101 | No retreat No surender Top notch gaming community server players with lag free excellent servers,public and private ventrilo. Over 700 registered members, we are also recruit mature players.... | 0 | 257 |
102 | l2varna Join now have fun :)... | 0 | 298 |
103 | Source Of Evil Fun, mature adult gaming clan that knows how to have fun and plays all BF2 series and 2142.
We currently run four servers and stream PBBANS and Punkbusted.
Hard to believe that just over a year ago =SoE= was just 4 guys who worked together. In a year... | 0 | 324 |
104 | clan*300* nous somme un clan qui aiment s amuser.notre devise respect et loyauter... | 0 | 440 |
105 | AlaskaGamerz BF2 community... | 0 | 305 |
106 | =FaRT= =FaRT= is a clan that is getting big very fast with many new members joining.... | 0 | 285 |
107 | Malicious Mafia We are a Friendly Multi-Gaming Family of all ages & ranks. We offer 2 Ranked BF2 servers, a BF2 Scrim/Mod Server, a COD4 server, a Ventrilo server and a full Website w/ Forum. We are always recruiting mature dedicated players!... | 0 | 284 |
We are an online community of fun loving gamers. We share, hang out, text chat, voice chat, listen to radio, post in forums, play games etc. Always together and always with o... | 0 | 298 |
109 | Taskforce 20 A nice group of friend that runs 2 game server (BF2 and BF2142).
So join us on hte battlefield and i hope that we meet each other soon.
greetings TF20-Team... | 0 | 285 |
110 | Half Baked Killas FEATURES
The Clan is Focused On Battlefield 2142, However Some Member Do Play Other Games Often Such As Call of Duty 4, Battlefield 2, Unreal Tournament to Name A Few
Website: http://halfbakedkillas.com/
A Fully Functional Site Including A Forum
A B... | 0 | 282 |
111 | TEAM PAS2BOL Vous cherchez du frags et du fun sur Bf2142.
Venez frager sur nos serveurs et nous dire bonjour sur le Teamspeak.
113 | =EthniC= Team =EthniC= (recrute composition multigaming recute joueur +16ans)
En creation CRYSIS et Frontline... | 0 | 240 |
114 | The >(C)o(m)plete (K)illaz< >CMK< We are a new clan for Bf2142 it would be really nice if people would join.
If you join quickly the first 2 people that join gets a chance to be named as a member of HIGH COMMAND If you would like to join just follow the link... | 0 | 285 |
115 | The Ruckus Games We are a battlefield 1942 community and not a clan, guild, etc... if you are in a clan you are still welcome, our goal is to change the aspect and game play of battlefield 1942, we achieve this through communication so no need to download anything to... | 0 | 306 |
116 | La Team -=SP=- La Team -=SP=- est La team du Fun!
Recrutement ON sur notre site ac aucune restiction!..... | 0 | 455 |
117 | Bravo2Zero We are a world wide BF2 clan with many members,and great players.
We play fair and have fun whilst doing so.... | 0 | 286 |
118 | DG_Qc - Dieu de guerre : _-� _-_-_-________| DG_Qc | message :Avis aux Quebecois : Dieu de Guerre DEBARQUE �!�!�!� Les pro'$ c icit www.team-dgqc.com [DG_Qc] un clan qui D�M�NAGE -=-�Ů��G��Fi��L�D�ST�ܩT��N
serveur BF2142 : port 16567
serveur CSS : 63.243... | 0 | 331 |
119 | Double Ard Bastards UK based Battlefield clan for mature gamers. We run 3 servers for BF2 and BF2142 and have an active community. Drop by to apply or for a scrim!... | 0 | 281 |
120 | BRIGADE (RRFT) consacr� dans le mod projet realit� de bf2! la brigade (RRFT) represente tres bien le teamplay et porte tres bien leur nom quand ils s'agit de strat�gie.
menbres actif 18+... | 0 | 297 |
121 | MoJo2Go Gaming Site Our members play a variety of games including WOW, C&C,Battlefield,DR2,and Halo.Check us out for maps ,Mods and more..... | 0 | 424 |
122 | Battlefield2142 team [FRANCE] BF2142... | 0 | 270 |
123 | BF2 Fun Clan Wir sind ein Battlefield Fun Clan... | 0 | 260 |
124 | Black Scopes The black scopes is an bf 2142 clan... | 0 | 277 |
125 | No Lan No Fun LAN Party & Shooter Info Page... | 0 | 271 |
126 | =ING= Multigaming Wir suchen Mitglieder f�r BF-2142 und Frontlines TS: (German only please)... | 0 | 286 |
127 | Mayhem Team Mayhem Character Above skill!... | 0 | 276 |
128 | Warriors From Hell we are a gaming community / clan, where the only thing that we force on is to have fun. we would like it if you have a Xfire account so you can use our forums but the program is up to you if you use it or not
if you have it great and plz do and if ca... | 0 | 240 |
129 | =WFH= Warriors From Hell =WFH= Warriors From Hell is a multi-platform gaming clan featuring mainly in the Electronic Arts Battlefield Series. We are actively recruiting!!!... | 0 | 266 |
130 | ZORAK MULTIGAMING CLAN We are a new clan we play bf2142 bf2 and warrock... | 0 | 272 |
131 | R�umungsTrupp�08 Wir sind ein Battlefiled 2 clan .
