251 | Xavier Ragnarok Online
- Server Information -
Base EXP Rates = 5000x
Job EXP Rates = 5000x
Drop Rate Normal Monster = 50x
Normal Card = 10 %
Mvp dan MiniBoss = Disable
Maxlevel = 99/70 (Adv Job )
Max Stats = 99
Max Aspd = 190
Commands = @go, @storage, @autoloot,... | 20 | 828 |
252 | Lottery-Sro[Cap110]★New playing systems★Big Fun★Several ways to get free silk★★[New] Lottery - Sro is a private silkroad server D11 have several feature .
There is a lot of private servers every where I played almost them but I never had fun In any server a huge number of ps Is sucks , Why ? . Because all people like high rates ex... | 20 | 1410 |
253 | Love Ran Online This server is a low to midrate server. A 4 class gameplay you can choose from brawler, archer, shamman and swordsman. And you can also hunt and upgrade your own items. Come and join with us!... | 20 | 286 |
254 | Shaiya Oblivion Shaiya Oblivion Episode 4.5 80x EXP rate farmable consumable items quest type ending gears and many more ... | 20 | 482 |
255 | F403 Mu Season 12 Episode 2-NO BUGS F403 MU S.12 EP.2 with unique game-play New Server x100 Dynamic, open 15 AUG, spots all maps, nice drop and fast spawning bosses Fun game-play, alot of custom events, all original events working. Give us a try! MUEMU License!... | 20 | 386 |
256 | RagnaPlay Server Information
» Server Rates 10k/10k/Modified
» Max Base/Job Level: 255/100
» Max Stats: 255
» Max Attack Speed : 196
» 2-2 Trascendent Classes
» Unfrozen/PK Server
» Hunting Server - Quest Oriented - Economy Based
» 5% Normal Cards
» ... | 20 | 237 |
257 | Fatal Networks Taiwan Skills Ran Taiwan Skills 167 177 187 Unique Classic Gameplay with buff each type / classes... | 20 | 177 |
258 | haedoMu Season6 Season6 Episodio2
Point For Lvl 5/7
Point For Reset 400
All Event
Max Reset 320
Master Lvl Exp 3x
New Maps
Mu Helper On
CashShop On... | 19 | 1417 |
259 | AfterLife Ragnarok Online Private Server Balance Server | Lvl 150/70 | 5000.00x/5000.00 | Job 3rd... | 19 | 778 |
260 | Legend World Sro Best Silkroad Private Server Legend World Sro- D14 - Cap 130 - New Skill's - New Area's - New Avater's - New Pet's - Free Silk's - Friendly [GM]s
- Alot Of New Join Us Now And Descover That... | 19 | 2970 |
261 | OldLegend Best Server Best Server Cap 130 14 D-15 D Uni q Full Drop ,50 k silk free,Best server try and see..good luck... | 19 | 1053 |
262 | Dekaron Infinity - The New Adventure Dekaron Infinity A9, 12 Classes, Root server, High Rates: Exp 2000x, Drop 1000x, Upgrade 75%, Maxim Level 250, 145 Weapons, New items, Custom Maps, New Bosses, PvP Arena, Siege Working, Active staff, Regularly updates. Join now ... | 19 | 847 |
263 | Real Myko v1299 Real Myko v1299 Best Myko Server Medium Exp/Farm. Daily Event Collection Race, Kill Gift, Bifrost, Juraid Mountain, Old Style Border Defence War, Snow War, Head Event, 1 vs 1 event... | 19 | 601 |
266 | Day Break Boyz No Reborn, Balance Gaming, Cool Gm and Events.... | 18 | 1743 |
267 | New-Revolution New-Revolution 5095 (Level-max137)(Gw100%)(TopClass100%)(TopSS&FB100%)(Eventos a todo momento)(Boss 100%)(NovasGarmets)(Arenapk)(NovosMapas)(questGoldSilver)(NpcStuff+12)(max+12)(semNinja)(Ajuda de inicio)(GM Amigavel).
