351 | Destiny-Realms this is a new mccodes v2 game has many nice features including advanced voting,hunting,mining,steps,loads of courses,and more !... | 0 | 247 |
352 | Pokemon Cyrus 2d Pokemon Game.
Player owned Gyms
5000+ members... | 0 | 261 |
353 | Gangsters - By Stefan-Brittain.c Update's and Upgrades:
The game has now been moved to a better server for Faster game play.
We have added hundreds of updates and fixed hundreds of bugs,
although there are still a few remaining we know they exist and
we're trying to resolve them a... | 0 | 299 |
354 | Age of Chaos Free massive strategy game with a great community and lots of strategic depth.... | 0 | 238 |
355 | WoW pro100Witya Portal all for World of WarCraft... | 0 | 260 |
356 | Crime-Zone.nl Heb je je altijd al een echte gangster willen voelen? Stap dan nu in de wereld van Crime-Zone.... | 0 | 252 |
357 | Free MMO online games list The biggest list about Free 2 Play MMORPG, MMOACT, MMOFPS, MMORTS MMOSPT on the www:-)... | 0 | 340 |
358 | Outwar.com - A Free MMORPG Outwar.com is the leading browser based online role playing game. Explore a fully developed world, filled with creatures, quests, and rare items. Level up and learn special skills and new spells to aid you in battle. No downloads or plug-ins required... | 0 | 350 |
359 | Ragnarok Royale Aegis Server! 7/7/5 AEGIS server | Episode 11.3: Nameless Island | Moscovia | Reopened Feb 27th!! | Stable 100mbit | No Donations | Few Customs | WoE:Second Edition !... | 0 | 205 |
360 | Mafia Boss World text based mmorpg mafia game.... | 0 | 241 |
361 | Darkest of Sins A unique and exciting take on the text based rpg. With different areas to explore and an engaging class system.
How dark will you be to take the top?... | 0 | 254 |
362 | Mythical Academy MMO Mythical Academy online MMO |Fish System|Updated Every day|friendly staff| JOIN NOW!... | 0 | 261 |
363 | Pirates & Armadas Pirates & Armadas - A free PBBG strategy city building game set in the colonization of the new world.... | 0 | 255 |
364 | YorkCity A Free Onine Crime Text Based Game Get A Job, Get Wepons, Attack People And Much More!... | 0 | 237 |
365 | FreeMMORPGList.Com The best place for MMORPG Games, We have a whole list of MMORPG Games.... | 0 | 249 |
366 | Pet Luta Get your pet and fight against monsters, catch other fighting pets, buy weapons, armour and magic items to become the best!!... | 0 | 264 |
367 | Bloody City You wake up one day not knowing whats wrong. You awake to a deserted land.
You walk around and see a car. You hop in and start driving to the nearest city. You stop by a city and you ask where you are at. You find $100.00 in the car and start with th... | 0 | 278 |
368 | SpaceConquer SpaceConquer is a game that combines spacial war strategy and ground war strategie.
On SpaceConquer, you are conducting your own base on a planet of your universe, your objective will be to grow your colony on your planet, in your solar system or i... | 0 | 235 |
369 | MMOxploits The world of MMORPG hacks, guides, bots and downloads... | 0 | 338 |
370 | Free online mmorpg Free online mmorpg where you have to build an army and conquer the battlefield.... | 0 | 252 |
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372 | European Mafia A free to play text based online game based in the world of the mafia.... | 0 | 267 |
373 | Mafia Wanted free browser mafia game... | 0 | 295 |
374 | United Realms :: WotLK :: 3.0.9 Wir sind ein deutscher WotLK Blizzlike Server mit 10fachen Rates in Drop & XP. Desweiteren arbeiten wir mit den neusten Serversystemen und sind zu 99,9% Bugfrei. Au�erdem haben wir noch CounterStrike und DoD Server. Die Community w�chst st�ndig an.... | 0 | 332 |
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376 | allmafia-boss be a gangster and rule the underworld... | 0 | 272 |
377 | Dark Swords Online Dark Swords is a role-playing game of new generation. The action takes place in a unique world which doesn�t have analogues. Dark Swords combines the traditional role-playing system with innovative approach to the game process implementation, charact... | 0 | 297 |