Wir suchen noch Member ab 18 jahre.... | 0 | 283 |
132 | =SUQ= Soldats Unis du Quebec Clan BF2 Quebecois. Nous avons un serveur BF2 et teamspeak. C est gratuit et ouvert a tous.
... | 0 | 238 |
133 | *ACE* Clan *ACE* Clan@@ French and English clan! We are presently recruiting soldiers; therefore join our ranks. Register here!!!...... | 0 | 348 |
134 | The Teamwork Clan We are a mainly BF2 clan based on having fun, and using teamowrk and tactics. There are no age restrictions, no payments, just fill out the application in the request to join forum, I will look over it, and the chances are that you make it in.... | 0 | 285 |
135 | {ESG} �uropean Sniper Gathering {ESG} is a new fun Exciting growing clan. Come Frag with us!! * Now Recruiting *... | 0 | 290 |
136 | [FHW]ForgottenHopeWarzone Dir gef�llt ForgottenHope 2 und Du interessierst dich f�r organisiertes Teamplay?
Dann ist ForgottenHope Warzone genau das Richtige f�r Dich!
Join us [FHW]... | 0 | 381 |
137 | Zorak Clan We are a clan playing Battlefield 2 and Battlefield 2142.
We have currently 1 BF2 server:
We are also recruiting players for both games. It doesn't matter what skill you have.... | 0 | 304 |
138 | BF2142 Australian clan The 45TH Tigers are a social clan who is actively involved in the Australian Gamearena ladder.... | 0 | 298 |
139 | 24/7 *LOD* Style Battlefield 2 Gaming Co 24/7 *LOD* Style Wake Island Battlefield 2 Gaming Community, Topsites, BF2 Stats, TWL Tournaments, Sig Generators, Downloads, Videos, Forums, and much more. Stop in a check us out.... | 0 | 289 |
140 | The Teamwork Clan -TTC- We are a mainly BF2 clan based on having fun, and using teamowrk and tactics. There are no age restrictions, no payments.... | 0 | 289 |
141 | Team-France battlefield 2142... | 0 | 274 |
142 | =[KE]= Bienvenue chez les =[KE]= notre univers ou aucun reve ce realise (on plaisante) !... | 0 | 267 |
143 | Equilibrium:CSS:BF2 We are a gaming community which we play 2 games Counter strike source and Battlefield 2 : join us on our servers CSS 24 slot 100 tick USA server ip - : Battlefield 2 32 slot Ranked USA server ip - are recruiti... | 0 | 296 |
144 | 360Wars 360Wars is a community of gamers who give you reviews of Halo3, GTA4, Battlefield Bad Company, Call Of Duty and much more . We also have info about upcoming games and the newest games. You have question about gaming will we can anser it.... | 0 | 250 |
145 | Soldiers-of-War A Newly Formed Battlefield Clan, Now Recruiting Mature Gamers For BF2, BF3, BF-Heroes. Join Our Server IP: Port:16575... | 0 | 371 |
146 | =MaFU= [Males and Females United] The =MaFU= clan is a dedicated clan that is brought together of men and women that are here to get away from real world drama and to have fun playing the game.... | 0 | 280 |
147 | =NAD= North American Destroyers Work as a squad a must! Can't get enough of bf2142 a must! located east coast , great ping rates!!! come check us out!!!... | 0 | 291 |
148 | 216 Clan We are a clan that is currently playing Bad Company. We will be on gamebattles if they develope private matches... | 0 | 254 |
149 | Shadow Company Elite Shadow Company Elite was first established in 1997 by Ghost and Wardog starting with its first online game "Delta Force" by Novalogic, we recruited a few members but never seemed to exceed more than 8. At the time, online gaming ("clan... | 0 | 280 |
150 | Lone Wolf Elites The lone Wolf Elites offer great veriety of things.
Being a Battlfield 2142 clan, we obviously like to play as often as possible together. There will be numerouse tutorials made by our own members located in the forums that other members use as refe... | 0 | 288 |