New-Revolution garantindo s... | 18 | 1957 |
268 | Chat chat... | 18 | 427 |
269 | Doris Sro Play 2 Win | Job War System| Job Based | Auto Events | New Quests | Ranking System | Vote 4 Silk | Special Trade System | Mastery EU:260 / CH:520 | MAX Plus: +12 No ADV | PC Limit : 3 | New Features | Cap 130 | Skills 130 | D13 |EXP 150x Party EXP 20... | 18 | 581 |
270 | Haedomu S6 Ep4
Exp Del Server : 1x
Drop Del Server :10%
Puntos Por Lvl : 25/26/27/28
Todos Los Eventos Ok
Custom Maps
Custom Items
Juga Y Gana Wcoin Para El Shop ... | 18 | 538 |
271 | Helbreath Raid 2019 www.helraid.com Server ONLINE since 15-12-2018 --- Max Level 475/700 - EK 5x - 800x600 Resolution - Win7/8/10 - Fullscreen/Windowed Mode - Setup and Launcher - Titles System - Wanted System - Cards System - Tree Damage - Archer Class - Enemy Red Spell Color - Ares a... | 18 | 1496 |
272 | LegendWorld Online Legend World Sro Best Silkroad Private Server Cap 130 - D15 - Free Silks - New Avatars - New Towns - New Area - New Npc - No Bugs - No Lag - New Skill's - Constantinople FTW - Baghdad - Friendly [GM]s - New System - Join Us Now And Try To Make Your S... | 17 | 2363 |
273 | The Sro Road Max lvl = 120 .
80X Experience .
100X Eperience Party .
50X Gold Drop .
50X Item Drop .
High Rate Jobs .
Events .
GMs Friendly .
Enjoy .... | 17 | 1216 |
274 | PW Legends Become a legend on our PW server, We are running 151 /NW/TW, and Daily quest All maps open Vote/Donate for gold Active friendly GM staff Customized event quests.... | 17 | 602 |
275 | Download Games Pc Download best video games for your pc. You will find and download action games, shooter games, car games and more other free games. On site you will find only the best games available on internet.... | 17 | 408 |
276 | Ultima Online Phoenix Pre-AOS server with PVP restricted to Buc's Den, guilds and factions. Three new custom dungeons, tons of cool new monsters, and an instanced 5 man dungeon. We also feature a postal service, custom quests, new craftable items, stealables and rares, to... | 17 | 541 |
277 | islami sohbet islamisohbet.com.tr - Türkiye'nin en büyük dini sohbet odaları burada sizleri bekliyor.... | 17 | 318 |
278 | Cinsel Sohbet Cinsel Chat... | 16 | 454 |
279 | islami sohbet dini chat... | 16 | 386 |
280 | ElzConquer TrojanMaster - WariorMaster - FireSait - ArcherMaster - NinjaMaster
Weapon P6 Soul New Garment Full ... | 16 | 693 |
281 | beowulf-sro Cap 110 D11 Old School Cap 110 D11 Old School events Battle Arena enabled with higher reward - CH Mastery: 330 - EU Mastery: 240 - unique character context menu - new Pet Attack unique - New Grab Pet unique... | 16 | 343 |
282 | XileRO 4 HighRate Servers :: 1200+ Online average :: FULL TaeKwon, Ninja, Gun-S, Star-G, Soul-L Classes :: WoE Weekends :: 1000+ Custom Items! :: Elite and Uber Items :: Serious PvP... | 15 | 1308 |
283 | WoC minecraft Hi All!!!
This is our new 24/7 online Minecraft Server, we call WoC (World of Chaos).
We are finishing the latests Events and Features, but is completely online and operative.
