Site Information
Category: Minecraft Top 100
Site Name: MinePups
Site URL:
Date Signed Up: Apr 30, 2022
Gold Member: No
Site Description: "MinePups is a cryptocurrency Minecraft network and gaming community. This crypto-based server has unique features like bitcoin mining, a 24/7 drop party, monthly crates, and even a Shibcoin and Dogecoin shop. If you're looking for a fun Skyblock or Survival experience like none other, look no further. We strive to create memories and experiences like no other server. HIRING STAFF MinePups is looking for staff! Please create an application in our discord by typing -apply SERVER DISCORD SERVER IP ADDRESS The server IP address for MinePups is How do I play on the MinePups Minecraft server? First launch Minecraft, next click the ""Play"" button then select ""Multiplayer"" from the menu. Click ""Add Server"" tab and input the text on the ""Server Address"" box then hit ""Done"". What is MinePups's website? The website for this server is Here, you can find more about MinePups. This website will direct you to MinePups's server store, voting links, gaming news, and more! Where is MinePups Minecraft server hosting located? The MinePups server is currently hosted in the North East part of the United States and has a great connection. It is both EU and US friendly. What version does MinePups server support? MinePups supports the following Minecraft Versions: 1.8 - 1.18 (BEDROCK SUPPORTED) Which Minecraft Types and Game modes can I play on MinePups? On MinePups, you can play SkyBlock, Survival, Parkour, and more!"
Active: Yes

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