378 | Gangsta-Wars A Awsome Gangsta game for everyone try it out and u will get stuck 4 it... | 0 | 260 |
379 | WestSide Mafia Online text based Mafia Game, try it youll love it, the staff are freindly and the game is being updated all the time!... | 0 | 263 |
380 | Effect-mu Server Settings:
Exp: 1500
Version: 0.97D + 0.99 items
Maps: Standart
Drops: 85%
Bless bug: off
Shop items: good armors +11+16+luck, most scrolls and orbs, etc ;)
Reset at level 350, as a reward you'll recieve 1000 stat points freely to distri... | 0 | 287 |
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382 | RPGBugs.com RPGBugs.com is dedicated to bringing you all of the latest MMO exploits. The site is updated daily, over 25,000 members, a full forum arcade, monthly give-a-ways, and much more.... | 0 | 260 |
383 | Danger-MU OnLine Again Ver:1.02N|Exp:1500x|Drop:80%|Eveturi noi|Shop-uri COOL|Spot-uri COOL... | 0 | 277 |
384 | The first social site for online gaming CharacterPlanet is a social network for online gamers with a primary focus on YOU, the gamer. Members can upload pictures, videos, and blogs for both their real life and mmorpg character(s).... | 0 | 256 |
385 | VR2Online -The Viruz Battle Play anywhere with other thounsands of people without download any file!
You will be a newbie programmer who want to join the Largest Cyberspace War with your own Viruz.... | 0 | 370 |
386 | GrandStageMafia This is a brand new mafia game with new and upcoming features. Great staff team and very helpful members. This game will keep you busy and once you start you just dont want to stop!... | 0 | 420 |
387 | MafiaDeath Your role as a Mobster is to work your way to the top, either with a others in a gang, or by yourself. Attack and mug people to better your stats and gain more money, gamble, deal in weapons and armour, and much more!... | 0 | 371 |
388 | The Tempest Project A FREE MMO that combines HUGE worlds, massive dungeons, and fun events to create the best online medieval experience on the net! Join us today!... | 0 | 258 |
389 | WoW Infite World Of Warcraft 2.1.3 server
Rates 1x 10x 1x - this is a fun server! Not a funserver ^_^... | 0 | 268 |
390 | Criminal Insanity Welcome to the house of the condemned, where all the sick and mentally ill live. Enter with caution because you might never leave the same!... | 0 | 256 |
391 | Online Mafia Multiplayer Game This is a free web based Massive Multiplayer Online Game, based on the Real Mafia Life so called "La Cosa Nostra".
You want to have fun?
You want to make money?
Then, you are at the right place!... | 0 | 231 |
392 | Kruel Intentions Knight OnLine This is a Knights OnLine dedicate Server that is packed with awsome lvling to lvl 90, anvil rates that will blow your mind, awsome wepons and armor, War Zone with a War Schedual, Bifrost and CZ Clan PvP Arenas and a Boss Arena, Helpfull GM's come che... | 0 | 228 |
393 | The Mafia The mafia is a new text base amfia game... | 0 | 340 |
394 | The Mafia Hit Join the hottest and the soon to be the GREATEST mafia website of them all. Guaranteed! NO DOWNLOADS NEEDED JUST SIGN UP AND PLAY. Caution: This site can cause addiction to playing the game everyday. THIS SITE IS ELITE of all mafia game sites!!!... | 0 | 260 |
395 | Crystal Dawn Online Fight monsters, PK, guild battle, join guilds, make guilds, trade, quests, and much more... | 0 | 267 |
396 | pimpingangsters great game its new just opened last month we trying to get bigger so we can expand so come and sign up u will love it... | 0 | 277 |
397 | Cheap Fast EverQuest 1&2 Platinum 5 minutes Delivery! Live Chat ! Open 24/7 ! Lowest Prices on the net! - www.RPGsalez.com - Cheapest and Fastest EverQuest Platinum EQ Plat PP Gold Money EQ2... | 0 | 276 |
398 | UnderGroundMafia Online textbased game with crimes,gta etc..... | 0 | 232 |
399 | Smooth Mafia Amazing Game Which is based in 1970's and ahs just started a new round so join fast and get a head start.... | 0 | 282 |
400 | Pimpingangsters Pimpin the world... | 0 | 253 |