801 | OzoneGaming [Ozone] 5095Autopatcher[NO DOWNLOADING PATCHES]+12Custom HuntingSystemMax Level 137Double CP Pot135 gears2soc garments and cupsCustom TalisCustom CupsMore to come.... | 0 | 326 |
802 | king_of_warampScaryWarCo(5095) server patch 5095 server open 24/7 no ninja, Top all player, level 140, new item lvl 130, 3 arena for 15 kk cps evryhour, new monster, new quest, drop cps 200 to 4 kk... | 0 | 387 |
803 | DisturbedCO CO Private server. We have ninja, mounts, GW, Lvl up to 137, VIP, up to +12, 125+ lvling areas, regular drop events, special quests... | 0 | 289 |
804 | VeteransEmpire-Co - Version 5095 , No Bugs , No Lagging , High Exp Rate .- Skills , Ninjas , Monks .- High Drop Rate , Vote To Unlock All Voters Features .- Max Level 200 , +15 Gears , Level 150-200 Gears , 4 Reborns .- Super Guild war ( With High Priz... | 0 | 261 |
805 | Pirates Version 5095 / No Ninja / Max level 137 / Max +12 / Max Gears 120 / Max Weapons 130 /Max Reborn 2 / Guild War / TOP Class PK / Pk Tournament / Gold Cup / GM Events / Death City / Support.... | 0 | 288 |
806 | FinalLegendCq2 My Server have [garmet 2soc-7 New Wepon Style [DragonQuest [Drop Good [Max level 150 [New Gw [New Tournament [New Garmet ]COME SERVER... | 0 | 320 |
807 | Serenity Gaming Serenity Gaming is a private Conquer Legends Return Season III with Refinery/Purification, Artifacts, 140 Conquer Official Items, Flowers, Mentor, Arena Qualifier, Sub-Class , QuizShow We are always updated.Join us.... | 0 | 323 |
808 | ALNESRCO P.SERVER [Lvl 137][Stuff +12][New Quest][New Gear][Soul Dragon] [Stuff +8 Free][2nd][all monester drop 500 cps][Vote For 20k cps][Class/Weakly/Death/SuperPK Tourment][130 lvl Gearz][Tower and Fan lvl 130][24/7 Online][Ninja fully working][ANTI AIMBOT][Pach 50... | 0 | 300 |
809 | WarDay Full+12StuffDragonsPkMapClass PK Envoy500CpsDrop1000Cps From Drop From Cps PotionAnd More ....... | 0 | 312 |
810 | Savage CO link is savage co is a 5165 server its free to join its fun great quests and events max lvl is 140 2nd reborn items max is super +12 -7 2soc... | 0 | 364 |
811 | el wa7a friends welcome to my server... | 0 | 331 |
812 | Conquer Equipe MJGames Enter is site Entre no site... | 0 | 323 |
813 | Type-CO Private 24/7 [Server 5095] Drop 100Cps , Itens Soul 100 , Boss UltimatePlunto drop power expball , Max lvl 138 , Max Plus +12 , Venha Confirir... | 0 | 255 |
814 | Galaxy CO 24/7 No lag... | 0 | 334 |
815 | [CoAlliance] BinTin/Tiger [Tiger]and[Bin Tin 5095 UpdetV 5375 ][Monk and Ninja fully working,Freestf Lv140 Max,and new qwest drop Cps50kk Pure Skills] what is New Items LvUP 121-140 +12 -7Online 24/7 [Arena honarand ][ElitePk War][World Chat][WorldPk][Class pk war] [All auto... | 0 | 280 |
816 | BloodZoneX BloodZoneX-New Main City-lvling Zone Xp Rate-150 Prof rate 400-Almost 24/7(Except for updates)-Reborns work-JailHamachi: BloodZoneX, BloodzoneX2, BloodZoneX3Pass:123CONNECT TO HAMACHI NETWORK BEFORE USING THE WEBSITE.... | 0 | 300 |
817 | NewCoTime NewCoTime, The new time has begonPatch 5016Nobility SystemAnd moreJoin now...... | 0 | 297 |
818 | EliteEo this is an awsome server .not so many people yet but it has a great drop rate and realy nice people come and join us Your friends at EliteEo... | 0 | 294 |
819 | -Co New Conquer server, german/english/Hamachi:-Co1-9... | 0 | 296 |
820 | RusherCo Conquer Online Private Server HELLOW GUYS JOIN TO MY CONQUER HAMACHI SERVER..10 PLAYERS comes HAVE 10000 CPS.... NICE RATES 1000000x ALLgt......... DEVOTED SERVER.. JOIN lets Built a NATION... | 0 | 346 |
821 | FinalCo FinalCo is a professional private conquer server This server is 24/7 dedicated server it will be offline only of updates and restarts Our server is a friendly kind of environment, running 24/7, without server lag, disconnects, or rollbacks.Join Final... | 0 | 282 |
823 | ForsakenCo [135 Items][Custom NPC039s][Two Servers: 5065 amp 5095][7x Exp][Dedicated Host][Daily Backups][PK In TC][10k CPs for Voting][Friendly PMs][No Rollbacks/Wipes/Account Mixes/Crap From Other Servers][Lab CP Bag Drops][No Login Freeze]... | 0 | 324 |