As a good Server we speck many languages; English, Spanish, Portug... | 15 | 586 |
284 | Mist Of Chaos Welcome to Mist Of Chaos we are and ep5.1 with a ton of ep6 content we are a new server just came up 7/14/2013 we want to invite you to the last shaiya server you will ever play Mist Of Chaos WELCOMES you HOME... | 15 | 1177 |
285 | Shaiya Hope This is new PvP server is best server instant level free item mall join this server have fun:)... | 15 | 1276 |
286 | L2Destroyers Lineage II interlude private server.... | 15 | 1662 |
287 | Silkroad Adventure Online Professional Silkroad Online Private server with medium rates. Level Cap, 130, Skill Cap, 130
Item Lvl, 14 Dg, Mob Lvl, 150, EXP Rate, 250x, SPXP Rate, 250x, SOX Drop, 15x, Gold Drop, 250x. Have fun.
... | 15 | 1747 |
288 | Inferno-Co Where Legands are Made [v5919][600 CPs per monster][JiangHu System Assassin,Pirate Monk Ninja ][Lv140 Max][Pure Skills ][Arena Qualifier][Poker][SoulSystem][Guild War][Class Pk, ,Monthly PkWar][Elite PkAwar][TreasureBox][Flower System][Sub Class]ChiSystem-QuizShow[ClanWar]... | 15 | 2905 |
289 | SykoMu SykoMu - Server Version: 97d+99i Server Experience: 10x Server Drop: 10x Long Term Server... | 15 | 1101 |
290 | Tyrants Gaming - Burn your Enemy! Tyrants Gaming | Is 6075 private server, has the full conquer latest advantages and features - Epic Ninja - Epic Trojan - 3 CPs drop, DragonBalls Drop - Leveling is hard - DragonWarrior and all classes are working fine.... | 15 | 1279 |
291 | Aligator SRO Race: EUROPE/CHINESE - Mastery: 360 - Experience: x100 - Party Experience: x120 - Item Drop Rate: x40 - Gold Drop Rate: x20-Alchemy rate 1x -Rankings [PvP-PK-JOB] New custom chests [ PVE ALIGATOR, ROC], Silk Scrols from uniques, 2silks/hour-New title... | 15 | 663 |
292 | Bizim Mekan Bizim Mekan, Bizimmekan, Bizim mekan Sohbet, Mobil Sohbet, Mobil Chat... | 15 | 672 |
293 | Mobil Sohbet Mobil sohbet, mobil chat... | 15 | 560 |
294 | Helbreath Ghost Max Lvl: 310 - Max Stats: 500 - Ek x10 - New Class - New Events - New Monsters - Multiple Quests - 800x600 - Enjoy now!... | 15 | 690 |
295 | Silkroad Asia Dedicated 24/7 FREE SILK FREE SILK, EXP 250x, SP 350x, DROP ITEM 100x, GOLD 150x,FREE SILK, 18Item Free, 99 No Lag, 24/7 Dedicated Server, 110 Max, Level 110 Cap, Alex Map, Job Cave, GM Friendly, Update Weekly and More... | 14 | 6167 |
296 | CryptoUO CryptoUO is based on the popular free shard Santiago/Mythik using blockchain technology.
Players actively stake CryptoUO Coin while playing, every item has a real world value, players can Withdraw, Deposit or spend their CryptoUO in-game or trade ... | 14 | 556 |
297 | Silkroad Steampunk 14 Degree 14Degree Silkroad Online privates server, EXP rate : 250x, SPXP rate : 350x, Party EXP rate : 400x, Max level : 140, Max item level : 14 Degree, Max mob level : 180, Gold drop rate : 250x, Item drop rate : 200x, SOX drop rate : 170x, Alchemy rate : 7... | 14 | 1570 |
298 | sohbet chat... | 14 | 431 |
299 | Shannara Conquer - Classic Experience [Classic Server] [Classic Gameplay] [Classic Interface] [Max Level 130] [Four Main Classes] [Medium rates] [Hourly PVP Events] [Old Jump] [Maximum +9] [Mining] [EU Hosted] [English Community] [PVE Quests] [Blue Mouse] [AncientDevil] [GuildBeast] [Tre... | 14 | 1006 |
300 | LineageIIParadox Lineage 2 Paradox Interlude... | 14 | 967 |