Battlefield Top 100

Rankings 51-100

Battlefield Free Servers, Guides, Downloads and much more...

Top 100 Heading
51Battlefield Rules Of Warfare
We are a Battlefield 2 Anti-Cheat Orginazation...
52United States Special Operations Clan
A BF2 & BF-2142 Clan - If you possess boundless ideas and creativity and you always think of new ways to organize and strategize, the USSO wants you. Games today have new rules and call for a different type of Soldier�a new warrior. Age doesn�t matte...
Battlefield all day and night!...
54United States Special Ops Clan
BF2 & BF2142 Clan U.S. Special Operations Unit! The Most Extreme & Unique Group Of Players! We Don�t Just Play Together, We Learn Together & Use Strategy As A Group! This clan / group is based on practicing and hard core playing on our servers togeth...
55Sovereign Forces
We are a Clan Dedicated To BF2 and CS:S.. We offer 6 BF2 Servers (AF, EF, Air Maps, and SF 24/7 Ghost Town, and SF Night Maps) , and 5 CS:S Servers (Fun Map, Zombie, Standard, Cal Match Server, Garry's Mod... We are Recruiting... Best Members Around...
56[MIA] Clan Online Community
One of Battlefield 2142 most well-known clans, with a huge online community playing 24 hours a day. The online community also consist of many clan alliances and matches being not only scheduled but tracked using our online database. Join Us Now!...
57Special Armed Service
Online Gaming Squad Playing BF2 and BF2142 .. Recruiting Members 18+ , pass By and Say Hello ....
58=AGC= Austrias-Gamer-Clan MultiClan 2007
Wir suchen noch Members! Wir haben auch einen Bf2142 Ranked Server...
59GTO Clan (Global Terrorist Orginisation)
We are a new multigaming clan lookng for members 21+...
60Amplifier Productions
We make game videos mostly for Battlefield 2142 and Battlefield 2 We are a group of dedicated gamers who make well game videos. No matter if its gameplay, stunts, or just funny videos we are making them! We don't just use people on our filming team w...
61Death Dealers Clan
The D2 Clan is a multi-gaming clan that is mainly based around the battlefield series. We also offer various gaming files, scripts, etc. for download. ...
62[tPi] Movies
[tPi]is a community of movie makers....
63Battlefield Game
Battlefield gaming community and resources....
64(LNC) Late Night Commandos
(LNC)Online Gaming Community located in the US since 2005. WE ARE RECRUITING!! For ArmA, AA, BF2, BF2142, CS:S, GRAW -- WHY NOT JOIN US!!!...
65The Forgotten
We are a multi-gaming clan involved in DoD, DoD:S, CS, CS:S, BF2, BF2142, & CoD 4. ...
66Delete -
delete it please!!!!...
67+Easy Compagnie+ Clan Site
Clansite from +Easy Compagnie+ (page is in dutch)...
68First 2 Fight
A Multi-gaming community. Battlefield 2 and Blackhawk Down...
We are a BF2 & BF2142 squad, we have been around since 1999. We play on Tues-Thurs-Sunday's. Our Server is: Our Teamspeak is:
70Combat & Survival Gaming
Battlefield and soon to be Crysis Gaming Clan,We are Recruiting......
71Full Metal Jacket *FMJ*
Hosting top rated FPS servers consistently since 1999. Currently home to the #1 2142 server in the world and the #1 BF2 server in the USA....
72[ECC] euro-corps-clan
We are a European Clan currently playing Battlefield 2, Battlefield 2142 plus most of the main mods (POE2, PR, OPK, etc). We are made up of friendly and mature players (18+ only) who enjoy a hard gaming and a lot of TS banter!...
73The SUPER Clan
The SUPER Clan is a newly formed BF 2142 clan that is now recruting. The SUPER Clan has over 30 lethal active members, functional website, a teamspeak server plus much more. We also have weekly scrimmages and league activites. The SUPER Clan also req...
74BF2 Pro Clan
bf2 pro clan has servers full downloads , demo downloads,member login,ranks,and it's all free!!!!...
75Italyteam - BF2142 Clan
Italyteam, italian clan of Battlefield 2142. Italyteam, clan italiano di Battlefield 2142...
76Deutsche Nahkampf Alliance
Battlefield 2 FunClan Since 15.Februar 2004...
77Clan =O2S= Own-To-SURVIVE