824 | FringeC0 v2,1 conquer online serveur priver hberger sur ddi SANS HAMACHI xp 60x drop cps facile SERVEUR XPSERVEUR FRANCAIS... | 0 | 318 |
825 | Slayer-Co - The Challange is Back SlayerCo[Ninja,FullDragonSoul,LVL145,3rd,4ThReborns,500CPS,+15Max,SoulGarments,ClassPKEnvoy,DeathTeam match, SuperGuildwar,DailyPK,WeeklyPK,MonthlyPK Champions And More just take 2 Min And check us The Challange Start Here... | 0 | 315 |
826 | Server ZeRoVb New 5165 Server Max LVL 137 Drop Cps Fun New Client 24/7 online Ninja Add fix 100 Horses 70 Fix Hamachi No lagging All Npcs Working Vip system Flower Lilies CoMe AnD SeE ThaT We Do NoT Stop EditoT... | 0 | 307 |
827 | BandAidCo ..::Give us a try::.. Welcome to BandAidCoPatch 5095Good expMax level 255+13 to +15EventsTournyGWFunny GMs750 cps dropSoul gearsTeratoDragonNo ninja working500k cps per vote automaticNo logging freezeetc.. Come join us... | 0 | 457 |
829 | [ ELGaZaR - Co ] Come Join With Us... | 0 | 349 |
830 | RapplezCo - THE SHOUTING ZONE [V5095][Drop 500Cps][Max+12][maxlvl 137][Pirates Garments][Daily Events][Top SS/FBer][Christmas Styles][New Tournaments][New Quests][Team PK][Super GuildWar][140 Weapons][Online 24/7][No Lag][Just Try Us][Soon Pirates and Monk 100 ][TOP Ssampfb] [TOP... | 0 | 331 |
831 | MastersCo Server 5095 ,lvl max 137, Nobility Rank , Online24/7, More Events , Friendly Stuff,No Bugs, Max + is +12 , 2 sockets, -7 damage, ...Join And Have Fun:)... | 0 | 257 |
832 | ViolenceCO The Best PVP server every one have GM Commands... | 0 | 333 |
833 | Asta Co 3x Exp Rate, 5x Prof/Skills Rate, 10x Drop RatesCustom Features. Knight implemented. Reborns are functional up to 3rd (so far). Fairplay.... | 0 | 310 |
834 | Conquer4u New Hot Co server with 2nd rb working... Friendly staff.. Server just started... Exp is 10x... Great drop rates...... | 0 | 320 |
835 | ReanimationCO Conquer Online Private Server/xp rate :x175/drop rate: very Hight /prof rate: 175 /no Rollbacks/Friendly GM/... | 0 | 315 |
836 | RomaniaCo RomaniaCO :X... | 0 | 301 |
837 | PrisonConquer New Conquer Server / full updated and stabel EXP10x Drop10x Playclap 1000... | 0 | 331 |
838 | Smexy-Co [24/7 Hosting] [No Lagg] [Random Events] [No Login Freeze] [All ini files] [Fast Leveling] [2nd RB Quest NPC] [1st amp 2nd RB] [Great GMs] [Join Now][Lab 1 2 3 4] [New Monsters][GuildWar] Lots Of Fun Test It.... | 0 | 304 |
839 | SuperCo1 this is a new server need gms and website is in desgin please join at SuperCoSuperCo1SuperCo2... | 0 | 451 |
840 | ..::Good Evil Conquer::.. New Conquer Server Exp:600xProf:600x Nice Admins And gms 24/7 Helper 5000cps for each New Come Now... | 0 | 304 |
841 | SunCo Your best FullyWorking 24/7 Servers2 ServerNew MonsterNew Drop Rate039sNew PM039SFullyWorking GuildWarNew QuestYou love it... | 0 | 316 |
842 | ViagraCo Good private server with patch 5017 ENJOY... | 0 | 312 |
843 | Acid Conquer Online PvP PVP Server Online 24/7 Guild War Tournaments Reborn Custom Source Nobility No lag Join now... | 0 | 331 |
844 | Crimson-Gaming This server is 5096[Hamachi (For now)] Droprate500k-10mill Exprate 50x easy leveling, Easy Money/DBs and easy Gear. We have custom: [Npcs, Edits, Music]. So join us, and have a ball... | 0 | 310 |
845 | AlbertusCo New Site: 5165Ninja100 WorkingHorses,Steeds,Riding Workig100TransletedMax + is 12Exp Rate HighHigh Drop RatePk Tournament WorkingGuildWar WorkingTop Archer,Trojan,Fire,NinjaWarrior WorkingThis Server With [HA... | 0 | 289 |
846 | .:BaixadaCo:. [New Server][Patch 5095][Max LVL 137][Drop 200Cps][TowerampFan][Non-Hamachi][Vip-6]... | 0 | 302 |
847 | First-Co Server 100 Ninja work, 100Horse work.Owner is romain.Log hamachi.Site is on hamachi.id:First-Co1 pass:123 , First-Co2 pass:123... | 0 | 378 |
848 | Sugi pula Sa sugi pula cu dan Voiculescu... | 0 | 318 |
849 | ConquerPgWeb Servidor online 24/7 250 de cps drop Level max 140 itens at full + 15Ninja funcionando Novas Garments GM Online sempre Atualizaes constantesEntrem, joguem e se divirtam no ConquerPG (DONATE MUITO BAIXO E ITEM +10 de Graa)... | 0 | 399 |
850 | ForeverCO 5065 Server [5065 SERVER][MAX LEVEL 150][LEVEL 135 BLADES][LEVEL 135 RING][NEW][AND LOT039S OF MORE UPDATE039S SOON][COME JOIN NOW][THANKS]... | 0 | 304 |