Static Housing, Unlimited Skill Cap, and Much More... | 0 | 301 |
178 | The World New Alternate-PK Experienced GMS Events Come and Join Us... | 0 | 254 |
179 | UO Lost Relics Uo Lost Relics Free Shard is OSI with some sweet mods and 11 new Quests and all the new wood and runic craftables plus For a limited time we offer new player accounts there first characters 7 skills Gm and stats.... | 0 | 292 |
180 | EpicUO Spawnable GuardsOnly FeluccaTax SystemDaily EventsPvP advantage shard, the guards are killable.Don039t you just wanna pk here Come join Epic UO -,2593You just need UO ML + razor... | 0 | 284 |
181 | Even, ein deutscher RunUO Freeshard Deutscher Ultima Online Freeshard auf Runuo Basis mit zahlreichen Customscripts... | 0 | 287 |
182 | PvP Alfa Best PvP Shard PvP Alfa Best PvP Shard... | 0 | 313 |
183 | Tremoria FreeShard Auf Tremoria vereinen sich die Mystik des alten Arabiens, die Faszination des Mittelalters, die geheimen Pfade der Magie und das turbulente Treiben der Hndler zu einem vielfltigen Gemlde voller Abenteuer und Geheimnisse.... | 0 | 286 |
184 | Akalabeth new UO:Akalabeth (UltimaOnlineFreeShard) , UOR PvP PvM :) [ Server: login.akalabeth ] [ port: 2593 ]... | 0 | 289 |
185 | Shangri-La BRAND NEW SERVER Ive been gone a while but im back and looking to become one of the top servers HIRING In need of experienced/dedicated staff. ip: | 0 | 279 |
186 | The Living AUTOACC quotPVP/RP/PVMquot REGULAR EVENT CUSTOM RARE 1200 SKILLS CAPS (12GM SKILLS) FFIENDLY GM GIVE US A TRYLoginserverthelivinghell.no-ip.biz,2593... | 0 | 336 |
187 | The UO Project: Reborn FRESH START - SIGN UP NOW The UO Project Pre-AOS server with the best PvP ever known. The Most Balanced Server - No junk to ruin gameplay. Over 10 years experience. New Citizenship system. High speed connection. Friendly + Active staff, developers an... | 0 | 286 |
188 | Cimmerian Abyss - Pre-T2A custom Pre-T2A based with custom additions, no secure/lockdowns, hard skillgain, noskillcap, penalties on death, house crafting, reagent harvesting. Opened February 2011.... | 0 | 305 |
189 | UO Ascendance - Age of Shadows RunUO 2.0 Age of Shadows Era Malas, Ilshenar and Felucca (PvP facet) No Trammel Skillcap and Statcap as OSI Client No VIP, no overpower favored players, make a difference, earn your wealth... | 0 | 295 |
190 | Zulu Hotel Factions Zulu Hotel with a new look: 20 new regional resources, extended player town options, lots of new features add mystery, legacy, identity.... | 0 | 286 |
191 | UO-MURDER UO-murder normal shard client 2.0.3... | 0 | 320 |
192 | Ultima Online T2A/UOR Server Ultima Online T2A/UOR ERA Server, Dedicated Server/Hosting Allowing Players Across The World To Play... | 0 | 281 |
193 | Ossus Online Been in production for one year. We are now in Beta.Tons of custom scripts. Townhouses, Storylines, Roleplaying if you choose to.Factions. We are good good )... | 0 | 337 |
194 | New Alternate-PK PvP/PvM Server/Lots of Custom Items/Quests/Daily Events/Professional Staff/700 stat cap/No skill cap/Custom Craft System/Join Us... | 0 | 294 |
195 | Midian Of Darkness
| 0 | 292 |
196 | Uo Anomaly 740 skill cap over time stat cap 250 with stat scroll custom arties quest mobs and pets come join usLogin Info: uoanomaly.servegame Port: 2593... | 0 | 309 |
197 | Dabo Dabo is a german freeshard based on a Pol 97 Server. Custom maps/statics/multis . ML/SE/AOS are activated. Dabo is online for 8 years now.... | 0 | 328 |
198 | Age of Avatars Over 3 years Running - Totaly Custom Shard - Custom Dungeons - Unique Class/Race/Levels/Prestige - Custom floors amp walls for houses, Items, Craftables, Monsters, PvM amp PvP - Not Easy - 300+ Arti039s - Home of Lord Greywolf amp Grimwold... | 0 | 384 |
199 | Sorcerors Quest: Ancient Caeria Online 8 years. Defend SQ in a relaxed RP, non-PK shard. We have 6 races and our own VERY flexible skill system. Housed in a datacenter for great reliability. Custom maps and scripts. You have never played UO like this before, give us a try... | 0 | 317 |
200 | Ultima Trance PVP Server Good Russian PVP Server... You only need have Ultima Online Renaissance and 2.0.3 Client , download server patch and have funEnjoy.... | 0 | 285 |