1851 | Echlowend CO All players have gm accounts :) Come, Reg, and HF :) All Rates are max :]... | 0 | 365 |
1852 | HardEuropeCo HardEuropeCoWith CpBags Drops(Easy lvl 130+ in 1hourNewbie Packs CpAdmin, MoonGoodness, 2 New Areas (lvl 120-124 Monsters , lvl 124-128 Monsters)Monsters drop 10kk-30kk per killDragon Drop And more Just Join US NOW... | 0 | 278 |
1853 | CoEmu CoEmu Is Back Join Us And Have Fun James TQ... | 0 | 347 |
1855 | xXx Epic Co xXx New Server 2009Pk Server.English Server.Few rollbacks and D/C039s.Friendly Gm039s and ChatH039s.Enjoy it ]... | 0 | 261 |
1856 | LightingCo GuildWars, Pk Arena, Jail, 1-130 items, +1-12, GREAT STAFFlt3 em all no lag, Cuztom looks, easy to join server, NON HIMACHI1000x exp 500x prof 20x drop, Great NEW Conquer Pserver.. giv it a try and u wont regret it ]AutoSave, AutoRestart, and... | 0 | 264 |
1857 | BlackSword New Server Very active GMs No Rollbacks GDroprate Exp Rate 400x ProfXp rate 400x Drop rate 400x Join Now... | 0 | 303 |
1858 | CrystalCo Conquer Pserver BEST NEW CO SERVER, UNDER CONSTRUCTIONgonna have gw +12s events tournys blessing all skills lvl 1-135 rb 1 and 2 and more come check it out... | 0 | 346 |
1859 | Final-Borkan 5100 Gaming Final-Borkan [ Client 5100 - New Style039s 039Weapons , Armor , Npc039s , Headgears , Best Of , Final-Borkan ]... | 0 | 308 |
1860 | baron no nija and monk 1000cps drob client 5065 when you level 112 you can were full +12... | 0 | 270 |
1861 | MaiHabCo Leveling Server, Currently in Test Phase but we are working on everything, we have most of the features you would like, heavenblessing, luckytime , etc... and its NON HAMACHI SO FTW... | 0 | 398 |
1862 | MedelynCO Try this guyz...let make this good server..have fun..... | 0 | 295 |
1863 | TriumphCO is back All skills work,no hamchi,new quest, Come and see for yourseft the best Co Server... | 0 | 302 |
1864 | ThePunisherCo [Version 5375][Ninja and Monk][Soul Steed][Level 140 with Reborn System (1st/2nd)][Reincarnation (Pure Skills) FIXED][Dragon Soul][EVENTS][QUESTS][GMPMPSSUPORT-IN-GAME] [SubClass][Clan][QualifierArena][+12 Max][24/7][255 Mobs]][All Monster Give 100 C... | 0 | 311 |
1865 | funk-conquer OLA PARA TODOS BEM VINDO AO funk-CO SERVIDOR Online 24 HORAS DROP DE 2K DE CPS MUITO BOM ENTRE QUALQUE COISA ME WHISPER NO MSN contatocomPM_Bruno.GMhotmail lucas.rua2hotmail VENHA JOGA GARELA xD... | 0 | 291 |
1866 | Ultimate-Co Leveling ServerFullworking 24/7 Stable serverExpRate 100xProfRate 100xDropRate 100xGuildWar1st and 2nd RBNew questDayampNightNew MonstersNew MapsLab 1 2 3 4No RollBacksNo LagNo DisconnectsEventsCome In And Have Fun... | 0 | 263 |
1867 | SumiCo exp x 85 prof x 300 leveling server Friendly gms guild wars workingdis city working 1,2,3 rbluckytime rb guardsand everything else is up and running... | 0 | 265 |
1868 | PKZoneCO Pking CO Private Server Pk any where any time check forums :) VOte For Us... | 0 | 300 |
1869 | Holy-Co A new conquer online private server.Atm under constuction :).... | 0 | 438 |
1870 | BlueShaodw Perfect Server works coool Noble Rank plvling server new quests war discity New Garments Fair Play and free 2 play works 24/7 none hamachi... | 0 | 337 |
1871 | PowerOfCO NEw Lvling Server Friendly GMs Exprate: 500x Profrate: 500x Free Cps Come and join...... | 0 | 298 |
1872 | JellyCO Jelly CO Conquer online Private Server. 200x exp. 200x prof. all Reborn working Free Super +3 starterpacks. NEW friendly Community and fun events...... | 0 | 282 |
1873 | MacedoniaForEver 24/7 Online / 5016 Version / No Lagg / No Rollbacks / No DB Wipes / Exp:250x / Prof:250x / Drop:250x / Friendly and Active GMs / Join Now... | 0 | 285 |
1874 | Conquer Warp Zone Conquer Private Server with 2 server avaliable. 1 server are Leveling and the other are PVP. For more information check out the site.... | 0 | 285 |
1875 | Conquer Rush New Game Dev CO and private server still in beta testing but please sign up and post on forums... | 0 | 350 |
1876 | ArticCo 24/7 Server, No Rollbacks, No ServerFrezzes.Almost everything working Guild,Reborn 1amp2,,Mining, Lottery almost everything No Lag 24/7 Server... | 0 | 286 |
1877 | God Conquer Online All rates 200 Updates every day Join Now and Conquer... | 0 | 380 |
