251 | DevaMedia MuOnline MuOnline Server 1.0L , NonStop , No Lag , BB On , exp 1000 , drop 80% , GOOD SPOT AND SHOP , nice admin/gm....JOIN US NOW... | 0 | 266 |
252 | .:L2VclubCity:. ~Helbound pvp server from Greece~
Custom npcs
Custom weapons/armors
Olympiad system 15:00 pm = 21:00 pm
See you in game!... | 0 | 232 |
253 | Warrior Mania This is a text based online browser MMORPG. You will fight as a warrior and level up to make your life in the Game. Still in begining stage so you will have a lot of chance to level up fast unlike other old games.... | 0 | 235 |
254 | Bahagon MMORPG Venez, montez une alliance et tentez de devenir le plus fort! Seuls les plus rus�s peuvent esp�rer r�ussir.
Jeu en ligne de r�le et de strat�gie m�di�val, totalement gratuit et sans publicit�.
Plusieurs parties sont disponibles, certaines sont RP et... | 0 | 247 |
255 | Online game Very high exp and drop rate
... | 0 | 249 |
256 | Rebel Seas Loot Enemies, Steal from the East Indian Trading Company, Kidnap Royalty for Ransom, Discover Burried Treasure....Take what you can, give nothing back!... | 0 | 251 |
257 | Naruto Stadium Welcome to Naruto Stadium, a place where ninjas from all around the world gather together to train and become the elite. This new Naruto-theme RPG features action-packed battles, missions to accomplish, ninja clans and more! Join us now and become an... | 0 | 435 |
258 | Risen Server - Unique Lineage 1 Server Brand New Unique Lineage 1 Server :: Low Rates :: Custom Zones & Items :: Latest Content :: No Wipes :: Join us today for a unique Lineage 1 experience!... | 0 | 266 |
259 | FalloutRPG FalloutRPG is a Post-Nuclear Text Based game, that is a full of surprises. You start underground trying to find your way through a maze of unbelievable encounters. As you work your way through this well though out game, you will find new items, weapo... | 0 | 243 |
260 | Outwar #NAME?... | 0 | 347 |
261 | Ro-Mafia - Joc Mutiplayer Online Joc mmorpg online gratuit si 100% romanesc. Intra si tu in lumea dura a cartierului.Te crezi in stare sa intri si tu in lumea cartierului ?... | 0 | 238 |
262 | MMORPG X TOP100 free mmorpg toplist rank MMORPG Xclusive TOP100, Toplist of mmorpgs, categorized, based on players votes. Mostly free mmorpgs, only topsites rankings.
... | 0 | 261 |
263 | Rumadon Rumadon is a 3D online MMORPG that is completely browser based, and runs on any computer. Rumadon sets you on a journey through different lands and worlds with varied technological ages,
many items to use and monsters to interact with, and lots of NP... | 0 | 246 |
264 | MMeOw: MMORPG Blog for the Casual Player The MMORPG Blog for the Casual Player. Posts on the latest free and premium MMORPGs.... | 0 | 226 |
265 | krusade Online http://hosted.filefront.com/DawnOfEarth/ dl the client from there and join in on the fun its a great creation just join in give me ideas you like i got lightsabers ,bandans, cloaks, over 70 new weapons and still more to come and armor to come check ... | 0 | 163 |
266 | Imperialmafia A newly released Mafia game, will take you by surprise. Register and login now to experience this innovation.... | 0 | 208 |
267 | GangsterWorld - Your World The Gangster Way Step into the world of Gangsters where the rules of power and vengeance demands respect and dominance. Build your empire and rule it ruthlessly. Annihilate anybody that even questions your intentions and set your laws in force over your real life fol... | 0 | 256 |
268 | Warhammer Online Warhammer Online fan site... | 0 | 257 |
269 | WOW Frontier World Of Warcraft player submited guides, news and forum... | 0 | 233 |
270 | Xforze MMORPG Topsites MMORPG Toplist with the Best Topsites availeble many categories for all MMORPG`s, MPOG, RPG, FPS, Browser based, Text Based or Consoles. Gaming websites submit your Site now its Fee... | 0 | 249 |
271 | Project7 A 2d mmorpg, its begging out and needs some staff. (Staff will be chosen)... | 0 | 254 |
272 | Kryppie Nation Fantasy based MMORPG that anyone can enjoy! Free to join!... | 0 | 228 |
273 | CrimeVillage Welkom in de wereld van CrimeVillage...
Dit is een Online op Tekst Basis gemaakte Multiplayer Game. Waardoor je met het kopen van wapens en het werven van medegangsters, de beste speler van het spel kan worden.
Bij de meeste crimegames draait alles... | 0 | 229 |
274 | a free-to-play Adult MMORPG 2009 New Game, a free-to-play adult MMORPG. www.countrywars.net
CoutryWars ist a highly rated and much anticipated Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG). It has a compelling storyline of love.