RECRUT RECRUT RECRUT!!!!!! Nous somme dans la TWL - CAL et TGL.. nous somme un clan pour faire de la compet.. On fais aumoins un scrim par 2 jour!!! Aller sur le site et faite un demande de recrutment ou contacte nous. xfire: Evilblu3 - bigjoe...
Bf2 Clan mit 20 Slot ranked Server 20 Slot Unranked server 100 Slot Teamspeak Server. Wer lust und laune hat im Team zu spielen ist bei uns genau richtig.Schaut mal rein.Neue member sind immer Willkommen...
791st Armored Division
1st Armored is a multi-gaming community that has a proven track record as an upper echelon clan. Our gaming history began in October of 2004 , We support BF2 BF2142 , CoD and QWET . We are competitive in the TWL ladders ....
80=|Alpha Company|=
We Are a battlefield 2 clan + a call of duty 2 clan. we have in clan ranking system , in clan traning , come visit us for a general chat or for more info!...
81Defkon5 Online Gaming
Battlefield 2142 elite gaming clan and site. We are currently hosting 2 servers.We also provide the most competitive gameplay around.We are second to none....
82...666... russian squad
We love this game!!!...
83Imperial Gaming - Join the Regime!
Imperial Gaming is a gaming community site devoted to online video games, mostly next-gen games, but with sections devoted to the Battlefield series. We're relatively new, and need new members....
The Battleforce Community...
85The Fighting Knights
BF2 Coop Clan currently running AIX 2.0 Mod. see web and Forums!...
86Team [ICU] - Inter Continental Unit
Team [ICU is a growing UK based Team, running a 32 man Infantry Only ranked server. If you want to play on a good friendly server, ours is the one. Join our server, we are looking forward to meet you! We are currently recruiting!...
87Silent-Ops Organization
The Most Elite Gaming Organization In All Of Battlefield! The Silent-Ops "Not So Silent"...
88Band of Soldierz
Wir sind ein Deutscher Multigaming Clan mit eigenem Server f�r Battlefield 2 und Battlefield 2142. F�r unser beiden Squads suchen wir immer nette Leute. Neugierig geworden? Dann schaue einfach vorbei und bei Interesse kannst Du Dich bewerben: BAND...
89-{wwoy}- We Will Own You
We are a bf2142 clan that like to hang out and play conquest a lot.Our RANKED server is COME DIE (Australian Ranked)...
90elite 4 kills
Hey, we are a young Battlefield 2142 and Battlefield 2 Clan and search for Members and Fun Wars! Sign in at our Website! Greetz =[e4k]=Fate2601...
91*=BC=* Black Company Clan
WE our *=BC=* Black Company Clan. Battlefield 2 server ip: We our currently recruiting we our also a official military server!...
-U4EA- Is an international multi-gaming clan with servers for BF series, W.E.T., DoDS, HL2, CSS, UT2004, and more. We are a group of freinds who enjoy playing online in a relaxed TeamSpeak, the way gaming is supposed to be....
[FUB] We are a mature, fun-loving, and extremely active alliance, dedicated to running 1st-class BF2 servers and an active gaming community. Visit us at and join our servers: 24/7 Dragon Valley, 24/7 Karkan...
We are an online gaming community....
95RAPDby - Battlefield 2 Clan
RAPDby Battlefield 2 clan is currently recruiting. No under 16s please....
96United Assassins
its all about the teamwork. we're a very welcoming clan. always looking for new people to join. come and join us on our teamspeak and have a chat. link on our site...
97=DkQc= Qu�bec Clan
Clan qu�b�cois, talentueux et diciplin� venez nous affront� a battlefield 2....
98Gaming Forum Wars
We here at the Mis-Fits are more than just a gaming community. We are a bunch of friends with a common interest, which is to have a laugh with each other and play Online games. Be that Battlefield 2, Call of Duty, Age of Empires series....
100Xtreme Death Squad
Xtreme Death Squad is a multi gaming clan. We do host downloads at our site for popular games. We have 2 AA servers and are Recruiting come check us out!!!!...
1-50 | 51-100 | 101-150 | 151-200

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