1878 | Conquer Online Europe Now with QuadCore Servers - The 2nd best private Conquer Online Server after Qonquer... - Become VIP and get a Portable WH and more... | 0 | 301 |
1879 | MassiveCo We are a Conquer online TQ private server and we are about 80-85 pct translated would like you all to come and injoy the fun.... | 0 | 307 |
1880 | SherifCo New Server :D New Server.. Exp:300 Prof:300 Its very nice and the owner is very kind and nice :D... | 0 | 307 |
1881 | TriumphCo remade Private server working on patch 5065. 96 Translated. running 24/7 on a dedicated server. Friendly GM039s and easy xp/items. no hamachi, just enjoy it D... | 0 | 298 |
1882 | Magic Conquer 450x Exp Rates 500x Prof Rates talk to a gm or ph for 2k free cps 24/7 server Friendly GMs Join Now... | 0 | 275 |
1883 | ToxicCo Nice Conquer Online Server. No rollback039s If u want a guide how to connect so check ENJOY :D... | 0 | 327 |
1884 | ElementCo join our servers :P its 5065 patch cool servers:D we have 2 servers....... | 0 | 317 |
1886 | City-Co : Rising above the rest Welcome to City-Co 5065 Work in progress 1 Server (Skyscraper) Rising to be the best.::WE NEED A PRO CODER APPLY NOW IN THE SUPPORT SECTION OF OUR WEBSITE::.... | 0 | 288 |
1887 | ExcaliburCo New private server that039s up 24/7 with no glitches, rollbacks or log-in freezes. Friendly Staff, good rates, Guild war, Dis city. VERY STABLE with plans to stay up for a long time.... | 0 | 306 |
1888 | Black - Devils CO v.2.0 24/7 Online 1st2nd Reborn Working DisCity 5065 Server 100 Translated Working Labs 100 Bugs FIXED NO Lag 130+ lvl items cooming soon JOIN NOW Black-Devils CO v.2.0... | 0 | 459 |
1889 | CoPoland - Polski serwer Pierwszy polski profesjonalny serwer Conquer Online24/7FULL WORKING - Wszystko dziala0 BUGSWCHODZ I GRAJwww.copoland.pl... | 0 | 334 |
1890 | DreamCo High Rate Leveling/PVP Server Great Staff. Boss Monsters Welcome to DreamCo Hope You Enjoy Your Gaming With US Gw work Random events All skills Except for Transform skills 15 Exp/ 35 prof rates/ 1st and 2nd rb work Hope To See You on The Server... | 0 | 291 |
1891 | NoLimit-CO Hamachi Server TQ Binaries Patched 5065 Client/98translated/Moonbox Quest translated/Guild Wars/Free super gear/1stamp2nd RB/Daily Events/Friendly Staff/10-13kk Gold Drops/Easy Leveling/updated daily/DB/+1Stones/Mets drop/ DisCity Quest translated/Al... | 0 | 297 |
1892 | Toxic-Co Toxic-Co - [Currently v5065][22 days we will be dedicated then we will be a non hamachi Server][NO Lag Whatsoever][Great Features][24/7][Nobility][GuildWar][poision blade][Great Drop Rates]... | 0 | 298 |
1893 | Twin Co- 5165 Max Level 137. Lvl 70 Noob Gear From NPC. Ninjas And Steeds. VIP. Buy Gold Cups And Garments From GM/PMs. Server Events. Fair, Easy, And Fun Server On Nearly 24/7. Join The War And Chose Your Side (Devon Vs. Charlie) Come Join And Have Fun.... | 0 | 283 |
1894 | WarZoneCo 5065 Hello Come WarZoneCo . We have goods ADM Site forum and PLayer.. patch 5065 .. here u have FUN... | 0 | 305 |
1895 | ShutterCo The IP Change To[5175][Steed Race][Max level is 137][Max plus is +12][Full Sys Flowers][Ninja Full][Honor Arena][Custom Marriage System][GW Fully Working][New Events][Great Staff][Dedicated Host][Full Soul]... | 0 | 316 |
1896 | TroHunterCo Come and try out TroHunterCo its a nice lvling server with most of the skills working like cruel shade and spitual heal and pervade and rb guards and dodge wit no login freeze and more... | 0 | 304 |
1897 | WorldCo The Real Welcome to WorldCo, This Is A Great Server Thats Working On 5065-5079. Its online always 24/7, free for all to play.Your all are welcome to World-CO Have Funwww.worldco.webs... | 0 | 318 |
1898 | ElectroCo Client 5065 Welcome To ElectroWoW We Our Running 5065 Its A Leveling Server We Have A ChatBox And A Ventrilo Server Is 24/7 Thanks Hope To See U In Server Go To Our Main Websitegtgtgtgt electroco.webs ltltltlt... | 0 | 402 |
1899 | Sun-Co 24/7 Root Server with Fixed IPNO Freezes/Rollbacks99,8 Lagfree.FULL WORKING: 1st,2nd Reborn,All Skills,Reborn Skills(Reflect,Bless,etc.),Level 120 Shield/ Earrings,Rb Weapons(PoisonBlade,Def-Bow),+12,-7.Also Full Working GW system, Market Stalls - L... | 0 | 275 |
1900 | DarkCo Wellcome to DarkCo server we have ninja and tails and it039s 95 translited it039s perfect just the only thing left is you.... | 0 | 278 |