CountryWars is something you have n... | 0 | 241 |
275 | DarkCyber - Are You Ready? Text based mafia game... | 0 | 226 |
276 | Red fury chose ur forces,allied forces of axis forces,dominate the world with ur armies,control countries fight against other armies get promoted!!!make divisions!!start wars!This is just world war 3!... | 0 | 240 |
277 | Online Arcade Games ArcadeHit.com is an entertainment website that provides thousands of arcade games plus weekly updates of games, videos and pictures.
... | 0 | 252 |
278 | Chaos Fight :: MMORPG Chaos Fights is a mmorpg base on kings of chaos with many new features... | 0 | 282 |
279 | Mafioso-World: Blood.Drugs.Money This game is completely browser based - you don't need to download or install anything... The game is completely free, but to win cash prizes and better your chance of winning more prizes then you can buy additional credits�
Register now and win!
C... | 0 | 252 |
280 | Waycia Massive MMORPG Game, Gain thousands of levels, explore Million locations, fight monster and players for gold and items, upgrade your fighter with weapons/spells, Chat and Trade with over 50.000 friendly online players, gain skills, much much more
... | 0 | 267 |
281 | Wicked States Wicked States is a political strategy game where you take care of legislative proposals and international relationships.... | 0 | 243 |
282 | Mu Killmistery Extremo Nueva Version en mu Online Version 97b+Seanson3+3D Camera! full mapas! full set! nuevos todo todos a graficos a seanson4!!... | 0 | 273 |
283 | TrueOnlineGames Welcome to TrueOnlineGames.com. Here you can play many different types of online games. TrueOnlineGames.com owns over 50 complete online games ranging from VPets to RPG's to Mafia games. Please feel free to look about just bare with us as we upload e... | 0 | 236 |
284 | Shadow of Legends 2D MMORPG that can truly realize the interaction between mobile devices (smartphone & PDA) and PCs... | 0 | 252 |
285 | L2 PoWer ShoT PvP sErvER Rates x1000 x1000 x800 Safe Weapons +10 Max +25... | 0 | 327 |
286 | Gang Race Gang Race is a free online text-based gangster game. In the tough harsh world of gang race, you must do all, from robbing your neighbours shed to killing a fellow homie!... | 0 | 250 |
287 | Evernight - The Reign of Darkness Evernight is a turn-based strategy game set in a fantastical world of armies, monsters, and supernatural warfare. Join a thriving online player community and match wits against hundreds of other tacticians � from any computer, at any time. Set entire... | 0 | 239 |
288 | Ultimate Uprising You start off as low life Scum. Then you rise up to the top, and become Ultimate Don, and control everything. New features added. Free to play! Come and join the Hottest Mafioso Game Out!... | 0 | 294 |
289 | Mafia Mob Wars Mafia Gang wars role playing game... | 0 | 238 |
290 | Casino Imperium Het nieuwste Casino-spel voor Nederland,
zet je casino's neer. Gok lekker.. maar pas op voor je concurrentie.... | 0 | 316 |
291 | Galaxies Reborn Sci-fi Browser based MMO currently 100% free to play.Just started,come and join us.Gather resources,build ships,make alliances and many more. The game was just launched(17.03.09) be one of the fist to explore the vast universe of Galaxies Reborn... | 0 | 246 |
292 | Sivanir: War of the Elements In a unstable world held together by 6 elemental stones of power, many heros must arise to protect them from the evil...
You may choose your path, Fight for the side of light, Or Dark. You are empowered by the elements, Whether you choose to find the... | 0 | 248 |
293 | Global Destruction A Game where the Universe is infinate.
An Extremely Well presented, Administered Game with a great community so far.
Based off the old Ancients Story from Stargate Atlantis you will choose your race and battle for domination of the pegasus galaxy.
... | 0 | 256 |
294 | Only mafia inviting every one only mafia is a browser based game which means there is nothing to download or install! Play a little or play a lot. Just remember to watch your back.
Enter a world of corruption and death. A world where no second thought is taken when eliminating a... | 0 | 304 |
295 | Outwar Outwar is a free online role playing game that does not require a download. Below is a listing of just some of the features you can expect to find while playing Outwar
- Explore a fully developed world, filled with creatures, quests, and rare items.... | 0 | 326 |
296 | Outwar.com Free MMORPG Outwar.com is the leading browser based online role playing game. Explore a fully developed world, filled with creatures, quests, and rare items. Level up and learn special skills and new spells to aid you in battle. No downloads or plug-ins required... | 0 | 227 |
297 | Sona City Free Online Browser Based Game - 1000's Items, 100's weapons, live the life a true thug working your way to the top!... | 0 | 233 |
298 | Mafia-Frequency The most frequently updated online text based mafia game, commit crimes, extortion and rank up to being the Ultimate Don, Boxing, Scratch Crads, and casinos to build your money, with Money comes Great Power in the world of mafia-frequency... | 0 | 258 |
299 | Zoo Ninja This is a new era for Text MMORPGs released first day of march where you can chose to have the strength of a dog, the 7 lives of a cat, the speed of a rat, the defense of an armadillo and being as lethal as a chicken? Using your magic amulets you can... | 0 | 232 |
300 | MMO Top 250 Top Sites listings MMO Top 250 Top Sites listings Fast growing and feature packed. Hop aboard!... | 0 | 388 |